Term 3 Week 3 of 10

Friday, 28th July 2023

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

  • Acting Principal’s Message

  • Grandparents’ Day Mass & Celebrations

  • NAPLAN Results

  • Confirmation Preparations 

  • Book Fair 

  • Book Week 

  • Year 4 and 5 Marian College visit 

  • Staff CPR training

  • Year 6 Production  

  • School Disco 

  • Prep 100 Days of school 

  • This Weekend’s Gospel

  • Understanding The Gospel

  • Term 3 Dates

Dear Parents, Students & Friends, 

What a wonderful morning of celebrations we had today welcoming our Grandparents and special friends into the school. Thankyou Fr Gerard for leading us through a beautiful Mass honouring Sts Joachim and Anne, Jesus’ own grandparents, whilst reminding us of the importance of grandparents in our lives. 

Thank you to all who attended this morning, your presence enriched our day and highlights just how important you are to our students and this community. 

NAPLAN Results 

This week our Grade 3 & 5 students received their NAPLAN results, this year there have been some changes nationally to the way the reports are read. While NAPLAN will continue to measure student achievement in Numeracy, Reading, Writing and Conventions of Language (Spelling and Grammar & Punctuation) the results are now presented in 4 proficiency levels:


These are:

o   Exceeding

o   Strong

o   Developing

o   Needs additional support.

When reading through your child’s NAPLAN report, it is important you know that your child’s NAPLAN result does not define them – these results are about making sure your child gets the support they need so they can continue to get the best from their learning.

Confirmation Preparations

To our Year 6 students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

To the parents of these

children, thank you for continuing to support your

child’s faith journey in partnership with the Parish.  I ask you all to join me in praying for these children who will receive the sacrament of Confirmation on either Saturday 26th August or Sunday 10th September. 

God Bless,

Jess Davis

Acting Principal

The excitement is building around Book Parade on Monday!  The anticipation is high and I know that the staff are all ready to get into the spirit and get dressed up.

Just a quick reminder that all are welcome to come to the parade on Monday morning. At this stage the forecast is for a crisp morning, but no rain.  All going well, the students will be having their Book Parade in the courtyard.

On the day the children will have their parade, have some fun and reading related activities in different classrooms with different students and teachers. Including the annual quiz where we test the knowledge of the students in relation to the short listed books.

The books that the quiz focusses on are:

  • Dirt by sea

  • Farmhouse

  • Frank’s red hat

  • My strange shrinking parents

  • Our dreaming

  • Paradise sands: a story of enchantment

There are many ‘read alouds’ you can find online for these amazing texts - it may just give your child an advantage going in to the quiz.

Happy reading everyone,

Mr Lewis

Marian College Visit

On Monday the 17th of July, some students from Marian College visited our school. They told the Grade 4 and 5 girls about their great facilities. Their names were Celia, Bridget, Isla, and Johnelle. The girls told us what great opportunities there were, like the fun activities such as the Big Day Out at the end of the year. In Year 7 they go camping as a whole year level to get to know each other! 

Marian College has so many different clubs including the bike riding club, the breakfast club, the crochet club and so much more. They do sports such as basketball, football, soccer and fun swimming carnivals for those who are athletic or like sports.

Marian College offers great education and adjusted learning tasks. They make sure students feel at home at school and know that they can go to a trusted adult at Marian College. 

Overall, we have learnt many things about what a good school Marian College is, and we enjoyed their visit very much. We hope they come back soon!

Olivia G & Sophie C

On Tuesday all Resurrection staff participated in our annual CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) training.  

Did you know that onsite we have 3 defibrillator machines?  As part of our training, all staff are shown how to use these machines. 



An exciting & hilarious pirate adventure!!!


Each week we will be introducing some of the amazing characters and actors from the show!

Nyakir & Olivia as the NARRATORS

Emilia as DARLIA the orphan girl & Jordan as SCRUFFLES her hilarious little dog!

