Term 3 Week 4 of 10

Friday, 9th August 2024

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

● Principal’s Letter 

● Wellbeing & Community 

● Learning & Organisation

● Learning Diversity

● 100 Days of Prep

● Grade 6 Production

● Meet the Cast

● Gospel & Gospel Reflection

● Parish News 

● Student of the Week Awards

● Term Three Dates


Principals Letter

Dear parents/carers,

I hope you are all well.

Staffing News 

● Congratulations to Matthew Galea, our Year 1/2 Level Leader and Year 1B teacher who has recently become a father. We welcome Jayden into the world and we wish Matt and his wife Belinda all the best. He is currently on Paternity leave and will be back teaching in 1B on Monday, 22nd August. 

● As you are aware Ric Martin our Prep A teacher resigned to take another role. This term Leesa Walsh has taken the class and looked after them really well. During term 4 Leesa can continue this role for two days a week. The other three days will be taken by Sophie Duddington who is one of our experienced teachers returning from maternity leave. 

● Liz Micallef has been looking after Year 2B until we could employ a new teacher. I am pleased to announce that we have employed Olivia Duvcevski to take over at the beginning of Term 4. Olivia has been an LSO at our school and will be ready to begin her teaching career with us. Liz will continue to look after the class this term.

Best Wishes


Deputy Principal: Wellbeing & Community

The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence has a new name—Bullying No Way: National week of Action. Bullying No Way Week is held from 12 to 16 August and is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative and connects schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying. Purple is the new hero colour and the theme for 2024 is Everyone Belongs! 

This year the Bullying No Way Week is divided into a theme for each day, they are:

Day 1 (Monday) -Challenge Stereotypes

Day 2 (Tuesday) - Promote Empathy

Day 3 (Wednesday) - Embrace Diversity

Day 4 (Thursday) - Foster Positive Relationships

Day 5 (Friday) - Providing Support  

Here are Resurrection we will be doing the following to highlight this important week of action

1. Each class watches the themed video during the day. 

2. Each class will complete one of the activities based around the themes as listed above. 

3. On Thursday the focus is on "Positive Relationships." To celebrate and highlight this event within and to our community we will be holding a shared lunch after the Feast of the Assumption Mass that all members of our community are welcome to attend. 

Members of the school community are welcome to join us for a picnic on the oval to stay in solidarity and support for the theme Everyone Belongs. After the Mass, students will go back to their classrooms and collect their lunch boxes etc each student and teacher will bring out the hand that they have previous decorated and we will create a banner on the fence of the oval showing our commitment to this week. Parents and members of our community are welcome to join us in also decorating a hand and attaching this to the banner as well. 

God Bless, 


Deputy Principal: Wellbeing


Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation

Book Week!

The countdown to Book Week continues and we have some very exciting plans to celebrate together throughout the week in Week 6. Have a look below to see what we have planned! More details to follow in next week’s newsletter. I know there are many students who are organising some fantastic costumes for the Whole School Parade on Tuesday 20th at 9am. Our staff are also getting creative with their costumes! Let’s just say, they are looking quite magical!

God Bless, 

  Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation


Learning Diversity 

Schools today are increasingly recognising the importance of Learning Diversity and are making various changes to assist children in accessing the curriculum. These changes aim to create an inclusive environment that caters to the needs of all students, including those with learning disabilities, language disorders, autism, and other diverse learning needs. At Resurrection, we are privileged to have many wonderful Learning Support Officers (LSO’s)  assisting our teachers to implement adjustments that support our students.

You may have received a notice from me seeking your permission to find out a little bit more about your child's needs in the areas of literacy and/ or speech. If you have been sent one of these forms, please return it to the school as soon as possible. 

Additionally, you may have received a form indicating that your child is receiving support at the school either in the class or in small intervention groups. I also request that you acknowledge this support by returning the form signed. 

Lastly, if you have taken your child to see a pediatrician, hearing specialist, speech therapist etc. and have been provided with a recent report, I kindly ask to please provide a copy to the office or email me at vkulkewycz@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au. These reports usually provide recommendations for schools to implement to support your child's learning.

Please note that these changes are part of a broader movement towards creating more inclusive, equitable, and supportive educational environments where every student can thrive.

Learning Diversity Leader 


There have been a number of items that have been handed in to the office!  If you own any of these items please make contact with the office.

Last week, the Preps celebrated their 100th Day of Learning with lots of fun and excitement. It was a special day full of activities that made learning a blast!

We made our own crowns, played pass the parcel, and decorated biscuits with icing and smarties. We also dressed up like we were 100 years old, with glasses, grey hair, and walking sticks. The costumes were fantastic! We also danced in a conga line around the school, spreading joy and laughter everywhere we went.

The 100th Day of Learning was a wonderful celebration that brought our Prep community together. It was a day full of smiles, laughter, and memorable moments. Here's to many more days of learning and fun ahead!



