Term 2 Week 9 of 9
Friday, 9th June 2023
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
Principal’s Message
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
AFL Comes To Resurrection
Book Week Parade
This Weekend’s Gospel
Understanding The Gospel
Interschool Sports Results
History of The Cornish Pasty – Junior School
Welcome Lena Aloi – Grade 6B Teacher
Middle School Playground Expo
Students Awards
Braybrook Brookers Netball Team
Term 3 Dates
Book School Interviews On-line
Dear Parents, Students & Friends,
I wish to thank you all for contributing to the success of an amazing term that has seen so much engagement by students, staff and parents in our learning & teaching program.
One only has to look back over the last nine newsletters for this term to see all that has happened. Even up until yesterday, students in the Middle school were showcasing their learning through the Middle School Structures Expo, with representatives of the City of Brimbank Council visiting to participate and endorse what the students had learnt.
Resurrection Day
A special thanks also to everyone who assisted in making our Feast Day such a success. There had been so much planning and preparation in readiness for this event, there was no way possible it could not be anything other than a wonderful day.
Student Reports & PLPs
Student reports have now been sent out for Semester 1. Please use these as the basis for your conversation with your child’s teacher at next term’s Parent Teacher Learning Conversations (a fancy way of saying Parent Teacher meetings).
Students who have a separate Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) as part of the Parent Support Group meetings will receive their PLP by Week 2 of next term.
There has been a technical issue in the printing of VSN (Victorian Student Number) on a number of reports resulting in either the VSN not appearing or a ‘999999’ shown in its place. Unfortunately, we have been unable to rectify the issue and have chosen to publish the reports rather than delay their delivery into next term. Semester 2 reports will not have this issue.
Secondment to St Brendan’s P.S. Flemington
Many of you would be aware of the work I have been undertaking this year to support St Brendan’s Primary School in Flemington. I have been asked by Mr John Mills, (Regional General Manager for the Northern Region at Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) to act as Principal at St Brendan’s until a new Principal is appointed.
In taking on this additional role, I will continue to be supported by a very strong leadership and admin team at Resurrection as well as the staff of St Brendan’s who are very keen to see their school succeed and grow. Mrs Jess Davis will step into the role of Acting Principal ensuring the smooth day to day running of the school with myself attending both on scheduled days and when needed.
The ability to assist and support another school highlights the strength of the staff and the quality of leadership present at Resurrection and is a credit to this community.
Please note that I remain the Principal of Resurrection and continue to do my very best to see our school live out and fulfil its Vision & Mission.
On behalf of all the staff at Resurrection, I wish you all a wonderful, safe term break and look forward to seeing you next term.
With warmest regards,
Des Noack
Grade 6A Parent Teacher Learning Con versations Change Of Date
Dear Parents and Carers,
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations are due to be held on Tuesday 18th (3:45pm - 8:15pm) and Thursday 20st July (3:45pm - 7:15pm).
Parents of students in 6A your Learning Conversations will be held on Thursday 20st July (3:45pm - 7:15pm) and Thursday 27th July (3:45pm - 8:15pm).
These face to face meetings are an important opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress in relation to the curriculum, the Semester One Report and future learning directions.
Once you have made a booking, you will receive a confirmation email indicating the time and date. Please keep this email in order to attend the meeting at your allocated time.
Attached to this note is all the information you require for making a booking for the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. Bookings are now open and will close on Monday 17th July at 12:00pm.
Please visit:
to make your booking.
Please note that interviews are for 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by contacting your child’s teacher directly.
Warm regards,
John Hein
Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching
Last Friday the Grade 5s were lucky enough to participate in an AFL clinic facilitated by Mason Redman and Alwyn Davey Jnr. Unfortunately, his brother, Jayden was unable to make it.
There was a lot of enthusiasm amongst the grade 5s and quite a few of the staff too. The children were involved in a clinic followed by a Q&A session. It was a great experience with hopefully many more to look forward to.
Miss Jen
Physical Education Specialist Teacher
Get ready to embark on an exciting literary adventure as we invite you to our eagerly anticipated Book Parade on Monday, July 31st! This enchanting event promises to be a celebration of the magic of books and a testament to the power of imagination.
The Book Parade is an occasion where our students, from the youngest Preps to the more experienced Grade 6 school readers, come together to showcase their favourite literary characters. It's a day where books come to life, and the school is transformed into a vibrant tapestry of colourful costumes, whimsical tales, and endless possibilities.
Imagine stepping into a world where Harry Potter casts spells alongside the Mad Hatter from Wonderland, where Pippi Longstocking shares secrets with Sherlock Holmes, and where Frodo Baggins embarks on a quest with Molly Moskins.
