Term 4 Week 3 of 12

Friday, 20th September 2023

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

●      Swimming Program

●      Wrapper Free Wednesday

●      Inform and Empower – Raising Kids in a Digital World

●      2024 Planning & Class Placement

●      The inspiration of Art and Cultural show

●      STEM MAD: A Student reflection

●      Resurrection Colour Explosion Fun Run

●      Swimming Program - Prep Reflection

●      Inform and Empower

●      Gospel & Gospel Reflection

●      Student Awards

●      Term 4 Dates

Dear Parents, Students & Friends,


I am very pleased to share that we currently have 70 preps enrolled for 2023. That means that there are only 5 places available!! If you have not yet enrolled your child and are wanting to enrol them for prep next year, please contact the office as you may find there are no places left!

Swimming Program

Well done to our Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students on completing a very successful Swimming Program. It is always a delight to witness how the students develop over the two weeks of swimming not just in their swimming ability, but also in their personal skills around looking after their property, getting dressed and managing what can be a tiring day. A huge thank you to Ms Jen for all her work in organising such as successful swimming program and a huge thank you to the staff who attended and supported the students during the swimming program. 

Wrapper Free Wednesday

Did you know, over 1 million marine creatures die every year because of rubbish in the oceans? Plastic takes thousands of years to decompose while glass takes millions of years to breakdown!

Our student leadership group are committed to doing something about this so each and every Wednesday, we are encouraging students to bring in lunchboxes that do not contain any single use plastic.

Over the school holidays Daniel Yuan (Environmental and Sustainability leader) collected a HUGE box of drink bottles and lunch bags that were donated to the school by Smash products. Students who consistently have a wrapper free lunch box each Wednesday may actually win one of these products!

Thank you, parents, for your support in supporting your child to have a Wrapper Free Lunch box each Wednesday. This is one small way here at Resurrection that we can make a difference and help our Earth.

Inform and Empower - Raising Kids in a Digital World!

Martin and Carly from Inform and Empower have made a range of resources available to our parent community after their session last week. 

These resources can be found at


The video content is available for 30 days, you will need to use the password october2023. The Toolkit and blog posts (with links, etc) are available to you for the entire year.   

In the newsletter over the coming weeks, Mr Joss Coaley (Middle School leader) will be sharing some of the tips and hints that Martin and Carley shared during the session. In this week’s newsletter there is a focus on “Red Flags” for parents to be mindful of whilst their child is online.

2024 Planning & Class Placement

Just a reminder that planning for the 2024 school year has already commenced. Please email the office (office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) if your children are intending on leaving Resurrection at the end of year.

We are also inviting you to write about your child’s learning and social needs to assist us in the placement of your child into specific classrooms for the 2024 school year. Please note that we may not be able to provide you with exactly what you want, but we do try to do our best given the many and diverse factors that go into making up a class.

Please email myself (jdavis@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) with the heading “Confidential – 2024 Class Placement”. All emails must be received by Friday 3rd November 3.30pm.

Kind regards,


Jess Davis

Acting Principal

The ‘Inspiration of Art and Cultural Show

It’s almost time for our Art and Cultural Show! It is happening next Wednesday!

Here is some information regarding our silent auction. Each class has been working hard to creating a collaborative canvas to be ‘silently’ auctioned off on the night.

How does a silent auction work, you might ask? Well, if you see a canvas you would like to bid on, write down your bid and your details on the bidding sheet underneath.

If your bid is the highest by 5:15pm on Wednesday evening, you’re the winner and you can collect and pay (cash payments only) for your canvas later in the week via the front office!


Date: Wednesday 25th of October, 2023

Time: 4pm - 6pm


·       Face painting booth (gold coin donation)

·       Professional caricaturist ($10 in cash per portrait)

·       Silent auction of collaborative classroom canvases

·       Coffee van ($4.00 each)


Mr Jake Moloney

Visual Arts Teacher

We are also asking for parent volunteers to assist in the set-up of the colour powder. If you wish to assist please contact Miss Brittany Davidson (bdavidson@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) or Mr Matt Galea (mgalea@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au)

Happy donating!

Miss Brittany Davidson &

Mr Matt Galea

School Closure Day – Monday 20th November 2023    

STEM MAD Conference

Last Thursday, Lelaina, Emilia Michael and I went to the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic schools STEM MAD conference. We went in an uber with Mr Dalton & Ms Paola.

When we arrived, we were so excited to be there at such an important event for STEM in Melbourne. We got to show our step right up stepping stones that all the Grade 6s participated in.

Some of the things we got to experience was having gelati which was one of our favourite things and hot chocolate, taking photos in a photo booth, getting interviewed about our design and meeting lots of people such as other school students and a Lego master’s finalist.

It was a great experience and was the best fun! Thank you, Mr Dalton, for the opportunity and for your guidance in getting us to the showcase!

Shyam R and Leilana E(6C)

On Friday November the 3rd, Resurrection will be holding a Colour Explosion School Fun Run.

The students have been given a booklet that contains information on how to register for our Colour Explosion. Last week’s newsletter also explained in depth how to set this up.

This week an Operoo form was sent home, asking permission for your child to participate in the colour explosion.

So far, we have a total of 45 students who have registered and have started to collect donations and we have raised, so far, a total of $1,000! 

Our current leader board is:

Swimming Program Prep Reflection

“My favourite part was when I was diving and when I was blowing bubbles and when I was floating and then when I was going under water” Thangsang Prep A

“I learnt how to kick” Annabelle Prep A

“I learnt how to do freestyle and I learnt how to not use floaties and I like doing

freestyle. I like doing backstroke and I like getting sinkeys from the bottom and I learnt how to kick and I like swimming program so, so, much.

 I like swimming because the water is warm and cold. I like doing kicking because it is fun so, so, so, much and swimming is so, so, so, so, so, so, much fun and funny”  Zane Prep A

“I learnt to swim on my back and swimming and blowing bubbles and going under water and kicking my legs.”

Jarell Prep A

“I like swimming because I can see things inside the water and jumping in the big water”

Grace PC

“I love blowing bubbles with the swimming pool”

Helen PC

“I liked floating in the water”

Kyrie PC

“I like blowing bubbles"

Willam PC

It was great to have Marty and Carly at our school last Wednesday evening to host a Parent Information Session titled Raising Kids in a Digital World.

It was wonderful to see so many parents, grandparent, aunties and uncles who attended learning something new about the online world. I’m sure that everybody left learning some new information about the Digital World and maybe even an action that they have been able to implement at home.

Students at Resurrection are currently in the process of completing their final online incursion for the school year with Marty and his team. Marty is, first and foremost, a primary school teacher who shares his knowledge and wisdom of being safe online in a very child friendly and appropriate way. 

Over the next few weeks, I will share with you some of the different tips that Marty and Carly shared with the parents last Wednesday as well as the key ideas that each level is exploring in their incursions. This week we will start with the middle school.


Parent Session Tip

One important aspect that Marty shared as part of the Parent Cyber Safety Information Session last week was the use of Beacon. Beacon is an app that provides updates and information in a family friendly way. The app allows parents to be up to date with recent information for keeping their children safe online.

A fact sheet will be attached to this newsletter, provided by Marty and the Inform and Empower Team, for you to explore.

More information about Beacon can be found at the end of this newsletter.

Middle School Learnings

The Year 3 and 4 students completed the incursion last week, where Marty discussed the importance of keeping their private information (name, address, school they attend) off the internet. He also discussed why it is important to keep your passwords to yourself.

Another area that Marty discussed was online scams, and how sometimes we are offered rewards online that are just too good to be true. These are people who may not be who they say they are.

Marty shared what he calls “Red Flags” to look out for when talking to people online, particularly through online gaming:

I look forward to sharing with you more Cyber Safety Information over the coming weeks.

Joss Coaley

Middle School Leader

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (22: 15 - 21)


Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that are God’s.

The Pharisees went away to work out between them how to trap Jesus in what he said. And they sent their disciples to him, together with the Herodians, to say, ‘Master, we know that you are an honest man and teach the way of God in an honest way, and that you are not afraid of anyone, because a man’s rank means nothing to you. Tell us your opinion, then. Is it permissible to pay taxes to Caesar or not?’ But Jesus was aware of their malice and replied, ‘You hypocrites! Why do you set this trap for me? Let me see the money you pay the tax with.’ They handed him a denarius, and he said, ‘Whose head is this? Whose name?’ ‘Caesar’s’ they replied. He then said to them, ‘Very well, give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar – and to God what belongs to God.’

