Term 1 Week 1 of 10
Friday, 30th January 2025
Message from the Principal
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome back to the 2025 school year. A special welcome to our new Prep families and families
new to us in other Year levels. It is with great excitement that we begin the 2025 school year with
a sense of passion about meeting the educational and wellbeing needs of your children.
We look forward to working with you in genuine partnership in living out our school vision
This vision inspires us to be a school of faith and community that lives out the gospel values of faith, love and hope by the care we provide our students and the way we cater for our students' individual needs.
Meeting the needs of our students is something that I am passionate about as a principal. I have a burning passion to ensure all of our programs help our students to improve, have a love of learning and have their needs met, igniting a spark that leads them to meeting their full potential.
Later in the newsletter, we have all of the Term One dates listed for you. You will notice that there is a change in the way we are doing assemblies. We are alternating between a Prep to year 2 and a Year 3 to Year 6 assembly. This will allow us to create an extra learning space to have an extra reading lesson and tailor our assemblies to suit Junior and Seniors. Parents are most welcome to assemblies.
There is also some other important dates to be highlighted
● Thursday 13/2/2025 - School finishing at 12pm for parent/ teacher interviews
● Sunday 23/2/2025- Parish/School Mass for all families with a big welcome to our Prep families -10.30 am
● Monday 24/2/2025- School Closed- Teacher Professional Development
Best wishes,
Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation
Weclome to the 2025 School Year
A very warm welcome back to the 2025 school year to all of our families. I trust that you have enjoyed your break and spent some time with your loved ones. We are so happy to see many smiles around the school grounds, as friends and staff are reunited to embark on the new academic year. We have some fantastic things planned for all of our learners this year and can’t wait to watch all of our students grow and flourish this year.
Prep Students Begin
We welcome our littlest learners in Prep on their first day on Monday 3rd February. A friendly reminder that our Prep students will not have regular school days on Wednesdays until Week 7 - their first Wednesday will be on 12th March.
We invite and encourage our Prep families to please book in for testing sessions allocated on Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February and 5th March. Students only need to book in for one slot throughout these days. This is a great opportunity for the students and teachers to get to know each other and for students to begin to build relationships with their peers.
Please scan the QR to secure your booking.
Then select your child’s teacher and a suitable time:
Prep A - Miss Olivia Duvcevski
Prep B - Mr Kurt Caguin
Prep C - Mrs Carla Krsticevic (Tirotta)
Such exciting times ahead for our Prep students!
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our first meet and greet Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday 13th February. On this day, students will finish their school day at 12pm. Interviews will take place between 12:45pm and 8pm.
Please note: Year 5C interviews will take place on Wednesday 26th February from 1pm to 8pm.
These interviews are a perfect opportunity for you to meet your child’s classroom teacher and to share some important information about your child that may be helpful for the teacher to know. Due to the time of year, it is not possible for teachers to comment or discuss academic progress, testing results or levels as such. Rather, they may ask you about your child’s interests, likes, dislikes and how they can support your child each day in the learning space.
Bookings are now open! Head to the link: https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/jaqga
or scan the QR code to book a time to see your child’s teacher.
Take care and God bless,
Wellbeing, Child Safety & Community Leader
Welcome Marie D’Orazio!
A huge and excited hello to my new Resurrection family. I am finally here and look forward to meeting you all as your Wellbeing/Child Safety & Community Leader. Please come up and say hello. I can’t wait to get to know each and every one of you and start new friendships.
PE News
Greetings Resurrection Community,
I am pleased to introduce myself as the new Physical Education (PE) teacher.
My goal is to support the students at Resurrection in their confidence, academic achievement and wellbeing throughout their learning, particularly within PE.
To start the year of 2025, there will be many fun opportunities available in the PE learning subject for our students. These will include the Term 1 ‘Weekly Lunch-Time Games’ for the middle school grade 3 and 4 cohorts, and the Term 1 Interschool Sports Competition for the senior grade 6 cohort.
Term 1 Weekly Lunch-Time Games:
Starting Term 1 of 2025, the middle school cohort will be involved in the weekly lunchtime games organized with the School PE Teacher Mr Nathan. This school event will take place during the beginning of the second recess break from Monday through to Thursday. Our students will have the opportunity to be involved in sport games during their lunch-breaks enabling them to enjoy the excitement and fun of which physical activity can provide.
