Term 1 Week 8

2024 Prep Enrolments Now Open

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

●        House Spirit – Free Dress Day (Colour of your team)

●        Dates to Remember

●        Easter Raffle

●        Staffing News – Grade 2A & Grade 6B

●        Catholic Education Week 2023

●        Moderating Student Learning – Why We do It!

●        NAPLAN In Progress

●        Disability Parking Issues

●        Harmony Week – Everyone Belongs

●        The Gospel Project – This Weekend’s Focus

●        Fun Friday Lunch

●        Hot Cross Bun Fundraising Drive

●        Term 2 Winter Uniform Policy

●        Term 2 Dates

●        Grade 6 Camp Reflections

●        Student of the Week Awards (Week 7 & 8)

House Spirit

Free Dress Day

As we approach Easter and to have a little fun toward the end of this first term, we are inviting all students and staff to get dressed up in their House colour next Friday 31st March.

To help with our Easter Raffle, we are asking that staff and students that do get dress up, bring along an Easter Egg. Every egg received goes to making our Easter Egg Hampers look amazing.

Week 9

Monday 27/03

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 28/03

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 29/03


Thursday 30/03


Friday 31/03

●      House Activity Afternoon

●      Pizza Lunch

●      House Colour Free Dress Day – Bring an Easter Egg

Saturday 01/04


Sunday 02/04

●      Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Week 10

Monday 03/04

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 04/04

●      Saint Isidore

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 05/04

●      Saint Vincent Ferrer

●      Last Day of Term 1

●      Dismissal Time 3.15pm

●      9am Whole School Mass

●      2.30pm Whole School Assembly

●      Easter Raffle Drawn

Thursday 06/04

●        School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning

●        Holy Thursday

Winter Uniform & Whole School Photo Day

To ensure that there is consistency in the wearing of the school uniform and that our formal school photos (Thursday 11th May) represent both your child and the school as best we can, we ask that all students are in full Winter Uniform by Friday 5th May (End of Week 2.)

Easter Raffle

Easter Raffle tickets have been sent home with the eldest child in each family. Tickets need to be returned back to the school by Friday 31st March.

The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday 5th April at a special end of term assembly.

Staffing News

Last Monday, we received the news that, for personal reasons, Ms Linda Odgers, our Grade 2A classroom teacher needed to resign from her current teaching position. This has been a difficult decision for Linda as she truly cares for her students and only wants the best for them.

We have been very fortunate in having Linda commence the year with our Grade 2A students and provide them with a great start to the year.

To ensure that our students learning achievements continue to be built upon and enhanced, we have been fortunate to engage Mrs Rebecca Koutivas as their classroom teacher. Rebecca, will be teaching from Monday to Thursday together Mrs Shannon Ziebell who will teach Grade 2A each Friday.

Also, Ms Niamh Mulcahy, who currently teaches Grade 6B, will conclude her teaching at Resurrection at the end of this term. Having travelled to Australia from Ireland on a holiday working visa, she is looking forward to the flexibility of working and enjoying all that Australia has to offer during her stay in Australia.

We are currently seeking to employ a teacher for Term 2 with Mrs Bridget Fairman & Mrs Angelina Touron, returning from maternity leave and will co-teach Grade 6B for the remainder of the year (Term 3 & 4). Both Bridget and Angelina are highly experienced and expert teachers who are already very well known to many of the students and families in Grade 6B.

On the 17th of March, we were able to celebrate Catholic Education Week at St Patrick’s Cathedral. When we walked through the gates of St Patrick's, we noticed all the students holding their school banners. It was incredible to see. 

Then the Mass started. Archbishop Peter Comensoli and the other Bishops processed down the aisle. Two of our student leaders, Vivienne and Olivia, were holding our school banner on behalf of our school. When the Mass started, music started to play. Olivia and Vivienne were waiting outside with the other student leaders. After a while, they walked down the aisle with the banner in their hands, following the other student leaders. It was a great honour to do so.

The Mass then continued but was different because the Cathedral was huge and they used other special items during the mass like incense.

When it finished, we had lunch outside the Cathederal, then we went to the Treasury Gardens where all the other schools were as well. Different high school students were performing on the stage as entertainment. We stayed and watched the rest of the performances, before going back to school. It was an unforgettable experience.

By Vivienne 6A and Adrienne 5B

Why was the day so special?

Representing the school during the Catholic Education Week Mass was something I have wanted to do since I was in Year Prep. I was in awe walking into the Cathedral and seeing the stained glass windows reflecting rainbow hues along the pillars. 

