Term 1 Week 5
2024 Prep Enrolments Now Open
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
2024 Enrolment Referral Incentive
School Canteen News
Grade 6 Camp Drop Off & Pickup Arrangements
Fundraising Committee
Feast Day Change Of Date
PBL Update – A New Acknowledgement System
The Gospel Project – This Weekend’s Focus
Early Learning Languages Australia - ELLA
Resurrection Reading Challenge Is Back
Week 5 Student Awards
Term 1 Dates
Dear Parents, Students & Friends of Resurrection,
2024 Enrolment Referral Incentive
It has been fantastic to hear of how many of our families speak so highly of the school in regard to its learning and teaching program, the care and support provided to families and wellbeing shown to our students in helping to achieve their best.
As a result, many new families apply to attend our school. This year, we would like to acknowledge, through a referral system, those parents who have, through recommending our school to a new family that results in an enrolment, to receive a fee credit for their efforts.
How the referral incentive works:
If you have referred a new family to the school and as a result, that family enrols their child/ren and they remain at the school for the 2024 school year, your eldest child’s Curriculum Levy will be credited back to you for the 2025 school year. For every family you have referred, which results in an enrolment for the 2024 school year, a further credit of the same value of your eldest child will credited.
New families that have already applied for enrolment for 2024 have, this week, been contacted to verify if they had been referred to by a current family ensuring that the current family, through the promotion of the school, is recognised for their efforts. We have identified 4 families that have made referrals resulting in enrolments for 2024.
School Canteen News – Fun Fridays
An Operoo form has been sent out to all families with the cut off being next Monday. The purpose of this Operoo form is to provide parents with the opportunity to participate in developing a canteen menu and gauge the interest in providing such a service. We hope that as many parents as possible respond.
The next Canteen Committee will be held on Tuesday 7th March at 7.00pm.
Grade 6 Camp Drop Off & Pickup Arrangements
Next Monday, our Grade 6 students will be attending camp at PGL Campaspe Downs Kyneton.
To ensure that the drop off and pick up of students and medication occur in an organised manner, we would like to communicate the following important information regarding student medication and departure/arrival times.
We wish to thank the families who have taken up the opportunity to drop off medication today, instead of Monday, due to work commitments. A special thanks to Claudette Petruccelli and Paola Arredondo who have made themselves available to collect medication this Friday afternoon. It is great to see that all medication currently handed in is clearly labelled in a zip lock bag. All other medication must be handed in on Monday morning at the front of the hall.
We request that luggage is dropped at the front of the hall in class groups. There will be signs displayed for each class at the front of the hall to drop off luggage.
In regards to departure time from school, the bus will arrive at school on Monday 6th March at 9:45am for a 10:00am departure. A reminder that all students will need to be at school for the normal 8:40am start as they will engage in a pre-camp activity.
On Wednesday, the bus will depart from camp at approximately 1pm for a 2:30pm arrival at school.
We ask that parents collecting their child and using the school car park, please park at the back of the carpark. This ensures that if there is a delay in getting your child and their luggage (especially the luggage) along with collecting medication, you will not be holding up any one else parked in the carpark.
Please note that students will be collected at the normal time of 3:15pm.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Giving Of Ourselves Through Lent
It has been wonderful to see the generosity of our families in offering non-perishable items that can be distributed to those in need.
This small actions reflect the faith and values of our community. I wish to sincerely thank the families and students who presented the school communities offerings at last weekend’s Mass and to those families who will be undertaking this action in the coming weeks.
Fundraising Committee News
On Tuesday night, parents who have volunteered to participate in the Fundraising Committee met to plan activities for this term and begin planning for the next.
The use of the funds that will be raised is still to be decided, however the activities that have been planned for this term are the Easter Egg Raffle & a Hot Cross Bun Drive.
Change Of Date – Feast Day
In preparing this year’s school Feast Day, we have moved it from the last week of this term to the first week of Term 2. This will provide us with the opportunity to focus more on Holy Week with Resurrection Day occurring after the school holidays. The new date for our school’s Feast Day for this year is Thursday 27th April.
With every blessing to you and your family,
Des Noack
Grade 4 Students Proud Of Their PBL Cards
PBL Update – A New Acknowledgement System
This year we have introduced a new PBL reward system. You may have heard your child/ren sharing that they were given a PBL card at school and may be wondering what it is all about!
The new PBL cards are a way of the staff identifying and acknowledging students who are showing that they are being Respectful, Responsible or Resilient learners and how they are showing these values.
