Term 4 Week 5

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

  • All Saints & All Souls Day

  • Consistent Learning Adds Up!

  • 2023 Class Placement – Parent Input

  • Management of Confirmed COVID Cases

  • Term 4 Dates

  • Student Of The Week Awards


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All Saints & All Souls Day

In our Catholic tradition, November is traditionally a month of remembrance of the dead. The month begins with the Solemnity of All Saints on 1 November and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day), on 2 November. While no longer a holy day of obligation in Australia, the Church has consistently encouraged prayers for the faithful departed and, during November, a list of the names of our departed is usually placed in the church so that the community can remember them in prayer.

To develop a greater understanding and appreciation in our students of the importance and meaning behind these two days, Mrs Erica Aclan, last Friday, led our students through a liturgy of understanding that provided our student with a deeper appreciation for why we commemorate our saints and why we pray and remember those who have died.


The Origins Of All Saints' Day

All Saints’ Day commemorates all the saints in heaven. The feast dates back to the early Church, when communities would gather and celebrate the anniversary of the martyr’s death. During the persecution under the emperor Diocletian at the beginning of the fourth century the number of martyrs became so great that a separate day could not be assigned to each saint, so the Church established a common feast day for all the martyrs.

The first mention of this feast came during the pontificate of Pope Gregory III (731-741). On 1 November, 732, Pope Gregory consecrated a chapel in the Basilica of St Peter dedicated to honour all the saints.

The choice of day may have been also intended to co-opt the Ancient Roman ‘Feast of the Lamures,’ on which Romans used to placate the restless spirits of the dead. A century later, Pope Gregory IV (827-844) extended the celebration on 1 November to the universal Church.

The feast took on such importance in the life of the Church that from the beginning it was celebrated with a vigil and, from the time of Pope Sixtus IV (1471-84), with an octave.

The liturgical celebration on the day before the feast became known as hallowed evening or Hallowe’en. All Saints Day represents the desire of the faithful to commemorate all saints, ‘great multitude which no man could number’ (Revelation 7:9), especially those who have no proper feast day of their own.

All Saints’ Day is a time to consider the example saints offer us and to reflect on how we can imitate their lives. As Pope Benedict XVI said, All Saints’ Day calls us ‘to see the Church… as Christ wanted it, that is, as the communion of saints.’

All Souls’ Day

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

All Souls’ Day follows All Saints Day on 2 November and is also known as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed and the Day of the Dead. It is a day of prayer and remembrance for the souls of those who have died. The idea is that the living faithful can help the departed with prayers, almsgiving and especially the Sacrifice of the Mass.

By the tenth century, the celebration had been moved from Pentecost to October. Sometime between 998 and 1030, St Odilo of Cluny ordered the commemoration of the faithful departed on 2 November in all of the monasteries of his Benedictine congregation.

From there, it spread among the other congregations of the Benedictines and among the Carthusians over the next two centuries. Soon afterwards, the commemoration of all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, which is now known as All Souls' Day, spread to the entire Church from the diocese of Liege under Bishop Notger in the ninth century.


Consistent Learning Adds Up!

The results are finally in with a selection of Year 5 and 6 students taking part in the Computational Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) Competition during term 3.

The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition is a one-hour problem-solving competition designed to encourage student curiosity and promote multiple modes of thinking.

Whilst students did not need computer programming ability, the competition helps identify students’ computer programming potential.

The competition encouraged students to solve real-world problems whilst helping students become more confident as they take on interesting new challenges.

Overall our students achieved the following results

  • 3 Participation Certificates

  • 4 Credit Certificates

  • 1 Distinction Certificate achieved by Xavi S.

Well done to all competitors!

Keep an eye out for next week's newsletter where we will be revealing the Australian Mathematics Competition results.

The only way to learn is to do mathematics.


Art Auction Raising Funds For School Iconography

It has been fantastic to see how successful the Art Auction has been and to know that the funds being raised will be used to enhance the art program. Thank you to everyone who participated last week. The final funds raised will be advertised next week.


Management of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in schools

The Department of Health is recommending that any person who tests positive to COVID-19 report that result to their employer, school and / or household.

Where a student is identified as a positive case, the following steps are to be taken:

  1. Parents/carers should inform the school by phone if a student tests positive to COVID-19 (via a PCR or rapid antigen test). The Principal will then follow the process put in place by their diocesan education office.

  2. Students who report a positive result are recommended to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved. Students who isolate as a result of a positive COVID-19 test will be supported in the same way as students with an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning materials provided to support their continued learning.

  3. There is no longer a requirement for Principals to inform the school community of a positive case associated with the school, however, at Resurrection we have continued to do so in order to ensure families are aware of current health issues within the school.


Key Upcoming Dates


You’re a Star!

PA - Shelby Nightingale

  • Jordan N- For being a knowledgeable learner when adding two digit numbers using a variety of strategies.

  • Vanessa M- For being a resilient learner by continually trying hard to improve her sentence writing. Fantastic job Vanessa!

PB  - Anna Druitt

  • Angelina T - For being a knowledgeable learner when subtracting from various starting points using manipulatives. Keep up the great learning Angelina!

  • Sui Chin B - For being a knowledgeable learner when writing a detailed sentence on a chicken’s life cycle.

PC - Carla Tirotta

  • Akaje G- For being a knowledgeable learner when writing different facts you have learned about chickens in your journal. 

  • Simon V- For being a knowledgeable learner when confidently using counting strategies to solve subtraction problems. 

1A - Tina Naumov 

  • Khen Sian Maung - for being a risk taker when using ‘spooky adjectives’ with his Narrative writing. You are working so well to master stronger writing and editing skills! Amazing learning Khen!

