Term 1 Week 2 of 10
Friday, 7th February 2025
Message from the Principal
Dear parents and carers,
On Sunday 23rd of February, Resurrection Parish will be celebrating a Welcome Mass at 10:30am
for all families at Resurrection. It’s designed to be a big welcome to our Prep and new families but
also a beginning of year Mass for all our students and families. It symbolizes the strong
relationship between the parish and our school.
After Mass, you are all invited to celebrate with a sausage sizzle along with fr Gerard, our school staff and
our parishioners. Looking forward to seeing you there.
I'm really excited about my second year at our wonderful school. Last year gave me many opportunities
for myself and our team to make some changes and plan for the continuous improvement of our school.
During 2025 we will be focussing on improving an already really good school by
Continuing to be a school that learns, celebrates and lives out our faith with our Parish.
Continuing to improve our Resurrection Way of teaching our students in English and Maths by professional development for our staff, learning the latest theories such as “The Science of Learning” and ensuring our students get a curriculum that meets their needs.
Having a major focus on reading in our school and ensuring that all students get support through intervention programs by giving more time and resources to reading.
Working on our Inquiry Learning to ensure our students understand the world they live in which will help them build their comprehension skills.
Improving the ways we collect assessment about our children to ensure we know exactly where and how to support them.
To continue and improve the work of Positive behaviour for Learning (PBL) to ensure students are respectful, resilient and responsible to all members of our community
I will address these areas in greater detail in future newsletters.
Best wishes,
Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation
Weclome to Preps
A very big welcome to our Prep students who began their primary schooling journey on Monday this week. It has been a very big week for our newest Resurrection students in Prep! It was fantastic to meet so many families and see how well the students have settled into their new learning environment as they begin to build relationships with their peers and teachers.
Prep families - If you have not done so already, please secure your booking for your child to attend one of the testing sessions scheduled each Wednesday by speaking to your child’s teacher or our office staff at front reception. A reminder that you only need to book in for one session. This is a perfect opportunity for your child to familiarise themselves with their teacher, learning support staff and their new learning environment!
Week 3 - Parent Teacher Interviews
A reminder that bookings for our first Parent Teacher Interviews scheduled for Thursday 13th February
are now open! Head to the link: https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/jaqga or scan the QR code to book a time to see your child’s teacher. Bookings will close on Tuesday 11th at 3:30pm.
Please note: All students will finish at 12pm on Thursday 13th February.
5C interviews will take place on Wednesday 26th of February.
Parent Helper Training Program
We greatly value the partnership between parents and staff, and any extra help is always appreciated.
Fortunately, many parents genuinely want to visit the classroom in the mornings and assist with the learning program. To support this, and to maintain the quality of teaching and learning, we are introducing a Classroom Parent Helpers Training Program.
This course will cover ways parents can help in the classroom by working with small groups of children and serving as learning role models. It also ensures that parents are educated on the correct protocols when working with students, such as maintaining child safety, making fair judgments about other children, and upholding confidentiality.
For the benefit of all children in the classroom, younger siblings should not be present during training sessions.
Training will be available at the following times. Please note that you only need to attend one session:
Tuesday, February 12th at 9:00 am or 2:30 pm
Thursday, February 15th at 9:00 am or 2:30 pm
All sessions will be held in the staff room, facilitated by Ms Marie D’Orazio (Wellbeing, Child Safety and Community Leader) & Mrs Veronica Kulkewycz (Learning Diversity Leader). Please check in with the office staff upon arrival for your session.
Want to help but can commit to times during the school day?
We have a large amount of new books that have arrived that need to be contacted (covered)! If you are able to assist with this, please email the office staff and we will organise some items to be collected from the office.
Term 1 - Summer Uniform & Hats Required!
A friendly reminder that all children must be wearing their summer uniform during Term 1. It has been extremely warm of late so keeping cool is important. All children must be wearing their school hat during break times and outdoor activities. Children will be asked to remain in shaded areas if they do not have their hat to keep out of the sun.
School Advisory Council & School Parent Committee (SAC)
The School Advisory Council (SAC) will reconvene on Wednesday 19th February at 7:00pm in the school’s staff planning room. The primary focus of the SAC for this year is to build community connectivity and engagement. We would love to see a true representation of our community. Parents wishing to participate in the School Advisory Council this year are asked to please contact the office via email office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au
Take care and God bless,
Wellbeing, Child Safety & Community Leader
The first week has gone by and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone for being so FRIENDLY and WELCOMING. As a newcomer, I am so impressed with the ‘Resurrection Way’. The school runs so smoothly and has wonderful processes and structures in place that ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing that allows students to reach their optimum. The care displayed for your child/ren by every staff member is exceptional.
