Term 3 Week 6 of 10

Friday, 18th August 2023

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

●      Acting Principal’s Message

  • ●      Father’s Day Celebrations

    ●      Cookie Club

    ●      Prep 2024 Enrolment – Places are limited!

    ●      News from Prep

    ●      Grade Three Camp Reflections

    ●      Grade 6 Production

    ●      This Weekend’s Gospel

    ●      Gospel Reflection

    ●      Understanding The Gospel

    ●      Student of the Week Awards

    ●      National Science Week

    ●      Term 3 Dates

Dear Parents, Students & Friends,

On Tuesday we celebrated the feast of the Assumption, a time for us to celebrate the life of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  Mary was an ordinary woman who placed her trust completely in God. We too are called to be trusting and faithful like Mary.

Mary’s assumption into Heaven when her time on earth had ended is a promise of hope for us all. Just as Mary opened the path for Christ into the world, so too Christ opened the way for His Mother into Heaven.

The Feast of the Assumption is a timely reminder for us to listen to the voice of God and choose to say YES to Christ’s love and plans for us, whatever they may be.

Father’s Day Celebrations 

Thank you to those who have responded to the Operoo form that was sent out in regards to attendance at our Father’s Day celebrations.

We are looking forward to welcoming all the Resurrection Fathers and father like figures on Friday 1st of September from 7.30am.

Cookie Club Update

Last Sunday the cookie club members SOLD OUT of all their cookies after Mass. A huge thank you to Miss Katherine Salloum along with Ajak & Christopher our Social Justice Leaders and the Year 5 students who are part of the Cookie Club.

The next project for the Cookie Club will be a Father’s Day cookie pack! A text message will be sent to all families with a link for ordering, please note that there is a limited numbers of packs available. All Father’s Day cookie packs will be sent home with students on Thursday 31st of August. 

Just a reminder that all profits from the Cookie Club go towards the schools fundraising committee and the parishes Ugandan project.

2024 Prep Enrolment

We are still accepting enrolments for Prep students in 2024 however, places are limited! Just a reminder that we are offering an enrolment incentive for current families.

How the referral incentive works:

If you have referred a new family to the school and as a result, that family enrols their child/ren and they remain at the school for the 2024 school year, your

eldest child’s Curriculum Levy will be credited back to you for the 2025 school year. For every family you have referred, which results in an enrolment for the 2024 school year, a further credit of the same value of your eldest child will credited.

National Science Week

This week is national Science week and the theme is Innovation: Powering Future Industries.  Mr Dalton our incredible STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics) teacher has facilitated some incredible experiences for our students focusing on innovation.

Our Senior students for example were busy on Tuesday coding robots (sphere balls) to play a game of soccer!  Our middle school students were experimenting with making Oobleck a type of slime. 

As teachers, it is our duty to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators who will shape the world and drive future industries, something that we are proud to be able to provide for our students in the STEM space.

God Bless,

Jess Davis

Acting Principal


What an incredible day it was for our Preps as they joyfully celebrated their 100 days of school! It was a momentous occasion filled with laughter, creativity, and plenty of fun activities that truly showcased the spirit of our young learners.

To mark this special milestone in their learning journey, the Preps embraced their imagination and dressed up as 100-year-olds, showing off their playful side with canes and wigs. The joy on their faces was contagious!

They shared some giggles and bonding moments with their Grade 5 buddies during an adorable fashion show. It's heart-warming to see friendships bloom across different grades.

 Biscuit decorating was a hit, with icing, smarties and sprinkles turning simple biscuits into little pieces of art.

Bingo brought out the competitive spirit, and our Preps had a blast marking off their numbers. To top it all off, a lively conga line got everyone moving and grooving. The Preps danced their way around the school, reminding us that learning is a celebration.

In just 100 days, our Preps have come so far, and we're excited for the journey ahead.

During Week 5, the Preps had an amazing adventure at Animal Land in Diggers Rest. We all had a great time! The students were able to get up close to the animals, petting, feeding and even riding some of them. This hands-on experience was an incredible opportunity for the students to really learn about farm animals and their lives. The tractor ride around the farm and the pony ride were definitely the highlights of the day. The students couldn't stop smiling. They all asked lots of questions to the farmers about the animals. The children enjoyed feeding the goats, sheep, cows, and alpacas. They not only had fun, but also learned how each animal has its own unique diet. But that's not all – the students also had a chance to milk a cow and then turn the milk into butter. This activity added a whole new level of fun and learning for the Preps. At lunchtime, they even got to taste the butter they made on a cracker. It was a delicious treat that made the day even more special. The trip to Animal Land created wonderful memories for the Preps!