Ebenezar & Mangtong as pirate best friends CHARLIE & WOODY

THE TREASURE MAP Show details…

WHEN: Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th September

WHERE: School Hall @ 7.00pm

Help wanted

We are looking for any parents or grandparents from across the school who would be able to help with sewing some of the costumes for the production. Please contact the school office via email office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au to let Miss Banks know if you would be able to help with this. Thank you for your support!


The Resurrection School Disco has been booked for Friday the 18th of August.  Kids disco parties have been booked and are looking forward to playing some amazing tunes for our students to enjoy.

There will be two discos to make sure that we cater for all students who would like to attend.

Prep to Grade 2 = 5.15 to 6.15pm 

Grade 3 to Grade 6 = 6.30 to 7.30pm

The cost of the disco is $5.00 per student which will need to be made prior to the disco. Parents will also need to complete the Operoo form which will be sent out on Monday, indicating your child’s attendance at the Disco. 

Please note that this is an event for current Resurrection students only.


This term the preps will be celebrating 100 days of learning on Wednesday 9th of August. As part of their celebration day, they will be dressing up as a 100 year old person. This day will be filled with lots of fun and exciting activities for students to enjoy, to celebrate this momentous achievement of their learning journey.

We are so proud of all the wonderful learning our Preps have experienced in the last 100 days. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. 


 This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew (Matthew 13:44-52) 

He sells everything he owns and buys the field.

Jesus said to the crowds, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.

‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.

‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea that brings in a haul of all kinds. When it is full, the fishermen haul it ashore; then, sitting down, they collect the good ones in a basket and throw away those that are no use. This is how it will be at the end of time: the angels will appear and separate the wicked from the just to throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.

‘Have you understood all this?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ And he said to them, ‘Well, then, every scribe who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out from his storeroom things both new and old.’

Gospel Reflection

The twin parables of today’s gospel – the treasure in the field and the pearl of great value – reveal a paradoxical truth about the kingdom of Heaven. Throughout the gospels, Jesus presents the kingdom as ‘now but not yet’; as ‘present but future’. This paradox is captured in these twin parables. In both cases, the kingdom is likened to something of great value that is discovered but cannot be immediately grasped. In both parables, the finder must go away and sell everything so that they can eventually come to possess the treasure they have discovered.

By comparing this experience with the kingdom of Heaven, Jesus suggests that most of us can only ever catch glimpses of what it means to live in the kingdom. For most of us, only in the future reality of heaven will we ever fully come to understand the kingdom. However, those glimpses that we catch – those moments of inspiration and connection with God and with one another – are like the treasures of the parables. They are enough to inspire us to do what it takes to make sure that we will one day enter into that kingdom reality.

The third parable of this gospel passage reveals yet another truth about the kingdom. The dragnet thrown into the sea is like the message of Jesus – it is flung far and wide and does not discriminate about where it falls or on whom it falls. This parable rounds out the chapter that began with the parable of the sower and the image of casting the net is a neat parallel to the indiscriminate casting of seed. It is not up to the one who casts the net, the seed or the Word. Rather it is up to each individual to determine how they will respond to receiving the Word.

Gospel Focus – The Kingdom is like…

Throughout the gospels, Jesus consistently uses the figures of speech of simile and metaphor to describe the kingdom. He never directly describes the kingdom. It is always described as being like some situation or person or as if… This figurative use of language means that we have no single clear picture of what the kingdom is like but we do have a multitude of metaphors and descriptions. This style of description adds to the paradoxical nature of the kingdom – it is like many things yet we don’t really know what it is like at all.

Scriptural context – Matthew Chapter 13 explanation

Over the last few weeks we have now heard Matthew Chapter 13 almost in its entirety. We heard first the parable of the sower then last week three short parables about weeds amongst the wheat, the mustard seed growing into a great tree and leaven in the flour. Finally, today we have had these additional pithy parables. The entire chapter seeks to paint metaphoric images of the kingdom. Woven through these images is a suggestion that the kingdom is open to all – all are presented with the invitation – but not everyone will accept that invitation or respond to it in the same way.

