Term 3 Week 8 of 10

Friday, 6th September 2024

Message From the Principal

Dear parents/carers,

Just a reminder that over the last two weeks of this term, I will be on a pilgrimage with around 20 other Principals in our network. I look forward to sharing my new learning about the journey and writings of St Paul and how this led to the development of the early Christian Church and the church of today. Jess Davis will be Acting Principal during this time.

As you are aware, the weather has been terrible lately, especially the wind! Our Junior School Sports (Yr P-2) has been postponed and will now be on Monday September 9 between 11.30am and 1pm. Parents are still warmly invited. We have also kept the students inside during these times of wind gusts to ensure their safety.

I wish you and your families a happy and safe break and see you all in Term 3.

Best wishes


Deputy Principal: Wellbeing & Community

There are so many wonderful things happening in our community at the moment! Often when we are so busy we don’t get the opportunity to stop and be present and mindful in what we are doing. At Resurrection we partner with The Resilience Project. As part of our work with The Resilience Project our students learn about the three ideas of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (known as GEM). Today we are going to unpack Mindfulness a little more:

“Working on mindfulness gives us opportunities to develop our ability to pay attention to the present moment and our thoughts. Practising mindfulness daily can help us stay focused on set tasks and reduce stress and anxiety.” TRP 2024

Whole Family Activity: Mindful Walk

● As a family, go on a walk outside in nature. This might be around your local walking track, at your local park, or just around your streets.

● While walking, tune into your senses and observe what you can see, hear, and feel. Or you might choose to focus on one of the senses. Eg: Hear: what are all the noises you can hear on your walk?

● On your way home or when you return home, share what each person saw, heard, or felt.

Or you might like to try the Family Mindful Breathing activity listed below


Mindfulness activities help us to be present in the moment and often create a feeling of calm. We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time. This includes meditation, colouring in and flow states.

Deputy Principal:
Wellbeing & Community


Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation

RESCHEDULED! P-2 Tabloid Sports & Hats

Due to the high winds and inclement weather on Monday, our P-2 Tabloid Sports event has been rescheduled for Week 9 Monday 9th September during Sessions 3 and 4.

A reminder to families that as the weather begins to get warmer, it is a good idea to start bringing back school hats. This will also be a very easy way for students and staff to identify which house they belong to as they work their way through some fun activities and events! P-2 students should wear their sports uniform on this day!


A reminder that the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) will be happening Monday 2 September – Friday 20 September 2024. Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is traveling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress as effective school communities and is backed by evidence-based research and best practices.

If you have randomly been selected, received a call and an email with a unique code that your feedback is greatly appreciated and that you have until Friday 20th September to complete the survey!

Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation


Tickets Available NOW!!!



This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Mark(7: 31-37) 

He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.

Returning from the district of Tyre, Jesus went by way of Sidon towards the sea of Galilee, right through the Decapolis region. And they brought him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they asked him to lay his hand on him. He took him aside in private, away from the crowd, put his fingers into the man’s ears and touched his tongue with spittle. Then looking up to heaven he sighed; and he said to him, ‘Ephphatha,’ that is, ‘Be opened.’ And his ears were opened, and the ligament of his tongue was loosened and he spoke clearly. And Jesus ordered them to tell no one about it, but the more he insisted, the more widely they published it. Their admiration was unbounded. ‘He has done all things well,’ they said ‘he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.’


Gospel Reflection

Strangely, this week’s gospel about the healing of a man who was deaf and dumb is less about healing than it is about Jesus being the Messiah. The theme is set up in the first reading when the prophet, Isaiah, describes the signs by which the coming of the Messiah will be recognised: the blind will see; the deaf will hear; the lame will leap; and the dumb will speak. When Jesus healed the man in the gospel story the crowd were admiring of what he had done. They even exclaimed, ‘he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.’ These words are a direct echo of the Isaiah text – they were recognising Jesus as fulfilling the prophecies of the promised Messiah.

