Term 4 Week 9
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
Our School Christmas Concert
2023 Prep & Grade 6 Dinner
2023 Student Transition – A Time For Change
Canteen News
2023 School Staffing Allocation
2023 Staff Movement
Enrolment Availability
2023 School Uniform
Child Classroom Placement Policy
2022 Term 4 Dates
2023 Term 1 Dates
This Sunday’s Gospel & Reflection
Christmas Concert Seating Plan
Dear Parents, Students & Friends of Resurrection,
The symbols of Advent now begin to appear within classrooms and the learning environments. The teaching that occurs in each grade provides our students with the ability to draw meaning from such symbols so that we are able to be signs of hope, compassion and light to the world.
May your Advent be a time of waiting, a time of reflection, an opportunity to see Advent through the eyes of your children so that in sharing this time with them, you also revisit our Liturgical new year with fresh eyes and a renewed spirit.
May this truly be a year and a time of Grace for yourself and your family.
With kindest regards,
Des Noack
Christmas Concert
Wednesday 14th December
A Chance For Our Entire School Community To Gather, Give Thanks For The Year and Celebrate Christmas!
On the last Wednesday of the school year, 14th December 2022, we will be hosting the Resurrection School Christmas Carols Concert.
The concert will take place on the school oval with families invited to bring along a picnic rug or foldable picnic chairs to sit on. Families using picnic chairs are asked to set their chairs up toward the back and sides of the oval, allowing those with picnic rugs to be able to see the stage.
Families are encouraged to bring along dinner and drinks, however, alcohol will not be permitted in line with our Child Safe policies.
Following feedback from our parents regarding the success of the recent Art & Cultural fashion Parade show, we will be selling sausages in bread for $2.00 on the night. The sausage sizzle will be available between 5.00pm and 5.45pm.
All students have been preparing for the evening having practiced their carols, as a class, these last several weeks.
The following provides an outline of the evening. We are hoping that all students and their families will be able to attend as we come together to celebrate our school, our community and our faith.
Family picnic on the oval (please note that no alcohol is permitted)
Families to bring their own picnic rugs, foldable picnic chairs, etc.
Students will assemble in their class lines in the courtyard as per normal in readiness to perform with teachers taking their class to the waiting area prior to performing.
Christmas carols begin
Prep Nativity
All classes sing a traditional Christmas carol and a Christmas song
Whole school song at the end
*** Christmas carols concert should finish around 8.15pm ***
Prep & Grade 6 Dinner
Thank you to all the parents who attended last Friday night’s 2023 Prep & 2022 Grade 6 Parent Dinner. It was fantastic to see so many new and familiar faces, along with the chance for parents and teachers to catch up with each other.
Due to the number of cancellations we have experienced over the last three dinners offered, we are reviewing how best to try and continue to provide this experience without seeing food and the efforts of staff go to waste. The feedback from parents who have attended is always reaffirming and positive making it hard to let such a wonderful night pass. Further advice will be sought from the School Advisory Board regarding this initiative.
2023 Student Transition
A Time For Change
This week, our students began the journey of transition into their new class groupings for 2023.
Thank you to the many parents who had taken up the opportunity to write and email me about what they consider is invaluable information to assist with their child’s placement into next year’s class. Each tells a story, a perception, an experience or some feedback for consideration. Each is valued and considered.
To understand the processes, procedures and reasoning around student placement, I ask that you take time to read the school’s Child Classroom Placement & Procedures Policy located further in this newsletter.
On the following page are the names of the teachers and staff assigned to next year’s classrooms.
The following information provides strategies that you, as a parent, can assist your child with in developing their social skills in adapting to change, enhancing their resilience and developing new social networks.
The transition (Orientation) days are a strategy we use to provide our students with a sense of belonging, an opportunity to get to know both the teacher and the students they will share the coming year with. It is also an opportunity to get a sense of the learning environment they will be working within.
Transition, better described as a process of getting used to change, provides your child with huge opportunities for personal, emotional and social growth. It’s something we should not fear but embrace.
The following are a few tips for you as a parent in supporting your child as they move from one classroom to the next:
1. Encourage Self-Advocacy.
Self-advocacy is one of the most important skills your child will learn over the next few years. Speaking up for himself or herself and knowing how to ask for what they need is a critical, lifelong skill. Your child can only learn it if you make an intentional effort to back away and let him or her step up to the plate.
When your child has a question about a project or a homework task, make sure he or she contacts the teacher, not you. Help your child brainstorm what to say, and maybe even craft the email or conversation together, but let the message come from your child.
When your child feels like another student wronged him or her, teach them to use their teacher as a resource. Help your child report the incident to the teacher or even principal, but let him or her take the lead.
