Term 3 Week 2 of 10

Friday, 21st July 2023

This Week’s Newsletter Items: 

● Acting Principal’s Message 

● Book Fair 

● Book Week Parade 

● Prep and Grade 5 Teddy Bear Picnic ● School Disco  

● Cookie Club 

● Prep 100 Days of school  

● Grade 6 Production 

● This Weekend’s Gospel 

● Understanding The Gospel 

● Term 3 Dates 

● Student of the Week Awards 

● Book Week Flyer  

● Secondary school Flyers 

Dear Parents, Students & Friends,  

Next Friday we celebrate our annual  Grandparents’ Day. These celebrations  coincide with the feast day of Jesus’ own  grandparents; St Joachim and St Anne whose  feast day is on July 26th. St Joachim and Anne  are examples of people who had transmitted  their faith and love for God, expressed in the  warmth and love of family. The message for  us today is about the importance of  grandparents in our families.  

We look forward to welcoming our  grandparent community into the school next  Friday with Mass starting at 9.00am, classroom  visits and morning tea to follow. 

World Youth Day 

I am very pleased to  share with you that Mrs  Shannon Betham has  been selected to represent Resurrection  Catholic Primary School at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal. World Youth Day (WYD) is a  worldwide encounter with the Pope celebrated approximately  every three years in a different country. It is  an opportunity for young Catholics to  participate in a festive encounter centered  on Jesus Christ together with their peers.

Shannon has been identified by Melbourne  Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) as a  young leader in our system, who is strong in  her faith and leadership. She has been selected to participate in the Emergent  Leaders Pilgrimage program to Lisbon, home  of WYD for 2023. Last Sunday, Shannon along  with the other young leaders in schools across  MACS participated in a commissioning Mass  with Archbishop Comensoli. 

Personally, I am very proud of Shannon for  answering God’s call of discipleship and  answering YES when being asked to  strengthen her own faith. I ask you to pray for  Shannon as she undertakes this great  pilgrimage to WYD as many young Catholics  have before her. 

If you would like to find out more about WYD  and track the journey that Shannon will be undertaking, please visit  


I am pleased to share that all students and  staff did exceptionally well during both of  these drills. As these were pre planned  emergency responses, we were fortunate to  have staff from Dynamic onsite. Dynamic are  an emergency response organisation who  we have engaged with to assist in the pre  planning and preparation of our response to  different emergencies that may happen at  school. As a leadership team, we were able  to get some real time feedback in regards to  how well we did in these practices. I must say  that I am particularly impressed with our Prep  students who, after only 6 months at school, were able to show active listening and stay  calm in an emergency.  

With warmest regards, 

Jess Davis 

Acting Principal 

One of the best gifts any parent can give a child is the love of books and the joy and  benefits of independent reading for fun! 

Resurrection Primary School will be taking  part in the Scholastic Book Fair in Week  4 of Term 3, beginning August 1st  through to August 4th as part of our  Book Week celebrations. 

A display will be set up in the Prep  learning space with students being given  the opportunity to view these books with  their class during designated times  throughout the week. Students will receive  a ‘Wish List’ piece of paper which can be  used to write down all of their favourite  books from the stall. A wide variety of books will be available for purchase with books starting from as little  as $5. 

To make purchasing as easy as possible  for parents / guardians, the book fair stall  will be open from 8:15 - 9:30 am and from  2:30 - 3:15 pm August 1st through to  August 4th. Payment can be made via the  EFTPOS machine or alternatively cash  payments can also be made onsite. Please note - students will not be able to make purchases at the Book Fair during  the school day. 

We look forward to what will be an  amazing week celebrating the love of  learning through books! 


John Hein 

Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching

Book Week  10 days to go!