However, the passage also demonstrates to us that Jesus was trying to show the people that he was not exactly the Messiah that many of them were anticipating. This healing story takes place in the region of The Decapolis – south-east of the Galilee region and populated mostly by Gentiles. By travelling in this area and working miraculous healings, Jesus is making the point that his mission is to all people, not just ‘the Chosen People’ of Israel. He commands the crowd who witnessed the healing to tell no one about it but, filled with the idea that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for, they broadcast the news. Jesus wanted their silence because he knew that they did not fully understand the sort of Messiah that he was. Only when they understood that this Messiah must suffer and die would he have allowed them to speak of his deeds.

Gospel Focus - Ephphatha

The healing that Jesus works in this passage is perhaps one of the most ‘physical’ of his healing actions. He puts his fingers in the man’s ears and places spittle on his tongue. It is an incredibly intimate contact with a complete stranger and someone regarded as outcast and unclean because of his disabilities. When Jesus speaks the word of healing, Ephphatha (‘Be opened’), he appears to be speaking not only to the man but to all those listening. Be open to the possibility of embracing those you have cast out; be open to a different understanding of Messiah.

Scriptural Context - Isaiah’s Prophecy

All three synoptic gospel writers were at pains to demonstrate that Jesus was the fulfilment of the prophecies of the scriptures. This reference to Isaiah’s prophecy appears in all three synopticgospels.

It is perhaps most familiar in the context of the Gospel of Luke, where the gospel writer actually combines it with a different passage from Isaiah and portrays Jesus as reading it in the synagogue as an announcement of his mission (Lk 4: 16-21). It is good to have the Isaiah text as the first reading this week and then see the way it is referred to in the gospel of the day.

Living the Gospel - Open to compassion

When Isaiah described the signs by which the Messiah would be recognised, he identified those people who were isolated from society by their physical afflictions. He portrayed a Messiah who released them from those afflictions and allowed them to re-enter society. That is what Jesus did time and time again. In the healing of the deaf and dumb man, Jesus called on all those around him to also be opened – that their hearts may be opened to compassion. Jesus calls to us through today’s gospel to also be open to compassion and open to the needs of those around us.

Communion to the Sick and Homebound

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay people who share the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ with the faithful. They perform an important role in the life of the Catholic Church especially, for those who are unable to attend the weekly Mass with the whole community because of ill health or frailty.

This ministry is becoming more significant in our parish because of the growing number of parishioners who are house bound. If you would like to be part of this ministry, please contact Fr Gerard for more information on 7064 3920.

Resurrection Maltese Community

Invites everyone to The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Celebrated by Fr Gerard on Sunday 6th October at the 10.30am Mass. Mass will begin with the procession of Our Lady and after communion all the children will be invited to process down and place a flower at the statue of Our Lady. After Mass there will be some light lunch for all to share and some traditional dancing.


Grade 3 Camp Reflections

The Year 3 students are still buzzing after their Camp Week away experience on the 12th and 13th August. The students in 3C provided their Top 4 Memories of their first Camp. We are just finalising the Camp Photo Slideshow, which will be sent to Year 3 families via Seesaw before the end of term!


Student of the Week Awards 

Week 8

Prep A

Lessa Walsh

Angok D - For working with enthusiasm and skill when completing his shark diorama. Well done Angok!

Prep B

Jacinta Polh

Daniel P - For being a responsible learner when listening to and following instructions. Keep up the amazing effort, Daniel!

Prep C
Carla Tirotta

William Z - For being a responsible learner in Prep C and always demonstrating whole body listening, Keep up the fantastic effort.

One B

Jan Kaz for Matt Galea

Jonathan T - For continually making positive choices in the classroom to focus on his learning.

One C

Thomas Pham

Isak SBC - For being helpful when he shared his idea about a 1C classroom goal for the rest of the Term. Well done Isak!

Two A

Belinda Collins 

Sahasrith R - For writing an interesting narrative about Sonic the Hedgehog which included paragraphs and speech. Keep up the great work Sahasrith!!

Two B

Liz Micallef

Xavier T - For following all instructions, being focussed and always concentrating on your learning.  You are a very eager learner who contributes to classroom discussions and asks questions when needed.  Keep up the good learning Xavier.

Two C

Dorothy Hall

Isaac Z - For being a resilient and reflective learner when taking on teacher feedback to improve his writing.

Three A
Ella Nowak 

Thiik D - For being a risk-taker in his learning when showing multiple ways to represent dollar values. Keep it up Thiik!