The following examples are some of the reasons that students might have earnt a PBL card.
· A student who is moving safely out of the learning space and onto the oval by walking could be given a card for being a Responsible learner.
· A student who is keeping their hands and feet to themselves could be given a card for being a Respectful learner.
· When faced with a learning task that seems challenging, a student who persists and challenges them self may be given a card for being a Resilient learner.
You may be thinking what do the students do with all these cards? Well, they are able to trade them in for a reward. The reward chart is shown below, please note that it is still in draft form for the entire 2023 school year.
There are smaller incentives for 10 cards like scratch and sniff stickers but also rewards for thing up to 100 cards for things like hot chips (with consent forms to be sent on Operoo).
We are looking forward to seeing who the first students will be to trade in their cards for a reward.
Mrs Jess Davis
Deputy Principal: Wellbeing & Community
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew 17:1-9
His face shone like the sun.
Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone. There in their presence he was transfigured; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light.
Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared to them; they were talking with him. Then Peter spoke to Jesus. ‘Lord,’ he said ‘it is wonderful for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ He was still speaking when suddenly a bright cloud covered them with shadow, and from the cloud there came a voice which said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.’ When they heard this, the disciples fell on their faces, overcome with fear. But Jesus came up and touched them. ‘Stand up,’ he said ‘do not be afraid.’ And when they raised their eyes they saw no one but only Jesus.
As they came down from the mountain Jesus gave them this order. ‘Tell no one about the vision until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.’
This year, we have introduced ELLA to support the teaching of Japanese to our Prep to Grade 2 students.
ELLA is a fun and easy digital language program that was initiated by the Australian Government to encourage more students to study language.
Education Services Australia (ESA) manages the delivery of ELLA on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education.
ELLA has already been successfully integrated into thousands of preschools across Australia and has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from families and educators.
In 2019-21, a trial was held to extend the ELLA program into schools for students in the early years of learning. As a result, we have been able to now participate and make the most of what this digital language program has to offer.
How does ELLA work?
ELLA introduces students to learning the Japanese language via interactive tablet apps, which have been developed in consultation with experts in languages, early childhood and technology. The Polyglots are a cast of characters who – through play-based learning – introduce the students to words, sentences and songs in Japanese. The apps draw on the interests and activities of our students, such as celebrations, cooking experiences, art activities, building and role-play. The ELLA apps are aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Languages for F–2.
As a result of your child utilising this digital technology, you can expect the following things:
· Your child will have the opportunity to use the apps on a tablet device at certain times while at the school.
· Your child’s teacher or another staff member will be present when the tablet device is being used in the classroom.
· Your child’s first name and a photo of an object that has meaning to them (eg a sketch of themselves or another piece of their artwork) may be added to the tablet devices as their personal login/ avatar. This information will only be accessed by the school and ESA, and will be deleted from the tablet devices at the end of the year.
· Usage data will be collected on the tablet devices during your child’s sessions and will be sent electronically to ESA periodically, where it will be stored securely. The data relating to your child will be de-identified; that is, particular data will not be linked to your child.
· Aggregate data, analytics and results from ELLA (none of which identify your child or their school) may be included in ESA and Australian Government reports. This de-identified data may be made publicly available and could be used to inform future government policy on early learning of languages in Australia.
Regarding online safety, the ELLA apps work within a closed system in the school – the apps are not available to the public and are not able to be used to communicate with anyone outside the school.
Privacy notice:
ESA and the Australian Government Department of Education respect the privacy of individuals, protect personal information and comply with relevant Australian privacy laws. In summary, we only collect personal information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, administering ELLA. We will only use personal information for the purposes for which we collected it or as otherwise allowed or required under law, and disclose personal information where we are allowed or required to do so under law.
We protect the privacy of your child and the security of their personal information, and when personal information is no longer required we destroy or delete it in a secure manner.
The ELLA privacy policy is available at www.ella.edu.au/privacy-policy. The complete privacy policies of ESA (www.esa.edu.au/contact-us/privacy) and the Australian Government Department of Education, (www.education.gov.au/ privacy-policy) provide more detail on the collection, storage, use and disclosure of the personal information that we may hold about your child and how you can access or seek to amend that information. If you have any queries about privacy, contact ESA at privacy@esa.edu.au; PO Box 177, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia 3053; or 03 9207 9600.
The Resurrection Reading Challenge is back for 2023!
What is the Reading Challenge?
It is a school-based competition between houses to see which house reads the most books over a two-week period.
Which books count?
Any and all books count. Any book that your child reads counts towards their house’s total.