Side note: With these examples, I encourage parents to follow up with teachers to make sure your child really did follow through and advocate for themselves. I myself have written emails when my children were at primary school that simply said “I’m just checking to make sure my daughter talked to you about …” This is very different from taking the lead and contacting teachers to solve it yourself.
2. Allow Your Child To Struggle.
This one is always hard for parents, and for good reasons. We don’t like to see our children struggle. Our instinct is to jump in and rescue. However, we all know that the greatest lessons in life come from learning from our mistakes, and if our goal is to raise children to become strong, independent adults, we need to learn to let them stumble.
The most important thing parents can do to support their child at this age is learn to ask, “How can I help? What kind of support do you need?” instead of “How can I fix this for you?”
Our kids take their lead from our energy as parents. The attitude you project will be the attitude they absorb. Next year will again show you an unbelievable transformation! Allow your child to suffer the “natural consequences” of being unprepared. Maybe he or she will get in trouble. Maybe your child will receive feedback that they don’t want to hear. It will sting and your child will be upset, but hopefully habits will start to change.
Stop rescuing! Don’t bring the missing work to school for your child. Don’t write the teacher a note about how busy your family was and why homework didn’t get finished. Let your child learn to deal with the consequences.
Focus on growth instead of grades. Your child won’t earn an ‘A’ on every single task, and that’s okay. Focus your conversations on how hard he or she is working, what is being learned, what support is needed, and how skills are growing, rather than just what your child’s grades are.
3. Encourage Positive Risk-Taking.
Primary school is the perfect time to try new things, and becoming comfortable with taking positive risks is another critical skill in a child’s development. Some ideas for next year’s risk-taking include:
Try a new sport.
Join a club or start a new one.
Expand their circle of friends.
There are so many ways your child can learn to take a positive risk. The important part as a parent is to always acknowledge and praise the effort and courage it takes to try something new.
Canteen News
Last Tuesday night, five parents gathered to form the new Canteen Committee and commence the process of putting in place a School Canteen for 2023.
Our special thanks to the following parents:
Daniella Psaila
Amy Lebon
Angela Ward
Caterina Callea
Jessica Caruana.
The meeting covered the following issues:
Role of the canteen committee
A menu that is culturally & individually inclusive
Traffic light system to identify healthy foods
Internal or external provider
Cashless pay systems
Convenient ordering times
The committee agreed to:
Investigate how other schools were operating Reconvene in Week 2 of Term 1 next year
Initiate a Special Friday Lunch Order Commencing Week 4 of Term 1
Seek parent input via the Operoo Form regarding menu options for the Special Friday Lunch Orders and to identify participation rates.
2023 Teacher Placement
Classrooms | Teacher 2023 | L.S.O's | Room |
Foundation | Anna Druitt | Kristina Movric | PA |
Foundation | Carla Tirrotta | Iang Cenhrang | PC |
1 | Enza Le Rosa | Daniella Custo | 1A |
1 | Matt Galea | Marianne Dukakis | 1B |
1 | T.B.C | Antoinette Farrugia | 1C |
2 | Linda Odgers | Kristy-Ann Aguis | 2A |
2 | Ric Martin | Jackie Wolfe | 2B |
2 | Dorothy Hall | Sharon Davis | 2C |
3 | Ella Nowak | Christine Borg & Zung Mel Kuihon | 3A |
3 | Emma Pell & Sophie Duddington | Christine Borg & Zung Mel Kuihon | 3B |
3 | Joss Coaley | Christine Borg & Zung Mel Kuihon | 3C |
4 | Lavina Stewart | Jenny Le | 4A |
4 | Thomas Pham | Zina Costa | 4B |
4 | Brittany Davidson | Jolene Major | 4C |
5 | Katherine Salloum | Anna Attard & Claudette Petrucelli | 5A |
5 | Shannon Betham | Anna Attard & Claudette Petrucelli | 5B |
5 | Malae Suaesi | Anna Attard & Claudette Petrucelli | 5C |
6 | Annette Lee | Silva Ataallah | 6A |
6 | T.B.C | Paola Arrendondo | 6B |
6 | Jane Huang | Joanne Dale | 6C |
Specialist Subjects
L.O.T.E | Yumiko Aiki |
Physical Ed. | Travis McMahon |
Visual Arts | Jake Moloney |
Performing Arts | Jody Banks |
S.T.E.M. | Matthew Dalton |
Release Teacher | Rebecca Wright |
Learning Intervention
Literacy Intervention | Rosie Hogan |
Literacy Intervention | Sandra Ferraro |
Numeracy Intervention | Michelle White |
EAL - New Arrivals | Fiona Gradidge |
Grad Teacher Support | Shannon Ziebell |
Administration Manager | Ruth Galea |
Administration Officer | Rachael Bonavia |
Finance Officer | Susan Buslon |
I.C.T. Officer | Helen Frigo |
O.H.S. Officer | Claudette Petrucelli |
Admin/First Aid | Anna Attard |
Library Officer | Eshraga Barbari |
Translating Services
Burmese | Zung Mel Kuihon & Iang Cenhrang |
Matu Chin | Zung Mel Kuihon |
Haka Chin | Zung Mel Kuihon & Iang Cenhrang |
Vietnamese | Jenny Le |
Arabic | Eshraga Barbari |
Dinka | Eshraga Barbari |
Principal | Des Noack |
Deputy Principal – Community / Wellbeing | Jess Davis |
Deputy Principal – Organisation / Curriculum | John Hein |
Religious Ed. Leader | Erica Aclan |
Learning Diversity Leader | T.B.C. |
School Administration | Ruth Galea |
Senior Team Leader | Shannon Betham |
Middle Team Leader | Joss Coaley |
Junior Team Leader | Matt Galea |
Prep Team Leader | Carla Tirrotta |
2023 Staff Movement
Staff that will be leaving us and continuing to develop themselves as teaching professionals are: Mrs Lisa Hughes, Mrs Linda Oxley, Miss Aoife O’Flynn, Miss My-Linh Tran, Mr Tom Nguyen, Ms Tina Naumov, Ms Barbara Zerzouri, Miss Shelby Nightingale and Mrs Melanie Horan.