Olivia 6C

Because the Mass was very different to our normal Mass, I felt like I was having a new experience. It was a very valuable experience in helping us understand more deeply the Catholic tradition.

- Alex 6C

Why is Catholic Education so important?

Catholic education is important because we are able to grow up learning about Jesus and follow in His footsteps. We learn how to be compassionate, kind and faithful, and it inspires us to be role models and lead by good example and morals.

Olivia and Alex 6C

Moderating Student Learning

Why We Do It!

Each term, our teachers meet to moderate the learning that has taken place during the term. This is essential in assuring that the feedback provided to all students is fair and unbiased.

The following is a reflection written by Mr Grant Lewis to our teachers following the work he and the teachers undertook last week.

We wish to share it with our parents and carers so that you get an insight into the efforts being undertaken by staff to ensure the highest quality of teaching possible at Resurrection.

Dear teachers,

As we explored, the goal of teachers moderating is to “Moderate writing samples to ensure consistency and accuracy in the evaluation of student writing. Moderation allows teachers to compare student work and provide feedback that is fair and unbiased.” Assessment and Moderation weeks are never on the small side not matter the metric you choose to measure.

It is not small when you consider:

·      The time allocated by the school to ensure that teams can come together for a day to engage in these conversations

·      The amount of time allocated for the collection of the data to ensure that we are equipped with evidence to discuss

·      The cognitive load is high as the questions and questioning is continual

·      The conversations are robust and we challenge each other and our thinking in order to gain insights and consistency

·      The preparation time required to participate fully in these days

·      The mental fatigue!

Sinek’s golden circle has why at its heart.  We know our why: to improve student learning outcomes.  Next is the how. How do you do what you do?  We have established how we interpret and access data and student learning needs. Lastly, comes the what. What do you do? What will you do with the information and insights you gleaned from the conversations you engaged in?

But days or weeks like these equate to naught if that is where we finish them.  In reality this is where the work actually begins.  We have further and deeper insights into our students and what their points of need in learning are. We have class and cohort trend data that we can and must respond to.  We have, now, the unwavering responsibility to act on what we now know.

What was witnessed over the course of the week were professionals – AITSL Standard 5 was the underlying focus for all our engagements: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning.  Standard 5.3 & 5.4 were particularly addressed whether we knew it explicitly or not.

5.3: Make consistent and comparable judgements

5.4: interpret student data

At the Highly Accomplished level 5.4 it reads: Work with colleagues to use data from internal and external student assessments for evaluating learning and teaching, identifying interventions and modifying teaching practice.

Each and every staff member involved in the moderation conversations last week was able to easily operate at the Highly Accomplished level which is as incredible as it is impressive. For someone such as Ella Nowak who is in her second year of teaching, it was a particular highlight to see your level of participation and eagerness to offer thoughts, beliefs and challenge your peers.  The more trust we have in each other, the more inclined we are to challenge and learn from our collective knowledge and wisdom. 

Our challenge as a teaching staff: to use the information gained to make a difference to the learning of each and every one of our students.


Grant Lewis

MoEd (Uni Melb.), B Arts (ACU) & B Teaching (ACU)

Performance and Development Culture, Resurrection Catholic School

Certified HALT Assessor

Over the past week students in Years 3 and 5 have been completing reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy assessments as part of their participation in NAPLAN. All students put in their best effort in order to answer a wide range of questions. Whilst some of the questions were easy for students to answer, others were much more difficult with a great deal of mental muscle being applied in order to come up with the correct solution.

Throughout the NAPLAN period over 500 tests were completed by Year 3 and 5 students. Whilst the data will take some time to process before being released to schools and parents it is important to celebrate our students’ successful completion of NAPLAN for 2023.

Initially some students were feeling a little apprehensive about taking part in NAPLAN, however once the testing period began students were able to focus their attention and energy towards completing each of the assessments.

Elizabeth from Year 3 noted that whilst she was a little nervous on the first day she became more comfortable by the final test.

Mason from Year 5 was relieved when the final test was completed saying that NAPLAN was challenging and he is ‘sort of’ looking forward to taking part again in Year 7.

Well done to all of our students who took part in NAPLAN 2023!

Many of the vehicles seen in our school carpark display Disability Parking Permits. These permits and more importantly, the disability parking bays provided at school, are specifically to assist adults or children that have a disability.

Our concern is that we are seeing an increase in vehicles that are not displaying the valid permit OR that a permit is displayed with neither the driver, nor child being collected known to have a disability.

