Term 2 Week 3 of 9

Friday, 12th May 2023

2024 Prep Enrolments 

Due to strong demand, we are now taking  enrolments for our third and final classroom with only  24 places remaining. Please ensure you do not miss  out. Late applications may have to be placed on a  waiting list. 

Dear Parents, Students & Friends, 

Celebrating Mother’s Day

We start this week with an apology for the 

newsletter being published on Monday rather than  last Friday. It does however give us an opportunity  to provide a sneak peek at some of the photos  taken of our Mums and Grandmothers making the  most of Mass, visits to the classroom and the 

morning tea, or as one mum described it, a little  like ‘high tea’, last Friday. 

This coming Friday, the newsletter will provide a  much larger editorial on the day. 

Thank you to all our mums and the special women  in our lives who were able to attend, but also to  the mums who, for so many different reasons 

couldn’t make it. Please know that you were 

remembered and also held in our thoughts and  prayers. 

We hope that you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day  and got to make the most of the blessings that  family, winter sunshine and the love of mothers  brings to our days. 

Wishing you all a great week ahead. 

With kindest regards, 

Des Noack 


This Week’s Newsletter Items:

● Celebrating Mother’s Day 

● Athletics Carnival 

● Canteen Committee News 

● Mass On Pentecost – Celebrating our Cultures 

● Grade 5 Dance Battle Update

● Mystery Book! 

● This Weekend’s Gospel 

● Understanding The Gospel 

● Middle School Playground  Investigations 

● Year Eucharist Excursion 

● Students Awards 

● Term 2 Dates 

● Ordering School Photos

Grade 3 - 6 students participated in their annual  Athletics Carnival on Friday 5th May. The rain held  off and it was an enjoyable day for everyone. It was 

wonderful to see the children supporting one  another and all really involved in the event. Their  behavior was superb and they represented their  school perfectly

The day wouldn't have been so successful without  our wonderful staff and their support, in particular  Ms Katherine Salloum (5A). The hours you spent  helping me are very appreciated. Thank you so  much Kat.

Thank you to the staff who met me at the athletics  track early in the morning. Also thank you to Mr Joss  Coaley (3B) who did a fine job of commentating the  day. And of course our wonderful parents. A day  such as this requires a lot of assistance and flexibility. 

Thank you for being there to make the day run  smoothly. 

Thanks again 

Ms Jen Barresi 

Physical Education Specialist Teacher

Mass on Pentecost

As part of our Mass on Pentecost weekend, in addition to children receiving their First Communion,  there will be a focus on the multi-cultural aspect of  Pentecost and our Parish.  

We are encouraging all our families to come along  to the Mass on that weekend dressed in traditional  /cultural attire. We would especially love to see our  children celebrating their culture at Mass in this way.  

Canteen Committee

Date 4th May 2023

Attendees Jess D, John H, Catarina, Amy, 

Angela, Xy-Za, Jessica C  Apologies Des, Daniella 

Apologies Des, Daniella

Discussion points 

  • Discussion re term one and the success  of each of the Fun Friday lunch orders. Committee identified that there was a lot  of work last term (paperwork, counting  money etc.) A lot of this work was put  onto the office staff which made it hard  to do their normal tasks throughout the  day 

  • Suggestion that we have two options  moving forward 

  • Engage with an organisation that  prepares meals off site and  delivers them (one day a week) 

  • Engage with an organisation that  leases our canteen space and pays  a hire fee 

  • Committee members voted that option  two was the preferred option. 

  • Discussion re canteen days (three  days/one day/ five days) Vote that we  would prefer 3 days. 

  • Caterina shared that her brother in-law  owns Franzone enterprise - Canteen  Committee who runs THPS and Kings  Park canteen. We have also reached out  to Jude fine food who run Parkwood  Green, CRC St Peters etc. 