Mrs Tosh Kaan, Mrs Angelina Touron and Mrs Bridget Fairman remain on maternity, whilst Mrs Emma Lyons & Mrs Sophie Duddington return from maternity leave, working part time.
Mr Grant Lewis will continue to support the teaching staff in his role as Performance & Development Culture Facilitator.
There will continue to be some staff movement, but our hope is that classroom teacher allocation will remain stable for the commencement of the year. All schools are continuing to experience high staff turnover along with dwindling numbers of graduate teachers and very limited overseas teacher recruitment.
The coming year is an exciting and nervous time for not only our students, but also our teachers. Be thoughtful about the messages you are sending your children about this new adventure.
As mentioned many times before in previous newsletters, our children take their lead from our energy and attitudes as parents. The attitude you project will be the attitude they absorb.
Next year will be a time of unbelievable transformation! Prepare for it, brace yourself for it, but most of all, enjoy it!
Enrolment Availability
It is great to see new enrolments occurring each day as we move closer to the 2023 school year.
We would like to take this opportunity to advise parents that there is now a wait list for Grade 5 & Grade 6 with limited numbers available across all other Grades.
As the school’s academic performance continues to grow and our current families continue to speak highly of the school, we invisage that there will be strong growth in the coming years.
If you know of families with children who may be commencing school in 2024, we would strongly encourage you to ask them to contact the school so as to register their child’s name. There is no cost associated with this, however it is an opportunity to ensure a placement when the time comes.
2023 School Uniform
Having had over two years to transition to the new school uniform with most families now having done so, we wish to inform all families that as of the commencement of the 2023 school year, all students must be dressed in the new school uniform as prescribed below:
Formal Summer - Boys
Navy shorts with logo (no cords or cargo)
School blue shirt with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)
Navy socks (Anklet socks not permitted)
Black leather school shoes
Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
Lace or Velcro optional
Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR School Bonded Jacket
Formal Winter - Boys
Navy pants or shorts with logo.
School blue shirt with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)
School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR School Bonded Jacket
Navy socks
Black leather school shoes
Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
Lace or Velcro optional
Formal Summer - Girls
Summer Dress with logo
Navy shorts with logo (no cords or cargo)
Navy school pants with logo
School blouse with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)
School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR School Bonded Jacket
White socks (Anklet socks not permitted)
Black leather school shoes
Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
Lace or Velcro optional
Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
School navy hair ties
Formal Winter - Girls
School winter tunic with pleats front and back. (Prep to Grade 6) Navy tights or socks to be worn with winter tunic.
School winter skirt (winter tunic with top part removed). (Grade 3 to 6 Only) Navy tights or socks to be worn with winter tunic.
Navy pants or shorts with logo. (Navy socks to be worn with pants or shorts.)
School blouse with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)
School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR School Bonded Jacket
Black leather school shoes
Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
Lace or Velcro optional
School navy hair ties
Sports Uniform - Boys
Sports microfiber shorts with logo
Sports tracksuit pant with logo
Sports polo top with logo (long or short sleave)
School Bonded Jacket
Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)
Sports Uniform - Girls
Sports microfiber shorts with logo
Sports tracksuit pant with logo
Sports polo top with logo (long or short sleave)
School Bonded Jacket
Micromesh school hat with piping(colour to represent your child’s house colour)
Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)
Important Uniform Information
No anklet socks are to be worn with any uniform.
Hair touching shoulders must be tied back with either school coloured scrunchie or hair ties. This applies to both girls and boys.
No coloured nail polish allowed.
Sleepers or stud earrings only.
Skirts and dresses are not to be shorter than just above the knee.
There will be days were uniform type will be prescribed based on the activities of the day, eg. Excursion, school photo day, interschool sports, formal presentations.
Child Classroom Placement & Procedures Policy
Student learning is our core business at Resurrection Catholic Primary School and so we aim to provide an environment that encourages each child’s educational and social development.
When making decisions about the placement of students we consider the following criteria in an effort to achieve a fair and even distribution of students in each class setting:
Specific learning needs
Individual differences
Gender balance
Relationships with other students
Social and emotional maturity
Academic achievement
Family groupings
Length of time a class or group has been together
Class placements in previous years
Classroom observations
Student teacher relationships
Parent / Carer input
The class structure that is decided upon will aim to:
Equal range of abilities in each class / year level.
Keep average class sizes as low and as even as possible.
Allow for planned and unplanned increase in enrolments.
Ensure that students identified as requiring additional support are where possible “shared” throughout the school.
The setting of classes requires a great deal of time and thought. Staff use their professional judgement and expertise, along with relevant information provided by parents in an effort to achieve effective class groups that satisfy, where possible, the needs of the individual and the needs of the group. No single factor determines placement, or will necessarily be acted upon. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the Principal to make decisions about classes and the placement of students.
Parents / Caregivers role in the process
In order to make the best decisions we need as much information as possible. Class teachers have an excellent knowledge of your child/ren, particularly in relation to their social and academic needs in the classroom and school setting.
As Parents/Caregivers you are given the opportunity to provide information that you believe could be considered in the placement of your child/ren. What we specifically seek from you is information about your child's learning or social needs that you believe the school may not be aware of. (Such information would not include a request for a particular teacher or what is commonly called “teacher shopping”). This information should be provided via email or in as a letter placed in an envelope addressed to the Principal and marked “Confidential”. Information provided must specifically relate to the criteria highlighted above.
The following will not be considered:
Requests to have or not to have particular teachers.
Information provided after the due date.
NB. The provision of this information should not be seen in anyway as a guarantee that requests can or will be met.
Communicating Class Placements
Class Placements for the year ahead is communicated to the students at their first 2022 Student Transition session.
This practice means that:
Students will know the name of their teacher for the following year;
Students will know which other students will be in their class; and
Parents and carers will have time to talk positively to their children about the class experiences they may have the following year.
Parent and Carer Commitment
Parents and carers commit to supporting the school's Class Placement Policy & Procedure by:
Supporting and accepting decisions made by the School; and
Being positive with their child about the class placement decision that has been made. (Remember you are the “Directors of First Impressions”.)
School Commitment
The School commits to supporting the Class Placement Policy by:
Using informed professional judgement when deciding class placements; and
Considering all available information, including that received from parents and care givers.
Key Upcoming Dates
Prior To The 2023 School Commencing
Tuesday 24/01
Leadership Day 1
Exec & Team Leaders
SIF & AAP Goals
Review Year
Team Planners & Action Plans
Wednesday 25/01
Leadership Day 2
Exec & Team Leaders
Staff meeting agendas
Staffing of Camps
Implication of EBA
Thursday 26/01
Australia Day
Friday 27/01
School Closure
Staff Planning Day:
Welcoming of new staff
Staff Handbook
PBL Matrix & Flowchart
Mandatory Reporting
Student medical needs
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Sunday 29/01
4th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Term 1 Commences - Week 1
Monday 30/01
School Closure
Office Open from 9.00am till 3.00pm
School Vision Part 1
Prayer Life Of The School
Team Meeting Session 1
Getting to know each other (Offsite)
Tuesday 31/01
St John Bosco
School Closure
Office Open from 9.00am till 3.00pm
School Vision Part 2
Team Meeting Session 2
Professional team charter
Team Action Plan
Wednesday 01/02
Grade 1 to Grade 6 Students Return To School
Appointments for Prep students re testing
Thursday 02/02
The Presentation of the Lord
Preps first day of school - 8.45am till 12.00pm
Friday 03/02
Saint Ansgar, Saint Blaise
Preps second day of school - 8.45am till 12.00pm
Sunday 05/02
Saint Agatha
5th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 2
Monday 06/02
Prep Students commence full school days: 8.45am – 3.15pm
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 07/02
Parent Helper Training 9.00am (Legal & Classroom Support)
Wednesday 08/02
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Saint Jerome Emiliani
Saint Josephine Bakhita
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 09/02
Parent Helper Training 2.30pm (Legal & Classroom Support)
Grade 6 Camp Information Night 6.00pm
Friday 10/02
Whole School Mass – Opening Of School Year
Saint Scholastica
Saturday 11/02
Our Lady of Lourdes
Sacramental (Eucharist) Invitation Mass 6.00pm
Sunday 12/02
6th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacramental (Eucharist) Invitation Mass 10.30am
Week 3
Monday 13/02
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Emergency Displan Practice
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 14/02
Parent Teacher Conversations 3.30 to 5.00 / 5.30 to 6.30pm
Saints Cyril and Methodius
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Wednesday 15/02
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Thursday 16/02
Parent Teacher Conversations 3.30 to 5.00 / 5.30 to 6.30pm
Friday 17/02
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Seniors
Saturday 18/02
Sacramental (Eucharist) Invitation Mass 6.00pm
Sunday 19/02
7th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacramental (Eucharist) Invitation Mass 10.30am
Week 4
Monday 20/02
2024 Prep Enrolments Open
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 21/02
Shrove Tuesday
Parent Helper Training 9.00am (Legal & Classroom Support)
Wednesday 22/02
Ash Wednesday (Whole school)
Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23/02
Saint Polycarp
Parent Helper Training 2.30pm
Saturday 25/02
Sacramental (Confirmation) Invitation Mass 6.00pm
Sunday 26/02
1st Sunday Of Lent
Sacramental (Confirmation) Invitation Mass 10.00am
Week 5
Monday 27/02
Prep’s Commence Full-Time
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday 01/03
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Friday 03/03
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Middles
Saturday 04/03
Sacramental (Confirmation) Invitation Mass 6.00pm
Sunday 05/03
2nd Sunday of Lent
Sacramental (Confirmation) Invitation Mass 10.00am
Week 6
Monday 06/03
Student House Activity Day (Clean Up Australia Day)
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Grade 6 Camp – Kyneton
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 07/03
Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Grade 6 Camp - Kyneton
Wednesday 08/03
Instalment 1 - Family Fee & Student Levy Payment Due
Saint John of God
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Grade 6 Camp - Kyneton
Friday 10/03
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Juniors
Staff Social Event
Walk Safely To School Day
Sunday 12/03
3rd Sunday of Lent
Week 7
Monday 13/03
Labour Day – School Closure
Evidenced based Assessment & Moderation Week
Tuesday 14/03
Parent Support Group Meetings
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday 15/03
School Open Night 6pm – 7.00pm
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Parent Support Group Meetings
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 16/03
Parent Support Group Meetings
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
School Open Night 6pm – 7.00pm
Friday 17/03
Solemnity of Saint Patrick (Dress In Green)
(Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral)
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Whole School Mass 9.00
Sunday 19/03
4th Sunday of Lent
Week 8
Monday 20/03
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 21/03
Parent Support Group Meetings
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Wednesday 22/03
Parent Support Group Meetings
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23/03
Parent Support Group Meetings
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo
Friday 24/03
NAPLAN – Grade 3 & 5
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Prep
Saturday 25/03
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Sunday 26/03
5th Sunday of Lent
Week 9
Monday 27/03
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday 29/03
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Sunday 02/04
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Week 10
Monday 03/04
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 04/04
Saint Isidore
Wednesday 05/04
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 06/04
Whole School Mass 9.00am
Resurrection Feast Day
Last Day of Term 1
Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Holy Thursday
This Sunday’s Gospel - Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew 3: 1-12
In due course John the Baptist appeared; he preached in the wilderness of Judaea and this was his message: ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.’ This was the man the prophet Isaiah spoke of when he said:
A voice cries in the wilderness:
Prepare a way for the Lord,
make his paths straight.
This man John wore a garment made of camel-hair with a leather belt round his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem and all Judaea and the whole Jordan district made their way to him, and as they were baptised by him in the river Jordan they confessed their sins. But when he saw a number of Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism he said to them, ‘Brood of vipers, who warned you to fly from the retribution that is coming? But if you are repentant, produce the appropriate fruit, and do not presume to tell yourselves, “We have Abraham for our father,” because, I tell you, God can raise children for Abraham from these stones. Even now the axe is laid to the roots of the trees, so that any tree which fails to produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown on the fire. I baptise you in water for repentance, but the one who follows me is more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to carry his sandals; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing-fan is in his hand; he will clear his threshing-floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn in a fire that will never go out.’
Gospel Reflection
When John the Baptist performed baptism it was for the forgiveness of sin. The baptism he gave was a mark of the desire to enter into a new life of right action. It was not a baptism of initiation into community that is the case today.
John had two key words that he is recorded as preaching: repent and prepare.
His call for repentance was a call to turn away from sin; a call to have a change of heart; a call to turn one’s life around and make a fresh start. His call for preparation is in the long line of prophets that includes the great prophet Isaiah from whom we take today’s first reading.