One can only presume that the Disability Parking Permit was provided for someone else in the family and the driver is using the parking permit to access the parking bays as a matter of personal convenience.

Many of our elderly grandparents who have a disability parking permit refuse to take advantage of the disability parking bays. They express that to be able to still walk is a gift and they take the opportunity to do so.

We ask that parents, carers and visitors who do have a disability parking permit and know that the permit was not provided for themselves, nor a student at our school, please reconsider where you park.

The disability parking bays are specifically for those who have a disability, display the permit and are on-site at the school.

Disability parking permits are provided so that a person with the disability can access the disability parking bay. Please reconsider if you really require the use of one of these parking bays.

Harmony Week 2023

Everyone Belongs

This week it has been a pleasure to welcome our parenting community for a ‘Cuppa Chat’ at different times throughout the week to celebrate Harmony Week. It has been a wonderful opportunity to meet new parents, share our parenting struggles and celebrate our children.

A huge thank you to the parents who were able to join us, even briefly. We are so fortunate to be part of a school community which is so vibrant and multicultural. These opportunities to chat are valuable for us all. Therefore, we are looking forward to offering more of these ‘Cuppa Chat’s’ throughout the year that will occur just after school drop off and just before school pick up for us all to connect and feel that sense of belonging here at Resurrection.

Mrs Jess Davis

Deputy Principal: Wellbeing & School Community

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John

11:3-7. 17. 20-27. 33-45 

I am the resurrection and the life.


The sisters Martha and Mary sent this message to Jesus, ‘Lord, the man you love is ill.’ On receiving the message, Jesus said, ‘This sickness will end not in death but in God’s glory, and through it the Son of God will be glorified.’

Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, yet when he heard that Lazarus was ill he stayed where he was for two more days before saying to the disciples, ‘Let us go to Judaea.’

On arriving, Jesus found that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days already. When Martha heard that Jesus had come she went to meet him. Mary remained sitting in the house. Martha said to Jesus, ‘If you had been here, my brother would not have died, but I know that even now, whatever you ask of God, he will grant you.’ ‘Your brother’ said Jesus to her ‘will rise again.’ Martha said, ‘I know he will rise again at the resurrection on the last day.’ Jesus said:

‘I am the resurrection and the life.

If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

Do you believe this?’

‘Yes, Lord,’ she said ‘I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into this world.’ Jesus said in great distress, with a sigh that came straight from the heart, ‘Where have you put him?’ They said, ‘See how much he loved him!’ But there were some who remarked, ‘He opened the eyes of the blind man, could he not have prevented this man’s death?’ Still sighing, Jesus reached the tomb: it was a cave with a stone to close the opening. Jesus said, ‘Take the stone away.’ Martha said to him, ‘Lord, by now he will smell; this is the fourth day.’ Jesus replied, ‘Have I not told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?’ So they took away the stone. Then Jesus lifted up his eyes and said:

‘Father, I thank you for hearing my prayer.

I knew indeed that you always hear me,

but I speak for the sake of all these who stand round me, so that they may believe it was you who sent me.’

When he had said this, he cried in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, here! Come out!’ The dead man came out, his feet and hands bound with bands of stuff and a cloth round his face. Jesus said to them, ‘Unbind him, let him go free.’

Many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and had seen what he did believed in him.

This Weekend’s Gospel Reflection

The third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent in Year A feature significant passages from the Gospel of John.

The first of the three readings was the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, to whom Jesus described himself as Living Water. The second was the healing of the blind man and Jesus declaring himself to be the Light of the World. In today’s passage about the death and raising of Lazarus, Jesus declares, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’

Living Water; Light of the World; and the Resurrection and the Life – three important images of Jesus that all emerge from the Gospel of John.

Each of the events relate to Jesus’ response to some physical need: thirst; blindness; and death. However, in each case, Jesus not only responds to the physical need but also reveals a truth about himself that leads people to belief.

The raising of Lazarus marks a turning point in the Gospel of John. Chapter 11 concludes with the Jewish authorities plotting to arrest Jesus and then Chapter 12 begins the final week of Jesus’ life in Jerusalem. The significance of this episode is highlighted by the disciples who question Jesus about the wisdom of going back to Judea when the people there had wanted to stone Jesus to death.

In going to save the life of his friend, Lazarus, Jesus knows that he is journeying towards his own death. In fact, the end of Chapter 11 makes clear that it is some of the witnesses to the raising of Lazarus who go and complain to the authorities and precipitate the action against Jesus. In the gospel of John, it is the episode with Lazarus that effectively signs Jesus’ death warrant. The gospel makes clear that Jesus gives up his own life so that Lazarus may live.