  • Caterina to send Jess details for Franzone  foods 

  • Jess to conduct site inspections etc and  get details re lease, menus etc and  organise next meeting with the data for  voting to occur around which company  to use 

  • Jess to speak to Des re Angela W being  interested in running the committee and  if any concerns with parents being on  both School Advisory Council and 

Canteen Committee. 

Grade 5 Dance Battle!

When - Wednesday 14th June 

When - 12.00pm

Where - School Hall

Mystery Books!

Sometimes there is nothing better than  curling up to a good mystery book! I love  the suspense and the twists and turns as  plots thicken, characters motivations are  revealed and the cliff hanger moments.

We had a number of requests for mystery  books when we surveyed students. And  we have listened and ordered. Some of  the new titles coming in are:

More ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ 

  • Murder Most Unladylike 

  • Many Rick Riordan books 

  • Enola Holmes 

  • Friday Barnes 

  • The Violet Veil Mysteries 

  • Sinister Summer 

The one I’m most excited about is Murder  Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens. It  appeals to readers of all ages. Set in a  traditional British boarding school, the story  follows two best friends, Daisy and Hazel,  as they investigate the mysterious death of  one of their teachers. 

Stevens masterfully weaves together a  classic whodunit plot with the unique  setting of a 1930s girls' school, creating a  fun and suspenseful atmosphere that will  keep readers guessing until the very end.  The characters are well-developed and  relatable, and the pacing is perfect, with  just the right number of clues and red  herrings to keep the reader engaged. 

"Murder Most Unladylike" is a fantastic  read that combines the best elements of  the mystery genre with a charming and  nostalgic setting. Highly recommended for  anyone who loves a good mystery or just  wants to get lost in a great story. 

But if you want something a little more on  the comedy and mystery side - you can’t  go passed Timmy Failure by Stephan  Patsis. 

As with most books, they are significantly  better than the movie. The series follows a  boy (Timmy Failure) and his polar bear pet  (Total)as they set up a detective agency  known as ‘Total Failure’. His mode of  transport is a robot vacuum and his ability  to solve cases is questionable. 

Happy reading, 

Mr Lewis

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John (14:15-21)

I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate.

Jesus said to his disciples:

‘If you love me you will keep my commandments. I shall ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you for ever, that Spirit of truth whom the world can never receive since it neither sees nor knows him; but you know him, because he is with you, he is in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come back to you. In a short time the world will no longer see me; but you will see me, because I live and you will live. On that day you will understand that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you. Anybody who receives my commandments and keeps them will be one who loves me; and anybody who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I shall love him and show myself to him.’

Although this week’s gospel passage comes from the Last Supper discourse, it is the perfect reading for this time in the liturgical cycle. In next week’s liturgy we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord and the following week we celebrate Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. This week’s reading is the perfect precursor to these coming weeks. Prior to this section of the Last Supper discourse, Jesus has told the disciples that he will be leaving them. He alludes to that fact again in this section but also spells out that he will ask the Father to send to the disciples another advocate (sometimes translated as paraclete or counsellor). By referring to the Spirit as ‘another’ advocate or paraclete, Jesus names himself as having been an advocate. The Spirit is to continue the work that Jesus has begun in and with the disciples, standing as witness and strength for them to help them when the world turns against them. Jesus says to the disciples that ‘In a short time the world will no longer see me; but you will see me, because I live and you will live.’ Christian people believe that Christ continues to be present in the world even though he is no longer physically present. Jesus’ reference to ‘the world’ is a reference to those who do not believe. It is only those who believe who continue to recognise and affirm his ongoing presence in the world. Whilst the Spirit, the advocate or paraclete, will act in the world to bring about the reign of God, it is in the hearts and minds of those who believe where the Spirit will act most strongly.

From the perspective of … The disciples

The words of Jesus in this gospel passage were addressed to the disciples at the Last Supper. They had almost no inclination of what was about to befall them, nor the heart-wrenching loss that they would feel. Yet Jesus tried to prepare them and reassure them that they would not be abandoned by him. In the days after his death, the disciples struggled to remember these words and they were caught up by despair. Even once they had witnessed the Risen Lord, he told them that he would again be leaving them. They must have been so confused and afraid.