This week I would like to share with you my roles and what they mean for you and the school community.
Student Wellbeing Child Safety Community Partnerships
Student wellbeing:
While every member of staff is responsible for the wellbeing of all students, my role is to oversee it in the school. Our aim is to ensure your child/ren are happy, feel safe and are socially connected. Getting to know each and every student is our goal as it helps us know how to motivate and inspire them. When students feel good about themselves and have good behaviour / emotion regulation…they are ready to learn.
Child Safety:
There are Child Safe Standards that require all schools to have policies, procedures and practices in place. We are committed to being a child safe school and have zero tolerance for child abuse. It is expected that all staff members complete a Mandatory Reporting module every year and successful completion must occur. All children are valued members of our community and have the right to be and feel safe.
Community Partnerships:
Research has shown for years that children are more likely to reach their full potential in life when the family and school work together. Building a healthy and positive relationship between home and school is imperative. Look out for opportunities to get involved; e.g. meetings, workshops, events, and special occasions. We value the diversity and richness of our community and aim to create an inclusive school community where families feel like they belong, have a voice and work in partnership with the school.
This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 5:1-11
They left everything and following him.
Jesus was standing one day by the lake of Gennesaret, with the crowd pressing round him listening to the word of God, when he caught sight of two boats close to the bank. The fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats – it was Simon’s – and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.’ ‘Master,’ Simon replied ‘we worked hard all night long and caught nothing, but if you say so, I will pay out the nets.’ And when they had done this they netted such a huge number of fish that their nets began to tear, so they signalled to their companions in the other boat to come and help them; when these came, they filled the two boats to sinking point.
When Simon Peter saw this he fell at the knees of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me Lord; I am a sinful man.’ For he and all his companions were completely overcome by the catch they had made; so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon’s partners. But Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.’ Then, bringing their boats back to land, they left everything and followed him.
Gospel Reflection
The theme that comes through this week’s readings is one of ‘being called’. The first reading is the call of the prophet Isaiah (Is 6:1-8). Isaiah experiences a vision of the glory of God and is humbly reminded of his own deficiencies: he believes himself to be ‘a man of unclean lips’. As such, he is certainly unfit to speak on behalf of God as his unclean lips would taint whatever message he may speak. But his lips are cleansed by God who then asks, ‘Whom shall I send?’ Demonstrating a complete conversion of heart and mind, Isaiah immediately replies, ‘Here I am, send me!’
This first reading provides a perfect balance to the gospel. Jesus is being closely pressed by the crowd when he asks a nearby fisherman to take him just off shore to preach without being overwhelmed by the crowd. Seemingly at random, he has selected the boat of the fisherman Peter. Having finished preaching for the day, Jesus tells Peter to set out into deeper water and pay out his fishing nets. Peter is certainly not keen on the idea! Out of some interest or good nature he had agreed to allow this preacher to use his boat for a while, but now this country bumpkin is trying to tell him how to fish! Just to prove Jesus wrong, Peter agrees to go through the futile exercise and is overwhelmed by the enormous catch of fish. Like Isaiah in the first reading, Peter is suddenly acutely aware of his own deficiencies – ‘Leave me Lord; I am a sinful man’. Like Isaiah, he recognises that he has just seen the glory of God revealed and he feels unworthy to be part of the experience. But Jesus reassures him, ‘Do not be afraid,’ and calls Peter to follow.
Scriptural context - The Call of the disciples
In the other two synoptic gospels – Matthew and Mark – the call of the disciples is one of the first recorded actions of Jesus’ adult life. Luke, on the other hand, delays the call until after Jesus’ public ministry has commenced. By this stage of the gospel, Jesus has made a public declaration about the nature of his ministry and begun to enact it. In this way, the sort of ministry Jesus will undertake is already established when the disciples are called to join it. It becomes a more conscious decision by the disciples – they know what they’re getting in to!
Have you thought? - Do not be afraid
When Peter is overcome by the catch of fish and falls on his knees before Jesus, the response Jesus makes is to simply say, ‘Do not be afraid’. This phrase is the most often repeated phrase in the Bible. It appears more than 60 times throughout the Bible – depending on which translation one uses. This is an extraordinary number of times for the one phrase to appear. And the references stretch from the first book, Genesis, to the last, Revelation. It is God’s message to us echoing throughout the Bible: Do not be afraid!