Have you thought? Interpretation

In today’s passage the gospel writer appears to describe himself: ‘every scribe who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out from his storeroom things both new and old.’ It is a fantastic description of what it means to be an interpreter of the gospel. To interpret scripture, one must draw on what is old; applying understandings of the text in its original context and its original audience. But one must also draw on what is new; making connections between that original setting and the context in which it is being read today.

The Ambulance and Paramedics Visit to Grade Prep

This term, through our unit of inquiry, the Preps have been learning about different community workers that help keep our community safe. This week, our Preps had a truly memorable experience as we welcomed Emma and Cody, the friendly paramedics, to our school!  Emma and Cody gave us an exclusive tour of their incredible paramedic truck and showed us the various life-saving tools and equipment on board.

The students had an absolutely incredible time during the paramedic visit, as they were given the opportunity to experience the world of emergency responders first hand. They eagerly took turns sitting on the stretcher, imagining what it would be like to be safely whisked away in times of need. Trying on the paramedics' uniforms and safety gear made them feel like real-life heroes, ready to jump into action.

The Preps were so excited to hand Emma and Cody the thank you cards they created, to express their appreciation of the hard work they do. 

Afterwards, we had the opportunity to share our thoughts and experiences by writing a recount. It was a chance to express our feelings and reflections on this special visit. Here are some of the Prep’s favourite moments from the visit

Ryder said: “Emma let me sit on the ambulance”

Akot said: “Cody and Emma let me put on the siren and steer the wheel on the paramedic truck”

William said: I heard the siren and it was very, very loud. I liked the ambulance. It was cool!

Singolai said: My favourite part was the bed. My favourite part was the chair.

Jarell said: The Paramedic is kind. The Paramedic truck is fast.

Summer said: My favourite part was when the Paramedic had a needle. My favourite part was when they had a bed.

Art Donation

For Visual Arts this Semester, we are looking at reducing waste and the best way to accomplish this is by reusing and repurposing resources. This Semester we are kindly asking for donations of small plastic reusable soft drink bottles. Thank you so much for your generosity, but we still need a few more

The 300ml size bottles are ideal, but we are welcoming all small bottles. Please ensure that the bottle has been emptied and rinsed before depositing it in the art donations wheelie bin.

A blue and clearly labelled wheelie bin will be placed outside the art room for drop off. The wheelie bin will also contain a picture of that month’s resource

If you see Mr Mo, whilst dropping off resources, please give him a friendly thumbs up.

Thank you for your support.

Week 4

Monday 31/07

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Book Week Parade 

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 01/08

  • Saint Alphonsus Liguori

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm – 4.45pm

Wednesday 02/08

  • Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

  • Saint Peter Julian Eymard

  • Year 4 Camp information night (6:00pm)

Thursday 03/08

  • Saint Dominic 

Friday 04/08

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

Saturday 05/08

  • Sunday 06/08

  • The Transfiguration of the Lord

Week 5

Monday 07/08

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Grade 3 Camp - Week Away

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 08/08

  • Solemnity of Saint Mary of the Cross (MacKillop

  • Grade 3 Camp - Week Away

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 09/08

  • Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Thursday 10/08

  • Saint Lawrence

Friday 11/08

  • Saint Clare

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Juniors

  • Staff Social Dinner 

  • ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 12/08

  • Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Sunday 13/08

  • 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 6

Monday 14/08

  • Saint Maximilian Kolbe

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 15/08

  • Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Wednesday 16/08

  • Saint Stephen of Hungary

  • Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 17/08

  • Friday 18/08

  • Proposed Student Disco Night

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -  Prep

  • Deputy Principals Network

Saturday 19/08

  • Saint John Eudes

Sunday 20/08

  • 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 7

Monday 21/08

  • Student House Activity Day

  • Saint Pius X

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 22/08

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 23/08

  • Saint Rose of Lima

  • VRQA Compliance & Preliminary Visit - Judi Gurvich 

Thursday 24/08

  • Saint Bartholomew

Friday 25/08

  • Saints Louis and Joseph of Calasanz

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors 

  • Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 26/08

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 11.00am

  • 1.30pm

Sunday 27/08

  • Saint Monica

  • 21st Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 8

Monday 28/08

  • Saint Augustine

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 29/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

  • Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 30/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

Thursday 31/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 01/09

  • Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due

  • Father’s Day Morning Breakfast

Saturday 02/09

  • Sunday 03/09

  • Father’s Day

  • 22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 9

Monday 04/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 05/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 06/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • School Review Day 1

Thursday 07/09

  • School Review Day 2

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 08/09

  • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

  • ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 09/09

  • Saint Peter Claver

Sunday 10/09

  • 23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 1.30pm

  • 4.00pm

Week 10

Monday 11/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 12/09

  • NO Staff Meeting 

Wednesday 13/09

  • Saint John Chrysostom

  • Senior School Production

Thursday 14/09

  • Senior School Production

Friday 15/09

  • Our Lady of Sorrows

  • Whole School Mass 9.00am

  • Last Day of Term 3

  • Footy Colours Day

  • Dismissal Time 3.15pm


PA - Anna Druitt

Debras P -  For actively participating in maths focus groups with peers and developing your communication skills. Fantastic improvements Debras! 

Thangsang T - For being a knowledgeable learner when engaging and responding to questions about the book you have read. Keep up the great work! 

PC - Carla Tirotta

Aubrey R- For demonstrating exceptional knowledge and proficiency in confidently and quickly partitioning the number 10 in various ways. Keep up the amazing effort! 

Eleanor C- For consistently demonstrating exceptional communication skills and confidently expressing your questions and ideas during whole-class discussions. Well done Eleanor! 

1A - Enza La Rosa 

Evelyn M - For settling in well into Term 3 and for her resilience to further her knowledge of the Oxford words. Well done Evelyn!

Kayla H - for her resilience when focussing on her learning in whole group discussions. Amazing Kayla!

1B - Matt Galea

Harlow M -  For being a knowledgeable learner by sharing her answers when reading The Billy Goat’s Gruff. Your understanding of the text was amazing!

Angelina L - For being a reflective learner by asking questions to enhance her learning. Well done Angelina!

1C - Natalie Donevska

Miyen A- For being a caring and empathetic member of the class. Always helping and being kind to others in the classroom.  You go above and beyond to make others happy. Keep it up Miyen!  

Ameila Z- For being a resilient learner during reading, sounding out words, making sure they are pronounced properly and making connections to the text. Well done Ameila!

2A  - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell 

Richard P Jr. - For settling back into Resurrection and reconnecting with your friends. Welcome back!

Genevieve M - For sharing your knowledge on why the Bible was created and its purpose. Well done Genevieve!

2B - Rick Martin

Linda D - For being a resilient learner during writing, drawing different characters for your story and writing the orientation to your narrative.

Lenix - For being a knowledgeable learner, sharing your understanding of different maps you have read and seen.

2C - Dorothy Hall 

Luca M - For being a resilient learner when putting his ideas on paper to write the orientation to his narrative.

Nyakiir M - For being an effective communicator when sharing her inferences about characters’ feelings and motivations in ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.

3A  - Ella Nowak

Andre V- For being a motivated learner and always asking for feedback  to make improvements to his learning in all areas of learning. Keep up the amazing leaning Andre!

De Vid S- For being a knowledgeable learner and using a dictionary to help him with spelling tricky and unfamiliar words. Well done De Vid!

3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Santa O - For being a motivated learner by listening carefully to others and contributing to class discussions about different elements in a recipe. Keep up the positive attitude towards your learning Santa!