All of the prophets urged the people towards hope in the future. Isaiah and others spoke specifically of a person – a Messiah – who would bring that hope to reality. But the tradition demanded a readiness for the Messiah and that was the call to preparation that John the Baptist echoed at the beginning of the public life of Jesus.
John’s taunting of the Pharisees and Sadducees is an indication of this need for preparation and readiness. He accuses them of being too confident of their own rightness. He demands proof from them of their honest repentance: ‘but if you are repentant, produce the appropriate fruit’. Rather, he suspects that they think that salvation is assured for them by virtue of being a Jew; a son of Abraham. He warns them that an axe hangs poised to cut down any part of the Jewish tradition that is failing to produce good fruit. This is a theme that is picked up later by Jesus himself; you can’t be complacent about your own position, you have to welcome the new truth revealed by Jesus and give yourself wholeheartedly to God.
Living the Gospel – Prepare Ye!
John the Baptist’s call to ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’ is a summary of the purpose of the season of Advent. Every year, as we celebrate the Nativity, we celebrate once again the presence of God in our world. God became incarnate in the world through Jesus but also always was and continues to be incarnate in the world through each person. If we are to accept this reality and live it out, we need to remind ourselves this Advent to prepare the way for the Lord to be present in and through us every day of our lives.
Gospel Focus – Out of the wilderness
The wilderness holds a special place in scripture. Time spent in the wilderness is associated with a time of preparation for undertaking a special purpose. When Moses led the people from Egypt they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. This was a time of renewing themselves after their time in Egypt and rediscovering their covenant with God. After his baptism, Jesus retreats to the wilderness to prepare for his public ministry. It was also out of the wilderness that a lot of rebellion and unrest emerged. A desire for change and action is what comes out of the wilderness.
Scriptural context – Brood of Vipers!
The gospel of Matthew in particular casts the Pharisees in a very dim light. John’s insult to them, calling them a brood of vipers, is indeed echoed by Jesus later in this gospel. In this gospel, Jesus describes the Pharisees as hypocrites and blind guides. The community for whom this gospel was written were predominantly Jewish Christians. However, at the time of writing serious cracks were appearing in the relationship between the Jewish community and the Christian sect. This gospel aligns closely with the Jewish tradition but is very critical of the inflexibility of the Pharisees.
Classroom Awards
Week 8 Awards
PA - Shelby Nightingale
Anna V- For being a knowledgeable learner learning, by independently identifying 3D shapes around the room! Fantastic job at extending your own learning!
Ryan G- For being a risk taker in your learning when creating narratives by asking for assistance and being resilient! Keep being a wonderful learner Ryan!
PB - Anna Druitt
Emily P - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing a fantastic reflection on your favourite parts of the Tabloid Sports Day.
Miyen A - For being a risk taker in his learning when attempting to write initial sounds in his narrative writing.
PC - Carla Tirotta
Adam F- For being a knowledgeable learner when confidently sharing different quantities into groups and identifying how many remainders there are
1A - Tina Naumov
Brian N - for being a reflective learner and using valuable contributions during focus groups to support with decoding unfamiliar words. Amazing learning Brian!
Nancy C - for being a risk taker when using time connectives in her descriptive writing. Great learning Nancy!
1B - Aoife O’Flynn
Cung Bawi N. - for using his thinking skills to use positional language when explaining the location of specific objects. Great thinking Bawi!
Amelie L. - for being a caring member of our class through her willingness to assist other students with their learning activities. Well done Amelie!
1C - My-Linh Tran
Aquin J - For being an effective communicator when sharing his text to self connections during guided reading groups. Amazing learning Aquin!
Liela M - For being a reflective learner when making changes to improve her descriptive writing. Great learning Liela!
2A - Barbara Zerzouri
BilaiTu K - for showing persistence when estimating mass and then measuring mass with informal units.
Lana M - for working extra hard during shared reading times when approaching new words.
2B - Jake Moloney
Taylor M - for being a reflective learner when measuring classroom objects using unfix and MAB’s on a balance scale. Great reflecting Taylor!
Lauren C - for showcasing her reflective learner skills during the Tabloid Sports day, when suggesting strategies on how to effectively stack cups. Great reflecting Lauren!
2C - Rebecca Wright
Immanuel - for being a reflective learner when measuring classroom objects using unfix and MAB’s to determine mass on a balance scale. Great reflecting Immanuel!
Adit B - For being knowledgeable when showcasing her prior learning on the three different types of compound words with her peers. Great sharing Adit!
3A - Joss Coaley
Van CCT - for showing amazing levels of perseverance and positivity being the only representative for Blue House in the class for Tabloid Sports. You represented your team extremely well. Amazing effort!
Ken M - for his continued positive mindset and attention to his learning, allowing him to complete all tasks on time to a high standard. Well done Ken!