Living the Gospel - Hearing the call
Like Isaiah and Peter, each and every one of us is called. It may not happen through Jesus stepping into our boat, but when we quieten our minds and our hearts enough to really listen, we become aware that God truly is calling to each and every one of us. The call comes to us through our friends; our experiences; our hopes and our fears. Sometimes we are so afraid of hearing the call that we fill our lives with noise and distractions. We fear that the call will involve hardship, or at the very least: unpopularity. But that’s no excuse!
Sacramental Launch
Journeying with Jesus –
At Resurrection Parish our program is designed to support, encourage & challenge you in your role as the first educators of your child/ren in the ways of faith. To that end a commitment is asked of you.
You are invited to attend ONE Sacramental information session:
• Saturday 22nd February 2025, after the 6pm Mass
• Sunday 23rd February 2025, after the10.30am Mass
• Saturday 1st March 2025, after the 6pm Mass
• Sunday 2nd March 2025, after the 10.30am Mass
Children Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy is held every week during the school term at the 9am Mass on Sunday. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping led the liturgy.
A WWCC card will be required for those over the age of 18. For more information, please contact Megan on 0401 477 879.
Week 4
Monday -17/2
2026 Prep Enrolments Open
Years 3-6 Assembly at 2:30pm - student of the weekawards begin and parents invited
Tuesday - 18/2
Parent Helper Training 9am 2:30pm (Legal & Classroom Support)
Wednesday - 19/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Advisory Council Formation (SAC) 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Thursday - 20/2
Friday - 21/2
Senior School Year Level Mass 9am
Saturday - 22/2
Sacramental Launch & Family Mass (6pm)
Sunday - 23/2
School Parish - Family Mass and welcome BBQ for Prep & staff blessing at 10:30am
Sacramental Launch (10:30am)
Week 3
Monday - 10/2
Prep - Year 2 Assembly - No awards and parents not to attend.
Tuesday - 11/2
Parent Helper Training 9am & 2.30pm (Legal & Classroom Support)
Wednesday - 12/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Thursday - 13/2
Parent Teacher Conversations 12.45pm to 8pm (12pm finish for staff)
Friday - 14/2
Saturday - 15/2
Sunday - 16/2
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 6
Monday -3/3
Prep - Year 2 Assembly - student of the week awards begin
Tuesday - 4/3
Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday - 5/3
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Ash Wednesday (Whole School Mass at 9am)
Thursday - 6/3
Friday - 7/3
Saturday - 8/3
Sunday - 9/3
First Sunday in Lent
Week 8
Monday - 17/3
Years 3-6 Assembly at 2:30pm
Tuesday - 18/3
Wednesday - 19/3
Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs
Thursday - 20/3
Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs
Year 5 Interrelate program session 2 of 3
Year Prep Level Mass 9am
Friday - 21/3
Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs
Saturday - 22/3
Sunday - 23/3
First Sunday in Lent
Week 10
Monday - 31/3
Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival
No Assembly today due to the Athletics Carnival
Tuesday - 1/4
Wednesday - 2/4
Feast day of St Pedro Calungsod (Class prayer and activities in classrooms)
Thursday - 3/4
Whole School: Year 5 - Stations of the Cross in Session 5
Friday - 4/4
End of Term Whole School Mass at 9am
Last Day of Term 1 - Students finish at 3.15pm
Saturday - 5/4
Sunday - 6/4
First Sunday in Lent
Week 5
Monday -24/2
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Resurrection Way PD
Tuesday - 25/2
Wednesday - 26/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Open Night for 2026 at 7pm
Thursday - 27/2
Friday - 28/2
School Open Day for 2026 at 9:30am
Saturday - 1/3
Sacramental Launch (10:30am and 6pm)
Sunday - 2/3
Sacramental Launch (10:30am and 6pm)
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 7
Monday -10/3
School Closure: Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday - 11/3
Wednesday - 12/3
First Wednesday for Prep students
School Advisory Council (SAC) at 7pm
Thursday - 13/3
Friday - 14/3
Saturday - 15/3
Sunday - 16/3
Second Sunday in Lent
Week 9
Monday - 24/3
Prep - Year 2 Assembly at 2.30pm
Tuesday - 25/3
Wednesday - 26/3
Thursday - 27/3
Year 5 Interrelate program session 3 of 3
Friday - 28/3
Middle School Year Level Mass 9am (Reconciliation focus) Reconciliation Grade 4
Saturday - 29/3
Sunday - 30/3
Fourth Sunday of Lent