Term 3 Week 5 of 10

Friday, 11th August 2023

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

  • ●        Acting Principal’s Message

    ●        Year 3 Camp

    ●        Father’s Day Celebrations

    ●        Cookie Club

    ●        Resurrection School Disco

    ●        Scholastic Book Fair

    ●        Mathematics Update

    ●        Year Three performances

    ●        Year 6 Production

    ●        This Weekend’s Gospel

    ●        Gospel Reflection

    ●        Understanding The Gospel

    ●        Student of the Week Awards

    ●        Term 3 Dates

    ●        100 Days of School

Dear Parents, Students & Friends,

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending the Grade Three Camp at Camp Week Away in Benloch. There is a lot said in the media about children not having the ability to be resilient and cope with changes

when they are faced with new and challenging circumstances. However, this was not the case with our Grade 3 cohort who went about all the different activities and experiences with enthusiasm and a ‘give it a go’ attitude.

My sincere thanks to Ella Nowak, Emma Lyons, Joss Coaley, Ric Martin, Christine Borg, Iang Cenhrang & Paola Arredondo who attended the camp taking time away from their own families and loved ones to care for our Grade 3 students.   

The Resurrection School Disco is happening next Friday!

Thank you to all the families who have booked and completed the Operoo form and offered assistance on the night.

The details are:

Friday the 18th of August.

Prep to Grade 2 = 5.15 to 6.15pm

Grade 3 to Grade 6 = 6.30 to 7.30pm

The cost of the disco is $5.00 per student which will need to be made prior to the disco. Please scan the QR code below to make payment.

Please note that this is an event for current Resurrection students only. Parents are not required to stay unless you have been contacted to assist as a parent helper.

Father’s Day Celebrations 

Earlier this week an Operoo form was sent out in regards to our Father’s Day celebrations. We will again be hosting a Father’s Day breakfast that will include; Egg & bacon rolls, a coffee van and fun activities for you to play with your children like air hockey, connect 4, beanbag toss and more! 

Fr Gerard will conduct a blessing for all our special visitors at around 8.10am. This is a great opportunity for us to say thank you to all the fathers and father like figures in our students lives. We hope you can join us!   

Cookie Club

Throughout the day at school, I have the most delicious smell wafting into my office, that is the smell of cookies that Miss Salloum and the Cookie Club students have been busy baking.

This weekend at the 9.00am and 10.30am Mass the cookies will be available to purchase with all funds raised going towards the schools fundraising committee and the Parish’s Ugandan project.

The Cookie Club will also be busy baking special Father’s Day themed cookies for purchase in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more details.

God Bless,

Jess Davis

Acting Principal

Book Fair: A Resounding Success!

The 2023 Resurrection Primary School Book Fair has left us thrilled and elated! We are excited to share that the event has been an overwhelming success with over $4000 in sales and $1400 going back into our school library thanks to the generosity of our school community. 

Throughout the fair, the school was buzzing with excitement as students and parents patiently lined up to explore and purchase a vast array of books, pencils, and toys. It was heart-warming to witness the love for reading and learning radiating through the school.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the Book Fair. Your unwavering support and active participation made this event truly special.

We are delighted to announce that part of the funds raised during the Book Fair will be used to enhance the reading and learning resources at our school, benefiting all our students.

The resounding success of this year's Book Fair has inspired us to plan an even more exciting event next year. We eagerly look forward to bringing back the Book Fair in 2024 and continuing to foster the joy of reading and learning among our students.

Once again, thank you for making this event a memorable and remarkable experience for all!

Happy reading!


John Hein

Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching

Year 3 Mathematicians Shine at MAV Games Day

Last Friday, we witnessed the brilliance of eight talented Year 3 Mathematicians as they participated in the 2023 MAV Games Day at Derrimut Primary School. The atmosphere was electrifying, with schools from all over Victoria vying for the prestigious title of MAV Games Champions.

The competition challenged our students with a diverse range of activities, encouraging them to collaborate in pairs and as a team to solve intriguing mathematical problems. Although a little nervous at first, our students displayed remarkable teamwork, embodying our PBL values of Responsible, Respect, and Resilience throughout the entire event.