Living the Gospel – Live in love

Throughout the gospel of John, we are reminded of the enduring relationship between Jesus and the Father. A number of times, Jesus announces that he and the Father are one. In today’s passage, Jesus also says to the disciples that they can share in this relationship of love. When Jesus speaks about anyone who ‘loves’ him, he speaks about anyone who lives by his message and seeks to be like him. Anyone who does that will share in the love that exists between the Father and the Son. That invitation is open for each of us today as well.

Gospel Focus – Paraclete

The Greek word, parakletos, is translated into a number of different terms in English translations of the gospel. Its technical use was for a lawyer or attorney. However, its use in scripture is like the broader meaning of advocate that we use today: someone who stands up for another; someone who speaks up for another; someone who intercedes on behalf of another. An advocate is one who lends strength and support to someone who is disempowered. That is exactly what Jesus did for many people during his ministry and it is also what the Holy Spirit is sent to do.

Middle School Playground Investigations  Three Perspectives from Our Students 

Perspective 1: 

The Grade 3’s and 4’s went to many different  parks on Monday. We went to four different  parks; one in Docklands, one in the city, one in  Yarraville and one next to the Melbourne Museum. We all had lots of fun. But before we could go and play we had to answer some questions on the clipboard because it is for our Inquiry unit. Then we went to go and play. We all had lots of fun! At the first park there was a huge tower and you could climb it. There were also two slides and you had to climb the tower to go down it. Mr. Coaley came up the tower. Everyone was giggling and laughing. Then he went down the slide and he was screaming! It was funny. Then at the second park we all had to answer some questions on the clipboard. Then we went to play. It was very slippery at this park. Then we got on the bus and went to park three. It was MASSIVE! We answered a few questions and then we went to go play. Once again Mr.Coaley had a go, this time on the ropes course, and he got frightened. Then he dropped down. And then the final park, park four. It was so  cool! It was kind of like a maze. My friends and  I played tag. And then the whistle blew and it  was time to go. 

Isaac 3C 

Perspective 2: 

Monday was the best day ever, here's why. 

On Monday morning it was cold and freezing,  when the bell rang everyone rushed to their  lines and waited for their teachers to come.  In the warm heated classroom, the teachers  did the roll to check if everyone was there. As  the buses arrived, everyone lined up in roll  order and hopped in the bus. The first park was Ron Barassi Park in Docklands.  It was so long that I even slept on the bus. When  we arrived and played on the playground, my  pants got slightly wet because of the slide and  the rain. The second park was Birrarung Marr Park in the  City. When we arrived, the playground was so  bright that my eyes were even in pain. It was  fun anyways again my pants got wet!

The third park after lunch was the Royal Nature  Park in Parkville. When we arrived I already  loved the wonderful view, it had lovely flowers  that were blooming, and a ropes course that  was so tricky even Mr Coaley hugged the pole  so tight so he wouldn’t fall off. The fourth park was the Melbourne Museum  Park in Carlton. I loved this one as well. It had  two monkey bars, slides that were dry, secret  lairs, tunnels and more! This one was the best  one yet! That’s why Monday was the best day ever.    

Varaoso 3A

Perspective 3:

On the 8th May 2023, I had a playground  excursion to four parks, the first one was called  Ron Barassi Park in Docklands. It was so fun! The  third park was my favourite, which was Royal  Children’s Nature Park! I jumped on the bus  ready to go. First I went to a playground that kind of looked  like a pyramid for some reason, but with a slide  on the side. After having lots of fun playing in  the park, I wrote in my clipbook and went to  another park after going on the bus. Then I got to Birrarung Park in the City. The park  was so colourful but we couldn't go on the slide  because it was extremely WET! Me and my  friends went on the swingy red pushy net and  Varaoso pushed the people but they were  scared and said it would flip over. Then Mr.  Coaley blew his whistle and we set off to our  clipbooks and went to eat lunch.