This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to John (6: 41-51) 

I am the living bread come down from heaven.

The Jews were complaining to each other about Jesus, because he had said, ‘I am the bread that came down from heaven.’ ‘Surely this is Jesus son of Joseph’ they said. ‘We know his father and mother. How can he now say, “I have come down from heaven”?’ Jesus said in reply, ‘Stop complaining to each other.

‘No one can come to me

unless he is drawn by the Father who sent me,

and I will raise him up at the last day.

It is written in the prophets:

They will all be taught by God,

and to hear the teaching of the Father,

and learn from it,

is to come to me.

Not that anybody has seen the Father,

except the one who comes from God:

he has seen the Father.

I tell you most solemnly,

everybody who believes has eternal life.

I am the bread of life.

Your fathers ate the manna in the desert

and they are dead;

but this is the bread that comes down from heaven,

so that a man may eat it and not die.

I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.

Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever;

and the bread that I shall give

is my flesh, for the life of the world.’

Gospel Reflection

This passage continues the extended discourse on the Bread of Life. The passage shows the crowd bristling at Jesus describing himself as the ‘bread that came down from heaven’. They dismiss his claim because they know his earthly parents, Mary and Joseph. How could he have come down from heaven if they are aware of his parents on earth? It must also be remembered that Jewish tradition held firm to the idea of God as one God only, with no offspring or personified manifestations. For the Jews of Jesus’ time, the very idea of Jesus being the Son of God was completely blasphemous. But this gospel is a Christian document, written at a time when the Christians and Jews were emphasising their differences.

Jesus replies to the complaints of the crowd through an extended image. He depicts the intimate relationship that exists between himself and the Father. Later, this discourse will be drawn on in the argument about the divinity of Jesus and that he is ‘one in being with the Father’. Those who are drawn to Jesus and his message are – perhaps unknowingly – drawn by the Father and by listening to the teaching of Jesus they are in fact drawing closer to the Father. It is a somewhat complicated image that Jesus paints but at its heart he emphasises the intertwined nature between Father and Son. Refuting the concern of the crowd, Jesus again describes himself as the living bread that has come down from heaven. Unlike the manna the people ate in the desert that sustained them physically for a short period of time, the living bread of Jesus will sustain those who believe for all time.

Historical Context – The Jews

It might strike the reader as a little odd that this gospel passage begins with ‘The Jews were complaining to each other about Jesus’. Surely, Jesus and his disciples were also Jews, so why the derogatory use of ‘the Jews’? At the time that this gospel was being written (probably in the last decade of the 1st Century) the Christians were firmly at odds with the Jewish community and were in fact banned from attending Jewish synagogues. This conflict is reflected in the way the Jews are portrayed throughout the Gospel of John.

Scriptural context – Who is Jesus?

One of the great concerns of the Gospel of John is to convey an understanding of who Jesus is. This powerful message is conveyed through a number of significant discourses – with Nicodemus, with the Samaritan woman, with the Jews etc. The gospel contains some of the ‘great’ images that we have for Jesus: living water; living bread; light for the world; the good shepherd; the way, the truth and the life. As opposed to the more narrative synoptic gospels, this gospel can be seen as a gospel rich in imagery and theological perceptions.

Gospel Focus – Living Bread

There is an obvious connection between this week’s reading and the sacramental celebration of Eucharist. Jesus describes himself as living bread and then says whoever eats this living bread will live forever. These words capture the essence of the Church teaching about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Jesus is present in several ways at the celebration of Eucharist, particularly present in the bread and wine that become his body and blood. Through our celebration of the Eucharist, Jesus offers us his continuing, enduring presence.

Child Safety Workshop for all Parish Volunteers

The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne is committed to supporting clergy, employees and volunteers to develop the skills and knowledge to promote the safety of children and young people and uphold their responsibilities in relation to the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

For those who have not completed the training online or did not attend the face to face training last year in September, another training session will be held on Saturday 21st September from 10am to 12pm. Please register your attendance by placing your name on the sign-up sheet in the narthex.


Student of the Week Awards 

Week 4

Prep B

Jacinta Polh

Jessica N - For being respectful and caring when working in small groups. Your kindness always brings a smile to everyone.

One C

Thomas Pham

Akoch S - For being a risk-taker during writing and showing growth in your writing stamina. Well done soldier!

Two B

Liz Micallef

Xander A - Thanks for all your help in 2B this week and demonstrating all three PBL values. Well done!

Three A

Ella Nowak 

Nila Then T - For being a respectful and responsible student who always strives to help out her peers and teacher wherever is needed. Keep it up Nila!

Three C

Joss Coaley 

Richard P - For his amazing efforts this week in his learning, striving to be the best student he can be by focusing on his activities and participating in classroom conversations.

Four B

Enza La Rosa

Amy R - For being a risk-taker by using engaging words to write a persuasive text about sailing and for also being a kind and considerate class member in providing feedback to her peers! Excellent work Amy!