The Book Parade is not just about dressing up; it's an opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading and to inspire one another through the enchantment of storytelling. Throughout the day, we will have various activities and surprises in store. Students will have the chance to share their favourite books and engage in lively discussions, fostering a love for reading that we hope will last a lifetime.
For our aspiring authors and illustrators, we have organized a special book fair where you can explore new worlds and discover hidden treasures. The fair will feature a diverse collection of books, catering to all tastes and interests. It's the perfect occasion to expand your personal library or find the next adventure waiting to be discovered.
Parents and guardians, we invite you to join us for this wonderful occasion. Witness the magic your children have created as they parade through the school with pride, showcasing their favourite literary characters. It's a moment that will surely fill your hearts with joy and remind us all of the remarkable power of literature.
So mark your calendars for Monday, July 31st, and join us in celebrating the extraordinary world of books. Let your imagination soar and indulge in the excitement and wonder of the Book Parade. Together, let's create memories that will inspire a lifelong love for reading.
We look forward to seeing you all at this spectacular event!
We can’t wait to see the amazing costumes you help create with your children!
Grant Lewis
This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew (10:26-33)
Do not fear those who can kill the body.
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the house-tops.
‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
‘Do not be afraid’ is one of the most commonly repeated sentences in the Bible. In one form or another, the command to ‘be not afraid’ or ‘fear not’ appears several hundred times throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Today’s gospel passage is part of the sending out of the Twelve that occupies all of Chapter 10 in the gospel. It follows a little later in the chapter from last week’s reading in which Jesus called the Twelve and sent them out as Apostles. The remainder of the chapter provides an extended teaching on what it means and what it costs to take the message of Jesus out into the world. Jesus teaches the Twelve that the message they bear will not always be well received and there will be those who will seek to silence the Apostles through violent means. But then the teaching comes to the section of today’s passage and Jesus commands the Twelve, ‘Do not be afraid’.
The message to not be afraid is as much for the original intended audience of the gospel as it was for the apostles. The community for whom this gospel was written were on the verge of being ‘squeezed out’ and forced into secret.
The passage reminds them to have courage and to have the courage of their convictions; to shout from the house-tops their message, not whisper it in darkness. It is a reminder of the abundant love of God who cares for them and sees all their efforts to continue to live out the message and ministry of Jesus.
It is equally a message for us, today. We are called to continue the spread of the gospel message; continuing the work of those early Christian communities, the Twelve and Jesus himself.
Gospel Focus – Fear
When scripture uses the term fear, it tends to fall into one of two meanings. When used in the context of ‘do not be afraid’ or ‘fear not’, it is a command to not be daunted by the woes and trials that the world imposes.
The other use tends to be a command that we should fear God. In this context, the word does not mean to be frightened of God but rather to show proper reverence. To fear God is to stand in wonder and awe rather than to cower and hide. So, fear God, but do not be afraid!
Living the Gospel – From the house-tops
One of the messages of Jesus to his disciples and, through him, of Matthew to the original community, is to have courage and to have pride in their belief. No matter what threat or persecution they are to endure, the command is to proclaim the message of Jesus from the house-tops. They are to be proud of what they believe and be prepared to share it with others.
In a world today that is not always open to the message of Jesus, we too are called to be proud of what we believe and not whisper it in the darkness.
Scriptural context – The Q source
This gospel passage that appears at Mt 10:26-33 is virtually reproduced in the gospel of Luke (12:2-12) but does not appear in the gospel of Mark.
Both the gospels of Matthew and Luke draw extensively on the gospel of Mark as a source for their writing but scholars have also deduced that they shared another unknown source.
The content of this lost source can only be deduced by the identification of parallel passages such as this one that appear in Matthew and Luke but not Mark.
The undiscovered document is known as the ‘Q source’ after the German word, Quelle (source).
Interschool Sports Results!
The students in Grade 6 have been competing all term in a range of sports as part of the interschool sports competition. Two of the teams managed to make the grand final with netball playing against Cairnlea Park Primary School and the soccer team competing against Kororoit Creek Primary School.
The netball team led by Ms Huang started strong and made a spirited comeback, however Cairnlea Park were too strong in the end winning the game. Overall, the team were very proud of their efforts and played the game with determination and a great sense of fair play.
The soccer team led by the highly motivating, passionate and tactical mastermind of Ms Paola took to the soccer pitch looking to avenge their recent defeat at the hands of Kororoit Creek Primary School. After giving up a one nil lead early in the match the Resurrection students battled to claw their way back into the match and take home the victory with a 4-2 win!
