Term 4 Week 7 of 12
Friday, 17th of November 2023
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
Remembrance Day reflection
Our Final School Leaders for 2024
Year 3 sacrament of First
2024 Prep Transition
2024 Class Placement & Transition
Advent coming early
Term 4 RE Rich in Tradition
Canteen Update
Inform and Empower update
Gospel & Gospel Reflection
Student Awards
Term 4 Dates
Proposed 2024 Canteen menu
Christmas Flyer
Dear Parents, Students & Friends,
Remembrance Day Reflection
Last Friday our school gathered to commemorate Remembrance Day. The remembrance service was planned and delivered by student leaders who were assisted by Mrs Aclan. The students should be very proud of their reverence and prayerful demeanour, showing respect and honour to those who have selflessly sacrificed their lives for the cause of peace – something we all need to be praying for at the moment.
Thank you to all the community who supported the RSL by purchasing a poppy pin, pen or wristband either after school or at Mass over the last few weeks
Our Final 2024 School Leaders announced
This Monday our final school leaders for 2024 were announced. Congratulations to the following students who have been successfully voted in these leadership roles.
Faith & Life
Chris Q & Adrienne D
Social Justice
Angelo M & Jalen L
Sustainability & Environment
Andre C & Dayton T
Year 3 Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Today our Year 3 students participated in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also called the Sacrament of Penance. In the past, it was also called Confession. These titles all help us understand the meaning of this Sacrrament.
The Sacrament of Penance is acelebration of God’s love and mercy. It celebrates the call to repentance after a process of conversion of heart. This includes confessing our sins and receiving the forgiveness of God through the ministry of the priest. Unlike some of the other Sacraments, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a private Sacrament, one that involves personal reflection, an admittance of the times they may have made wrong choices, and the bravery to come before God to admit one’s faults. Every time we sin, we hurt ourselves, other people and/or God. I ask you to join me in praying for these students.
2024 Prep Transition
Last Friday we welcomed our newest
students to Resurrection Catholic Primary
School with our Prep 2024 transition session
beginning! Our new preps will be easy to
spot as each of them have been gifted a
Resurrection Prep 2024 t-shirt to wear to
their transition sessions.
It is not too late to enrol in Prep for next
year, we only have 3 places left. So if you
know of parents still looking for a school for
their child for next year don’t forget to
refer them to Resurrection.
2024 Class Placement & Transition sessions
Thank you to the many parents that have
emailed over the past few weeks in regard
to class structures and their input as to
assist in the placement of their child next
year. The school greatly appreciates the
feedback and input from parents
regarding class structures and the placement of their child for the upcoming year. The placement process is based on professional observations, assessments conducted throughout the year, peer relationships and consultation with families. Creating balanced class groups is similar to assembling a diverse family of 26 or so members with varying experiences, skills, and abilities. It involves considering each student's unique personality, talents, capabilities, as well as their social, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs and strengths. While this task may seem daunting, consultation with parents makes it much easier. Over the next few weeks, the teachers and executive leadership team will begin to put together the 2024 student lists as well as assign teachers and LSOs to each class.
2024 Prep to Grade 5 Transition sessions are:
Monday 27th November 2023
Monday 4th December 2023
Advent At Resurrection Coming Early
On the upcoming Monday during the school closure day, our school will be undergoing preparations for the Advent and Christmas season. Since we are unable to experience the entire liturgical season of Advent together as a school, we have decided to start a week earlier. This will allow our students to actively participate and gain knowledge about the significance of Advent while they are at school.
This Advent we are also joining with St. Vincent de Paul society members of Resurrection Parish to collect non- perishable items for those in need. This act links to our Catholic Social Teaching principal of Preferential Option for the Poor. A flyer has been attached to the back of this newsletter which outlines Advent for 2023 at Resurrection School and Parish.
God Bless,
Jess Davis
Acting Principal
School Closure Day
Monday 20th November
Term 4 R.E. Rich in Tradition!
This term so far has been jam packed with many special events that have called us into prayer and celebration of our rich traditions!
During Week 4, the whole school focused on the Rosary prayer, recognising that October is the month of the Rosary. Classes focused on various elements of the Rosary, from the prayers itself, to the mysteries we meditate on as we pray.
The Rosary paper chain by our Preps
We have also been able to learn about ‘Allhallowstide’, a holy triduum of days which begins on October 31, where we pray for those who have died and rejoice with those who are in heaven. Here is a beautiful photo of children in 1A, reverently praying during their class liturgy on All Saints Day.
We continue our prayers as our Year 3 students experience the unconditional mercy of God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time today.