There are only 10 sleeps until our Book Parade.  Hopefully by now you have worked out who you will come as and have made some progress  what you will wear. Some of the best outfits I’ve  ever seen have been made with materials from  around the house. A personal favourite of mine was  a student who had three things - a witch’s hat, a cardboard box and face paint. They needed a large  cardboard box, that was big enough to cover from  shoulder to hip, but they didn’t have one at home.  So, they went to Bunnings and grabbed one. After a  bit of decoration and some cutting, it was ready to  be worn. Next was the face paint, yellow, orange  and white, with a touch of black. His big sister did his face paint for him. Then pop on the box and the  witch’s hat…can you guess what he came as? He came as the book by C.S. Lewis - The Lion, The  Witch and The Wardrobe. 

It is the most creative and unique idea I’ve seen at a  book parade. Get your creative brains in action and  see what you can come up with. The internet has  some creative ideas if you are running short, please  don’t feel as though you need to go out and buy  expensive costumes - most of the best ones are  ‘home-made’. The teachers have let me know what  a wonderful effort so many students have gone to  for the colouring in competition, and I can’t wait to  see them all. This week, we changed things up and sent home the guess the teacher and their  favourite picture story book competition. The  writing competition is ready to go home next week! 

On Book Day, there will be a multi-age quiz! Over  the coming days your teacher will read to you each of the 6 short listed books. They are: 

• Dirt by sea 

• Farmhouse  

• Frank’s red hat 

• My strange shrinking parents 

• Our dreaming 

• Paradise sands: a story of  


In reading, 

Grant Lewis 

National Teddy Bear  Picnic Day

On Wednesday 12th July, the Grade Prep and Five Buddies came together to celebrate  National Teddy Bear Picnic Day, and it was an absolute blast! This holiday has been  around since the early 1900s when it was first  created to celebrate the joy of spending  quality time with friends and family.

The buddies gathered together on the school  oval with their favourite teddy bears. The  picnic area was filled with laughter, friendship and furry companions. They had a wonderful  time eating lunch together and catching up  after the school holidays. 

We want to express our gratitude to all the  parents and carers who helped make this  picnic possible by sending their children to  school with their favourite teddy bears. 

Miss Carla Triotta  

Prep Level Leader


The Resurrection School Disco has  been booked for Friday the 18th of  August. More details to come in  the next few weeks … 

We have some exciting news!

The student leaders through consultation with the schools fundraising committee have decided to  bake, decorate, pack and sell cookies  throughout Term 3 with all proceeds  being split between the schools  fundraising and the Parish’s Ugandan project. 

We will be running a Cookie Club with  the Grade 5 students and Miss Salloum.  The students will be baking, decorating and packaging the cookies. The  initiative in its entirety will be the responsibility of the Grade 5 students.  This initiative will require students to  volunteer their time during lunchtime. 

The school community will have the  opportunity to purchase cookies  throughout the term at selected  weekend masses and a Father's Day  Drive. More information will be provided  soon. 


This term the Preps will be celebrating 100  days of learning on Wednesday 9th of  August. As part of their celebration day,  they will be dressing up as a 100-year -old  person. This day will be filled with lots of  fun and exciting activities for students to  enjoy, to celebrate this momentous achievement of their learning journey. 

We are so proud of all the wonderful  learning our Preps have experienced  leading up to their first 100 days. If you  have any questions, please do not  hesitate to contact your child's teacher.

Coming this term... 



An exciting &  hilarious pirate  adventure!!! 

Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th  September in the School  

Hall @7.00pm 

Help wanted 

We are looking for any parents or  grandparents from across the school  who would be able to help with  sewing some of the costumes for the  production. Please contact the  school office to let Miss Banks know if you would be able to help with this.  Thank you for your support!

Gospel Reflection

Today’s reading features three parables about the  kingdom: the weeds in the field; the mustard seed;  and yeast in the flour. They are three fascinating  parables about something undesirable or unwanted  being mixed in with something that is apparently  good – and Jesus presents them as descriptions of  what the kingdom of heaven is like. 