Three B
Kurt Caguin


Luca M - For taking on our Matilda unit with eagerness and anticipation, expanding his vocabulary and listening for the sounds to spell new words. Well done Luca!

Four A
Natalie Donevska

Ebenezer H - For being an active listener in the classroom by asking lots of questions to clarify his thinking and for being an inquirer in all learning areas. Keep up the amazing effort!

Four B
Enza La Rosa

Isaac M - For being an enthusiastic learner and demonstrating a positive attitude in religion by sharing his knowledge about catholic heroes and for showing kindness to his peers. Well done Isaac!

Four C
Georgia Tankey

Jessica R - For being a resilient learner during her numeracy lessons when identifying and counting fractions. Great work Jessica!

Five A

Lavina Stewart

Madison M - For showing a resilient attitude when attempting to add mixed numerals during Maths. Keep up the awesome learning Madison!

Five B
Malae Suaesi  

Simone D - For being a risk- taker when sharing and reflecting on the story War Horse during literacy tasks. Well done!

Five C
Rosie Nojdek

Bie Phatu A - For enthusiastic participation in maths and eagerness to take on any mathematical challenge.

Six A

Katherine Salloum

Alexandra Z - For being a responsible learner by asking the teacher for assistance when constructing her narrative using specific literary devices.

Six B
Lena Aloi

Kim N - For being a responsible learner and always bringing her reading journal to school each Friday. Well done!

Six C
Jake Moloney

Narean N - For showcasing his inquisitive learner skills when exploring Saints for Confirmation. Well done Narean!

Yumiko Aiki

Isabel W (6B) - For being a responsible learner in her Japanese studies and showing a positive attitude towards completing tasks. Keep striving to do your best Isabel!

Performing Arts: 
Jody Banks

Tyesse P (6C) - For her excellent acting and dancing skills during production rehearsals and for consistently demonstrating a positive attitude when receiving feedback. Keep up the fantastic performance skills Tyesse!

Visual Arts: 
Emma Lyons-Pell & Tosh Kaan

Hugo Otsuka (PC) - For being a responsible learner in Visual Art sessions and always showing a positive attitude when attempting new art skills. Keep up the great work Hugo!

S T E M: 

Matt Dalton

Kevin N - (5A) - For demonstrating patience and resilience while constructing his aircraft. Well done Kevin!



Week 9

Monday - 9/09

Saint Peter Claver 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Tuesday - 10/09

Parent Support Group Meetings

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Wednesday - 11/09 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)

Thursday - 12/09

The Most Holy Name of Mary 

Parent Support Group Meetings

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep

Friday - 13/09

Saint John Chrysostom 

Saturday - 14/09

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 

Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm  

Sunday - 15/09

24th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 10

Monday - 16/09

Saints Cornelius and Cyprian 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 17/09

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Wednesday - 18/09 

Senior School Production 

No Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Thursday - 19/09

Saint Januarius 

Senior School Production

Friday -  20/09

Whole School Mass 9.00am

Last Day of Term 3

Footy Colours Day

Dismissal Time 3.15pm

Saturday - 21/09

Saint Matthew 

Sunday -  22/09

25th Sunday In Ordinary Time


Week 1

Monday - 07/10

Our Lady of the Rosary 

Students Return To School

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 08/10

Wednesday - 9/10

Saints Denis and companions 

Saint John Leonardi

Grade 6 Interrelate Program (1of 3)

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 10/10

Friday - 11/10

Saint John XXIII 

Saturday - 12/10

Sunday - 13/10

28th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Year 5/6 Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 2

Monday - 14/10

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Swimming Program Prep & Junior 

Saint Callistus I 

Tuesday - 15/10

Saint Teresa of Jesus

Swimming Program Prep & Junior 

Wednesday - 16/10

Saint Hedwig

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Swimming Program Prep & Junior 

Thursday - 17/10

Saint Ignatius of Antioch 

Grade 6 Interrelate Program (2 of 3)

Emergency Displan Practice

Swimming Program Prep

Friday - 18/10

Saint Luke 

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 5/6 

Swimming Program Junior 

Saturday - 19/10

Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues 

Saint Paul of the Cross 

Sunday - 20/10

29th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Year Prep Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 3