What happens at school?
Your child simply needs to let their teacher know that they have read their book(s) and in return they receive a counter. They then place this counter into their house colours container ready to be counted!
How can I, as a parent, help?
Support your child by encouraging reading. Dedicate some time after school where there reading can take place. It can be at home on the couch, in the park or just before sleep. Whenever you do it, be present and attentive to the reading. Ask your child some questions about what they have read.
Why read?
The benefits of regular reading everyday are numerous. First and foremost, reading helps to improve concentration and focus, as it requires readers to actively engage with the text and pay attention to what they are reading. This helps to strengthen the mind and can even help to prevent cognitive decline in later years. Reading can also help to build vocabulary, as readers will encounter new words and be more likely to remember them. This is especially beneficial for primary school aged readers, as it can help them to develop a strong foundation for language learning.
Reading can help to broaden knowledge and understanding. As readers explore new topics, perspectives and ideas, they will be able to gain a greater understanding of the world around them. This can even help to inspire creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, reading regularly can help to encourage self-reflection and provide an opportunity for readers to explore their own values and beliefs.
Finally, regular reading can have a major impact on a person’s education and career. Reading can help to improve writing skills, as readers will be exposed to a variety of styles and techniques. Additionally, reading can help to increase knowledge in specific areas, which can be beneficial in a variety of professions. All in all, regular reading provides numerous benefits, and can be a great way to enrich both the mind and the future.
Classroom Awards
Week 5 Awards
PA - Anna Druitt
Khio B - For being a kind and caring student by helping others in the learning community. Fantastic work Khoi!
Magdalene H - For being a knowledgeable learner when identifying the sounds you can hear in CVC words. Keep up the great learning!
PC - Carla Tirotta
Eleanor C- For being a reflective learner and identifying different strategies you have used to help regulate your emotions when discussing the Zones of Regulation with the class.
Akot G- For being a knowledgeable learner when blending sounds together to identify what the word is each morning during Phonics sessions.
1A - Enza La Rosa
Miranda N - For applying her decoding strategies in reading and for being a respectful class member.
Oscar M - For being a resilient learner in his writing and for having a go in all that he does.
1B - Matt Galea
Xavier T - for being a caring member of the class by ensuring everyone feels safe and welcomed.
Anna V - for showing great thinking and communication skills to create an amazing story using pictures.
1C - Natalie Donevska
Mila M- For being a resilient learner, contributing to class discussions and using your initiative to help others in the classroom.
Cungbawilian L - for being a risk taker, contributing to class discussion and trying your best during learning time.
2A - Linda Odgers
Thiik D - For sounding out your words and effort in writing. You are doing a great job. Well done Thiik
Mila N - For writing interesting sentences about your day at school. Well done Mila
2B - Ric Martin
Amelie L - For being a risk taker, contributing to class discussions and trying new things in your learning.
Arthur P - For being a resilient learner, always trying your hardest in each task.
2C - Dorothy Hall
AJ A - For being an effective communicator when using words and pictures to sequence a story.
Isaac V - For being knowledgeable when sharing his understanding of three digit place value with the class.
3A - Ella Nowak
Parker C- For being a motivated student who consistently contributes to class discussion and shares his ideas. Great confidence Parker!
Noami L- For being a risk taker and challenging herself to order numbers up to 5 digits. Keep on challenging yourself Noami!
3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington
Lana M - for being a risk-taker and adding so much detail to her brainstorm about the book Feathers. It is great to see your confidence growing Lana!
Caleb T - for being a motivated learner and giving all learning experiences a red hot go! Keep up the amazing work Caleb.
3C - Joss Coaley
Ajok M - for being a motivated communicator and sharing her word knowledge with her classmates. Your excitement when sharing your knowledge is a joy to see!
Emily K - for being a caring problem solver in the classroom and helping your friends to share the fun in learning. Congratulations!
4A - Lavina Stewart
Madison M - for being a risk-taker by demonstrating her understanding of the expanded notation strategy. Awesome learning Madison!
Martin P - for being a responsible learner and asking for help when unsure of a given task. Keep up the great confidence Martin!
4B - Thomas Pham
Makur M - for being an inquirer when he asked for help to identify arguments for a specific theme in persuasive writing. Keep asking for help when you are unsure Makur!
Noah S - for being a caring and considerate learner and demonstrating good judgement in his decision making.
4C - Brittany Davidson
Jason S- for consistently demonstrating the PBL values of respect, responsibility and resilience in the classroom and the yard. Jason, you should be so proud of yourself!