Scriptural context – Jesus wept

‘Jesus wept’ is the shortest verse in the New Testament. Just two little words carry a world of emotion and speak volumes about Jesus. Pope Leo I used this verse to highlight the two natures of Jesus, pointing out that in his humanity, Jesus wept for the death of his friend, but in his divinity Jesus raised Lazarus to life. Lazarus and his sisters were close friends of Jesus and Jesus is clearly emotional about the death and its effect on Martha and Mary. That Jesus is about to restore Lazarus to life does not deny the grief and mourning at Lazarus’ death.

Living the Gospel – Unbind him, let him go free

To see a man bound up for burial suddenly come walking from his tomb must have been an unnerving experience to say the least. However, Jesus calmly commands the astonished onlookers to ‘unbind him, let him go free’. These words speak to us today as we come to the end of the Lenten season and approach the celebration of Easter. What are the things that ‘bind’ us? From what do we need to be released so that we may ‘go free’? Are they bindings placed by ourselves or others? What will it take to be unbound?

Gospel Focus – Death for Life

The gospel writer paints the picture that Jesus is fully conscious of the implications of his return to Judea. As the events of the Passion unfold through this gospel, the reader has a very clear impression in their mind that if Jesus had not come to Judea; had not raised Lazarus; then he would not have been arrested and crucified. The reader is also drawn into the revelation that the sacrifice of Jesus was not solely for Lazarus but rather for all humanity. This realisation leads the reader to the ultimate humbling conclusion that if the sacrifice of Jesus was for people then the reader themselves is also the recipient of that sacrifice.

Special Food Lunch

Our last Special Food lunch will be from Subway and will occur on Wednesday 5th of April.

The cost of the Subway lunch is $10.00 per student. Each student will receive a 6 Inch Sub, a Chocolate Chip Cookie & an Apple Juice pop top. 

All orders must be in no later than Tuesday 28th March.

Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser  

The Fundraising committee are excited to share that they are running a Hot Cross Bun fundraiser through Bakers Delight! 

On Offer will be the following 

·       Traditional Hot Cross Buns ($10.00 per 6-Pack)

·       Apple & Cinnamon Hot Cross Buns ($10.00 per 6-Pack)

·       Choc Chip Hot Cross Buns ($10.00 per 6-Pack)

Order forms have been sent home today with your eldest child and are due back on Monday 27th March. The Hot Cross Buns will be distributed on Monday 3rd of April to the eldest in the family. 

Please note there will be no late orders accepted.

Term 2 & 3

Winter Uniform

From the commencement of Term 2, all students are required to wear Winter School Uniform as prescribed by the school’s Uniform Policy.

Formal Winter – Boys

·       Navy pants or shorts with logo.

·       School blue shirt with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)

·       School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR

      School Bonded Jacket

·       Navy socks

·       Black leather school shoes

o   Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.

o   Lace or Velcro optional

Sports Uniform- Boys

·       Sports microfiber shorts with logo

·       Sports tracksuit pant with logo

·       Sports polo top with logo (long or short sleave)

·       School Bonded Jacket

·       Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)

·       Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)

·       Runners              

Formal Winter – Girls

·       School winter tunic with pleats front and back. (Prep to Grade 6) Navy tights or socks to be worn with winter tunic.

·       School winter skirt (winter tunic with top part removed). (Grade 3 to 6 Only) Navy tights or socks to be worn with winter tunic.

·       Navy pants or shorts with logo. (Navy socks to be worn with pants or shorts.)

·       School blouse with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)

·       School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR

School Bonded Jacket

·       Black leather school shoes

o   Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.

o   Lace or Velcro optional

·       School navy hair ties                                

Sports Uniform – Girls

·       Sports microfiber shorts with logo

·       Sports tracksuit pant with logo

·       Sports polo top with logo (long or short sleave)

·       School Bonded Jacket

·       Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)

·       Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)

·       Runners

Week 1

Monday 24/04

●      School Closure – Staff Professional Learning Day 

Tuesday 25/04

●      ANZAC day  (Public Holiday)

Wednesday 26/04

●      Exec Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

●      Saint Mark, Evangelist

Thursday 27/04

●      Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort

Friday 28/04

●      Saint Peter Chanel

●      Grade 5 Excursion – Melbourne Zoo: Focus - Adaptations

●      ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 29/04

●      Saint Catherine of Siena

Sunday 30/05

●      4th Sunday of Easter


Week 2

Monday 01/05

●      Saint Joseph the Worker

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Grade 6 Excursion – Melbourne Zoo: Focus - Adaptations

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 02/05

●      Saint Athanasius

●      Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

●      Emergency Displan Practice

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 03/05

●      The Feasts of Saints Philip and James

●      Prep Excursion to LegoLand Discovery Centre, Chadstone.