It’s been wonderful to observe our students as they explore their faith, and share in these experiences of tradition in union with all the faithful throughout the world!
Mrs. Erica Aclan
Remembrance Day poppies made by each class
Planning for the relaunch of the Resurrection School canteen in 2024 is well underway with a proposed 2024 Resurrection Canteen menu being provided by Jude Fina Foods.
Please look through the proposed menu (found towards the back of this newsletter) and email office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au with any feedback you may have.
Please note that there will not be any over the counter canteen sales. All orders will need to be made through the QKR! App. More information in regards to using this app will come out early next year.
We are very excited to once again have lunch orders as an option for parents at Resurrection in 2024.
Screen Time vs Green Time
This week, we will be looking at the differences between Screen Time and Green Time.
Screen Time refers to the amount of time that we spend in front of any forms of screens. This can include televisions, computers, video games, ipads and mobile phones.
Green Time refers to the time we spend outdoors, enjoying activities like bike riding, gardening, or simply relaxing in the park.
While screen time can be entertaining and informative, green time is important for our mental and physical wellbeing as it allows us to connect with the outside world and recharge.
This weekend, with an extra day at home on Monday, take the time to reflect on how much screen time and how much green time you spend with your family.
· Do you have enough green time when you are at home?
· Do you maybe have too much screen time? What are some strategies you could use to reduce your screen time?
Apple devices actually track your screen time and provide you with a weekly summary. If you have an iPhone or an iPad, go into the ‘Screen Time’ to see how much time you spend on your device. What is your first reaction when you see the time spent?
While there is no set rule for a ‘healthy’ amount of screen time and green time, it is important to find a healthy balance between the two.
Joss Coaley
Middle School Leader
PSG meetings are in Week 8 and 9.
If you were sent an email to book a meeting, please do so ASAP using the school interviews code provided.
This will enable you to choose a time that works for you. It is also an important way to ensure that up to date knowledge is shared between home and school.
Also, please return signed PLP’s ASAP.
Kind regards,
Kris Smith
Learning Diversity Leader
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (25: 14 - 30)
Because you have been faithful over a few things, enter into the joy of the Lord.
Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man on his way abroad who summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out. The man who had received the five talents promptly went and traded with them and made five more. The man who had received two made two more in the same way. But the man who had received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. “Sir”, he said “you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.” Next the man with the two talents came forward. “Sir,” he said “you entrusted me with two talents; here are two more that I have made.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.” Last came forward the man who had the one talent. “Sir,” said he “I had heard you were a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered; so I was afraid, and I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here it is; it was yours, you have it back.” But his master answered him, “You wicked and lazy servant! So you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered? Well then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have recovered my capital with interest. So now, take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the five talents. For to everyone who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough; but from the man who has not, even what he has will be taken away. As for this good-for-nothing servant, throw him out into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.”’
Gospel Reflection
This week’s gospel is a very familiar parable and one that is often used with students and young people. It is generally used as an encouragement to make the most of the gifts and skills that the listeners possess. It is rarely, however, placed in its context as part of the full Chapter 25 lesson about the time of waiting and preparation for the coming of the Lord and the Christian life.
Again, the story is presented as a parable of the Kingdom – a glimpse into the right order of things in the realised Kingdom. A very wealthy master entrusts his considerable assets to his servants to manage in his absence. The three servants were allocated money, ‘each in proportion to his ability’. The emphasis of the parable is on what each servant did with the funds they were allotted. They were charged with managing the money in the place of their master; acting in their master’s place to further develop his wealth.
Like all of Jesus’ parables, this one has a sting in the tail. Although the third servant has done nothing illegal or corrupt, he is very harshly dealt with. His crime is laziness! He was given a great opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and yet he shied away and returned to his master exactly what had been entrusted to him, unimproved. The author of Matthew’s gospel uses this parable to shock the audience out of complacency. They cannot rely solely on the promised return of the Lord, they must continue to act on Jesus’ message and work to bring about the Kingdom in their own lives. Those who fail to act, leaving everything to the work of God, are as bad as the lazy servant who failed to grasp an extraordinary opportunity.
Gospel Focus – Such a Talent!
In its original usage, a ‘talent’ was a measure of weight. It came to designate a weight measure of silver. One talent was roughly equivalent to a labourer’s wages for 10 years. It was a huge amount of money! Due largely to the reference in this gospel parable the word eventually came to its more common meaning of a special natural ability. Although in its original use in the gospel, ‘talent’ meant nothing more than a large sum of money, it is a happy development of language that makes this scripture passage such a favourite of teachers and retreat providers!