3B - Thomas Pham
Martin P - for continuing to be a Communicator during whole-class discussions. Keep sharing your ideas Martin!
Apiok M - for being Reflective and persistent in her learning to understand the vertical addition strategy. Keep reaching for perfection Apiok!
3C - Ella Nowak
Marcus T- For showing a positive attitude when attempting unfamiliar subtraction questions. Great learning Marcus
Adit A - For showing a determination to know her 11 and 10 times tables. Great learning Adit
4A - Linda Oxley
Carter M - being a knowledgeable and a risk taker when attempting to explain the different states of matter.
Rayyann N - for being a resilient learner and persisting in maths with strategies such as bridging to 100.
4B - Lavinia Stewart
Dayton T - For being a resilient learner when showing his understanding of how to convert fractions into decimals. Awesome work Dayton.
Akuol D - For being an inquirer and identifying that materials can be reversible and irreversible through our Solid, liquid and gas unit. Well done Akuol!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Jeriel J- For showing a commitment to his learning, involving himself in class discussions and taking risks in his writing pieces. Well done Jeriel!
Ashton C- For demonstrating resilience when faced with challenges and consistently interacting with peers and teachers with kindness and respect. Well done Ashton!
5A - Dorothy Hall
Aguer L - For being a thinker as he applied his mathematical knowledge to solve problems involving the subtraction of fractions
Dylan T - Being a thinker and an inquirer as he experimented with an electrical circuit, reflecting on the changes that could arise by adjusting the strength of the battery.
5B - Malae Suaesi
Kiera N - For being a resilient learner when attempting to use a dictionary to find the meaning of closed and open compound words.
Ebenezer L - For being a reflective learner when considering how to summarise key ideas from a text. Great learning!
5C - Lisa Hughes
Efraim S - for being a knowledgeable learner when adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators. Keep up the great learning!
Elema W - for being a reflective learner and asking for feedback to improve her transactional writing in a formal text. Well done Elema!
6A - Katherine Salloum
Daw D - for being a knowledgeable learner by using the skills that he has learned about percentages and applying them to a range of mathematical problems. Great learning, Daw!
Daniel K - for being a principled learner by remaining focussed and on task when completing his assignment for the Year 6 Social Justice Fair.
6B - Jane Huang
Phoenix V - for being an inquisitive learner when researching information for her social justice project and seeking feedback to improve it.
Sharlotte P - for being a caring member in the classroom by helping her peers when solving percentage discount equations during Maths lessons.
6C - Matt Galea
Chelsea G - for showing enthusiasm, creativity and dedication to create an amazing video for the Year 6 Social Justice Fair.
Fedric D - for using teacher feedback to challenge his own learning and include more detail with his video for the Year 6 Social Justice Fair.
Specialist Awards
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Isabelle P (6C) - for being a thinker and risk-taker while working collaboratively during the zoom session with our sister school in Japan, and for showing respect for the Japanese students.
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Jason Sang (3B) - for being an outstanding music student in all areas of the music curriculum, and for demonstrating great strategies for learning. Fantastic work, Jason!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Ava P (PC) - For using critical and creative thinking skills during STEM when designing your new Bee-Bot. Well done Ava!
P.E: Tom Nguyen:
Sophia T (3A) - for great sharing equipment and supporting teammates in PE lessons. Well done Sophia!
Week 9 Awards
PA - Shelby Nightingale
Michaela M- For being a knowledgeable learner when using a variety of decoding strategies to read unfamiliar words, including split digraphs. Well done Michaela!
Kobe M- For being a creative learner when developing and writing interesting narratives! You have an excellent imagination, keep it up!
PB - Anna Druitt
Amelia L - For being a knowledgeable learner when planning a Christmas celebration using a graphic organiser. Fantastic work Amelia!
Esequiel V -For being an effective communicator and showing increased confidence in sharing your ideas during class discussions. Keep up the great learning!
PC - Carla Tirotta
Brendan L- For being a knowledgeable learner when writing a narrative about trains. You did an excellent job coming up with a problem and solution for your story.
Elvis Z- For being an inquirer and always asking questions to help further your understanding on new topics.
1A - Tina Naumov
Liam D - for being a reflective learner when describing the story of Jesus’ birth and how Angel Gabriel visited Mary. Fabulous learning Liam!
Sofia W - for being an effective communicator during Inquiry and describing what materials are traditionally used when building houses in Myanmar. Keep up the brilliant learning Sofia!
1B - Aoife O’Flynn
Alize B - for using a variety of strategies to decode unfamiliar words in a challenging text. Well done Alize!
Jor D - for using knowledge and feedback to write a unique descriptive writing piece about the jungle. Well done Jor!
1C - My-Linh Tran
Amos L - For being a thinker in order to expand on the noun groups in his descriptive writing. Great learning Amos!