We are immensely proud of their efforts and dedication, which resulted in outstanding performances.

Congratulations to all the participants for their exceptional display of talent and enthusiasm. It was truly a joy to witness their love for mathematics and problem-solving skills in action.


Australian Mathematics Competition

We are thrilled to announce the outstanding performance of our Year Five and Six students who participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) during Term 3.

The AMC competition, a one-hour problem-solving challenge, aimed to foster curiosity and promote diverse thinking approaches among our students. It provided a platform for our young learners to solve a variety of problems and embrace exciting new challenges.

We are incredibly proud of all the competitors who displayed determination, critical thinking and problem-solving skills throughout the competition. Your dedication and efforts truly paid off!

Participating in such events helps our students grow more confident in tackling complex mathematical concepts and strengthens their overall academic abilities.

Congratulations to all the participants for their fantastic performance in the AMC competition. Your achievements are a testament to your hard work and commitment to learning. We look forward to receiving our students' results over the coming weeks.

Keep up the great work, and let's continue to nurture the love for mathematics among our students!


John Hein

Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching

Middle School "Chester's Cool School Band" Performances

Well done to all of our Grade 3 & 4 students who performed the musical play "Chester's Cool School Band" last week. Every Grade 3 & 4 class performed to either a Prep or Junior class during their Performing Arts lesson, combining acting, singing and instrumental playing. Congratulations to all of our Middle School students on entertaining your audiences so fabulously!


An exciting & hilarious pirate adventure!!!


Aguer as the villain CAPTAIN CROOK and Awel as the mischievous pirate MOTLEY!

THE TREASURE MAP Show details…


Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th September


School Hall @ 7.00pmwere, like the fun activities such as the Big Day Out at the end of the year. In Year 7 they go camping as a whole year level to get to know each other! 

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (14: 22 – 33)

Command me to come to you over the water.

Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he would send the crowds away. After sending the crowds away he went up into the hills by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, while the boat, by now far out on the lake, was battling with a heavy sea, for there was a head-wind.

In the fourth watch of the night he went towards them, walking on the lake, and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified. ‘It is a ghost’ they said, and cried out in fear. But at once Jesus called out to them, saying, ‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.’ It was Peter who answered. ‘Lord,’ he said ‘if it is you, tell me to come to you across the water.’ ‘Come’ said Jesus. Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking towards Jesus across the water, but as soon as he felt the force of the wind, he took fright and began to sink. ‘Lord! Save me!’ he cried. Jesus put out his hand at once and held him. ‘Man of little faith,’ he said ‘why did you doubt?’ And as they got into the boat the wind dropped. The men in the boat bowed down before him and said, ‘Truly, you are the Son of God.’

I don’t know that we’ve ever properly understood the significance of the disciples in the gospels; our attention is always focused on Jesus. The disciples certainly got the inside running on all of Jesus’ teachings; they witnessed the miracles; and were themselves empowered to carry on the work of Jesus. They can be seen as the prototypes for all the followers of Jesus that have come since. When we read the gospel stories we can perhaps place ourselves in the position of James or John or Peter or Andrew.

To be a disciple to a rabbi was not just to be a supporter or an interested bystander. To be a disciple was to hungrily learn from your rabbi. The fact that all of Jesus’ disciples were called from other walks of life means that no other rabbi had already chosen them. They had been passed over as not good enough to study with a rabbi. When they were called by Jesus it was an opportunity they would never have dreamed possible; of course they left everything and followed him.

To be a disciple was effectively an apprenticeship to becoming a rabbi. To be discipled to a rabbi was to believe that you could do what your rabbi did. It is this belief that makes Peter get out of the boat. His rabbi is walking on the water and Peter believes that he can do what his rabbi does. And extraordinarily, Peter begins to walk on the water just like Jesus. It is only when he starts to think about what he’s doing that he sinks. When Jesus asks Peter, ‘Why did you doubt?’ he is asking Peter why he doubted himself. It wasn’t that Peter doubted Jesus; he doubted his own ability to be the equal of his rabbi!