Overall, all students from Resurrection Primary School demonstrated sportsmanship whilst living out the school motto of ‘We Care’. Well done to all students who participated in interschool sports this term.
History of The Cornish Pasty
A Junior School Incursion
The Cornish pasty has a unique and interesting history that goes back centuries. Cornwall had the biggest tin mining and one of the biggest copper mining industries in the world and the pasties were originally developed for Cornish miners. These men worked deep underground and needed a lunch that would meet the demands of their work environment. The thick shortcrust dough and dense filling would stay warm for several hours until lunchtime or could be easily reheated over the flame of an oil lamp.
The pasties were sealed with a thick crimp to hold in the contents and to provide something the miners could hold onto while eating the pasty. In this way their dirtied fingers, which could often contain traces of arsenic, wouldn’t contaminate the rest of the pasty. The crimped edge was sometimes extended out to form a little dough handle they could hold onto and then discard when they were done eating.
The filling was a hearty one that provided needed sustenance and the pasty was compact enough that it could easily be carried in a small lunchbox down the mine and eaten without utensils. Some historians also believe that the miner’s initials would sometimes be engraved in the dough at one end of the pasty so that if the miner didn’t finish it in one sitting they could easily identify it as their own.
Thoughtful wives would even take their ingenuity a step further and make pasties that were divided in two sections: One half would contain the savory filling and the other half a sweet filling for dessert. In this way the ingenious Cornish pasty was a complete meal for Cornwall’s hard-working miners.
Dear Parents,
On Friday 16th of June, the Grade 1s and 2s made Cornish pasties with Mr Noack. Whilst making the pasties we discovered the wonderful filling inside them, it had meat and vegetables. Before we begun making them though, Mr Noack shared the history of the Cornish pasties. After constructing our pasties, they went into the oven to cook, this took about 20 minutes. The pasties were put into paper bags and given to the students to take home. The pasties were delicious.
By Jor D (2C) & Amelie. L (2B)
Welcome Lena Aloi – Grade 6B Teacher
It has been wonderful to see how settled our Grade 6B students have been throughout all the staffing transitions we have had during Semester 1.
Two weeks in and our new Grade 6B teacher Lena Aloi has already made huge in-roads with the students, staff and many of our parents. A special thanks to the Grade 6B students for making their new teacher feel so welcome.
Middle School Playground Expo
On behalf of the Middle School students and staff, a big thank you to students, teachers and families who visited the Year 3 and Year 4 classrooms on Tuesday to explore their unit of Inquiry through creating structures and making the design process. The students were proud to share and explain their learning with the visitors which was greeted with much positive feedback.
Below are some pictures of the amazing day. Also, a special thank you to the Brimbank City Council who visited the school to chat to the students about how they design, plan and create playgrounds in our local community.
PA - Anna Druitt
Zane H - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing sentences to describe a character from a story book.
Magdalene H - For being a caring and kind student who consistently shows willingness to help your classmates.
PC - Carla Tirotta
Ayom M - For being a knowledgeable learner when counting a collection and writing the matching teen number. Keep up the great effort!
Grace K - For being a risk-taker with your learning and choosing your own topic to independently write a procedure on. Amazing effort!
1A - Enza La Rosa
Chris S - for being resilient in his learning of addition and subtraction. Amazing effort Chris on challenging yourself to solve triple and double digits addition and subtraction equations. Well done Chris!
Angelina T - for her enthusiasm and bubbly personality within the classroom and applying herself to take risks in solving double digit with single digit addition and subtraction equations. Well done Angelina!
1B - Matt Galea
Emily L - for being a risk taker by explaining to her focus group the definition of an unknown word by using its context. Amazing Emily!
Ryan D - for being a knowledgeable learner by sharing his thoughts and answers to the class. Great learning Ryan.
1C - Natalie Donevska
Madeleine B - For being an enthusiastic and an inquisitive learner during religion, demonstrating lots of thought and effort when making your sacred item and sharing why it is sacred. Well done Madeleine.
David G - For being a risk taker in your learning, sharing your knowledge in group discussions and linking to past experiences. Well done David.
2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell
Thiik D - For being a resilient learner in Maths whilst learning about fractions and identifying equal and not equal parts of a shape. Well Done Thiik!
Khen M - For being a respectful learner when participating in whole class learning. You are always ready to learn and actively listen to the speaker. Well done Khen!
2B - Rick Martin
Sui Ding T - For being a knowledgeable learner during reading and sharing your predictions about the story with the class.
Alicia V - For being a knowledgeable learner and sharing your understanding of fractions with the class during maths.