After that we went to the bus and drove to the  Royal Children’s Nature Park, that was my  favourite park! When I got there, I immediately  went to the swings with Nina, Varaoso , Santa  and Adi. Nina was helping Adi push the swing,  WE WENT SO HIGH! Then we went to write in our  clipbooks again. When we went to Melbourne  Museum Park, there were swings and monkey  bars. It was funny when I saw Mr. Coaley was  hanging like a monkey on the monkey BARS, I  should say, all of it was extra fun. It was also my first excursion and I enjoyed all of  it. 

Lucy 3B 

My favourite park was Royal Nature Park  because it had swings for young babies, toddlers,  kids and one for the disabled. It had a little  fountain with water flowing and a tiny bridge you  could go on and the water goes under you as you  cross it. There is also an athletic training parkour  section at the park. It was high and tall but I  think it was not safe because it was high and  there was nothing under it to catch you. I would  put all of this in my very own playground if I could  with a BBQ and public bathroom. But I rate it a  solid 5 stars out of 5 stars for fun!  

Selena H - 4B

My favourite part of the excursion was the well at  Royal Nature Park. I liked it because it had a tap  that you pull the handle down and then water comes  out. The water travels all the way to the sand pit and  makes this outline of water around the sand. I rated  it a 5 stars because it had a lot of things you could  play with. There was a wooden obstacle course you  could do. It was so fun. If I wanted to build my own  playground I would add a big slide that goes at  normal speed. The safest park was Royal Nature  Park because it had the most safe equipment. I  learnt to always be safe.  

Ken M - 4B

Year 4 Communion  Excursion  

On Tuesday we Grade 4s went to two  churches for a deeper understanding of  the communion. We got on a double  decker bus. It was our first time getting on  one ever!

 Our first stop was at St. Francis' Church, the  oldest church in Melbourne. All of the  classes went to the church one by one and  went inside to pray to Jesus and take the  time to talk to him as well. While the others  were waiting they ate their tasty snacks to  pass the time and visited the bookstore  that was focused on the angels and Saints.  Back to the student’s in St. Francis. Every  child went to the chapel that was mostly  focused on Mary.

After every class went inside to feel what it  was like we went back on the bus and  drove to St. Patrick’s Cathedral. We  stopped at St. Patrick's and split into groups  of five to six and explored the church. I  learned while we were there that Mary  Mackillop is the first Saint in Australia. When  we were done exploring we ate our lunch  because we were starving after all that  walking we all did. At one o'clock we went  inside to stay for the mass and the priest's  name was Fr. Alex. At the start we said some prayers and  listened to some pages from the bible.  When we got to receiving the body of  Jesus our teachers said to place our arms  on our chest for a blessing. After all of the  reading we bowed before we left and on  our way back to school. When we got  there we talked about what we learned  and before we knew it we were home.  

Thanks Mrs Aclan for organising the  excursion!  

Rayden V - 4B


PA - Anna Druitt

Kris S - For being an effective communicator  during whole class discussions. You are always  willing to share your ideas! 

Akoch S - For being a resilient learner when  working hard each morning during phonics with  your letter formation. Keep up the great work  Akoch! 

PC - Carla Tirotta

Kaira K - For being a reflective learner when  making changes to your bridge you designed to  make it more stable. 

Ryder N- For being an effective communicator  when asking questions during whole class  discussions. Well done! 

1A - Enza La Rosa 

Evelyn M - For being a resilient learner in all areas  of study and for showing initiative towards all of  her learning. Keep up the amazing work Evelyn! 

Noah V - For being respectful towards others and  showing leadership during guided reading time.  Amazing work Noah! 

1B - Matt Galea

Tyson M - for being a resilient learner by  achieving many goals throughout the year which  has allowed you to transition back into the  classroom. Amazing Tyson! 