The gospel writer presents this episode as a deliberate attempt by the Pharisees to trap Jesus and turn the people against him. Their plan was a good one, with no apparent ‘safe’ answer: is it permissible (within Jewish tradition) to pay taxes to Caesar or not? If Jesus were to answer that it is not permissible to pay taxes then he would be identified as a rebel and a threat to Roman authority – leaving himself open to severe punishment. If he were to answer that it was permissible to pay the taxes he would have alienated a lot of his audience who resented the taxes imposed by Rome.

Instead of falling into the trap set by the Pharisees, Jesus approaches the question in a completely different way. He asks them to show him the money with which they pay the tax. Immediately, he has turned the tables on them. He doesn’t appear to carry any of the coin in question and yet the Pharisees’ disciples carry them as a matter of habit. They are asking if it is permissible to pay the tax and yet freely carry the coin with which the tax is paid. Jesus shows up the hypocrisy of their question by forcing them to reveal their own position in the simple action of producing one of the Roman coins. Jesus then closes the dispute by instructing them to render (give) to Caesar what belongs to Caesar but, more importantly, render to God what belongs to God. In a very simple way Jesus has shown up the Pharisees’ disciples as being collaborators with the Roman authority and placing that authority above the authority of God. He reminds the listeners that regardless of earthly authority, the first duty is owed to God.

Historical Context – What’s in a face?

The question of coinage was a problematic one for first century Jews. The tradition – grounded in the commandments given to Moses on Mt Sinai – forbade the use of ‘graven’ or carved images. The people of Israel took this prohibition very seriously and did not portray the human face in artwork of any kind. Roman coins were minted with the face of the emperor on them and it was compulsory that taxes be paid with Roman coin. This helps to explain the role of the Temple money-changers who converted the Roman coin into Temple coin that could be used for religious purposes.


Scriptural context – Jesus and the Pharisees

The gospel of Matthew tends to treat the Pharisees rather harshly. In fact they had more in common with Jesus’ style of teaching than other religious groups of the time and some have suggested that Jesus may even have been quite closely associated with the Pharisees. The role of the Pharisees was to interpret the Torah – the Law – for everyday people. They were teachers and preachers who often had a group of disciples who were their followers. The community in which the gospel of Matthew was written regarded the Pharisees harshly because they saw Jesus – not the Pharisees – as the rightful interpreter of the Law.

Different View – A simple question?

This gospel passage is sometimes interpreted as Jesus’ endorsement of the Christian responsibility to state authorities. It has been interpreted as affirming the obligation to pay taxes and participate in the processes of government. In fact, Jesus neatly avoided the direct question put to him and never gave a response to the question of paying taxes. Rather, he made the question a much broader one and reminded people that their first obligation was to God, not the state. It is an excellent example of the need for critical interpretation of scripture. A simple, literal reading of this text leads us to drawing simple, literal conclusions about whether or not we should be paying taxes.



PA - Anna Druitt

Jarell L - For being a knowledgeable learner by improving your counting skills when counting by 5s. Great work, Jarell!

Annabelle A - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing a sentence about a lizard's appearance for your information report. Keep up the great work!


PC - Carla Tirotta

Eleanor C - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing an information report on lizards, you are becoming increasingly confident in recording the sounds you hear in words each week.

Kaira K - For being a caring member of the learning community and always extending a helping hand and showing empathy towards fellow learners


1A - Enza La Rosa 

Caterina N - For her perseverance in practising her Oxford words every week and identifying them when reading. Well done Caterina!

Angelina T - For being resilient and a risk taker in challenging herself to respond to questions while in whole class discussions and showing enthusiasm towards her learning. Great work Angelina!


1B - Matt Galea

Xander A - For being a responsible member of the classroom by showing honesty and care for his classmates.

Ryan D - For being a knowledgeable learner by using number lines to solve equations where the answer is a negative number.


1C - Natalie Donevska

Vanessa M - For being resilient and a risk taker during maths, when identifying all the different ways to subtract from the numbers five and ten. Amazing effort Vanessa!  

Miyen A - For being resilient, respectful and a risk taker during swimming, participating in class discussions and showing whole body listening. Well done Miyen! 