●      Canteen Committee Meeting 7pm



Thursday 04/05


Friday 05/05

●      Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival

Saturday 06/05


Sunday 07/05

●      5th Sunday of Easter


Week 3

Monday 08/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 09/05

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 10/05

●      Saint John De Avila

Thursday 11/05

●      Whole School Photo day

Friday 12/05

●      Saints Nereus and Achilleus

●      Whole School Mass - Run by Seniors

●      Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea

Saturday 13/05

●      Our Lady of Fatima

Sunday 14/05

●      6th Sunday of Easter

●      Mother’s Day


Week 4

Monday 15/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 16/05

●      Learning Diversity Leaders Network

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 17/05


Thursday 18/05

●      Saint John I

Friday 19/05

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -  Middles

Saturday 20/05

●      Saint Bernadine of Siena

Sunday 21/05

●      Solemnity Of The Ascension Of The Lord


Week 5

Monday 22/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 23/05

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 24/05

●      The Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians

●      Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 25/05

●      Saint Gregory VII

●      Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

●      Saint Bede

Friday 26/05

●      Saint Philip Neri

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Juniors

●      Staff Social Dinner  

●      Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 27/05

●      Saint Augustine of Canterbury

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 28/05

●      Pentecost Sunday

●      First Communion Masses


Week 6

Monday 29/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 30/05

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 31/05

●      The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday 01/06

●      Saint Justin

●      Deputy Principals Network

Friday 02/06

●      Saints Marcellinus and Peter

●      Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival (Backup date)

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Preps

●      Deputy Principals Network

Saturday 03/06

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 04/06

●      Solemnity Of The Most Holy Trinity

●      First Communion Masses


Week 7

Monday 05/06

●      Student House Activity Day

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 06/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      Mary, Mother of the Church

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 07/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Thursday 08/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 09/06

●      Saint Ephrem

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Seniors

●      ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 10/06

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 11/06

●      Feast Of Corpus Christi

●      First Communion Masses


Week 8

Monday 12/06

●      King’s Birthday – School Closure

Tuesday 13/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      Saint Anthony of Padua

●      Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 14/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Thursday 15/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 16/6

●      Instalment 2 - Family Fee Payment Due

●      Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Middles

Saturday 17/06

●      Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 18/06

●      11TH Sunday In Ordinary Time

●      First Communion Masses


Week 9

Monday 19/06

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Reports back to teachers

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 20/06


Wednesday 21/06

●      Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

●      Resurrection Day Celebration

●      Resurrection Day Mass 9.00am (Whole School)

●      Last Day of Term 2 Dismissal Time 3.15pm

●      Semester 1 Student Reports Sent Home

Thursday 22/06

●      School Closure Staff Faith Formation Day 1

Friday 23/06

●      School Closure Staff Faith Formation Day 2

My Camp Reflection

Witten by Kayla D

On camp the Year 6s had lots of fun. The activities included the giant swing, leap of faith, orienteering, canoeing, challenge course, aeroball and laser tag. My favourite activities are going to have to be the giant swing, orienteering and aeroball. But out of those favourites my most favourite would have to be the giant swing.  When I pulled the rope to drop, it was so scary yet fun at the same time.

The best parts about camp for me were me and my friends in our cabins where we were able to talk to each other and had a midnight feast and had lots and lots of lollies.

Another highlight was disco night where everyone was singing really loudly and it was great fun.

Overall, the camp experience was very good, the activities went beyond my expectations, and the activities were amazing. But the food was not as good as I thought it would be. The whole camp was really great altogether.

The whole camp experience taught me to be brave and to always give something a go.

My Grade 6 Camp Experience

Written by Evabella J

On camp we experienced new things and had fun while doing it, we had multiple activities and lots of other things to do. The activities were interesting and our time there was great. The activities that we did were Orienteering, Archery, Canoeing, Leap of Faith, Giant Swing, Laser Tag, Giant Swing and then I did a Challenge Course. I completed all of the activities and most I have never done before, which means I tried new things and gave stuff a go. If I was completely honest I would’ve probably drowned in canoeing. Me and my partner were so far behind from others and we were going to be the last to get back on ground but apparently we weren’t, since two others ended up struggling to and had to wait for the teacher.