Historical Context – Separation

The image of Jesus still ashore while the disciples battled against strong winds and rising seas must have been an evocative one for the Matthean community. Like the disciples, they were acutely aware of their separation from Jesus. Unlike the disciples, they were separated by time and the raging storm that beset them was a tide of suspicion and persecution. At times they felt the strength and courage of Peter to step out of the boat and be Jesus in their world, but at other times they doubted their own abilities. It is a message for the Church of the day and the Church of today.

Living the Gospel – Christian

What does it mean to describe oneself as a Christian today? A common understanding might be ‘one who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ’. Perhaps, based on the understanding of what it meant to be a disciple, we might better describe a Christian as one who learns from the teachings of Jesus and seeks to emulate the work of Jesus. That is, a Christian is someone who models their life on the example of Jesus and is the face of Jesus to others. That’s a tougher job description than just turning up to church once a week or putting a bumper sticker on your car.

Gospel Focus – ‘Lord! Save me!’

The cry of Peter is one that each of us feels the need to cry out at some stage in our life. Jesus trusted Peter’s ability to walk to him on the water; otherwise he would not have called Peter to do so. It is Peter who doubts himself. In this moment of realising that he can’t do it alone, he calls out to Jesus. One of the enduring images of Jesus is as the one who saves – the Saviour. When the realisation eventually comes to each of us that we can’t do it all alone, we need only call on the one who saves.



PA - Anna Druitt

Gloria K - For being a knowledgeable learner when using digraphs to spell words in your writing. Well done Gloria!

Singolai K - For being a respectful learner when actively listening to the speaker during Show and Tell. Keep it up Singolai! 


PC - Carla Tirotta

Layla G - For being a knowledgeable learner when blending sounds together to identify what the word is, each morning during Phonics sessions. Well done Layla! 

Jonathan V -  For being an independent learner when using efficient counting strategies to confidently add numbers together and writing the matching number sentence. Keep up the amazing effort! 


1A - Enza La Rosa 

Tha Len T - for being a resilient learner in her learning by further developing her knowledge of new words to write a narrative. Well done Tha Len.

Thadeus M - For being a risk taker in extending his knowledge to ordering, recognising and identifying the value of Australian notes. Well done Thadeus. 


1B - Matt Galea

Tha Tha T - For being an inquirer by continually asking questions about quokkas when reading the story Too Cute, during Library time.    

Kobe M - For being a reflective learner when thinking critically about the problem and solution in his story about ‘Goldilocks goes to the City’.


1C - Natalie Donevska

Brendan L - For being an inquisitive thinker during guided reading and library sessions by asking questions and making connections especially about trains and the titanic. Well done Brendan. 

Simon N - For being a risk taker and a resilient learner during maths, volunteering to have a go to order Australian coins according to their value. Fantastic effort Simon. 


2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell 

Nepa P - For being a responsible learner and completing all set tasks in reading groups independently. Keep up the good work Nepa!

Biephatha A - For being knowledgeable when ordering Australian coins and notes from smallest to largest value, and identifying the amounts.


2B - Ric Martin

Nyidier M - For being caring in all of your actions both towards your learning and peers.

Calvin N - For being a risk taker during reading and sharing your work with the class.


2C - Dorothy Hall 

Max H - For being a risk-taker and demonstrating resilience as he continues to learn English and tries new things in all areas of his learning.

Nila Then T - For being a thinker when reflecting on and identifying the values of different Australian coins.


3A - Ella Nowak

No awards – CAMP


3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

No awards – CAMP


3C - Joss Coaley 

No awards – CAMP


4A - Lavina Stewart

Sielohso K - For being a responsible and knowledgeable learner when engaging in conversations about the 12 Apostles during Religion. Awesome learning, Sielohso!

Madison M - For being a risk-taker and resilient learner by attempting and completing class learning activities with a positive attitude. Continue to grow in your confidence Madison, well done!


4B - Thomas Pham 

Sophia T - For being a risk-taker when you take risks to share the meaning of unfamiliar words using your prior knowledge during class discussions. Congratulations Sophia!

Marcus T - For being an independent inquirer when you researched Saint Philip during our inquiry into the 12 apostles. Congratulations Marcus! 


4C - Brittany Davidson 

Solomon M -  For being a motivated learner, always trying his best and consistently following instructions and striving to improve his learning.  

Hugo M - For being a motivated learner and a risk taker by challenging himself with mathematics tasks. Well done Hugo! 