2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Angelina Touron 

Liela M - For being a responsible learner and writing your recount using the correct structure and adding detail. Well done Liela!

Khen S - For being a responsible and reflective learner in Maths when finding the area of a locker using informal measurement and correcting the way you placed the MAB 100s squares. Well done Khen!


2B - Ric Martin

Mason C - For being a risk taker and trying new things at swimming.

Johnathan N - For being open minded when working with people during mathematics time and exploring the area of different surfaces.

2C - Dorothy Hall 

Athieng M - For being an inquirer and a communicator when working with others to explore the area of a table.

Emmanuel T - For being a caring student in 2C and showing compassion towards others.


3A - Ella Nowak

Andre V - For being a risk taker and challenging himself to learn his 13, 14 and 15 multiplication facts. Your motivation to challenge yourself is amazing, keep it up!

Amias L - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing his information report on a country and ensuring he is including 3 sentences per paragraph. Keep up the amazing learning Amias!


3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Elizabeth C - For being a reflective learner by listening to feedback and implementing this into your learning. It was fantastic to see you elaborate and add so much extra detail when summarising the article about a rare, blue moon. Well done Elizabeth!

Jenoleela N - For being a motivated learner by asking clarifying questions and completing your work in a timely manner. Keep up the amazing work Jenoleela!


3C - Joss Coaley 

Makaylah G - For being a considerate and motivated learner; making mature choices towards her learning in and out of the classroom. Well done Makaylah, keep it up!

Jessica R - For being a considerate learner and sharing her knowledge in order to build new skills. Well done Jessica.


4A - Lavina Stewart

James K - For being a great communicator when sharing his ideas about what is needed on an angles classification table. Keep up the great learning James!

Charlotte T - For being a responsible and knowledgeable learner when researching and sharing the life cycle of a living thing. Well done Charlotte!


4B - Thomas Pham 

Makur M - For being knowledgeable when he demonstrated growth in his ability to accurately measure angles using a protractor. Congratulations Makur!
Chris Q - For being balanced by taking your time to carefully edit and revise your information report using adverbials to make your text more cohesive. Keep it up! 


4C - Brittany Davidson 

Anthony L - For being an enthusiastic learner, consistently sharing his positive attitude and sense of humour with the class. Well done Anthony!

Apiok M - For being an enthusiastic and dedicated learner, taking pride in her writing and actively making efforts to add more detail to her sentences.  Well done Apiok! 


5A - Katherine Salloum

Achai M - For returning to school with a positive and can-do attitude towards her learning.   

Kim N - For being an enthusiastic learner by always wanting to learn new skills in the classroom.  You are a valued member of 5A and your persistence has been so wonderful to watch.  


5B - Shannon Betham

Kerels K - For being an inquisitive learner when recording special vocabulary in your role as the ‘Word Wizard’ in your Literature Circle. Well done for being a role model for others in your group!

Jeremy T - For being a communicator and a responsible learner and contributing during discussion in your Literature Circle. Keep up the great effort!


5C - Malae Suaesi

Isabel L - For being a knowledgeable learner during spelling when blending two different words to create a portmanteau. Great learning!

Dave E - For being a thinker during maths on sharing his knowledge and understanding about chance and probability. Well done!


6A - Annette Lee

Elianna L - For being a caring and compassionate member of our class - you always strive to help and support all around you - well done!

Isaac K - For being a reflective and spurious learner, incorporating many digital technology features into his advertisement and presenting it with confidence!


6B - Lena Aloi

Ngopawpha K - For being a critical thinker in class and working with your peers to expand on your understanding and knowledge of set tasks. Well done!

Emilia M - For being a great communicator and taking initiative in your learning of writing by asking questions and participating in focus group discussions. Well done!


6C - Jane Huang

Orlando P - For being a risk taker when it comes to representing his team members to participate in the BIDMAS competition.

Elema W - For being a risk taker by trying her best to answer most of the questions in BIDMAS pretest and achieving a great score. 


Specialist Awards 


Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Nyakiir M (2C) - For being an open-minded learner in Performing Arts when exploring musical ideas and concepts. Well done on demonstrating great creative ideas when dancing to music with the dancing scarves, Nyakiir. Keep up the excellent and expressive dance movements!


Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Selena H (4B) - For being a creative thinker when developing her ‘Weaver Character’ and thinking outside the box to weave her paper into a snowman. Great effort Selena!


S T E M: Matt Dalton

Nathan N (5C) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. He demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while coding. Well done Nathan!

P.E: Jen Barresi


Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

Yumiko Aiki - Karl K (4A) - For being a thinker by using prior knowledge when he answers questions in Japanese. Good effort!


P.E: Jen Barresi

Singopha L (5C) - For being an exceptional communicator and embodying the spirit of respect in our school. I enjoy your positive attitude. Keep up the wonderful work Singopha!

Week 4

Monday 23/10

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 24/10

·       Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm 

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Learning Diversity Leaders Network

Wednesday 25/10

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

·       Resurrection Art & Cultural Show

Thursday 26/10

·       Improved Writing Symposium

Friday 27/10

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -Juniors

·       ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 28/10

·       Saints Simon and Jude

Sunday 29/10

·       30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Week 5

Monday 30/10

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 31/10

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 01/11

·       The Solemnity of All Saints

Thursday 02/11

·       The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) 

Friday 03/11

·       Resurrection Colour Run 

·       Saint Martin de Porres

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Preps

Saturday 04/11

·       Saint Charles Borromeo

Sunday 05/11

·       31st Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 6

Monday 06/11

·       School Closure (TIL)

Tuesday 07/11

·       Melbourne Cup Day – Public Holiday 

Wednesday 08/11

Thursday 09/11


Friday 10/11

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 1

·       Saint Leo the Great

·       Remembrance Day Service Led By Seniors 

·       Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 11/11

·       Remembrance Day

·       Saint Martin of Tours

Sunday 12/11

·       32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 7

Monday 13/11

·       Student House Activity Day

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 14/11

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 15/11

·       Saint Albert the Great

·       Year 5 Camp information night (6.00pm) 

·       Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 16/11

·       Saint Margaret of Scotland

·       Saint Gertrude 

Friday 17/11

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 2

·       Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

·       First Reconciliation Ceremony 

·       ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 18/11


Sunday 19/11

·       33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 8

Monday 20/11

·       School Closure Day - 2024 Curriculum Planning

Tuesday 21/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Wednesday 22/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Saint Cecilia

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday 23/11

·       Saint Clement I

·       Saint Columban

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 24/11

·       Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc and companions

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Juniors

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 3

·       2024 Prep & Grade 6 Parent Dinner

·       Deputy Principals Network

·       Sample Report Comments to Grant & Report Reader

Saturday 25/11

·       Saint Catherine of Alexandra

Sunday 26/11

·       Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King Of The Universe


Week 9

Monday 27/11

·       2024 Student Transition Day 1 (Prep – Grade 5’s)

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 28/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill

Wednesday 29/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill

Thursday 30/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Saint Andrew

·       Year 5 Camp- Sovereign Hill

Friday 01/12

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 4

·       Reports due to leadership

Saturday 02/12


Sunday 03/12

·       1st Sunday Of Advent


Week 10

Monday 04/12

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       2024 Student Transition Day 2 (Prep – Grade 5s)

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 05/12


Wednesday 06/12

·       Saint Nicholas

·       Carols By Candlelight 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Thursday 07/12

·       Saint Ambrose

Friday 08/12

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 5

·       Reports sent out

·       ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 09/12


Sunday 10/12

·       2nd Sunday Of Advent


Week 11

Monday 11/12

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

·       Reports Printed

Tuesday 12/12

·       Our Lady of Guadalupe

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Reports sent home

Wednesday 13/12

·       Saint Lucy

·       Grade 6 Big Day Out

Thursday 14/12

·       Grade 6 Graduation Liturgy & Presentation Night 6.00pm

Friday 15/12

·       Whole School Mass 9.00am

·       End of Year Award Ceremony

·       Last Day of Term

Saturday 16/12


Sunday 17/12


Week 12

Monday 18/12/11

·       School closure day (student hand over day)

Tuesday 19/12

·       School Closure Day (Staff Christmas lunch)

Wednesday 20/12

·       School closure day (Time in Lieu for staff)

Thursday 21/12


Friday 22/12


Saturday 23/12


Sunday 24/12

·       Christmas Vigil


Term 4 Week 4 of 12


Term 4 Week 2 of 12