The new experiences I went through taught me how to give stuff a go and gave me courage to do things I wouldn’t usually do. I probably would have never done half of the things I did at camp if we never had gone. I felt capable of doing these things and it was fun while it lasted.

Personally my favourite parts of camp were the Giant Swing, The Cabins, my friends being there and Disco Night. I really enjoyed all of these, I really liked the Giant Swing because it was fun and I would want to do it way much more. I liked the Cabins because it was terrific to be with your friends in a Cabin and just hang out with them, but we didn’t spend any time in our cabins just hanging out without friends and just relaxing. In my opinion it was pretty tiring because we only stayed in our cabins so we can shower and get ready but overall it was fun to have Cabins. It was really great with friends there because who wouldn’t want to hang out with their friends and do fun things together. It's like living with your friends but only for three days and two nights.

I enjoyed Disco Night because you could listen to songs you like and either dance or sing and even both. I would’ve preferred different songs but overall some of the songs were actually good and it was so funny whenever the girls would scream the lyrics at the top of their lungs.

Camp taught me some things; what camp taught me about myself is that I could try new things even if they’re hard to do. Even if I never tried it before I did it and it wasn’t that bad. It encouraged me to do new things and I learned a lot about myself and how I’m capable of so much in my life.

Week 7 Awards 

PA - Anna Druitt

Singolai K - For being an effective communicator by showing increased confidence when sharing her ideas during whole class discussions.

Jarell De L - For being a risk taker in his writing by working hard to record sounds you hear in words. Great work Jarell!

PC - Carla Tirotta

Kyrie P- For being a risk-taker when attempting to orally blend sounds together to identify what the word is.

William N- For being a responsible member of our learning community when helping other tables tidy up at the end of a lesson. 

1A - Enza La Rosa

Chris S - For being a risk taker and showing great confidence and strong skills in understanding how to solve addition with double digits. Well Done Chris!

Bawi Bik T - For being a resilient learner and developing important skills to support his approach to solve addition with double digits. Amazing work Bawi Bik!

1B - Matt Galea 

Michaela M - for being an effective communicator by showing amazing presentation skills to engage her audience during Show and Tell.

William N - for being a risk taker when presenting to the class during Show and Tell to discuss his favourite toy. Well done William!

1C - Natalie Donevska

Estella P- For being an effective communicator, demonstrating her understanding of how her lifestyle choices impact her health during class discussions. Well done Estella!!

Nicholas D- For being a resilient learner, always attempting a task with a positive attitude and for asking questions when not sure. Keep up the great work Nicholas!!

2A - Linda Odgers 

Mia R - For being a knowledgeable communicator in writing about something that happened to you. Great spelling Mia!

Moses L - For being a reflective student, always wondering how to create your work to show what you know. Great effort Moses!

2B - Ric Martin

KC O - For being a communicator, trying to share his understanding of seasons with his peers during turn and talk time!

Sharon H - For being an inquirer and asking questions to further understand your choices and how they impact your health

2C - Dorothy Hall 

Noah M - For being a thinker and inquirer when challenging himself to demonstrate a subtraction problem in multiple ways.

Hannah Y - For being a reflective and caring member of the class and reminding others to uphold the PBL values of respect, resilience and responsibility.

3A - Ella Nowak

Khristian O- For being a great communicator when sharing his fantastic ideas with his peers during class discussion times. Keep up the confidence Khristian!

Vadao So K- For being a risk taker and showing confidence when reading a book and answering questions to demonstrate her understanding of the text. Keep it up Vadao So!

3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Isabella T - for showing resilience and having such a positive attitude when faced with new challenges. Keep up the awesome work Isabella!

Lauren C - for being a risk taker in her learning and approaching challenging tasks with such optimism, especially when telling the time on an analogue clock. Well done Lauren!

3C - Joss Coaley 

Isaac Ma - for showing resilience in his learning and demonstrating a positive attitude in the classroom. Congratulations!

Dawt DPT - for being a responsible learner and always looking to make her work even better, especially in writing. Congratulations!

4A - Lavina Stewart

Maci W - for showing resilience and dedication towards her learning with extra effort in completing tasks independently. Keep up the great learning Maci!

Kohoe T - for being a risk-taker when creating and sharing his persuasive writing with high modality words and in the correct structure. Well done Kohoe!

4B - Thomas Pham

Bie Phatu A - for being a risk taker and resilient when he transformed a sentence from ‘Dog Lost’. Keep showing up Bie Phatu! 