Solomon M- For being a resilient learner when practising partitioning strategies and having a can do attitude towards learning in Maths. Well done Solomon!
5A - Katherine Salloum
Jayden P - for being a reflective and knowledgeable learner by sharing his knowledge about Lent within classroom discussions. Jayden has shown great dedication when completing his Lenten Journal and reflecting on his thoughts and beliefs about Lent.
Thien-Ann N - for being a caring and communicative member of 5A. Thien Ann confidently supported and accompanied her teacher during our school mass on Ash Wednesday.
5B - Shannon Betham
Vanceubik Z - For being an inquisitive and motivated learner when exploring skills and tips on how we can complete good research during our unit of inquiry. Keep up the fantastic effort, Vanceubik!
Chelsea-Jane S - For being a caring and responsible member of the class. You have been a fantastic teacher helper, and I am impressed by your efforts and contributions in each and every learning task. Well done!
5C - Malae Suaesi
Singopha L - For being a knowledgeable learner by accurately placing the correct benchmarks along a numberline. Great learning!
Isabel W - For being a reflective learner when considering how to use the You, Who, Do, Through structure when composing a prayer for our class Prayer Book.
6A - Annette Lee
Hung-Viet- for being a risk taker with his mathematical thinking. You were able to experiment with different ways of expanding numbers- well done!
Christina- being a principled learner by always being organised and ready to begin your tasks. You are a great role model for others. Well done!
6B - Niamh Mulcahy
Alarii - for being an autonomous learner and taking such great pride in your work. Keep up the great work!
Achai - for raising your hand to contribute to class discussions and sharing ideas with the class.
6C - Jane Huang
Phillip V - for being a responsible learner by working diligently to complete all learning activities to achieve a high standard.
Nyakir J - for being a risk taker by challenging herself to complete the number line activity and developing increasing confidence in learning.
Specialist Awards
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Ajak M (6C) - For being a thinker by tapping into his prior knowledge and then applying it to new Japanese language learning. Well done Ajak!
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Ruth Z (2A) - for being an excellent thinker when learning about pitch and where to place her voice while singing during Performing Arts class. Well done Ruth on an excellent start to your music learning!
Visual Arts: Jake Moloney
Anna V (1B) - For being an excellent problem solver when using her knowledge of warm colours to create a silhouette. Great thinking Anna!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Jeremy T (5B) - For being an effective communicator as demonstrated by his willingness to share his ideas and knowledge during STEM learning. Well done Jeremy!
P.E: Jen Barresi
Eleanor C (Prep C)- For being a fantastic leader in P.E and showing ‘Whole Body Listening’.
Tuesday 21/03
Week 8 continued
● Parent Support Group Meetings
● Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Wednesday 22/03
● Parent Support Group Meetings
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
● Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23/03
● Parent Support Group Meetings
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
● Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo
Friday 24/03
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
● Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Prep
Saturday 25/03
● The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Sunday 26/03
● 5th Sunday of Lent
Week 9
Monday 27/03
● Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
● Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 28/03
Wednesday 29/03
● Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 30/03
Friday 31/03
Saturday 01/04
Sunday 02/04
● Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Week 10
Monday 03/04
● Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
● Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 04/04
● Saint Isidore
Wednesday 05/04
● Saint Vincent Ferrer
● Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 06/04
● Whole School Mass
● Last Day of Term 1
● Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Week 6
Monday 06/03
● Student House Activity Day (Clean Up Australia Day)
● Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
● Grade 6 Camp – Kyneton
● Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 07/03
● Saints Perpetua and Felicity
● Canteen Committee Meeting 7.00pm
● Grade 6 Camp - Kyneton
Wednesday 08/03
● Instalment 1 - Family Fee & Student Levy Payment Due
● Saint John of God
● Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
● Grade 6 Camp - Kyneton
Thursday 09/03
Friday 10/03
● Junior Level Mass followed by parent morning tea
● Staff Social Event
● Walk Safely To School Day
Sunday 12/03
● 3rd Sunday of Lent
Week 7
Monday 13/03
● Labour Day – School Closure
● Evidenced based Assessment & Moderation Week
● Catholic Education Week
Tuesday 14/03
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
● Parent Support Group Meetings
● Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday 15/03
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
● Parent Support Group Meetings
● Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 16/03
● Parent Support Group Meetings
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Friday 17/03
● Solemnity of Saint Patrick (Dress In Green)
● (Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral)
Saturday 18/03
Sunday 19/03
● 4th Sunday of Lent
Week 8
Monday 20/03
● NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
● Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
● Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
● Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm