Term 2 Week 6 of 9
Friday, 2nd June 2023
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
● Principal’s Message
● Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
● Vision and Mission Statement Development
● Crazy Hair & Grade 5 Dance Battle
● Cooking in Junior School
● What Do The Teacher’s At Resurrection Mean To Me?
● Prep Incursion - Paramedics
● This Weekend’s Gospel
● Understanding the Gospel
● Maths’ & Literacy Data On The Rise!
● Students Awards
● Term 2 Dates
● Booking Process For Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
Dear Parents, Students & Friends,
This week, thanks to the overwhelming input received from parents in regard to providing values statements regarding our four key values – FAITH, DIVERSITY, CARE & EDUCATION, we have been able to finalise the draft of our new school’s Vision & Mission statement. On reading it, parents who have been associated with the school for a very long time, will notice that the school’s motto of “We Care” is firmly embedded in how we do things at Resurrection.
We would be very grateful for any further input prior to it being discussed and endorsement sought from the Parent Advisory Board.
The Vision & Mission Statements will become the founding document in the development of a new school improvement plan to be developed as part of the school review that will occur toward the end of Term 3.
Again, thank you to all who participated in this process. Your contribution has been insightful and very valuable.
With warmest regards,
Des Noack
Dear Parents and Carers,
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations are due to be held on Tuesday 18th (3:45pm - 8:15pm) and Thursday 20st July (3:45pm - 7:15pm).
These face to face meetings are an important opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress in relation to the curriculum, the Semester One Report and future learning directions.
Once you have made a booking, you will receive a confirmation email indicating the time and date. Please keep this email in order to attend the meeting at your allocated time.
At the end of this newsletter is all the information you require for making a booking for the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. Bookings are now open and will close on Monday 17th July at 12:00pm.
Please visit the following web address to make your booking:
Please note that interviews are for 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by contacting your child’s teacher directly.
Warm regards,
John Hein
Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching
At Resurrection Catholic Primary School, with the teachings and life of the Gospel as central to who we are, we aspire to provide a rich and faith filled education, within a welcoming and respectful environment.
Together we nurture the Spiritual and Educational welfare and needs of the members in our Parish and School community, to foster life-long learning and their relationship with God.
Our vision therefore is expressed simply as:
Called by Faith (Why)
Our Community, Diverse In Culture, Language and Tradition (Who)
Lives out Christ’s Care In Everything We Do (How)
By Providing Excellence In Learning (What)
Our Aims
As people of faith, through our diversity and care shown to provide the best education possible for your child our aims are:
● To provide our students with the basis to develop a conscious, loving relationship with God our Father in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
● To provide an excellent education for our students which develops their talents and capacities to full potential and is relevant to the social, cultural and economic needs of the nation.
● To enable our students to achieve high standards of learning and to develop self-confidence, optimism, high self-esteem, respect for others and achievement of personal excellence.
● To nurture and develop each child as a unique individual, to his or her full potential by educating the child in order to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which will enable them to make a positive contribution to the society and the environment in which they live.
● To promote interaction between home, school, church and community by making prayer and worship real experiences, which will contribute successfully to the promotion of faith in the wider community.
Our Beliefs
We believe that parents, students, teachers and our parish community have an obligation to provide an environment which can be truly called a loving Catholic Community in which the Gospel is reflected in and through our actions. It is our hope that together we will endeavor to achieve this aim to the fullest. We base our endeavors in the beliefs:
● That each individual is a unique creation made in God’s image and therefore possessed of inherent dignity.
● That education is about learning what it means to be human and that in Jesus Christ we have a model of what it means to be truly human.
● That education enables students to become lifelong learners through responsible, respectful and resilient relationships.
● That through education, our minds, heart and spirit are made open to faith, life, learning and culture.
Our Mission
Our Faith Calls Us To Make a Difference in our World
● recognising that Jesus Christ is central to our lives
● through the message of the Gospel, inspiring hope and a positive vision for the future
● imparting Catholic beliefs, values, practices and traditions within a faith-filled community
● continuing the rich tradition of Catholic education in Kings Park.
As a Community, Diverse In Culture, Language and Tradition (Diversity)
● fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of each person
● collaborating with others for the good of all
● working with those who experience disadvantage
● create a rich and inclusive learning community that prepares our students to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world
Living out Christ’s Care In Everything We Do
● to promote and reveal Gospel values through our words, thoughts and actions
● supporting all in need
● fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of each person
Fostering and Promoting A Love Of Learning
● to provide high quality education that develops a passion for lifelong learning, Christian character and a desire to serve God in the wider community.
● promoting our school as a place of learning and excellence
● promoting an active partnership between home, parish, school and community
Grade 5 Dance Battle
On Wednesday the 14th of June all staff and students are encouraged to come to school with CRAZY HAIR! It’s a fundraising initiative and we are hoping that children will bring along a gold coin to go toward supporting several social justice initiatives being undertaken by our students.
Our Grade 5’s will of course be presenting a 'Dance Battle' performance featuring all students in 5A, 5B & 5C. Each class will perform a choreographed dance routine that they have put together during Performing Arts lessons this term. There will also be a dance battle between some individual Grade 5 students.
All classes from Grades Prep, 1, 2, 3 & 4 will be attending the event. Parents are also most welcome to come along to the performance and cheer on the Grade 5 students!
The Dance Battle will be held in the school hall from 12.00pm-1.00pm and will be judged by using an 'applause meter' app which measures the volume of an audience's applause after a performance. The winning class will be announced at the end of all of the performances, with the winning class receiving a trophy to display in their classroom!!!
Cooking in Junior School!
This week, the students in Grade 1 and 2 have been cooking up a storm.
On Monday, the students made Fruit Skewers and on Wednesday we made Chocolate Crackles.
We have been cooking for our Inquiry unit, we have been learning about where food comes from, the stages it goes through before we eat it and about how the choices of which food we eat impacts our health.
This has also linked to our writing as we have been making these food items and then writing about it. It has been a great learning experience which everyone in Grade 1 and 2 has enjoyed.
We are looking forward to later in the term where we may get to learn how to make pasties!
What do the teachers at Resurrection mean to me?
At last Tuesday’s staff meeting, as part of our prayer, teachers from the Senior grades read letters from students regarding what their teachers meant to them. The following are some examples of those letters:
Grade 5A
To the teachers at Resurrection, you are special to us because you do your best to give the students at Resurrection the best learning experience that they can have.
So, thank you teachers for the hard effort you put in when finishing our reports and all the assignments that you have to read over. Thank you teachers for caring and loving the students. You put in so much work it’s crazy, so we just want to thank you for the effort you put into the school and the students.
From Chris, Ignacio and Carter
Grade 5B
Thank you teachers and staff for your tireless work.
We all know that you are going through a battling time and it must be very tiring for you. Teachers, even when it is not even school time you're doing reports and are often checking all of our work at your homes. And even when you take time from your families to come on like excursions and even camps and all the care you provide us with at school!
This school would not work without your committed work. If it wasn't for the staff or teachers enrolled to become these kind people in our life, I don't know if I would be at this school right now.
You guys are so unstoppable and you never ever give up on anything. I hope this powers you through your tough times! Thank you!
From Eli
Grade 5C
We thank God for giving us, teachers.
My teacher and many other teachers I know empower me and encourage me. But even when some teachers do, we never really see their hard work in plain sight. Compared to our life they don’t really have much spare time to themselves, just because they are using their time to help us succeed academically.
Teachers are a blessing from the angels above that only want the best for their students. And even though we can be irritating and impossible at times, our teachers will forever have a piece of our hearts.
From Kiara
Grade 6A
Thank you to all of the teachers and staff at Resurrection for endlessly providing the best education for all of the students.
We really appreciate all of the hard work you put into our school and how much you dedicate your time to plan our lessons every night including weekends. We really thank you for going out of your way to buy us supplies to enhance our education and making our class such a happy place.
Without a doubt we can always count on you if we have any issues or even just need someone to talk to. We are excited to come to school everyday knowing that we are blessed with such amazing and positive teachers. Thank you for putting so much effort into your classes.
From: Elianna and Charli
Grade 6C
Thanks teachers
To all teachers and staff that have helped us through the years.
There are many different qualities that can describe a teacher: nice, kind, caring, helping, passionate, empathetic, understanding, supportive, inspiring and many more. Teachers give us knowledge that can help us to be successful in the future. You are people that we can trust and talk to during rough times.
Teachers dedicate time and effort for students to get a good education and learn. Thank you for sacrificing your own time to discipline us and give us knowledge. Without you, we wouldn’t know anything that we would today. The challenges and obstacles you help us to face make us who we are as a person.
Moreover, you always try to motivate us to do the best that we can. That's why we are all so grateful and lucky to have teachers like you at school.
From Lily and Alex
Prep Incursion
We are excited to share with you the wonderful experiences our students have had in their Religion classes recently. In our lessons, we have been exploring the concept of being a believer in Jesus and the remarkable parallels between his acts of kindness and those of a superhero.
As part of this engaging unit, we had the privilege of welcoming a special guest to our school - a paramedic! This incredible individual graciously took the time to visit our classrooms and share insights into their vital role in saving lives. The Preps were especially enthralled and had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the paramedic's job.
The presence of the paramedic served as a powerful example of how ordinary people can become heroes by selflessly helping others in times of need. By comparing the actions of Jesus to the heroic acts performed by the paramedic, our students gained a deeper understanding of the importance of kindness, compassion, and service.
In gratitude for the paramedics' dedication and life-saving work, our students wanted to express their appreciation. As an act of kindness, we organized a heartfelt gesture: writing thank you cards.
These thank you cards will be eagerly presented to the paramedics when they return for another visit next term. We hope that this small gesture will convey the immense gratitude we feel towards these real-life heroes who continuously make a difference in our community.
This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to John (3:16-18)
God sent his Son to save the world through him.
Jesus said to Nicodemus,
‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.
For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.
No one who believes in him will be condemned; but whoever refuses to believe is condemned already, because he has refused to believe in the name of God’s only Son.’
The readings selected for Trinity Sunday provide an opportunity to reflect on the nature of God. Over recent weeks, we have celebrated the Ascension and Pentecost – both of which reveal something about the nature of God through Jesus and the Spirit.
Trinity Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate the unity of God whom we acknowledge as Father, Son and Spirit. Today’s gospel reminds us that there is a seamless continuity between the different experiences of God. Although we sometimes regard the God of the Old Testament as judging and vengeful, today reminds us that God is, was, and always will be a God of love.
The gospel reminds us that ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.’ Love is the characteristic of God that is experienced as Father, Son and Spirit. God loved the world into being and loved the people so much that God made a covenant relationship with them and repeatedly drew them back into that relationship when they strayed. God loved the world and the people so much that God became physically present through Jesus as yet another attempt to draw all people into an awareness of the loving relationship God desired for them. When Jesus could no longer remain a physical presence in the world, God’s Spirit became more evident to continue the work of drawing people into that loving relationship with God.
Rather than focusing on the mystery of the Trinitarian God, today is an opportunity to marvel at the single-mindedness of God who is so determined to reveal the length and breadth of God’s love to us. That revelation has been made manifest in different ways throughout time but remains constant and unchanging.
Historical Context – We believe…
The teaching on the Trinity was not formally constructed until the 4th Century and was documented in the creed that emerged from the Council of Nicaea. The Creed that is said today in the Sunday liturgy is a version of that original Nicene Creed. The Nicene Creed spells out Christian beliefs about the nature of God, Jesus and the Spirit and was worded very carefully to negate a variety of heretical views that were held at the time. It is as much a statement about what we do not believe as it is a statement about what we do believe!
Scriptural context – Trinity
At no point in the New Testament is the term ‘Trinity’ used. That understanding of the nature of God came much later. However, there are a number of scriptural references that led to this theological understanding. The Annunciation, the baptism of Jesus and the great commissioning of the disciples to baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all examples of the three persons of God being recognised or active in the gospels. Today’s second reading shows St Paul using the three experiences of God as a blessing of the people of Corinth.
Living the Gospel – Sign of the Cross
Every time we bless ourselves or begin prayer with the sign of the cross, we reaffirm our belief in the Trinity. That seemingly simple prayer, ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,’ is, in fact, a confirmation of our belief in a triune God – three in one. The earliest use of the sign of the cross only involved tracing a small cross with the thumb or finger on the forehead as it is still done in baptisms or blessings today. Later, describing the shape of the cross on forehead, abdomen and shoulders became the common practice.
Maths & Literacy Data on the Rise!
Each year we, as a staff, map out a plan to systematically capture data on student learning. We ensure that there is a breadth and depth of learning and that we have time to respond and use the information new get from analysis.
Each term we dedicate team professional practice sessions solely for the purpose of assessment and moderation. This week was one of our four scheduled assessment and moderation weeks. Teaching teams are released together to spend the day looking through samples of student learning and measure them against curriculum standards to help ensure accuracy and consistency with reporting. The opportunity also provided is a chance to identify point of need for teaching and effectiveness of the teaching and learning so far.
One metric that we measure our impact by is by applying a formula called ‘The Effect Size’. To be considered an effective impact or effect, we aim for our students to have a minimum effect size of 0.4 for the year. Anything over 0.40 means we are more than effective - this is our value added.
The school's goal is to improve the average scores, as well as, achieve a minimum effect size of 0.2 across each semester and 0.4 across the school year. In most areas we have been able to achieve and exceed this benchmark for the past terms progress. A fantastic result which both students and teachers should be proud of. The data we receive also assists us in determining where we will target our teaching and resources to have the greatest beneficial impact for our students.
This term we are proud, as the students should also be, that our results have been consistently exceeding the expected growth. Given that we measure growth across a year of 0.40, then a term’s growth is equivalent to 0.10.
1 Minute Westwood
This assessment tests students' ability to solve 33 addition sums in 1 minute. It is then repeated with students attempting 33 subtraction, multiplication and division problems within one-minute timeframes. The junior year levels take part in addition and subtraction whilst our middle and senior students take part in all four assessments. As the students get older the effect size gets smaller as more students achieve a perfect score of 33 answers correct.
Below outlines how our students have demonstrated their growth in learning over a term between the two testing periods. Our benchmark was to do better than 0.1 which represents a average term of learning. We definitely want to be better than average. When considering the following data, it highlights just how capable our students are.
Green - Above expected growth
Yellow - Expected growth
Red - Below expected growth
*Note the margins for growth decreases with the increase in year level due to high starting averages
Multiplication Grid
This assessment is organised in a 10x10 grid (see below) with students attempting to solve the grid within 10 minutes. This grid gives students the opportunity to recognise which multiplication tables they need to focus for weekly homework.
Whole School Number Framework
The Whole School Number Framework assessment challenges students to use mental strategies to count forwards, backwards, read and write numerals, as well as, recall addition and subtraction facts by using efficient strategies.
South Australian Spelling Test
The South Australian Spelling Test requires students to spell words of increasing complexity. It challenges students to draw upon their spelling knowledge and strategies when they encounter less familiar words. Analysis of the results allows for teacher to understand each child’s repertoire of skills when approaching challenging words.
Resurrection students are making significant growth and increasing their knowledge. This is not only as a result of the great teaching practice, but also students wanting to learn and experiencing success.
Make sure you ask your child what they are currently learning this week.
PA - Anna Druitt
Leila C - For being a risk taker in your writing by working hard to record sounds you hear in words. Great work Leila!
Khoi B - For being a knowledgeable learner when planning and drawing what materials would be best to design a ramp in our Inquiry unit. Keep up the great learning Khoi!
PC - Carla Tirotta
Denis N - For being a communicator by actively listening when others are speaking and by building the confidence to ask questions.
William N- For being an independent learner during writing lessons and using your letter sound knowledge to record the dominant sounds you hear in words.
2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell
Sofia W - For being an effective communicator when presenting your Wombat Stew recipe to the class.
Kiana Le - For being a responsible learner in inquiry when sequencing the steps of how Milk is produced.
2B - Rick Martin
Bawi - For being a communicator, sharing his feelings with the class and also listening to the feelings of others.
Niko L - For being knowledgeable and sharing his understanding of time with his peers.
2C - Dorothy Hall
Isaac C - For being a communicator when working in a small group to order the steps in a procedure.
Nancy C - For being a knowledgeable learner when making connections with her prior knowledge while reading.
3A - Ella Nowak
Bilai Tu K - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing his own sentences using the author's structure. Well done Bilai Tu.
Parker C - For being a kind and compassionate student who consistently goes above and beyond to care for his peers. Keep being an amazing student Parker!
3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington
Adi W - for being a great communicator by brainstorming different nouns and adjectives to use in our sentence about earthquakes. Keep up the positivity towards your writing, Adi!
Michael U - for being a responsible and respectful communicator by actively listening to your peers. Well done Michael!
5A - Katherine Salloum
Liam S - for being a reflective and knowledgeable learner by using his prior knowledge about the Australian bush to create a visualisation on the setting of our class text, Brindabella.
Tlae Men T - for being a risk-taker by sharing her thoughts and ideas when discussing our class novel, Brindabella.
5B - Shannon Betham
Sophie M - For being a risk-taker and developing your confidence when making inferences about the characters and setting in the class novel 'Brindabella' and including this is your visualisation. Well done Sophie!
Mason B - For being a responsible learner by making good choices in the classroom including where to sit and who to work with. Keep up the fantastic effort Mason!
5C - Malae Suaesi
Lexton V - For being a knowledgeable learner when using a ruler to accurately measure and calculate the perimeter of a shape.
Dave E - For being a reflective and knowledgeable learner by comparing the different seasons and events of the liturgical calendar. Great learning!
6A - Annette Lee
Isaac K - being a great communicator, listening and responding to others with respect and thoughtfulness. Well done!
Charli G - for supporting other students in their learning, sharing her thinking and being a risk taker when trying new things - well done!
Specialist Awards
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Charlize T (6A) - For being an effective thinker when working collaboratively during Japanese class and making meaningful contributions to her work.
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Lydon T (1A ) - For being a knowledgeable and inquisitive learner in Performing Arts and for always encouraging his fellow students during music activities. Well done on being an outstanding and enthusiastic music student, Lydon!
Visual Arts: Jake Moloney
Sophie C (5B) - For being a knowledgeable learner and using her watercolour skills to create a vibrant ‘Creepy Crawly Collage’. Well done Sophie!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Zane H (PA) - For being an effective communicator as demonstrated by his willingness to share his ideas and knowledge during STEM learning. Well done Zane!
P.E: Jen Barresi
Alyssia Psaila (3B) - for her consistent effort in P.E. Alyssia is constantly demonstrating what resilience means. She is respectful towards myself and others and is a true pleasure to teach.
Week 7
Monday 05/06
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 06/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Mary, Mother of the Church
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Canteen Committee Meeting 7.00-8.00pm
Wednesday 07/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Thursday 08/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 09/06
Saint Ephrem
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tear - Seniors
ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 10/06
First Communion Masses
Sunday 11/06
Feast Of Corpus Christi
First Communion Masses
1A - Enza La Rosa
Lydon T - For being a risk taker when engaging in whole group discussions and for demonstrating great understanding when describing the features of an analogue clock. Well Done Lydon!
Nu Nu - for building confidence to be an effective communicator during whole group activities and for having a go at challenging tasks.
1B - Matt Galea
Sui Chin L - for being a knowledgeable learner by demonstrating her understanding of the features of a clock and the information the hands give us.
Thaih Then T - For becoming an effective communicator by sharing his thoughts and ideas during learning time with the classroom. Keep up the great learning Thaih Then.
1C - Natalie Donevska
Madeleine B - For being a knowledgeable learner when sharing her thoughts during inquiry about where food comes from and how her food choices impact her health. Well done Madeleine!!
Simon N - For being an effective communicator and demonstrating his knowledge about an analogue clock with his peers. Keep up the good work Simon!!
3C - Joss Coaley
Ayak L - for showing a continuous passion for learning which is great to see. You give every learning task your maximum effort and always want to do better. Well done.
Vadao Khai K - for showing resilience in your reading. It is great to receive feedback about your reading abilities. Congratulations and keep it up!
4A - Lavina Stewart
Riley R - for being a reflective and resilient learner by achieving his highest goal in the Multiplication Grid. Keep it up Riley!
Vaslem C - for being respectful towards his peers and always willing to help others. Congratulations Vaslem!
4B - Thomas Pham
Cung Nan TT - for being a communicator when he demonstrated teamwork in his playground group inquiry. Congratulations on your focussed learning!
Rayden V - for being reflective when he shared a text to self-connection during our ‘floor storming’ activity. Thank you for sharing your personal transformation over your schooling years!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Thao D - for being a reflective learner when making meaningful text to world connections through our ‘floor storming’ activity. Well done Thao!
Solomon M - for being a risk taker in his learning and consistently giving everything a go. Solomon, you should be so proud of your achievements. Well done!
6B -
Efraim B - For being a knowledgeable learner and using the ‘Lattice Methods’ in Maths. Well done!
Bawi H - For being an excellent communicator when sharing ideas in his Religion Group discussion. Well done!
6C - Jane Huang
Liam V - for being an active communicator when sharing his ideas about the connection between multiplication and division.
Phillip V - for being a risk taker by standing out for his team members to accept the multiplication factors challenge in Maths lesson.
Week 8
Monday 12/06
King’s Birthday – School Closure
Tuesday 13/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 14/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Thursday 15/06
Grade 5 Dance Battle Competition
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 16/6
Instalment 2 - Family Fee Payment Due
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tear - Middles
Saturday 17/06
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
First Communion Masses
Sunday 18/06
11TH Sunday In Ordinary Time
First Communion Masses
Week 9
Monday 19/06
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Reports back to teachers
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday 21/06
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Resurrection Day Celebration
Resurrection Day Mass 9.00am (Whole School)
Last Day of Term 2 Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Semester 1 Student Reports Sent Home
Thursday 22/06
School Closure Staff Faith Formation Day 1
Friday 23/06
School Closure Staff Faith Formation Day 2
Dear Parents,
Parent Teacher Exchange sessions will be held between 3:45pm – 8:15pm on Tuesday 18th July and 3:45pm – 7:15pm on Thursday 20th July.
You can now book school interviews for the times that suit YOU.
Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions.
For parents that experience difficulty accessing the internet, you can phone the school on 8312 6312 to arrange a time with the office administration staff. PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH THE CLASSROOM TEACHERS DIRECTLY AS THEY DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE DATABASE.
If there are no suitable times available on the schedule for a specific teacher, parents will need to contact the classroom teacher directly to arrange an alternative interview time outside of the allocated schedule. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date should contact the school directly on: 8312 6312
Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter our school code. Then follow the 3 simple steps.
When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically. If something comes up you can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and change your learning conference time until bookings close