Essabella C- for being a communicator in our class by constantly sharing your ideas in whole-class discussions. Thank you for your positive mindset to learning! 

4C - Brittany Davidson

Jack L- for demonstrating deep thinking during our inquiry unit when reflecting on how past events impact on the way we live. Well done Jack!

Dean M- for being a communicator when he shared his passion for fishing through his persuasive writing. Keep it up Dean!

5A - Katherine Salloum

Pio Ignacio A - For being a dedicated and responsible learner by reading for 4 nights each week.  Ignacio is constantly reading different books to support his house in the Reading Challenge.   

Anna R - For being a reflective and risk-taking learner, by showing initiative when completing class tasks that may be challenging to extend her knowledge and skills within Mathematics.   

5B - Shannon Betham

Van Ro Tha Tlak L - For being a respectful and responsible member of the class by following instructions and engaging in tasks. Well done on setting a good example for your peers and committing to progressing in your learning.

Milana P - For being an inquisitive and motivated learner when asking questions and seeking feedback when solving addition problems using the algorithm. Well done Milana!

5C - Malae Suaesi

Jeriel J - For being a resilient learner and demonstrating perseverance to solve additional problems using the split strategy.

Ethan D - For being a reflective learner when considering using inferencing skills to find key evidence and clues from the text. 

6A - Annette Lee

Michael- for being a respectful and responsible member of our class. You are leading by example and modelling excellent leadership skills. Well done and keep up the great work!

Emily - Thank you for being a positive and happy member of our class. You demonstrate amazing leadership skills and are a real role model to others! Well done!

6B - Niamh Mulcahy

Michael H - for being respectful and always producing work to a very high standard. Keep it up Michael! 

Regina L - for being a responsible learner by double checking her answers for PAT before submitting the test. 

6C - Jane Huang

Lily D - for being resilient by not giving up participating in camp activities after her collar bone was broken. 

Alexander  V- for being a risk taker when he tried to touch the orange ball when he jumped off the platform in the lip of faith activi

Specialist Awards 

Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

Elizabeth C (3B) - For being a responsible and independent student who strives for Japanese learning. Congratulations on your conscientious and dedicated attitude that you apply to your work.

Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Sebastian B (5A) - For being a risk-taker when volunteering to sing in front of the class and for demonstrating a growing confidence in his music skills. Well done on showing such courage, Sebastian! 

Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Joy M (3B) - for being a risk-taker by making bold choices whilst painting his abstract circus. Well done Joy!

S T E M: Matt Dalton

Nicholas D (1C) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. He demonstrates enthusiasm and curiosity when learning about minibeasts. Well done Nicholas!

P.E: Jen Barresi

Samual A (4B) - For being an outstanding leader during P.E and showing fantastic listening, following instructions and looking after his team.  Thanks Samuel and GREAT WORK!

Week 8 Awards

PA - Anna Druitt

Chelsea C - For being an effective communicator and building up the confidence to participate in classroom discussions. Well done!

Lucy F - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing a sentence about the Three Little Pigs and drawing a fantastic picture to match. Well done Lucy! 

PC - Carla Tirotta

Jonathan V- For being an effective communicator by building up the confidence to answer questions during our whole class discussions. 

Monda M- For being a reflective learner when making changes to your pattern to make sure it is a correct 2-step colour pattern. 

1A - Enza La Rosa 

Thadeus M - for being a resilient learner and confidently using his knowledge of adjectives to improve his recount writing about specialist day. Well Done Thadeus!

Adam F - for being a risk taker and striving to improve his ability to use his count on and count back strategies in Maths. Well Done Adam!

1B - Matt Galea

Angelina L - for being an inquisitive learner by asking questions for clarification and deeper understanding.

Kobe M - for being a knowledgeable learner by sharing his understanding of his learning during small group work. 

1C - Natalie Donevska

David -  For being a knowledgeable and responsible learner, always contributing to class discussions, being focused in his learning and trying his best when completing a task. Well done!!! 

Maryjones - For being an effective communicator and a risk taker in her learning during show and tell, giving an in depth description about her best friend and offering to help others in the classroom. Well done!!

2A - Linda Odgers 

Biepatha A - For being an inquirer when reading, wondering which words to describe what happened in the story.

Aeyana C - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing what happened in the Hungry Caterpillar story.

2B - Ric Martin

Jack B - For being a risk taker during the excursion and asking excellent questions about the Glass House.

Zara H- For being an effective communicator and sharing her understanding of different minibeasts throughout our excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens.

