Term 4 Week 2 of 12

Friday, 13th September 2023

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

●      Month of the Rosary

●      Cyber Safety Information session

●      STEM MAD Showcase

●      2024 Planning & Class Placement

●      Art and Cultural Show

●      The Resilience Project

●      Resurrection Colour Explosion Fun Run

●      Swimming Program

●      Gospel & Gospel Reflection

●      Student Awards

●      Term 4 Date

Dear Parents, Students & Friends,

Month of the Rosary

Traditionally, the whole month of October is dedicated to Mary and the Rosary where we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady on October 7th.

The Rosary represents us thinking about and remembering Christ’s life, death and Resurrection. At the recent Synod, Pope Francis stated

“I urge everyone to experience the beauty of praying the Rosary, contemplating with Mary the mysteries of Christ and invoking her intercession for the needs of the Church and the world,”

Pope Francis, 2023

Cyber Safety Parent information session

I would like to thank the parents who were able to attend this Wednesday evening’s Cyber Safety session. I think I speak for all in attendance when I say we all learnt something new about our digital footsteps. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing this information with you.

STEM MAD showcase

This week our STEM space has been a hive of activity with our senior students and Mr Dalton getting ready for not only the STEM City expo which will be held at Resurrection next Thursday but also for the MACS STEM MAD showcase which was held at the Catholic Leadership Centre yesterday. We can’t wait to hear about all these STEM experiences.   

2024 Planning & Class Placement

Just a reminder that planning for the 2024 school year has already commenced. Please email the office (office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) if your children are intending on leaving Resurrection at the end of year.

We are also inviting you to write about your child’s learning and social needs to assist us in the placement of your child into specific classrooms for the 2024 school year. Please note that we may not be able to provide you with exactly what you want, but we do try to do our best given the many and diverse factors that go into making up a class.

Please email myself (jdavis@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) with the heading “Confidential – 2024 Class Placement”. All emails must be received by Friday 3rd November 3.30pm.

Term 4 Important dates

As we approach the last part of the year there are many dates which are of importance for the school year. Please take note of the Term 4 dates in your calendar or diaries.


Kind regards,

Jess Davis

Acting Principal

The ‘Inspiration of Art and Culture’ logo competition.

Wow, what a tremendous effort by students from across the whole school. We had over 40 entries for the logo competition and it was tough work selecting the winner. After reviewing the criteria (title, school logo and reflection), three finalists were selected and one winner was chosen.

Well done and congratulations to our winner, Christina L in 6A, whose design will be displayed all over the school and be included in the flyer (which is at the back of the newsletter!)

Her reflection noted: 

“I decided to go for a space theme while also trying to make it bright and vibrant so it could stand out from far away. I thought adding an eye would be a good idea because it’s like someone’s imagination and their point of view, seeing different art styles and culture across the


Also, a big congratulations to those students who entered the competition, your art was so incredible it will have its own display during the art show.

Runner up: Carol M 4C

Runner up: Lelaina E 6C

This year the Inspiration of Art and Cultural show will be held between 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday 25th October.

We have many exciting attractions, including:

·      Face painting booth (gold coin donation)

·      Professional caricaturist ($10 in cash per portrait)

·      Silent auction of collaborative classroom canvases

·      Coffee van ($4.00 each)

We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday the 25th of October.

Mr Jake Moloney

Visual Arts Teacher

As we begin our journey of Term Four, we experience a series of different emotions. We reflect on the year we have spent together as a community, as well as looking forward to what’s to come over the Summer Holidays and into 2024. Looking ahead can be exciting, but it can also be worrying and make us feel nervous and anxious. 

One of our big PBL ideas is around resilience; resilience allows us to bounce back from difficult situations. It is about using our inner strength and a positive mindset to overcome any challenges that might be before us and to keep moving forward. People who are resilient are able to adapt to new situations, problem solve and maintain a sense of wellbeing, despite any obstacles that might stand in their way.

This term, we have decided to add a RESILIENCE CHALLENGE in the newsletter each week. This challenge will allow you to practice your resilience skills at school, and at home with your families. This week, our challenge is:

Embrace challenges as an opportunity for growth

Challenges are like puzzles or obstacles that we encounter while learning or doing something new. They can be tough, but they help us grow and become better learners and better people. Just like when you solve a difficult problem in Maths, learn to spell a new word in Literacy or learn any new skill, challenges make us stronger. 

Next time you see a challenge at school and at home, take it as an opportunity to grow! If you need help with the challenge, ask a trusted adult or teacher for help.

Mr Joss Coaley

Middle School Leader

On Friday November the 3rd, Resurrection will be holding a Colour Explosion School Fun Run.

Last week, students were given a booklet that contained information on how to register for Resurrection’s Colour Explosion.

We are fundraising for the refurbishment of the blue basketball court next to the oval. At the moment the court floods and can be a hazard as the surface is starting to come apart.

So far, we have a total of 25 students who have registered and have started to collect donations and we have raised so far, a total of $503! 

Our current leader board

Not only are we hosting an awesome explosion event, we are going green! Students will have the choice to plant a tree or coral for every $20 raised online.

Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at www.plantadifference.com.au. This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations.

To set up your profile, log on to www.plantadifference.com.au.  Press ‘Register’ and enter your details. 

You can then enter your child’s name, select Resurrection Catholic Primary School and find your child’s class. 

You will then have a choice of tree planting or coral planting. Then, you set your fundraising amount- whatever you hope to raise! Press ‘create page’ and you are up and running!

You now have your own page which you can customise and share with others via email or online to help reach your fundraising goal.  Payments can be made via the online form using credit card/PayPal.

Extra Incentives to Fundraise!

*  Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.

*  $10,000 JB HI-FI Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student – it could be you!

*  Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2023.

*  A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!


We are also asking for parent volunteers to assist in the set-up of the colour powder. If you wish to assist please contact Miss Brittany Davidson (bdavidson@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) or Mr Matt Galea (mgalea@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au)


Happy donating!

Miss Brittany Davidson & Mr Matt Galea

Swimming Program Week 1 

This week 1B and 2B went to Brimbank Swimming Centre. We got to make bubbles. The instructor made us warm up to make us ready to swim. Then we went into the pool to swim. We had to float in the pool for 10 seconds. After the swimming lesson we had to go home. So, we went into the changing rooms and dried ourselves. Then we went in the bus and said goodbye to Brimbank Swimming Centre.

The next day we went back to the Brimbank Swimming Centre but this time we went to the little pool. We did some activities then we threw these little things in the pool. The little thing sunk to the bottom of the pool. We had to catch it then we went back up and gave it back to the teacher. Then we had to go in the changing room and dried ourselves up. Then we went on the bus and went back to the school.

By Tha Tha (1B)

This week we went Swimming at Brimbank Swimming Centre and the people that came were Grade 1s, 2s and the Preps. The Preps were the first to go and then we went with the Grade 2s. We made some bubbles we even got to be a starfish!

We had to get a pool noodle and we floated on our back. After that we went to the changing room and we changed then we got our bags and then went onto the bus and went back to School. There we did some work and then we ate some lunch and then did some more work!

By Sui Chin (1B)

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (22:1-14)

Whomsoever you find invite to the wedding.

Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people: ‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a feast for his son’s wedding. He sent his servants to call those who had been invited, but they would not come. Next he sent some more servants. “Tell those who have been invited” he said “that I have my banquet all prepared, my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, everything is ready. Come to the wedding.” But they were not interested: one went off to his farm, another to his business, and the rest seized his servants, maltreated them and killed them. The king was furious. He dispatched his troops, destroyed those murderers and burnt their town. Then he said to his servants, “The wedding is ready; but as those who were invited proved to be unworthy, go to the crossroads in the town and invite everyone you can find to the wedding.” So these servants went out onto the roads and collected together everyone they could find, bad and good alike; and the wedding hall was filled with guests. When the king came in to look at the guests he noticed one man who was not wearing a wedding garment, and said to him, “How did you get in here, my friend, without a wedding garment?” And the man was silent. Then the king said to the attendants, “Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.” For many are called, but few are chosen.’

Gospel Reflection

Who you ate with in Jesus’ time was very important – it reflected your own status. To share table with people who were regarded as ‘lesser’ by nature of their lifestyle or illness was seen to lessen the status of other participants. Sharing table was as much a political action as it was a social one. This week’s gospel is an important one for understanding Jesus’ message of an inclusive kingdom. The king invites all the ‘right’ people to attend his son’s wedding banquet but they shame him by refusing his invitation and murdering his messengers. This would have been an extraordinary action in Jesus’ time. An invitation to the table of your social superior would not be rejected lightly. To try to save face and regain some honour, the king sends his servants to bring in people off the street – the poorest and least socially acceptable people. The invitation to the people off the street, ‘bad and good alike’, is a reflection of Jesus’ own attitude to sharing table. Jesus ate with those who were regarded as unworthy: tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners. It was one of the harshest criticisms of Jesus made by the Pharisees and Scribes: ‘He eats with tax collectors and sinners!’ One of Jesus’ strongest messages was about the inclusive nature of the kingdom and he lived it day to day. His inclusive table fellowship was a powerful statement about the fact that the kingdom is an invitation to all – rich and poor alike, regardless of status in this world. This parable highlights the invitation to join in the kingdom of God that has been rejected by the Jewish leaders but taken up by the ‘lesser’ people of society. The wedding banquet is a metaphor for the kingdom of God.


Historical Context

This gospel parable is a reflection of the way in which the message of God has been extended to people through time. The first invitation was extended to the Israelites who initially accepted the message of God but in time lost the focus. Jesus further extended the invitation to the Gentiles, viewed by the Jews as unworthy of such a relationship with God. Finally, within the early Christian communities there were some who, despite belonging to the community, failed to live appropriately and demonstrate their acceptance of the message of God.


Have you thought? – Inclusivity

This gospel parable reflects the inclusive way in which Jesus lived his life. In many ways, Jesus was a scandal in his society because he didn’t obey the social boundaries. He was very clear in being inclusive and attentive to those who were normally shunned. Today, those boundaries are just as clear and easily identified but the methods of excluding people have perhaps become a bit more subtle. Who are the ‘shunned’ and ‘left out’ in our society today? Where do the boundaries lie? Who would Jesus be reaching out to and seeking to include in today’s society?


Gospel Focus – ‘How did you get in here?’

In light of the inclusive kingdom metaphor in this passage, the final portion of the gospel may be a bit troubling to readers. When a guest is not wearing a wedding garment he is cast out of the banquet. We might say that being invited at the last minute the guest was unable to find suitable clothing. It is a sign that although he has been an unlikely inclusion in the banquet, he has not made any effort to respond to the generosity of the king and take up one of the cloaks that would have been provided and thus give due honour to his host. This is symbolic of those who refuse to change their ways and do not live as followers of Jesus even when they have been included in the kingdom.



PA - Anna Druitt

Chelsea C - For consistently demonstrating respectful and responsible behaviour in the classroom. Keep up the great work Chelsea!

Dylan N - For being a risk-taker when gaining confidence in working independently on tasks. Keep up the great work Dylan! 


PC - Carla Tirotta

Monda M - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing an information report and including lots of interesting facts about frogs. Keep up the amazing effort. 

Helen T - For being an effective communicator and always showing a willingness to share your ideas and questions during whole class discussions. 


1A - Enza La Rosa 

Thadeus M - For being knowledgeable in all areas of learning and for consistently participating in whole class discussions to improve his learning. Well done Thadeus!

Miranda N- For being a risk taker in challenging herself in partitioning 3 digit numbers according to their place value. Well done Miranda!


1B - Matt Galea

Ryan G - For being a risk taker by challenging himself to participate more in classroom discussions. Well done Ryan!

Anna V - For being an effective communicator by asking for support when you are challenged with your learning. Well done Anna!


1C - Natalie Donevska

Ameila Z - For being a resilient learner and an effective communicator during mathematics by using the partition strategy to identify what numbers make a whole number. Also for using your initiative by helping others in your maths group. Keep up the great work!

Esequiel V- For being an effective communicator during class discussions and showing confidence by asking and answering  questions. Well done!   


2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Angelina Touron 

Thiik D - For being a risk taker and sharing your learning with the class when describing capacity and volume. Well done Thiik!

Moses T - For being a knowledgeable learner in Religion when writing about how the earth was created. Well done Moses!


2B - Ric Martin

Zara H - For being a communicator and sharing your understanding of volume with the class.

KC O - For being an inquirer and asking questions about the shared text.


2C - Dorothy Hall 

Nancy C - For being a thinker and inquirer when exploring the capacities of different objects.

Ruth S - For being a communicator when adding details to her school holiday recount.


3A - Ella Nowak

Parker C - For being a motivated learner and ensuring to ask questions to clarify his understanding of all tasks to ensure he is completing all learning to the best of his ability. 

Bilai Tu K - For demonstrating a continuous motivation for learning in all areas of the curriculum. Keep striving for success Bilai Tu!


3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Lauren C - For being a great communicator and showing confidence when asking and answering questions in front of the class. Well done Lauren!

Lana M - For writing such a detailed piece about your holiday adventures. It sounds like you had an amazing break! Keep up the positive attitude towards your writing Lana!


3C - Joss Coaley 

Salom T - For being a consistent learner and sharing his ideas, especially when discussing how to create our best recounts of the holidays.

Elizabeth B - For demonstrating her strong understanding of her writing and editing by creating an exceptional recount of her holidays. Congratulations.


4A - Lavina Stewart

Arianna C - For being a resilient learner when applying her best efforts towards her learning. When unsure of a task, she communicates when in need of support. Keep it up Arianna!

Riley M - For being a reflective learner when demonstrating his understanding of how a text can connect to his own experience during group discussions. Well done Riley!


4B - Thomas Pham 

Ken M - For being a Communicator when he shared first his ‘Monster descriptions’ to the class in Writing. Congratulations Ken!

Marcus T - For being Principled by making good choices in his learning to kickstart Term 4. Congratulations Marcus!


4C - Brittany Davidson 

Anei A - For consistently being a resilient and responsible learner.  It is a joy to witness. Well done Anei. 

Louis D - For approaching the start of Term 4 with a positive attitude and interacting respectfully with his peers. Keep it up Louis! 


5B - Shannon Betham

Weston T - For demonstrating some fantastic teamwork and collaboration when working in your Literature Circles during our Literacy learning. Keep up the great effort Weston!

Adrienne D - For your ongoing development of your leadership skills particularly in our recent House Spirit event, and also for sharing your leadership experience with aspiring school leaders. Well done!


5C - Malae Suaesi

Ethan D - For being a reflective learner when engaging in discussions to analyse and identify persuasive devices in an advertisement. Great learning!

Kriselle A -  For being a resilient learner when using addition and subtraction strategies to solve three to four digit problems. Well done!


6A - Annette Lee

Jordan L - For designing and creating an advertisement in Inquiry, using a range of persuasive devices and incorporating digital technologies into the final product - Well done!

Kobi L - For collaborating and sharing his ideas during our maths sessions - your thinking really helps other students with their learning- well done!


6B - Lena Aloi

Kor K - For being a great communicator and taking initiative in your learning by asking questions and participating in class discussions. Well done!

Joshua M - For being a motivated learner who works collaboratively with his peers to successfully complete tasks.


6C - Jane Huang

Kiera N - For being a responsible learner by building her reading habits during the holidays and completing the reading diary in a timely manner.

Liam V - For being an active communicator by sharing his ideas and accepting other people’s suggestions about how to improve his inquiry project. 


Specialist Awards 


Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Hugo M (4C) - For demonstrating excellent musicianship skills when playing the recorder with a smooth, clear, musical tone. Well done on showing some great thinking skills Hugo, and for continuing to develop your understanding of how to play musical instruments. Keep up the fantastic effort!


Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Lily D (6C) - For showcasing her knowledge of plaster and paint, when utilising a range of colours when painting an exotic bird. Great thinking Lily!


S T E M: Matt Dalton

Ashton C (5A) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. He demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while coding. Well done Ashton!


P.E: Jen Barresi

Lenix M (2B) - For displaying respectful and responsible behaviour in P.E. You show empathy to others by offering assistance and being kind. Wonderful work Lenix!


Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

Ava P (1A) - For being conscientious in her Japanese class and for showing an understanding of the Japanese text types. Well done Ava!