Anna Druitt & Carla Tirotta

Grade 3 Camp Reflection

On Monday, Week 5 of Term 3 all of the Grade Threes went on camp, including five teachers. We got there on a private bus. The camp was in Benloch. It was an hour and a half drive but my friends made it fun.

When we got there we unloaded our suitcases and bags under the bus and left our suitcases in our dorms. Mr. Coaley introduced the Weekaway staff members, gave us a tour around the camp and put us in a group in letters eg A, B, C, D. Our group's first activity was called the low ropes course with MRS LYONS! I was also really excited.

The low ropes course is basically the floor is lava but with ropes. This was my least favourite activity because on one of the obstacles I did the splits and most likely ripped my pants. Then we did archery with Mr Martin (I hit the target) then damper making with Miss Nowak. It was surprisingly only made out of water and LOTS of flour, which was really messy at first but my second try it was really fun and good (and yummy).

My favourite activity was canoeing because it was a unique feeling. My favourite meal (this is a hard choice) was the pizza because it was perfectly cooked. My favourite memory was definitely sleeping. My cabin group didn't sleep at all, instead of sleeping my cabin group stayed up playing games.

Written by Joy (3B)


“My favourite part was canoeing and flying fox because I loved how high the flying fox was and I was shaking with excitement after it.” Isabella

‘My favourite activity was the flying fox because when I went on it I was scared but when I went on it was really fun.” Giselle

“My favourite thing was the canoeing because it was so much fun finding the ducks and dinosaurs in the lake.” George

“My favourite activity was archery because we got to hold a bow and arrow and try and hit the target.” Nina

“My favourite activity was the damper making because it was something different.” Sannamahn

“My favourite part of camp was the ropes course because we got to keep trying even though I kept slipping.” Alyssia

“My favourite part of camp was the burgers because the tomato was delicious.” Bilai Pha

“My favourite part of camp was the pancakes because it was really well made and it tasted super good.” Pinidi

“My favourite part of camp was the pizza because it was something different and it had both my favourite things on it, pineapple and chicken.” Bailey

All the Year 3 Teachers were very proud of the students for showing their resilience on their first school camp. All of the students had an amazing time and are already asking questions about when Year 4 Camp will be held in 2024!



An exciting & hilarious pirate adventure!!!


Each week we will be introducing some of the amazing characters and actors from the show!

Jordan as the lazy pirate SCURVY and his best friend MOTLEY.


THE TREASURE MAP Show details…


Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th September


School Hall @ 7.00pm


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (15:21-28)    

Woman, you have great faith!

Jesus left Gennesaret and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. Then out came a Canaanite woman from that district and started shouting, ‘Sir, Son of David, take pity on me. My daughter is tormented by a devil.’ But he answered her not a word. And his disciples went and pleaded with him. ‘Give her what she wants,’ they said ‘because she is shouting after us.’ He said in reply, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.’ But the woman had come up and was kneeling at his feet. ‘Lord,’ she said ‘help me.’ He replied, ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs.’ She retorted, ‘Ah yes, sir; but even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table.’ Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.’ And from that moment her daughter was well again.

This week’s gospel provides a fascinating illustration of Jesus’ response to those in need. Jesus has travelled to the area of Tyre and Sidon – part of modern day Lebanon. He was physically removing himself from the place of his very active ministry and taking a break. When the Canaanite woman approaches Jesus and his disciples, she is an interruption; a nuisance. Jesus is very abrupt with her. He tells her simply that his ministry is to the house of Israel – the Jews – and is not for her. But the woman is persistent and again asks Jesus to help her. Jesus is even more abrupt and tells her that it is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs. Through this use of metaphor, Jesus refers to the children of Israel (the Jews) and to the gentiles and pagans – sometimes referred to as ‘dogs’ to reflect their lowly status in the eyes of the Jewish tradition. Still the woman persists and turns Jesus’ metaphor back on him, saying that even the dogs get to eat the scraps that fall from the table.

The woman’s persistence and faith pay off. Jesus is moved by her faith and through that faith heals the woman’s daughter. Despite his initial abruptness and reluctance, Jesus responds with compassion to the woman’s request. It is as though she needed to demonstrate that she was really serious and that she did in fact believe that Jesus could make a difference in her life and the life of her daughter. This is an important story in Matthew’s gospel. This gospel was written predominantly for Jewish Christians but this story reveals that the ministry of Jesus and the reign of God is open to anyone who believes.

From the perspective of ... A disciple.

As we passed through a little village near Sidon this Canaanite woman suddenly started calling on the master to help her daughter. We all expected the master to help her out as usual but he really put her in her place! He told her that his ministry was not for pagans like her. That should have stopped her, but she kept on and on, even turning the master’s words back on him! She was so rude. We were about to push her out of the way so that the master could move on when he suddenly told her that her faith was great and that her daughter was better. Great faith? A Canaanite? He never ceases to surprise us!