Living the Gospel -Bring Forth the Kingdom!
Like the original audience of Matthew’s gospel, we can sometimes rely too much on God to bring about the Kingdom in our world. Like the lazy servant in the gospel, we can fall into the trap of handing the world back to God in exactly the same condition that we received it. We have to make a difference in the world! We are called to change the world and bring it closer to the realisation of the Kingdom. The only way that we can do that it is to live our lives as if the Kingdom is already here.
Different View – ‘To everyone who has will be given more.’
The parable of the talents is sometimes misused to validate an overemphasis on material wealth in many Western societies. There can be an attitude that says ‘more is better’; that possessions are a sign of success. Such advocates point to the favour bestowed on the servants who doubled their money and the punishment dealt to the lazy servant who simply returned to his master what he was given. Proponents of the increasingly popular ‘gospel of prosperity’ hold that God wants Christians to be materially and financially rich and that their wealth is proof of God’s love. This stands in stark contrast to Jesus’ vision of the Kingdom.
PA - Anna Druitt
Lucy F - For being an effective communicator when participating actively in discussions about books and sharing your opinions.
Singolai K - For consistently embodying inclusive behaviours and always working cooperatively with your peers. Keep it up Singolai!
PC - Carla Tirotta
William N - For being a knowledgeable learner and active participant in reading groups when demonstrating your understanding of the text through answering questions.
Elise C- For being a risk-taker with your learning and approaching challenging tasks with a positive mindset. Keep up the amazing effort.
1A - Enza La Rosa
Ava P - For being a risk taker in writing, by beginning her recount writing with an amazing sentence starter and for being a respectful class member. Well done Ava!
Adam F - For being a knowledgeable and resilient learner in challenging himself in Mathematics. You have made amazing progress. Keep up the good work!
1B - Matt Galea
Angelina L - For being a caring and considerate member of the class. You always support your friends and peers when they need it. Great effort!
Mesak C - For continuing to challenge himself with his learning by being inquisitive and asking questions to support his learning!
1C - Natalie Donevska
Simon N- For showing whole body listening during learning time and following teacher instructions. Keep it up Simon!
Mary C - For being an inquisitive thinker when drawing how the earth would look without light. Your drawing was amazing!
2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Angelina Touron
Mia R - For being a great communicator and risk taker in our reading group when faced with unknown words, and sharing your prediction about the story. Well done Mia!
Nepa P - For being a thinker in Maths when identifying the multiplication equation for a variety of arrays. Well done Nepa!
2B - Ric Martin
Niko W - For being a communicator and sharing your ideas and understanding of different games with the class.
Sharon H T - For being an inquirer during literacy and asking questions about the text, linking the topic to our inquiry unit.
2C - Dorothy Hall
Nyakiir M - For being a knowledgeable learner as she identified the likelihood of different events and shared her ideas with the class.
Nathan Z - For being a reflective learner as he identified actions he could take to care for God’s creation.
3A - Ella Nowak
Amias L - For showing a motivation to challenge himself in his learning all semester and achieving 97/100 on his multiplication grid. Your drive to challenge yourself is amazing Amias!
Emma N - For being a thinker when solving division equations and using the appropriate strategy when needed. Keep up the amazing learning Emma!
3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington
Santa O - For being such a creative and determined learner by brainstorming and giving persuasive arguments as to why we should be allowed to have junk food at school. Keep up the motivation towards your learning Santa!
Johnny P - For showing persistence as a learning and trying your best to learn all of your times tables. You have made great improvements. Keep up the good work Johnny!
3C - Joss Coaley
Emily K - For your persistence as a learner and always trying your best. Your motivation has paid off and you have learnt so much this year!
Ayak L - For being a great communicator and sharing your poetry with your classmates. Congratulations!
4A - Lavina Stewart
Ni Tha Sui - For being a resilient learner when demonstrating her knowledge on how to convert fractions into decimals. Well done Ni Tha Sui!
Martin P - For being a great communicator during literature circles when using comprehension strategies to summarise a chapter. Keep it up Martin!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Jack L - For being an effective communicator when sharing his reflections from the perspective of a refugee in the book ‘Wisp’. Well done Jack.
Chantelle V - For being a responsible learner, taking initiative to complete learning tasks independently and stay on task at all times. Well done Chantelle.
5A - Katherine Salloum
Biak T - For being a knowledgeable learner by applying the skills that he has learnt within our Whole School Number Framework lessons to make significant improvement. Great learning Biak!
Noor O - For being a knowledgeable and communicative member of 5A by sharing his skills and understandings in all subject areas to assist his peers with their learning.