2C - Dorothy Hall
Jor D - For being a creative and effective communicator when writing his own procedure for How to Babysit a Grandma.
Frankie G - For being a knowledgeable and balanced learner when reflecting on different healthy food combinations.
3A - Ella Nowak
Pindi T - For being a motivated learner and ensuring that she is following the design process when designing her inclusive playground. Well done Pinidi!
Varaoso K - For being a knowledgeable learner when planning her explanation text on her playground design. Well done Varaoso!
3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington
Vihaan K - for being such a motivated learner and working incredibly hard to complete your plan and draft for your explanation text. You included lots of great detail and all of the important information. Fantastic work Vihaan!
Amy R - for being a creative and enthusiastic learner who put in an incredible amount of effort when constructing your playground. You even had time to help your classmates out. Super work Amy!
3C - Joss Coaley
Giselle J - for being a reflective communicator and sharing her ideas about what makes a disciple in 2023. Keep up the great reflecting Giselle.
Dawt TPT - for reflecting on her learning and contributing her feelings and thoughts towards our class prayer; sharing this at our Middle School Liturgy.
4A - Lavina Stewart
Maci W - For being a reflective learner by creating and completing a revision poster about data including a pie chart, strip graph and surveys. Congratulations Maci!
Leon N - For being a resilient learner and showing great communication skills by asking for teacher assistance when not sure about a learning activity. It has been awesome to see your confidence grow Leon, well done!
4B - Thomas Pham
Selena H - for being balanced by independently completing your survey data investigation in Maths and creating digital pie and column graphs. Congratulations Selena!
Noah S - for being principled by making good choices in your learning in Term 2 and demonstrating whole-body listening during teacher instruction. Congratulations Noah!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Henry N - Being a self-motivated learner when challenging himself during Math’s tasks. Keep it up Henry!
Dean M - For being a resilient student who has put in his best efforts in all learning areas throughout Term 2. Well done Dean!
5A - Katherine Salloum
Dylan L - For being a knowledgeable learner by sharing his knowledge about volume and capacity with his peers.
Akuol D - For being a risk-taker by confidently volunteering her thoughts and opinions within class discussions.
5B - Shannon Betham
Sophie C - For your enthusiasm and participation in preparing and delivering a well-planned and meaningful prayer experience for the class. Keep up the great effort!
Ruby M - For being a risk-taker and developing your confidence when sharing information about the signs and symbols of St Columba at our Senior Level Mass. Awesome effort!
5C - Malae Suaesi
Jeriel J - for being a reflective learner by asking his teacher to clarify his understanding of the language features within an explanation text. Great learning!
Narean N - for being a knowledgeable learner when using a ruler to accurately measure and calculate the perimeter of a shape.
6A - Annette Lee
Jenny K - for being a balanced and knowledgeable learner, always contributing her very best in every lesson- well done!
Chuol A - for being a risk taker, always striving to try new ways of learning and achieving - well done on a great term of learning!
6B – Lena Aloi
Daniel C - For being a knowledgeable learner and constantly contributing in class discussions. Well done!
Jemma C - For being an active thinker and always showing initiative by asking questions to better understand learning tasks and improve your work. Fantastic job!
6C - Jane Huang
Quentin M - for being a reflective learner by listening to teachers’ suggestions and using the feedback to improve his learning.
Benjamin V - for being a risk taker by trying his best to approach the ball and cooperate with his teammates in the interschool final soccer match.
Specialist Awards
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Louis D (4C) - for being an effective thinker by showing enthusiasm and initiative during Japanese learning experiences. His positive outlook energises our learning environment! Well done Louis!
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Jayden T (2B) - for displaying all-round excellence in Performing Arts lessons, being knowledgeable and developing excellent musicianship skills. Keep up the fantastic music learning, Jayden!
Visual Arts: Jake Moloney
Ngopawpha K (6B) - for being a risk-taker and attempting new brushstrokes when creating a background for her ‘Creepy Crawly Collage’. Well done Ngopawpha!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Tlae Men TT (5A) - For demonstrating resilience when learning new coding skills. Well done Tlae Men!
P.E: Jen Barresi
Akot L (Prep C) - for being an enthusiastic, responsible and respectful participant each week during P.E. Thank you Akot. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!
Braybrook Brookers Netball Team
On Tuesday evening Summer and I participated in our first grand final for our Netball Team, The Braybrook Brookers. We won 10 -8. Summer won the Best and Fairest runner up and Best on court. We are so excited and ready to take on the next season.
Mia and Summer (6C)
Thank you to all our parent helpers! You made our day!!