Historical Context ... Who were the Canaanites?

When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, the ‘Promised Land’ they sought was the land of Canaan (approximately the area of modern Israel, TransJordan, Syria and Lebanon). Here they were commanded to utterly destroy the Canaanites and to subdue the land. (Exodus 23:23-24) The Israelites never successfully removed all the Canaanites from the Palestine region. By the time of Jesus, the Israelites had established themselves in the region between Judea in the south and Galilee in the north, while the original inhabitants of the area had been ‘squeezed out’ – predominantly to the north. The Canaanites were dispossessed of their land by the Israelites and it is easy to see why there was tension between them.

Scriptural Context

This passage sits in the middle of a group of three stories that make up Chapter 15 of Matthew’s Gospel. The first story deals with Jesus challenging traditional views of cleanliness and uncleanliness – one of the great separators between Jews and Gentiles. The story of this week’s gospel follows with its account of the Canaanite woman’s great faith being recognised. Finally, Matthew’s gospel relates the story of the feeding of the four thousand – a dramatic sign by Jesus of the open invitation to receive his message and ministry. The three stories, taken together, form a powerful chapter that makes clear that the message of Jesus is not exclusively for the Jews.



PA - Anna Druitt

Zane H - For being a reflective learner when reading your writing again and making improvements with edits. Keep up the fantastic effort!

Kris S - For being a kind and caring student by helping others in the learning community. Fantastic work Kris!


PC - Carla Tirotta

Kaira K - For being an independent learner during writing lessons and having a go at sounding out and spelling unfamiliar words. Keep up the great effort!

Aluk G- For being a caring member of the learning community and always extending a helping hand and showing empathy towards fellow learners.


1A - Enza La Rosa 

Ava P - For being a risk taker by always contributing to discussions and for showing initiative and resilience to complete set tasks in a very high standard. Well done Ava!

Caterina N - For always being an effective communicator by contributing to whole class discussions to improve her learning. Well done Caterina!


1B - Matt Galea

Josipa O - For being a risk taker by volunteering to speak at the Junior Prayer Liturgy. Well done Josipa!

Anne Bao-Kim N - For being a communicator by sharing her thoughts and ideas with the class. Keep it up! 


1C - Natalie Donevska

David G - For being a risk taker and an effective communicator during learning time. Always contributing to class discussions, sharing your thoughts and ideas with your peers. You always try to improve your learning.  Keep up the great work!

Mary C - For being an effective communicator during guided reading, sharing and making text to self connections. Fantastic work!  


2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell 

Kiana L - For being a risk taker in Maths when working out how to give change from $10 when purchasing canteen items. Well done Kiana!

Elijah C - For being a risk taker in your reading group when making predictions about the text and sharing it with the group. Well done Elijah!


2B - Ric Martin

Akoch D - For being a thinker during writing and creating a fantastic character for your story.

Jayden T - For being an inquirer and asking questions in maths to further your own understanding of money.


2C - Dorothy Hall 

Olivia M - For being a risk taker when challenging herself to represent specific amounts of money using different combinations of coins.

Emmanuel T - For being a reflective learner when persevering to identify the complication in his story and come up with a plausible resolution.


3A - Ella Nowak

Khristian O - For his positive attitude on camp and giving everything a go. Keep up the amazing confidence Khristian!

Emma V - For her enthusiasm and positive attitude on camp and consistently showing respect to her peers and the camp staff. Well done Emma! 


3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Lana M - For her positive attitude and enthusiasm when trying new activities at camp with a big smile on her face. Well done Lana!

Isabella T- For her determination, resilience and enthusiasm at camp giving all activities a go with her beaming smile. Well done Isabella!


3C - Joss Coaley 

Ayak L - For being an amazing camper; showing her resilience throughout all of the activities on our Year 3 Camp to Benloch. Congratulations Ayak!

Bailey M - For showing her resilience and being an inquisitive learner at Camp Weekaway. Congratulations Bailey!


4A - Lavina Stewart

Evelynne D - For being a risk-taker when exploring new strategies to solve division number sentences and communicating when in need of support. Keep it up Evelynne!

Bahnam Q - For being a reflective and balanced learner when showcasing his visualisation skills from a passage in the Grammar in Context book ‘Fox’. Well done Bahnam!


4B - Thomas Pham 

Ken M - For being a communicator when he shared his understanding of solving division problems using different strategies during whole-class discussion. Keep up the awesome sharing Ken! 