2C - Dorothy Hall 

Liam D - For being an effective communicator by including relevant details to his recount about our Grade 2 Minibeast Hunt.

Nyakiir M - For being a risk taker and challenging herself to find different pairs of numbers that add to 50.

3A - Ella Nowak

Andre V-  For being a risk taker when writing his sizzling starts for his narrative, ensuring that he starts his narrative with something that grabs the reader's attention. Well done Andre!

Taylor M- For being an effective communicator and showing confidence when sharing during whole class discussions. Well done Taylor!

3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Kung Then T - for being a motivated and responsible learner by gathering his learning materials and completing a task in a timely manner. Well done Kung Then!

Nithatling H - for showing resilience in her learning and being a great communicator when sharing her knowledge about angles with her peers. Keep up the great work Nithatling!

3C - Joss Coaley 

Dawt T - for being an effective communicator and receiving feedback from her learning in a positive manner. You are always looking for ways to improve your learning. Congratulations!

Adau D - for being a reflective learner and for thinking of others before yourself. You have shown this through your reflections as part of your journal for Lent. Well done!

4A - Lavina Stewart

Jordan W - for being a resilient and committed learner when trying his best to identify his consonant sounds independently. Keep up the awesome work Jordan!

Charlotte T - For being persistent and confident in her learning when giving class tasks a go before asking for support. Well done Charlotte! 

4B - Thomas Pham

Ajak S - for being a risk-taker when he shared his understanding on the hour hand of an analogue clock and am/pm daily activities. Successful learning Ajak! 

Rayden V - for being a communicator and thinker when he made an inference about the meaning of the dove and the leaf in the story of Noah and the flood. Keep sharing your deep thinking Rayden! 

4C - Brittany Davidson

Zoe I-  for being a dedicated, responsible learner when she researched facts about the Great Barrier Reef to help her produce a very strong persuasive writing piece. Well done Zoe!

Carol M- for being a great communicator when sharing her opinions and thoughts in class discussions, and a responsible learner when reminding her peers of respectful behaviour. Keep it up Carol! 

5A - Katherine Salloum

Isabella A - For being a knowledgeable and risk-taking learner by offering her thoughts and ideas within whole-class discussions in both Literacy and Numeracy.  

Rayyaan N - for being a resilient and persistent learner within Mathematics.  Rayyaan has persisted with his understanding of various addition and subtraction strategies and implemented these when completing mathematical problems.  Great learning, Rayyaan!

5B - Shannon Betham

Deng D - For being a thoughtful and helpful member of the learning community, especially when organising the technology in our space. Keep up the great effort!

Rosemary E - For being open-minded and a risk-taker when tackling challenges in your learning. Your positive attitude and growth mindset is infectious!

5C - Malae Suaesi

Ulette L - For being a resilient learner and showing persistence to solve three digit numbers using algorithm addition and subtraction. 

Cung L - For being a reflective learner by asking the teacher for assistance when revising and editing his narrative, to further develop his ideas. 

6A - Annette Lee

Ashton: for being a resilient, enthusiastic camper and team member on the Year 6 camp. You demonstrated teamwork and a willingness to help and support your peers - well done!

Arturo: for being a risk taker on the Year 6 camp, demonstrating a willingness to give everything a go and by being respectful and considerate of the camp leaders and your peers - well done!

6B – Niamh Mulcahy

Lina M - for being a kind, respectful student. You take great responsibility for your learning! 

Mikaela G - for being resilient. You showed great character on camp getting involved in all the activities.

6C - Jane Huang

Arsema T - for being an active communicator by sharing her knowledge about how to use inferring skills through connecting the content to their prior knowledge.

Katya H - for being a reflective learner when using the teacher’s feedback to improve her first narrative writing draft. 

Specialist Awards 

Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

Jayden T (2B) - for being a thinker and a risk-taker in Japanese learning by showing his outstanding Japanese ability when recalling and applying language learning strategies. Keep it up!

Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Isabel W (5C) - For being an inquisitive and reflective learner when discussing music terms, notes and concepts, and for displaying all-round excellence in Performing Arts classes. Great effort, Isabel!

Visual Arts: Jake Moloney

Steven N (5C) for being a risk taker when manipulating rainbow wire to create a unique wire butterfly. Great thinking Steven!

P.E: Jen Barresi

A.J (Anitelea Junior) – for being consistently WONDERFUL in P.E.. It’s a pleasure to teach you every Thursday. You are a great example to others. Keep up the amazing effort A.J.


Term 1 Week 9


Term 1 Week 7