  • Emma A - being a resilient learner and always trying your best when using many reading strategies to sound out unfamiliar words. Well done Emma! 

1B - Aoife O’Flynn

  • Frankie G. - for using knowledge and listening to feedback to edit and improve her narrative story. Well done Frankie!

  • Jack I- B - using his creative thinking to write an interesting narrative during writing. Well done Jack!

1C - My-Linh Tran

  • Biephatha A - For being a risk taker when writing a creative narrative. Great learning Biephatha!

  • Stephan T N - For being a thinker in order to decode his Red Star Oxford Words. Keep up the great learning!

2A - Barbara Zerzouri

  • Ajok M- For being respectful and inclusive when participating in collaborative work in the classroom. Always reliable Ajok!

  • Santa O- For being inclusive when running downball for the grade 2 children at lunch play and recess. Good job Santa!

2B - Jake Moloney

  • Adau D - for being a knowledgeable learner when reading and analysing maps. Great learning Adau!

  •  Amy R - for being a creative thinker whilst brainstorming reasons for keeping our school uniform. Great reasoning Amy!

2C - Rebecca Wright 

  • Lucy L - for being a creative thinker when making predictions using images from the text in Literacy focus groups. Great thinking Lucy!

  • Elizabeth B - for being a knowledgeable learner when reading and writing multidigit numerals. Excellent growth Elizabeth! 

3A  - Joss Coaley

  • Jordan W - for being a risk taking with his learning, particularly in the area of Maths. Your extra work at home and focusing in the classroom is really helping your Maths skills. Great job!

  • Charlotte Le T - for being a risk taker and becoming familiar and using new words in your reading and writing. Well done Charlotte, you are really building your vocabulary!

3B - Thomas Pham 

  • Francis Tran - for being a Risk-taker when he created a striking poem based on the picture story book ‘The Dream of the Thylacine’. Keep taking risks in your learning. 

  • Thien Tran - for being a Communicator when he shared his poem on captured, red pandas during our reflection in Writing. Keep sharing your amazing writing! 

3C - Ella Nowak 

  • Noah S- For being a resilient learner when attempting his poem writing task and moving himself to a quiet place in the room to ensure he could focus on his learning. 

  • Sielohso K- For continuing to demonstrate respect towards her peers and a positive attitude towards her learning. Well done Sielohso!

4A - Linda Oxley

  • Anna R- for being a balanced learner and approaching all of her learning with a positive attitude.

  • Weston T- for being a caring learner and expressing his thoughts and concerns when  trying to maintain a respectful learning environment. 

4B - Lavinia Stewart 

  • Isabel L - For being a risk-taker and showing confidence while being a fantastic contributor to our class discussions. Keep it up Isabel!

  • Brandon N - For being a reflective learner and applying his learnt knowledge to create a Grid Map of the school from a bird's eye view. Awesome work Brandon!

4C - Brittany Davidson

  • Kriselle A- For demonstrating strong leadership skills within the class and consistently being a positive role model in her behaviour and interactions. 

  • Jalen L-  For approaching all learning with a positive attitude and role modelling positive interactions with his peers and teachers 

5A - Dorothy Hall

  • Emilia M - For being knowledgeable and a thinker as she practised her multiplication facts and  achieved 100% on her most recent multiplication grid.

  • Ajak M - For being a reflective communicator as he used authorial editing to improve the quality of his formal letter to Portsea Camp.

5B  - Malae Suaesi 

  • Shyam R - For being reflective when considering how to use authorial editing techniques to improve the quality of his writing. 

  • Lotouu F - for being a risk taker in attempting to accurately order and represent decimals on a number line from zero to one. Great learning!

5C - Lisa Hughes 

  • Charli G - for demonstrating resilience and determination to increase her knowledge and understanding to place decimals accurately on a number line. Well done Charli!

  • Isaac K - for being a reflective learner when embedding the TEEL paragraphing framework to improve the quality of his writing. Keep up the great work!

6A - Katherine Salloum

  • Apiu J - for being a knowledgeable and risk-taking learner by confidently presenting to her peers about the life of Mother Teresa in great detail.  

  • Akoi B - for being open-minded about the lives of those that are less fortunate than herself and suggesting ways that she can provide support to them.  

6B - Jane Huang

  • Adriano M - for being a reflective and risk taking learner by applying the addition and subtraction strategies to solve fractions equations in Maths class. 

  • Sarkis  N - for being a responsible learner by working hard in all learning areass and modelling positive interactions with classmates and teachers. 

6C - Matt Galea

  • Fedric D - for being a risk taker and effective communicator by sharing his thoughts and ideas with his peers to give a different perspective on the author's purpose.

  • Johnelle N - for being a risk taker by developing her writer's craft and using specific vocabulary to communicate to her peers through a written letter.

Specialist Awards 

Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

  • Keiara D (3B) For being a thinker when building her Japanese characters and using this skill to read new vocabulary and sentences.

Performing Arts: Jody Banks

  • Tyson M (6A) - For his perseverance and diligence in learning the music notes for his xylophone part and for creating some interesting musical patterns of his own.

Visual Arts: Tosh Kaan

  • Solomon M (3B)- For being a Thinker and using his problem solving skills in order to overcome the issue of his group's construction not being able to stand on its own. Well done! 

S T E M: Matt Dalton

  • Ava P (PC) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. You demonstrated enthusiasm and curiosity using the Chatterpix app. Well done Ava!

P.E: Tom Nguyen

  • Thiik Deng - For being a risk taker and consistently challenges himself with his learning when attempting a new task. Well done Thiik.


Term 4 Week 6


Term 4 Week 4