Week 3

Monday 16/10

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Prep Swimming Program

·       Grade 1/2 Swimming Program

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 17/10

·       Saint Ignatius of Antioch

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Prep Swimming Program

·       Grade 1/2 Swimming Program

Wednesday 18/10

·       Saint Luke

·       Prep Swimming Program

·       Grade 1/2 Swimming Program  

·       STEM: Smart City Expo 

Thursday 19/10

·       Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues

·       Saint Paul of the Cross

·       Prep Swimming Program

·       NO 1/2 Swimming program 

Friday 20/10

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Middles

·       1/2 Swimming Program

·       NO Prep Swimming program 

Saturday 21/10


Sunday 22/10

·       29th Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 4

Monday 23/10

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 24/10

·       Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm 

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Learning Diversity Leaders Network

Wednesday 25/10

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

·       Resurrection Art & Cultural Show

Thursday 26/10

·       Improved Writing Symposium

Friday 27/10

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -Juniors

·       ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 28/10

·       Saints Simon and Jude

Sunday 29/10

·       30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Week 5

Monday 30/10

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 31/10

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 01/11

·       The Solemnity of All Saints

Thursday 02/11

·       The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) 

Friday 03/11

·       Resurrection Colour Run 

·       Saint Martin de Porres

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Preps

Saturday 04/11

·       Saint Charles Borromeo

Sunday 05/11

·       31st Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 6

Monday 06/11

·       School Closure (TIL)

Tuesday 07/11

·       Melbourne Cup Day – Public Holiday 

Wednesday 08/11

Thursday 09/11


Friday 10/11

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 1

·       Saint Leo the Great

·       Remembrance Day Service Led By Seniors 

·       Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 11/11

·       Remembrance Day

·       Saint Martin of Tours

Sunday 12/11

·       32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 7

Monday 13/11

·       Student House Activity Day

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 14/11

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 15/11

·       Saint Albert the Great

·       Year 5 Camp information night (6.00pm) 

·       Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 16/11

·       Saint Margaret of Scotland

·       Saint Gertrude 

Friday 17/11

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 2

·       Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles

·       First Reconciliation Ceremony 

·       ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 18/11


Sunday 19/11

·       33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 8

Monday 20/11

·       School Closure Day - 2024 Curriculum Planning

Tuesday 21/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Wednesday 22/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Saint Cecilia

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday 23/11

·       Saint Clement I

·       Saint Columban

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 24/11

·       Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc and companions

·       Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Juniors

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 3

·       2024 Prep & Grade 6 Parent Dinner

·       Deputy Principals Network

·       Sample Report Comments to Grant & Report Reader

Saturday 25/11

·       Saint Catherine of Alexandra

Sunday 26/11

·       Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King Of The Universe


Week 9

Monday 27/11

·       2024 Student Transition Day 1 (Prep – Grade 5’s)

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 28/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill

Wednesday 29/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill

Thursday 30/11

·       Parent Support Group Meetings

·       Saint Andrew

·       Year 5 Camp- Sovereign Hill

Friday 01/12

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 4

·       Reports due to leadership

Saturday 02/12


Sunday 03/12

·       1st Sunday Of Advent


Week 10

Monday 04/12

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       2024 Student Transition Day 2 (Prep – Grade 5s)

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 05/12


Wednesday 06/12

·       Saint Nicholas

·       Carols By Candlelight 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Thursday 07/12

·       Saint Ambrose

Friday 08/12

·       2024 Prep Transition Session 5

·       Reports sent out

·       ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 09/12


Sunday 10/12

·       2nd Sunday Of Advent


Week 11

Monday 11/12

·       Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

·       Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

·       Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

·       Reports Printed

Tuesday 12/12

·       Our Lady of Guadalupe

·       Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

·       Reports sent home

Wednesday 13/12

·       Saint Lucy

·       Grade 6 Big Day Out

Thursday 14/12

·       Grade 6 Graduation Liturgy & Presentation Night 6.00pm

Friday 15/12

·       Whole School Mass 9.00am

·       End of Year Award Ceremony

·       Last Day of Term

Saturday 16/12


Sunday 17/12


Week 12

Monday 18/12/11

·       School closure day (student hand over day)

Tuesday 19/12

·       School Closure Day (Staff Christmas lunch)

Wednesday 20/12

·       School closure day (Time in Lieu for staff)

Thursday 21/12


Friday 22/12


Saturday 23/12


Sunday 24/12

·       Christmas Vigil


Term 4 Week 3 of 12


Term 4 Week 1 of 12