Aaliyah A - for being a knowledgeable learner by  sharing her understanding of different topics during  whole class discussions.  

1C - Natalie Donevska

Adau M- For being an excellent communicator during small group work when sharing her recount about the school holidays. Well done Adau! 

Simon N- For being a risk taker when writing sentences and using his initiative to help others in the classroom. Well done Simon! 

2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell 

Ruth - For being an excellent communicator in  reading groups when discussing the text and  sharing her thoughts. 

Aquin J - For being a risk taker in whole class  discussions when sharing words that have a long  vowel sound. 

2B - Ric Martin

Linda D- For being knowledgeable and sharing  her understanding about bees during inquiry. 

Brian N - For being a reflective learner during  mathematics, asking questions to clarify your own  thinking. 

2C - Dorothy Hall 

Athiei C - For being a risk taker when settling into  her new class and school, even volunteering to  share her mathematical thinking with the class. 

Jayden C - For being a knowledgeable learner  when adding known facts and details about  spiders to his information report planner. 

3A - Ella Nowak

Emma N- For being a risk taker and challenging  herself to learn her multiplication facts and  improving her score on her multiplication grid each  week. Keep up the amazing work Emma! 

Stella T - For being an excellent communicator and  using her voice to clarify her learning. Keep up the  amazing confidence Stella! 

3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington 

Ebenezer Bawibik T- for being a motivated  learner and giving all learning experiences a red  hot go! Keep up the amazing work Ebeneezer.

Santa O - for being a reflective learner by making  text to self connections to the books we read in  class. Keep up the brilliant thinking, Santa! 

3C - Joss Coaley 

Makaylah G - for making a positive start to the  term and for sharing her knowledge with others.  Congratulations Makaylah! 

Za Lian L - for sharing with others and using his  communication skills, especially in our Inquiry unit.  Congratulations! 

4A - Lavina Stewart

Sofia C - For being a resilient learner when  confidently completing and understanding how to  solve addition equations using the Jump Strategy.  Keep up the hard work Sofia! 

Bahnam Q- For being an excellent communicator  when sharing his ideas and thoughts about how  past events have shaped how we live. Well done  Bahnam! 

4B - Thomas Pham

Ken M - for being knowledgeable and a  communicator when he shared his understanding  of equality while solving addition equations. Keep  sharing your ideas Ken! 

Dwayne L - for being a risk-taker in his learning  when he completed the more challenging literature  circle role - ‘Sophia the Summariser’.  

Congratulations Dwayne! 

4C - Brittany Davidson

Liam S - For demonstrating a sense of  responsibility for his actions and a positive attitude  towards learning with a great start to term 2. Keep  it up Liam! 

Jackie D - for showing responsibility and  dedication to her learning during literacy activities.  Well done Jackie! 

5A - Katherine Salloum

Alexander L - For being a responsible and  reflective learner by recognising that he needed  help to complete multiplication problems using the  algorithm method and approaching the teacher for  help. Great initiative, Alex!  

Achai M - For being a risk-taker by using her  initiative and volunteering her thoughts and ideas  within whole class discussions. 

5B - Shannon Betham

Weston T - For being a responsible learner by  taking care of your belongings such as your  glasses to ensure that you can learn effectively.  Keep up the great effort. 

Jerry J - for being a reflective communicator when  sharing what you know about animals, their  features and adaptations. Keep up the great effort! 

5C - Malae Suaesi

Ronel P - For being a reflective learner whilst  being at the Melbourne Zoo. He was able to make  his peers aware of the general public and  encouraged them to act respectfully. 

Kriselle A - For being a resilient learner when  using the think board to solve multiplication  problems with different strategies. 

6A - Annette Lee

Stallon F - for being a knowledgeable learner,  sharing great strategies and thinking in  Mathematics! Well done! 

Charlize T - for using lots of persuasive devices in  writing- you are demonstrating lots of amazing  thinking! Great work! 

6B - T.B.C

Zerika A - for her positivity towards her peers and  for always showing kindness and respect in the  classroom! 

Akok A - for showing great enthusiasm in class and  for participation on specialist day.Keep up the  good attitude! 

6C - Jane Huang

Tejith B -For being a risk taker by challenging  himself to utilise different types of graphs and  charts to display his data. 

Nevaeh M - For being a responsible and reflective  learner by connecting inquiry learning to the  Melbourne Zoo excursion and taking notes about  how animals adapt to the environment.

Specialist Awards 

Japanese: Yumiko Aiki - Carol M (4C) - for being  a thinker and a risk-taker by taking responsibility  during Japanese class. Her determination and  dedication to achieve her personal best is  inspiring. Congratulations! 

Performing Arts: Jody Banks - Deng D (5B) - for  being a risk-taker when learning new  choreography for the Grade 5 Dance Battle and for  participating enthusiastically in Performing Arts  lessons. Great work, Deng! 

Visual Arts: Jake Moloney - Zoe. I (4C) - for  being a responsible learner in the Visual Arts  learning space, by assisting her classmates with  their art pieces. Well done Zoe! 

S T E M: Matt Dalton - Jemma C (6B) - For being  an inquisitive learner during STEM. She  demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while  testing your catapult. Well done Jemma! 

P.E: Jen Barresi - Noah S (4B) - for being a  positive, respectful and enthusiastic participant in  P.E. It’s a pleasure to teach you every  Wednesday and watch you grow as a  

student. Keep up the great work Noah! 

Week 4

Monday 15/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 16/05

●      Learning Diversity Leaders Network

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 17/05


Thursday 18/05

●      Saint John I

●      Catch up photo day

Friday 19/05

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -  Middles

Saturday 20/05

●      Saint Bernadine of Siena

Sunday 21/05

●      Solemnity Of The Ascension Of The Lord

Week 5

Monday 22/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 23/05

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 24/05

●      The Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians

●      Student Wellbeing Leaders Network

Thursday 25/05

●      Saint Gregory VII

●      Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

●      Saint Bede

Friday 26/05

●      Saint Philip Neri

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Juniors

●      Staff Social Dinner  

●      Religious Education Leaders Network

Saturday 27/05

●      Saint Augustine of Canterbury

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 28/05

●      Pentecost Sunday

●      First Communion Masses

 Week 6

Monday 29/05

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 30/05

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 31/05

●      The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday 01/06

●      Saint Justin

●      Deputy Principals Network

Friday 02/06

●      Saints Marcellinus and Peter

●      Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival (Backup date)

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Preps

●      Deputy Principals Network

Saturday 03/06

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 04/06

●      Solemnity Of The Most Holy Trinity

●      First Communion Masses

 Week 7

Monday 05/06

●      Student House Activity Day

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 06/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      Mary, Mother of the Church

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 07/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Thursday 08/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 09/06

●      Saint Ephrem

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Seniors

●      ONWZ Principals Network Meeting

Saturday 10/06

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 11/06

●      Feast Of Corpus Christi

●      First Communion Masses

 Week 8

Monday 12/06

●      King’s Birthday – School Closure

Tuesday 13/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday 14/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Thursday 15/06

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

Friday 16/6

●      Instalment 2 - Family Fee Payment Due

●      Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

●      Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Middles

Saturday 17/06

●      Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

●      First Communion Masses

Sunday 18/06

●      11TH Sunday In Ordinary Time

●      First Communion Masses

 Week 9

Monday 19/06

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Reports back to teachers

●      Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 20/06

Wednesday 21/06

●      Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

●      Resurrection Day Celebration

●      Resurrection Day Mass 9.00am (Whole School)

●      Last Day of Term 2 Dismissal Time 3.15pm

●      Semester 1 Student Reports Sent Home

Thursday 22/06

●      School Closure Staff Faith Formation Day 1

Friday 23/06

●      School Closure Staff Faith Formation Day 2


Term 2 Week 4 of 9


Term 2 Week 2 of 9