Monday - 21/10

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

 Swimming Program Prep & Junio

Tuesday - 22/10

Saint John Paul II

Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Swimming Program Prep & Junior 

Wednesday - 23/10

Saint John of Capistrano 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Swimming Program Prep & Junior 

Thursday - 24/10

Saint Anthony Mary Claret 

Grade 6 Interrelate Program (3 of 3)

Swimming Program Prep 

Friday - 25/10

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep

Swimming Program Junior

Saturday - 26/10

Sunday - 27/10

30th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 4

Monday - 28/10

Saints Simon and Jude 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 29/10

Wednesday - 30/10

Grade 5 Interrelate Program (1 of 3)

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm 

Thursday - 31/10

Friday - 1/11

All Saints 

Saturday - 2/11

The Commemoration Of All The Faithful Departed 

Sunday - 3/11

31st Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 5

Monday - 4/11

Saint Charles Borromeo 

School Closure Day 

Tuesday - 5/11

Melbourne Cup Day – Public Holiday 

Wednesday - 6/11

Grade 5 Interrelate Program (2 of 3)

Semper Dental Van

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 7/11

Semper Dental Van

Friday - 8/11

Semper Dental Van

Saturday - 9/11

Sunday - 10/11

32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time

Year 1/2 Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 6

Monday - 11/11

Saint Martin of Tours 

Remembrance Day

Exec Team 9.30 – 10.30am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 12/11

Saint Josaphat

Wednesday - 13/11

Grade 5 Interrelate Program (3 of 3)

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 14/11

Friday - 15/11

Saint Albert the Great 

2025 Prep Transition Session 1

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 1/2

Saturday - 16/11

Saint Gertrude

Saint Margaret of Scotland

Sunday - 17/11

33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

Week 7

Monday - 18/11

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 19/11

Wednesday - 20/11

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 21/11

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Friday - 22/11

Saint Cecilia

2025 Prep Transition Session 2 

Saturday - 23/11

Sunday - 24/11

Solemnity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe  

Year 3/4 Sunday Family Mass  10:30am

Week 8

Monday - 25/11

Saint Catherine of Alexandria 

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 26/11

Parent Support Group Meetings

Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Wednesday - 27/11

Parent Support Group Meetings

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday - 28/11

Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday - 29/11

2025 Prep Transition Session 3

Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 3/4

Saturday - 30/11

Saint Andrew

Sunday - 1/12

1st Sunday Of Advent

Week 9

Monday - 2/12

2025 Student Transition Day 1 (Prep – Grade 5’s)

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 3/12

Saint Francis Xavier 

Parent Support Group Meetings

Wednesday - 4/12

Saint John Damascene 

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Grade 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill (Ballarat)

Thursday - 5/12

Parent Support Group Meetings

Grade 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill (Ballarat)

Friday - 6/12

Saint Nicholas

2025 Prep Transition Session 4

Grade 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill (Ballarat)

Reports due to leadership

Saturday - 7/12

Saint Ambrose

Sunday - 8/12

2nd Sunday Of Advent

Week 10

Monday - 9/12

The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 

2025 Student Transition Day 2 (Prep – Grade 5s)

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Whole School Assembly 2.30pm 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday - 10/12

Our Lady of Loreto

Wednesday - 11/12

Saint Damasus I

Carols By Candlelight 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Report changes completed

Thursday - 12/12

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Friday - 13/12

Grade 6 Big Day Out

2025 Prep Transition Session 5

Saint Lucy 

Saturday - 14/12

Saint John of the Cross

Sunday - 15/12

3rd Sunday of Advent 

Week 11

Monday - 16/12

Grade 6 Graduation Liturgy & Presentation Night 6.00pm

Reports sent out

Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am 

Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30 pm

Tuesday - 17/12

Whole School Mass 9.00am

End of Year Award Ceremony

Last Day Of Term (3.15pm Finish)

Wednesday - 18/12

School Closure Day - Handover Day

Thursday - 19/12

School Closure Day - End of Year Staff Lunch

Friday - 20/12

School Closure - Time in Lieu Day 

Saturday - 21/12

Sunday - 22/12

4th Sunday of Advent 


Term 3 Week 9 of 10


Term 3 Week 7 of 10