Five A

Lavina Stewart

Isaac S - For being a resilient and responsible learner by taking risks and challenging himself in his learning. Well done Isaac!

Five C

Rosie Nojdek

Maci W - For being focused, working well with others and great mathematical thinking when working out probabilities. Amazing

Six B

Lena Aloi

Briella U - For always having a positive mindset in class and being willing to help those around her. Well done!


Yumiko Aiki

Linda D (3C) - For being an effective learner by managing her Japanese class time well, and completing her assigned work. Great job Linda!

Visual Arts

Emma Lyons-Pell & Tosh Kaan

Messi L (2C) - For your detailed and intricate clay design of a building. You continue to challenge yourself in Visual Arts classes. Well done Messi!

Prep A

Lessa Walsh

Nathania I - For demonstrating great leadership qualities when assisting and encouraging a friend to participate in outside games.

Prep C

Carla Tirotta

Amayah L - For always being kind and caring when offering to help everyone around you! Well done Amayah!

Two A

Belinda Collins 

Madeleine B - For always putting a lot of effort in to complete tasks to the best of your ability. Keep up the awesome work Maddie!

Two C

Dorothy Hall

Kayla M H - For actively listening to all teacher instructions and consistently trying her best in all learning areas.

Three B

Kurt Caguin 

Mason C - For being a resilient learner and having a go at spelling tricky words by listening for the sounds. Well done Mason!

Four A

Natalie Donevska

Bilai Pha K - For being a risk-taker and a resilient learner by using efficient strategies to solve financial worded problems and sharing your thinking with the class. Keep up the amazing effort!

Four C

Georgia Tankey

Sannamahn S - For demonstrating respect consistently during meditation, preparing a clean space for her focus and setting a great example for the rest of the class. Well done Sannamahn!

Five B

Malae Suaesi  

Chris Q - For being a kind and responsible member in the class when always supporting her peers during learning. Well done!

Six A

Katherine Salloum

Dave E - For sharing his understanding of words and their meanings with his peers during Literacy discussions. 

Six C

Jake Moloney

Jeremiah M - For showcasing his resilience and can-do attitude when tackling B.I.D.M.A.S during Numeracy. Great effort Jeremiah!

Performing Arts

Jody Banks

Lydon T (2B) - For consistently demonstrating an excellent attitude to learning and an outstanding understanding of musical concepts. Keep up the fantastic music skills, Lydon!

S T E M 

Matt Dalton

Ronel P (6B) - For his willingness to share his awesome ideas and knowledge during STEM learning. Well done Ronel!



Week 6

Monday -  19/08

Saint John Eudes 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 20/08

Saint Bernard

Book Week Parade

Wednesday -  21/08 

Saint Pius X

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Confirmation Preparation Day with Gen Bryant

Thursday - 22/08

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday -  23/08

Saint Rose of Lima 

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 3/4

Saturday -  24/08

Saint Bartholomew

Sunday -  25/08

21st Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Year 1/2 Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 8

Monday -  2/09

Saint Augustine 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 3/09

Saint Gregory the Great 

Parent Advisory Committee 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Wednesday -  4/09 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 5/09

Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday -  6/09

Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due

Saturday -  7/09

Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm  

Sunday -  8/09

23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Year Prep  Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 10

Monday - 16/09

Saints Cornelius and Cyprian 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday -17/09

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Wednesday - 18/09 

Senior School Production 

No Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Thursday -19/09

Saint Januarius 

Senior School Production

Friday -  20/09

Whole School Mass 9.00am

Last Day of Term 3

Footy Colours Day

Dismissal Time 3.15pm

Saturday -  21/09

Saint Matthew 

Sunday -  22/09

25th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 5

Monday -  12/08

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 3 Camp - Camp Weekaway- Benloch

Tuesday - 13/08

Saints Pontian and Hippolytus

Grade 3 Camp - Camp Weekaway- Benloch

Confirmation Parent Formation Session @ 6.30pm 

Wednesday -  14/08 

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 15/08


Whole School Mass @ 9.00  

Friday -  16/08

Saint Stephen of Hungary 

Saturday -  17/08

Sunday -  18/08

20th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 7

Monday -  26/08

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 27/08

Saint Monica

Wednesday -  28/08 

Saint Augustine 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 29/08

The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

Friday -  30/08

Father’s Day Breakfast & Blessing

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Juniors

Saturday -  31/08

Sunday -  1/09

22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time

Father’s Day 

Week 9

Monday - 9/09

Saint Peter Claver 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Tuesday -10/09

Parent Support Group Meetings

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Wednesday - 11/09 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Thursday -12/09

The Most Holy Name of Mary 

Parent Support Group Meetings

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep

Friday -  13/09

Saint John Chrysostom 

Saturday -  14/09

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 

Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm  

Sunday -  15/09

24th Sunday In Ordinary Time


Term 3 Week 5 of 10


Term 3 Week 3 of 10