5B - Shannon Betham
Bash E - For being a communicator by asking questions about our routines here at Resurrection. You have settled in so well into our classroom already. Nice work, Bash!
Jerry J - For your amazing growth and achievement in increasing your speed and accuracy in completing your multiplication grid. Keep up the fantastic effort, Jerry!
5C - Malae Suaesi
Robert R - For being a knowledgeable learner during Inquiry by sharing his perspective on the government of Australia during the Gold Rush. Great learning!
Narean N - For being a thinker when collecting and showing data in an equivalence table. He also showed this on a strip graph. Well done!
6A - Annette Lee
Liam S- for being a knowledgeable learner by sharing information and facts about Remembrance Day-well done!
Christina L- being a reflective learner by considering a social justice action to work through in light of the Catholic Social Teachings.
6B - Lena Aloi
Mikaela G - For being a caring learner and always helping others in need, both with their learning and when outside. Great job!
Erick Z - For being a great communicator, working on your pitch in order to deliver a fantastic presentation to your peers. Great job!
6C - Jane Huang
Mia S - For being a responsible learner by showing full attention in learning and activities to answer questions in class discussions.
Olivia V - For being a knowledgeable learner when sharing technological vocabulary in her information report glossary.
Specialist Awards
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Amelie L (2B) - For being an excellent Performing Arts student who constantly strives to achieve her best results and participates enthusiastically in all music learning activities. Keep up the outstanding music skills, Amelie!
Visual Arts: Jake Moloney
Gloria D (P.A) - For being a responsible artist in the Visual Arts room, by always packing up her resources after producing vibrant artworks. Well done Gloria!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Thangsang T (PA) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. He demonstrated enthusiasm and curiosity while using the Bee-Bots. Well done Thangsang!
P.E: Jen Barresi
Jordan T (6A) - For your exceptional communication skills and your continuous assistance when I need your help. Thank you for being such a kind and caring student. Keep it up!
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Cung Tin L (5C) - For being a positive learner by showing enthusiasm and respect towards Japanese students when he participated in the Japanese zoom session. Well done Cung Tin!
Week 8
Monday 20/11
· School Closure Day - 2024 Curriculum Planning
Tuesday 21/11
· Parent Support Group Meetings
· Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Wednesday 22/11
· Parent Support Group Meetings
· Saint Cecilia
· Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23/11
· Saint Clement I
· Saint Columban
· Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 24/11
· Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc and companions
· Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Juniors
· 2024 Prep Transition Session 3
· 2024 Prep & Grade 6 Parent Dinner
· Deputy Principals Network
· Sample Report Comments to Grant & Report Reader
Saturday 25/11
· Saint Catherine of Alexandra
Sunday 26/11
· Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King Of The Universe
Week 9
Monday 27/11
· 2024 Student Transition Day 1 (Prep – Grade 5’s)
· Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
· Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
· Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 28/11
· Parent Support Group Meetings
· Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill
Wednesday 29/11
· Parent Support Group Meetings
· Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
· Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill
Thursday 30/11
· Parent Support Group Meetings
· Saint Andrew
· Year 5 Camp- Sovereign Hill
Friday 01/12
· 2024 Prep Transition Session 4
· Reports due to leadership
Saturday 02/12
Sunday 03/12
· 1st Sunday Of Advent
Week 10
Monday 04/12
· Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
· 2024 Student Transition Day 2 (Prep – Grade 5s)
· Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
· Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 05/12
Wednesday 06/12
· Saint Nicholas
· Carols By Candlelight 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Thursday 07/12
· Saint Ambrose
Friday 08/12
· 2024 Prep Transition Session 5
· Reports sent out
· ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 09/12
Sunday 10/12
· 2nd Sunday Of Advent
Week 11
Monday 11/12
· Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
· Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
· Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
· Reports Printed
Tuesday 12/12
· Our Lady of Guadalupe
· Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
· Reports sent home
Wednesday 13/12
· Saint Lucy
· Grade 6 Big Day Out
Thursday 14/12
· Grade 6 Graduation Liturgy & Presentation Night 6.00pm
Friday 15/12
· Whole School Mass 9.00am
· End of Year Award Ceremony
· Last Day of Term
Saturday 16/12
Sunday 17/12
Week 12
Monday 18/12/11
· School closure day (student hand over day)
Tuesday 19/12
· School Closure Day (Staff Christmas lunch)
Wednesday 20/12
· School closure day (Time in Lieu for staff)
Thursday 21/12
Friday 22/12
Saturday 23/12
Sunday 24/12
· Christmas Vigil