Emmanuel T L - For being a thinker in order to decode his Oxford Moon Words. Keep up the amazing learning Emmanuel!
2A - Barbara Zerzouri
Caleb Thwang Hlei Lian - for Super Reading! Caleb is reading so many books that he is really showing that practice makes perfect! Well done!
Shahana - for Very focused writing at writing time to produce a well organised introductionthat expresses her opinion her persuasive writing.
2B - Jake Moloney
Elizabeth C - for showcasing her knowledge of suffixes when adding ‘ful’ and ‘less’ to the root word, care. Great sharing Elizabeth!
Ebenezer L - for using his reflective thinking when predicting which classroom object would be heavier before measuring on the balance scale. Great thinking Ebenezer!
2C - Rebecca Wright
Queensya A - for being a risk-taker when sharing her thinking on suffixes with her peers. Excellent learning Queensya!
Stella - for being knowledgeable when sharing her experiences of types of housing in Myanmar with the class for Inquiry. Well done Stella!
3A - Joss Coaley
Zoe I - for being knowledgeable and comfortable to share her knowledge with others. Your positive mindset in learning and wanting to help others succeed is a joy to see!
Leon N - for being a communicator; sharing his thoughts and wonderings about particular learning tasks, as well as sharing his working out in addition and subtraction problems.
3B - Thomas Pham
Jason Niceu S - for being Knowledgeable when he demonstrated precise calculations when using the vertical addition and subtraction strategy. Keep up the fantastic learning buddy!
Jackie D - for being a Risk-taker when she used the vertical addition and subtraction strategy and then used the calculator to check her calculations. Keep taking risk in your learning Jackie
3C - Ella Nowak
Bie Phatu- For being knowledgeable and writing a detailed procedural text on how to make a sandwich. Great learning Bie Phatu.
Ni Tha Sui- For being a risk taker and attempting subtraction questions independently, using the number line strategy. Well done Ni Tha Sui
4A - Linda Oxley
Jayden Patriarca-For being a diligent learner always on remaining on task ans completing tasks at a high level.
Louis Qassab- for being a reflective and caring learner who always helps others.
4B - Lavinia Stewart
Achol L - for being a risk-taker when demonstrating how to convert fractions into decimals. Great learning Achol.
Narean N - for being an effective communicator by seeking support when unsure of a given task. Keep it up Narean.
4C - Brittany Davidson
Biak T- for being respectful and responsible when looking out for others and ensuring everyone has a fair go when participating in team activities.
Kaida Bernardo- being a responsible and caring member of the classroom community.
5A - Dorothy Hall
Thuan Tien P - for being a thinker; reflecting on what to consider when adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, and then putting this into practice.
Phillip V - For being balanced and open-minded in his learning, acting out a group resilience scenario with confidence and good-humour.
5B - Malae Suaesi
Jordan D - for being a reflective learner when considering how to skim and scan key ideas from an information text. Great learning!
Summer W - for being a resilient learner when attempting to use a dictionary to find the meaning of closed and compound words.
5C - Lisa Hughes
Mikaela G - for being a respectful class member and working diligently to complete all learning activities to achieve a high standard. Keep it up Mikaela!
Erick Zakhen - for being a respectful class member and demonstrating resilience to develop the skills for independent learning. Well done Erick!
6A - Katherine Salloum
Matthew T - for being a reflective learner by constantly asking the teacher for constructive feedback when researching and creating a pamphlet about nuclear energy.
Jasmine P - for being a caring member of 6A by always looking out for those around her and their wellbeing before her own.
6B - Jane Huang
Leila L - for being a responsible learner by remaining focussed on her learning, using feedback to complete learning tasks to the best of her ability.
Mia C - for being a creative Thinker when she created a 3D version poster to show her understanding of how water pollution affects sea creatures.
6C - Matt Galea
Michaela D - for using effective communication skills when asking for support and feedback to improve her learning.
Ava M - for using effective communication skills to ask for support with her learning.
Specialist Awards
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Michaela D (6C) -For being a thinker by tapping into her prior knowledge and then applying it to new Japanese language learning. Well done.
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Jordan D (5B) - for being a principled learner when participating in Performing Arts lessons and for always demonstrating a positive attitude and exceptional manners. Keep up the excellent work ethic, Jordan!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Ethan D (4A) - For using critical and creative thinking skills to challenge himself to code his own video game. Well done Ethan.
P.E: Tom Nguyen:
Kobe M (Prep A) - for consistently trying hard in all PE classes and supporting teammates when working in teams. Well-done Kobe!
It is hard work, perserverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.
- Pelé
Christmas Carols Seating Plan
Wednesday 14th December 2022
Picnic Dinner 5.00pm – 5.45pm
Carols Commence 6.00pm