Let’s look at the imagery of these parables. Darnel is  a weed that looks exactly like wheat while it is  growing. Only once the ears have formed can it be  distinguished from the wheat. It is a malicious prank  to sow darnel among wheat. 

The mustard seed grows into such a large tree that  birds come and nest in it. Why would any farmer  want to deliberately plant a tree in the middle of his  fields that attracts birds that will destroy his crops? Three measures of flour is an enormous amount of  flour; enough to make 50 or 60 loaves of bread!  Yeast begins to ferment the dough mixture and if  not baked the dough goes mouldy and goes bad. To  leaven that much dough at one time is somewhat  foolish. The Hebrew word used for leavening in  scripture is Chametz, it literally means 'sour'. It is  that essence by which things decay. Leavening is a  fermentation process – a process of breaking down  or corruption. 

To describe the kingdom of God in these ways may  seem a bit odd. Can the kingdom of God be a ‘corrupting’ or ‘souring’ or ‘irritating’ influence? The  kingdom message of Jesus can be seen as a  corrupting force in that it set about corrupting and  destroying what was a flawed system. The parables  also demonstrate that it only takes a tiny amount of  this ‘corrupting’ influence to have a dramatic effect. 

Scriptural context – Matthew’s  explanation 

In the gospel passage, following the presentation of  the three parables, Jesus explains the parable of the  wheat and darnel to his disciples. It is explained in  terms of a final judgment. (Compare it with  Matthew 25: 31-46.) The parable of the weeds, or  darnel, and its explanation only appear in the  gospel of Matthew – although the parable does  occur in the non-canonical gospel of Thomas. The  interpretation belongs to Matthew more than it  belongs to Jesus. It is an unapologetic direction to  his community that living a righteous life in the  midst of wickedness will be rewarded. 

Have you thought? – Leaven

The parable of the woman placing leaven in three  measures of flour is an intriguing one. In some  translations, the text reads, ‘The kingdom of heaven  is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three  measures of flour, till it was all leavened.’ Whilst you  might initially hide yeast in some dough, it doesn’t  take very long for the yeast to become apparent as  it makes the dough rise. Such a large quantity of  flour suggests the bread is being prepared for a  festival – perhaps Passover when only unleavened  bread was used? That would put a different spin on  the woman’s action! 

Living the Gospel – Agents of  change 

We often hear that to fully live out the kingdom  message of Jesus is to be counter-cultural. These  parables are a perfect example of that call. Jesus  himself acted in contrast to his cultural context and  often used examples in his teaching that flew in the  face of cultural expectation. What does it mean to  be counter-cultural today? Our world is driven by an  emphasis on the individual; an emphasis on  acquisition; an emphasis on consuming. The  kingdom parables of today’s gospel call us to be the  agents of change that ‘irritate’ in our own small way  to make a difference in the world.

Week 3

Monday 24/07

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 25/07

  • Saint James, Apostle 

  • Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm 

  • Confirmation Formation Night 6pm - 7pm

  • Learning Diversity Leaders Network

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 26/07

  • Saint Joachim & Saint Anne

Thursday 27/07

  • Friday 28/07

  • Grandparents Day 

  • Whole School Mass

Saturday 29/07

  • Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus

Sunday 30/07

  • 17th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 4

Monday 31/07

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Book Week Parade 

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 01/08

  • Saint Alphonsus Liguori

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm – 4.45pm

Wednesday 02/08

  • Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

  • Saint Peter Julian Eymard

  • Year 4 Camp information night (6:00pm)