Michael U - For being knowledgeable and a great communicator when contributing to our class discussion about different verbs used in recipes. Keep up the fantastic work Michael!

3C - Joss Coaley 

Daphne C - For her attention to detail when creating a descriptive procedure on how to create the ultimate smoothie. Congratulations!

Isaac Ma - For being a resilient learner and reflecting on when and how to use a Bible. Well done Isaac, keep up the inquisitive thinking!

4A - Lavina Stewart

Sofia C - For being a resilient and reflective learner by asking for teacher support when needed. It has been great to see you become so confident within the learning environment. Keep it up Sofia!

Martin P - For being a risk-taker by learning and understanding different strategies to help solve multiplication problems. Well done Martin!

4B - Thomas Pham

Emmeline Q - For being Principled and Knowledgeable when she focussed and demonstrated her understanding of the area model strategy to solve multiplication problems. Congratulations Emme! 

Essabella C - for being a Communicator when she confidently shared her Harry Potter book review in the video that she made. Congratulations Essa! 

4C - Brittany Davidson

Jack L- For being a motivated learner across all learning areas throughout the week, sharing his thoughts with his educators and peers.  Well done Jack!

Jackie D-  For being a principled learner, applying herself to all learning activities and striving to do her best. Congratulations Jackie! 

5A - Katherine Salloum

Ignacio A - For being a risk-taker in class discussions by voluntarily sharing how to use possessive apostrophes within a sentence.  Keep up the great learning Ignacio!

Anna R - For being a reflective learner by asking the teacher for assistance when learning how to measure angles using a protractor.  It is great to see you using your initiative!

5B - Shannon Betham

Wour D - For being a responsible learner and engaging respectfully in our classroom routines. Well done for listening well and following instructions carefully!

Noah D - For actively contributing to group and class discussions. Well done on sharing some of your fantastic vocabulary when transforming a sentence from the book ‘Fox’.

5C - Malae Suaesi 

Jeremiah M - For being a risk-taker when accurately labelling and measuring angles while using a protractor to create his name. 

Alexandra Z - For demonstrating resilience to effectively create a visualisation in detail using the five senses: taste, smell, feel, see and hear. Great learning!

6A - Annette Lee

Clarisse O- for being a caring and compassionate classmate. You always strive to support and help others- well done!
Evabella J- for being a risk taker with her learning- trying new ideas and methods of completing tasks- especially with your work in our text The Dog Runner. Well done!

6B – Lena Aloi

Hung B - For being a motivated learner, always raising your hand to answer questions and contributing in class discussions. Well done!

Lotonuu A - For being a reflective learner by asking the teacher for clarity in learning tasks so you can complete tasks to the best of your ability. Well done!

6C - Jane Huang

Calvin P - For being an effective communicator by sharing his knowledge about how to find the missing angles in a triangle with other students. 

Summer W - For being a reflective learner by using the feedback from teachers to solve Isosceles Triangle problems and apply the knowledge to solve other angle questions.

Specialist Awards 

Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

David V (4A) - For being a thinker and a risk-taker by showing a strong independent work ethic to ensure that his work is commenced and completed within the set time frame. Keep it up!

Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Keiara DL (4C) - For being a conscientious learner when rehearsing her character role for the class play, ‘Chester’s Cool School Band’. Well done Keiara on demonstrating such excellent acting skills in response to feedback!

Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Simon V (1A) - For demonstrating his responsible learning skills, by listening carefully before creating his own ‘Zany Zebra’ using highlighters and black acrylic paint. Well done Simon!

S T E M: Matt Dalton 

Evabella J (6A) - For demonstrating resilience when learning new coding skills. Well done Evabella!

P.E: Jen Barresi

Lelaina (6C) - For displaying understanding and consideration for others and demonstrating true compassion.  Your acts of kindness contribute to a positive and caring school environment.  Well done Lelaina!


Term 3 Week 4 of 10


Term 3 Week 2 of 10