Christar Ling TT - For being a risk-taker when he added extra details to his watercolour painting after visualising a passage in the story ‘Fox’. Well done Christar!


4C - Brittany Davidson 

Angelo M- For being a risk- taker in his learning, expressing his creativity when writing a recipe for loaded fries using ‘flowery’ language. Well done Angelo! 

Thien T- For being a communicator and a risk taker when challenging himself with his writing, writing an excellent sentence for our ‘stretch a sentence’ competition. Congratulations Thien! 


5A - Katherine Salloum

Tyesse P - For being a communicator during class discussions by sharing the similarities and differences in picture books that have been written by Margaret Wild. 

Carter M - For being a risk-taker in your learning by approaching the teacher and asking for assistance when completing class tasks. You have shown determination towards improving your learning in all subject areas.  Keep up the great learning, Carter!


5B - Shannon Betham

Chelsea S - For being a thinker and using your critical thinking skills when adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and simplifying fractions into mixed numbers.  Keep up the good learning Chelsea.

Briella U - For being an inquirer in all areas of the curriculum.  You are an enthusiastic learner who can work independently and with others and you always show your interest and curiosity to improve your knowledge.  Keep up the good learning Briella.


5C - Malae Suaesi

Narean N  - For being a reflective learner by asking the teacher to clarify how to structure a diary entry to help  write from a character's perspective. 

James N - For being a knowledgeable learner when constructing a range of nets to create a 3D shape. 


6A - Annette Lee

Jacob W - For being a knowledgeable and balanced learner- your writing on our mentor text Fox was amazing- keep it up!

Chimankpa O - For being an inquiring and reflective learner, always willing to try new things and take risks with your learning- well done!


6B - Lena Aloi

Cung L - For being a knowledgeable learner and always helping those around you. Well done on working well in small groups as well as independently.

Bawi Z - For being a critical thinker, using clues in our text to write a summary and predict what will happen next. Well done!


6C - Jane Huang

Alexander V - For being a knowledgeable learner by providing synonyms, antonyms and etymology of different vocabulary to the Year 6 Spelling Grid. 

 Katya H - For being a responsible learner by always paying attention to learning and taking notes when needed. 


Specialist Awards


Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

Anei A (4C) - For being a thinker and a risk-taker by eagerly participating in the Japanese abacus session with Japanese visitors from Japan and showing respect towards the Japanese visitors.

Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Maci W(4A) - For being a reflective learner during Performing Arts lessons when participating in music and drama activities, and for staying focused on learning tasks. Keep up the enthusiastic learning Maci!

Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Ezra D (2B) -  For being a knowledgeable learner when making her 'Pattern Design', utilising a range of cool and warm colours when creating concentric circles and parallel lines. Great learning Ezra!

S T E M: Matt Dalton

Hung B (6B) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. You demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while planning your project. Well done Hung!

P.E: Jen Barresi

Noami H (3A) -  For demonstrating consistent risk-taking and resilience in P.E.  Your positive attitude is wonderful to see.  Keep it up!


This week during STEM, the students of Resurrection have been celebrating National Science Week. National Science Week is an annual celebration of science and technology and how they are a vital part of how we live. Across the school, all of the students have been busy conducting experiments!

Week 7

Monday 21/08

  • Student House Activity Day

  • Saint Pius X

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 22/08

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 23/08

  • Saint Rose of Lima

  • VRQA Compliance & Preliminary Visit - Judi Gurvich 

Thursday 24/08

  • Saint Bartholomew

Friday 25/08

  • Saints Louis and Joseph of Calasanz

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors 

  • Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 26/08

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 11.00am

  • 1.30pm

Sunday 27/08

  • Saint Monica

  • 21st Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 8

Monday 28/08

  • Saint Augustine

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 29/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

  • Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 30/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna

Thursday 31/08

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 01/09

  • Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due

  • Father’s Day Morning Breakfast

Saturday 02/09

  • Sunday 03/09

  • Father’s Day

  • 22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Week 9

Monday 04/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 05/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 06/09

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

  • School Review Day 1

Thursday 07/09

  • School Review Day 2

  • Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 08/09

  • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

  • ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 09/09

  • Saint Peter Claver

Sunday 10/09

  • 23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

  • Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • 1.30pm

  • 4.00pm

Week 10

Monday 11/09

  • Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

  • Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

  • Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 12/09

  • NO Staff Meeting 

Wednesday 13/09

  • Saint John Chrysostom

  • Senior School Production

Thursday 14/09

  • Senior School Production

Friday 15/09

  • Our Lady of Sorrows

  • Whole School Mass 9.00am

  • Last Day of Term 3

  • Footy Colours Day

  • Dismissal Time 3.15pm


Term 3 Week 7 of 10


Term 3 Week 5 of 10