Week 1
Monday 10/07
Students Return to School
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 11/07
Saint Benedict
Fundraising Committee Meeting 2.30pm
Staff Meeting 3.30pm – 4.45pm
Wednesday 12/07
Preps & Buddies Teddies Bear Picnic
Grade 3 Camp Information night (6.00pm)
Thursday 13/07
Saint Henry
Video Production day - SHON Productions (All Day)
Friday 14/07
Saint Camillus de Lellis
Saturday 15/07
Saint Bonaventure
Sunday 16/07
15th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 2
Monday 17/07
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 18/07
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 3.45pm to 8.15pm
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 19/07
Emergency Displan Practice
Thursday 20/07
Saint Apollinaris
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 3.45pm to 7.15pm
Friday 21/07
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors
Saturday 22/07
Saint Mary Magdalene
Sunday 23/07
16th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 3
Monday 24/07
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 25/07
Saint James, Apostle
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Confirmation Formation Night 6pm - 7pm
Learning Diversity Leaders Network
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 26/07
Saint Joachim & Saint Anne
Thursday 27/07
Friday 28/07
Grandparents Day
Whole School Mass
Saturday 29/07
Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Sunday 30/07
17th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 4
Monday 31/07
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Book Week Parade
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 01/08
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Staff Meeting 3.30pm – 4.45pm
Wednesday 02/08
Saint Eusebius of Vercelli
Saint Peter Julian Eymard
Year 4 Camp information night (6:00pm)
Thursday 03/08
Saint Dominic
Friday 04/08
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles
Saturday 05/08
Sunday 06/08
The Transfiguration of the Lord
Week 5
Monday 07/08
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Grade 3 Camp - Week Away
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 08/08
Solemnity of Saint Mary of the Cross (MacKillop
Grade 3 Camp - Week Away
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 09/08
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Thursday 10/08
Saint Lawrence
Friday 11/08
Saint Clare
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Juniors
Staff Social Dinner
ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 12/08
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
Sunday 13/08
19th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 6
Monday 14/08
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 15/08
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 16/08
Saint Stephen of Hungary
Student Wellbeing Leaders Network
Thursday 17/08
Friday 18/08
Proposed Student Disco Night
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Prep
Deputy Principals Network
Saturday 19/08
Saint John Eudes
Sunday 20/08
20th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 7
Monday 21/08
Student House Activity Day
Saint Pius X
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 22/08
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 23/08
Saint Rose of Lima
VRQA Compliance & Preliminary Visit - Judi Gurvich
Thursday 24/08
Saint Bartholomew
Friday 25/08
Saints Louis and Joseph of Calasanz
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors
Religious Education Leaders Network
Saturday 26/08
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sunday 27/08
Saint Monica
21st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 8
Monday 28/08
Saint Augustine
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 29/08
Parent Support Group Meetings
The Passion of Saint John the Baptist
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 30/08
Parent Support Group Meetings
Grade 4 Camp - Wyuna
Thursday 31/08
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 01/09
Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due
Father’s Day Morning Breakfast
Saturday 02/09
Sunday 03/09
Father’s Day
22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 9
Monday 04/09
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 05/09
Parent Support Group Meetings
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 06/09
Parent Support Group Meetings
School Review Day 1
Thursday 07/09
School Review Day 2
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 08/09
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles
ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 09/09
Saint Peter Claver
Sunday 10/09
23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacrament of Confirmation
Week 10
Monday 11/09
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 12/09
NO Staff Meeting
Wednesday 13/09
Saint John Chrysostom
Senior School Production
Thursday 14/09
Senior School Production
Friday 15/09
Our Lady of Sorrows
Whole School Mass 9.00am
Last Day of Term 3
Footy Colours Day
Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Saturday 16/09
Saints Cornelius and Cyprian
Sunday 17/09
24th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Dear Parents,
Parent Teacher Exchange sessions will be held between 3:45pm – 8:15pm on Tuesday 18th July and 3:45pm – 7:15pm on Thursday 20th July.
You can now book school interviews for the times that suit YOU.
Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions.
For parents that experience difficulty accessing the internet, you can phone the school on 8312 6312 to arrange a time with the office administration staff. PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH THE CLASSROOM TEACHERS DIRECTLY AS THEY DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE DATABASE.
If there are no suitable times available on the schedule for a specific teacher, parents will need to contact the classroom teacher directly to arrange an alternative interview time outside of the allocated schedule. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date should contact the school directly on: 8312 6312
Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter our school code. Then follow the 3 simple steps.
When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically. If something comes up you can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and change your learning conference time until bookings close