Thursday 03/08

  • Saint Dominic 

Friday 04/08

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

Saturday 05/08

  • Sunday 06/08

  • The Transfiguration of the Lord

Week 5

Monday 07/08

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Grade 3 Camp - Week Away

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 08/08

  • Solemnity of Saint Mary of the Cross (MacKillop

  • Grade 3 Camp - Week Away

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 09/08

  • Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Thursday 10/08

  • Saint Lawrence

Friday 11/08

  • Saint Clare

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Juniors

  • Staff Social Dinner 

  • ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 12/08

  • Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Sunday 13/08

  • 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 6

Monday 14/08

  • Saint Maximilian Kolbe

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 15/08

  • Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Wednesday 16/08

  • Saint Stephen of Hungary

  • Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 17/08

  • Friday 18/08

  • Proposed Student Disco Night

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -  Prep

  • Deputy Principals Network

Saturday 19/08

  • Saint John Eudes

Sunday 20/08

  • 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 7

Monday 21/08

  • Student House Activity Day

  • Saint Pius X

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 22/08

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 23/08

  • Saint Rose of Lima

  • VRQA Compliance & Preliminary Visit - Judi Gurvich 

Thursday 24/08

  • Saint Bartholomew

Friday 25/08

  • Saints Louis and Joseph of Calasanz

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors 

  • Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 26/08

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 11.00am

  • 1.30pm

Sunday 27/08

  • Saint Monica

  • 21st Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 8

Monday 28/08

  • Saint Augustine

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 29/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

  • Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 30/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

Thursday 31/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 01/09

  • Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due

  • Father’s Day Morning Breakfast

Saturday 02/09

  • Sunday 03/09

  • Father’s Day

  • 22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 9

Monday 04/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 05/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 06/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • School Review Day 1

Thursday 07/09

  • School Review Day 2

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 08/09

  • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

  • ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 09/09

  • Saint Peter Claver

Sunday 10/09

  • 23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 1.30pm

  • 4.00pm

Week 10

Monday 11/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 12/09

  • NO Staff Meeting 

Wednesday 13/09

  • Saint John Chrysostom

  • Senior School Production

Thursday 14/09

  • Senior School Production

Friday 15/09

  • Our Lady of Sorrows

  • Whole School Mass 9.00am

  • Last Day of Term 3

  • Footy Colours Day

  • Dismissal Time 3.15pm


PA - Anna Druitt 

Lucy F - For being a knowledgeable learner when  writing a detailed recount about what you did on  the holidays. Keep up the great learning! 

Isak C - For your positive attitude and outstanding  efforts in settling into your first week at   Resurrection. 

PC - Carla Tirotta 

Serah C - For being a knowledgeable learner  when independently writing a sentence to  describe Firefighter Fred. You are doing a  wonderful job recording the sounds you hear in  words. 

Cristian K - For being an effective communicator  and building the confidence to answer questions  during our whole class discussions. 

1A - Enza La Rosa 

Noah V - For displaying positive behaviour  towards his peers and for showing great  motivation in his learning by making good choices  in the classroom in order to get his work done.

Nizapar H - For building confidence in  contributing in whole class discussions and for  having a positive attitude with her learning. Well  done Nizapar! 

1C - Natalie Donevska 

Elvis Z - For being a resilient learner and  developing confidence to contribute to class  discussions and attempting class work with a  positive attitude. Well done Elvis. 

Vanessa M - For being a kind and caring member  of our classroom. Always helping other students  and other members of the school community.  Well done Vanessa. 

2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell 

Mia R - For being a risk taker with your learning  and writing your holiday recount independently.  Well done Mia! 

Kara F - For being an excellent communicator in  reading groups when discussing the text and  sharing your thoughts. Well done Kara! 

2B - Ric Martin 

John A - For being a risk taker with your learning,  often sharing your knowledge with your peers.  Awesome job John. 

Michelle K - For being a caring member of our  school community and showing respect to all  students across the school. Well done Michelle! 

2C - Dorothy Hall 

Levi C - For being an effective communicator  when writing a detailed recount about his winter  holidays. 

Athieng M - For being a risk taker when  challenging herself to solve two-digit addition  problems using an empty number line. 

3A - Ella Nowak 

Vadao So K - For being a motivated learner when  writing her procedure on how to make a jam  sandwich, ensuring she included all information  needed. Well done Vadao So! 