5A - Katherine Salloum

Jayden P - For being a risk-taker by voluntarily responding within classroom discussions.  Keep up the great learning Jayden!

Achol L - For being a risk-taker during class tasks by independently asking for assistance during Mathematics to improve her learning.  Great learning, Achol!


5B - Shannon Betham

Orlando M - For being knowledgeable with your rotational symmetry poster which showed that you had a clear understanding of how a 2D shape can be rotated at different angles around a central point.  Keep up the good learning Orlando.

Ruby M - For being a risk-taker when exploring numbers that come before and after a decuple.  You have displayed great understanding of the task.  Keep up the great work Ruby.


5C - Malae Suaesi

Jeriel J - For being a knowledgeable learner, when adding up and subtracting down from a decuple. Great learning!

Steven N - For being a risk-taker when engaging in discussions during inquiry about the positive and negative impacts on Physical Health. 


6A - Annette Lee

Lucas B - For being an effective communicator, sharing his ideas and listening well to others opinions- well done!

Vivienne N - For always being a curious learner with great ideas- you always give your very best Vivienne- well done!


6B - Lena Aloi

Sadrine P - For being a caring and compassionate classmate who is always willing to help her classmates and friends. Well done!

Efraim S - For being a motivated learner who does his best in all class tasks and is always eager to extend his learning. Well done!


6C - Jane Huang

Arsema T - For being a responsible learner by always paying attention to learning and being a great role model for her team members. 

Thuan Tien P - For being a reflective learner when he created his Maths 3D city by combining multiple different shapes and connecting it to the real world. 


Specialist Awards 


Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Ajak M (6C) - For being an excellent Performing Arts student in preparing for this year’s Grade 6 production. Your enthusiasm and dedication to improving your acting skills, and your commitment to always giving your best during rehearsals, is recognised and highly commended. Keep up the great effort, Ajak!


Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Kyrie P (P.C) - For being a risk-taker when utilising new resources in the Visual Arts room, during the creation of his Easter Island Moai. Well done Kyrie!


S T E M: Matt Dalton

Murad S (5B) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. He demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while coding. Well done Murad!


P.E: Jen Barresi

Moses T (2A) - for being an enthusiastic learner in P.E.  Every week you participate with excitement and your attitude makes our lessons more fun.  Awesome work Moses!

Week 6

Monday 14/08

  • Saint Maximilian Kolbe

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 15/08

  • Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Wednesday 16/08

  • Saint Stephen of Hungary

  • Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 17/08

  • Friday 18/08

  • Proposed Student Disco Night

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -  Prep

  • Deputy Principals Network

Saturday 19/08

  • Saint John Eudes

Sunday 20/08

  • 20th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 7

Monday 21/08

  • Student House Activity Day

  • Saint Pius X

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 22/08

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 23/08

  • Saint Rose of Lima

  • VRQA Compliance & Preliminary Visit - Judi Gurvich 

Thursday 24/08

  • Saint Bartholomew

Friday 25/08

  • Saints Louis and Joseph of Calasanz

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors 

  • Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 26/08

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 11.00am

  • 1.30pm

Sunday 27/08

  • Saint Monica

  • 21st Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 8

Monday 28/08

  • Saint Augustine

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 29/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

  • Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 30/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

Thursday 31/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 01/09

  • Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due

  • Father’s Day Morning Breakfast

Saturday 02/09

  • Sunday 03/09

  • Father’s Day

  • 22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 9

Monday 04/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 05/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 06/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • School Review Day 1

Thursday 07/09

  • School Review Day 2

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 08/09

  • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

  • ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 09/09

  • Saint Peter Claver

Sunday 10/09

  • 23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 1.30pm

  • 4.00pm

Week 10

Monday 11/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 12/09

  • NO Staff Meeting 

Wednesday 13/09

  • Saint John Chrysostom

  • Senior School Production

Thursday 14/09

  • Senior School Production

Friday 15/09

  • Our Lady of Sorrows

  • Whole School Mass 9.00am

  • Last Day of Term 3

  • Footy Colours Day

  • Dismissal Time 3.15pm


Term 3 Week 6 of 10


Term 3 Week 4 of 10