The weekly schedule for the middle school cohort games is listed below:
Grade 3 Cohort - Mondays and Wednesdays during the second lunch break.
Grade 4 Cohort - Tuesdays and Thursdays during the second lunch break.
Term 1 Interschool Sports Competition:
Commencing Friday 7th of February, our grade 6 students will be involved in the Summer Interschool Sports competition during Term 1. This senior school event will occur each Friday from Week 2 to Week 8 where they will represent the school community against other schools of the deer park district within the sporting competition.
Sports which will be played during the Term 1 summer tournament include basketball, hotshots tennis, softball, cricket and handball. The grade 6 teaching staff and myself will be working together with the students to provide them with training sessions and coaching to build team relationships, student engagement, and also increase our chances of competing well against other schools.
I am looking forward to a great start in PE and seeing our school community build memorable experiences from the Term 1 events. There will be plenty more exciting events to come!
This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 2:22-40
My Eyes have seen your saving power.
When the day came for them to be purified as laid down by the Law of Moses, the parents of Jesus took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord – observing what stands written in the Law of the Lord: Every first-born male must be consecrated to the Lord – and also to offer in sacrifice, in accordance with what is said in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. Now in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon. He was an upright and devout man; he looked forward to Israel’s comforting and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had set eyes on the Christ of the Lord. Prompted by the Spirit he came to the Temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the Law required, he took him into his arms and blessed God; and he said:
‘Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace,
just as you promised;
because my eyes have seen the salvation
which you have prepared for all the nations to see,
a light to enlighten the pagans
and the glory of your people Israel.’
Gospel Reflection
The gospel writer has merged two different ritual events into one in this passage: a ritual of purification following childbirth and an act of redeeming a first-born son through tribute to the Temple. The ritual of purification referred to would take place forty days after childbirth and today’s feast is the fortieth day from Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It was a ritual for the mother, not the child. Mary and Joseph took the opportunity of attending the Temple to bring Jesus into the presence of God who, according to tradition, dwelt in the Temple. The tradition associated with this purification of women after childbirth dictated that a lamb and a turtledove or pigeon be sacrificed. However, for the poor, an extra turtledove or pigeon could be substituted for the lamb. The gospel tells us that Mary and Joseph were sacrificing a pair of birds. This fact gives us an indication of the status of Mary and Joseph – they were sufficiently poor that they could not afford to sacrifice a lamb.
The other ritual alluded to in the passage relates to the tradition from Exodus 13:2 and Numbers 18:15 that every first-born son belonged to the Lord and had to be ‘bought back’ or ‘redeemed’ by payment to the Temple. The original command of the first-born belonging to the Lord meant that the child was destined to serve in the Temple. However, the child could be ‘redeemed’ from this service by payment to the Temple.
There is a great contrast between the forceful entry into the Temple by the Lord as foretold by Malachi in today’s first reading and the humble entry of the baby Jesus into the Temple. It reinforces the way in which throughout his ministry Jesus confounded many of the expectations about the Messiah
Historical Context - Service in the Temple
The ritual of the redemption of the first-born son originates in Exodus 13:2 where God claimed the first-born sons of Israel as God’s own. These sons were to be sanctified for service in the Temple. However, this service was taken away from the first-born sons of every tribe and reserved exclusively for the sons of the tribe of Levi and the descendants of Aaron, the high-priest. It is from this tradition that we encounter the ‘Levites’ in the gospel accounts. The Levites were involved in various ministries in the Temple: assisting the priests; musicians; and slaughtering sacrifices.
Have you thought? - The Role of the observer
In today’s gospel passage, it is the devout Simeon and the prophetess, Anna, who declare the greatness and far-reaching influence of the child that has been brought to the Temple. This is a common feature of the gospel accounts. It is not Jesus himself who proclaims his greatness but those who have observed him and recognised the revelation of God’s presence amongst the people. It is a role that continues today. Those of us who believe and recognise the presence and influence of God in the world are challenged to proclaim it in both our actions and our words.