Kayla V - For being a motivated learner and  ensuring that she asks questions to clarify her  understanding of learning tasks. Well done Kayla! 

3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Elizabeth C - For being a motivated learner by  brainstorming as many different compound words that you could think of and sharing these with  your classmates. Fantastic work Elizabeth! 

Nina S - For thinking critically about the book 'The  Good Times' and making lots of text-to-self  connections before and during reading. Keep up  the amazing attitude towards your reading Nina! 

3C - Joss Coaley 

Jessica R - For being a resilient and motivated  learner when exploring the nets of 3D objects.  Congratulations Jessica! 

Isaac Mi - For being a dedicated learner and  working on his classroom goals as he returned to  school for Term 3. Congratulations Isaac, keep it  up! 

4A - Lavina Stewart 

Van T - For being a risk-taker and reflective  learner by demonstrating his understanding of the repeated addition strategy. Awesome learning Van! 

Riley M - For beginning the new term with a  positive and resilient attitude towards his learning.  It’s great to see your confidence continue to  grow. Well done Riley! 

4B - Thomas Pham 

Adit A - For being caring in her Maths by showing  progress in your multiplication grid, setting times  table goals and completing your ‘Goodies and  Baddies’. Well done Adit! 

Andre C - For being a communicator by sharing  his prior knowledge and experiences related to  our new Inquiry unit in Term 3. Congratulations  Andre! 

4C - Brittany Davidson 

Apiok M - For approaching the start of Term 3 with  a positive attitude and giving her 100 percent in  all learning tasks. Well done Apiok!


Louis D - For being a reflective learner and  returning to school with a positive, can do  attitude and being an active contributor in group  learning tasks. Keep it up Louis! 

5A - Katherine Salloum 

Jasper H - For returning to school with a positive  and can-do attitude towards his learning. It is  wonderful to see you offer your thoughts and  ideas in classroom discussions.  

Tlae Men T - For being a reflective learner by  asking the teacher for assistance when identifying and organising angles. Keep up the great  learning, Tlae Men! 

5B - Shannon Betham 

Vanceubik Z - For being a responsible learner  when completing your classroom job with  enthusiasm and maturity. Well done for showing  some great initiative! 

Bawi Van Thang T - For your fantastic creative  efforts in producing a detailed and well presented visualisation of a passage in the book  'Fox'. Well done Bawi Van Thang! 

5C - Malae Suaesi 

Miranda L - For being a reflective learner by  asking her teacher to clarify her understanding  when explaining different types of angles. 

Madison M - For being a knowledgeable learner  by accurately applying apostrophes to indicate  possession in her sentences. Great learning! 

6B - Lena Aloi 

Michael H - For being a motivated learner and  always contributing to whole class discussions.


Lina Mai - For being a caring member of the class  and always showing kindness to the teaching and  learning support staff as well as her peers. 

6C - Jane Huang 

Alannah V - For being a kind and caring member  of the learning community by showing empathy  towards other learners and offering to help your  peers when they are upset. 

William H - For being a respectful learner by  actively listening to the reader when participating  in whole class learning. 

Specialist Awards 

Performing Arts: Jody Banks 

Sahasrith R (1A) - for being a knowledgeable and  reflective learner in Performing Arts, and for  displaying all-round excellence in music activities  and learning concepts. Well done Sahasrith on  displaying such outstanding music skills and  natural ability in this subject area! 

Visual Arts: Jake Moloney 

Dylan T (6C) - For being a reflective learner when  contemplating his design for his watercolour Koi.  Great reflecting Dylan! 

S T E M: Matt Dalton 

Jordan L (6A) - For being an inquisitive learner  during STEM. He demonstrated enthusiasm and  creativity while coding. Well done Jordan! 

P.E: Jen Barresi 

Thiik D (2A) - For being an enthusiastic,  responsible and respectful student in P.E. You are  a pleasure to teach every week Thiik. Keep up  the great work!


Term 3 Week 3 of 10


Term 3 Week 1 of 10