Gospel Focus - A sword
Simeon’s second pronouncement about Jesus is addressed to the child’s mother, Mary. Having predicted the rejection that Jesus will endure, Simeon tells Mary, ‘and a sword will pierce your own soul too.’ He appears to be referring to the sacrifice that Mary will have to make in the future. On this day, Mary and Joseph have ‘redeemed’ their son from service to the Lord in the Temple. Despite this, Jesus is still destined for service to God and Mary will have to surrender him back to the Lord. Simeon suggests that Mary herself will be a sacrifice offered to God at this time.
Week 3
Monday - 10/2
Prep - Year 2 Assembly - No awards and parents not to attend.
Tuesday - 11/2
Parent Helper Training 9am & 2.30pm (Legal & Classroom Support)
Wednesday - 12/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Thursday - 13/2
Parent Teacher Conversations 12.45pm to 8pm (12pm finish for staff)
Friday - 14/2
Saturday - 15/2
Sunday - 16/2
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 2
Monday -3/2
Prep Students commence full school days: 8.45am – 3.15pm
Years 3-6 Assembly at 2:30pm - No awards and parents not to attend
Tuesday - 4/2
Wednesday - 5/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Thursday - 6/2
Friday - 7/2
Whole School Mass at 9am - Opening of school year
Saturday - 8/2
Sunday - 9/2
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 5
Monday -24/2
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Resurrection Way PD
Tuesday - 25/2
Wednesday - 26/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Open Night for 2026 at 7pm
Thursday - 27/2
Friday - 28/2
School Open Day for 2026 at 9:30am
Saturday - 1/3
Sacramental Launch (10:30am and 6pm)
Sunday - 2/3
Sacramental Launch (10:30am and 6pm)
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 7
Monday -10/3
School Closure: Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday - 11/3
Wednesday - 12/3
First Wednesday for Prep students
School Advisory Council (SAC) at 7pm
Thursday - 13/3
Friday - 14/3
Saturday - 15/3
Sunday - 16/3
Second Sunday in Lent
Week 9
Monday - 24/3
Prep - Year 2 Assembly at 2.30pm
Tuesday - 25/3
Wednesday - 26/3
Thursday - 27/3
Year 5 Interrelate program session 3 of 3
Friday - 28/3
Middle School Year Level Mass 9am (Reconciliation focus) Reconciliation Grade 4
Saturday - 29/3
Sunday - 30/3
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Week 4
Monday -17/2
2026 Prep Enrolments Open
Years 3-6 Assembly at 2:30pm - student of the weekawards begin and parents invited
Tuesday - 18/2
Parent Helper Training 9am 2:30pm (Legal & Classroom Support)
Wednesday - 19/2
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Advisory Council Formation (SAC) 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Thursday - 20/2
Friday - 21/2
Senior School Year Level Mass 9am
Saturday - 22/2
Sacramental Launch & Family Mass (6pm)
Sunday - 23/2
School Parish - Family Mass and welcome BBQ for Prep & staff blessing at 10:30am
Sacramental Launch (10:30am)
Week 6
Monday -3/3
Prep - Year 2 Assembly - student of the week awards begin
Tuesday - 4/3
Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday - 5/3
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Ash Wednesday (Whole School Mass at 9am)
Thursday - 6/3
Friday - 7/3
Saturday - 8/3
Sunday - 9/3
First Sunday in Lent
Week 8
Monday - 17/3
Years 3-6 Assembly at 2:30pm
Tuesday - 18/3
Wednesday - 19/3
Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs
Thursday - 20/3
Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs
Year 5 Interrelate program session 2 of 3
Year Prep Level Mass 9am
Friday - 21/3
Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs
Saturday - 22/3
Sunday - 23/3
First Sunday in Lent
Week 10
Monday - 31/3
Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival
No Assembly today due to the Athletics Carnival
Tuesday - 1/4
Wednesday - 2/4
Feast day of St Pedro Calungsod (Class prayer and activities in classrooms)
Thursday - 3/4
Whole School: Year 5 - Stations of the Cross in Session 5
Friday - 4/4
End of Term Whole School Mass at 9am
Last Day of Term 1 - Students finish at 3.15pm
Saturday - 5/4
Sunday - 6/4
First Sunday in Lent