Term 4 Week 3
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
Instagram Feed
The Magic of Art & Cultural Show
2023 Class Placement – Parent Input
Concern Regarding Collection Of Students After 3.30pm
School Advisory Council News
2023 School Calendar Dates
Class Structures
Old School Uniforms
Term 4 Dates
School Uniform Dress Code
Did you know that you are able to read the newsletter in different languages via our website.
It’s a new feature that allows all parents to access school news and events.
Simply click on the “Select Language” dropdown box, found in the bottom right hand corner and then select your desired language.
How To Find Our Resurrection School Page On Instagram Instagram
Step 1: Download the ‘Instagram’ app onto your smart phone or iPad. Create an account.
Step 2: Once signed in, click the button on the bottom of the app
Step 3: In the search bar, type in either ‘resurrectionkp’ ‘Resurrection Catholic PS’
and search.
Step 4: Once the results appear, click on ‘Accounts’ under the search bar, and our account should appear. Click on our account.
Step 5: Click the blue ‘Follow’ button on the page
Step 6: Turn on ‘notifications by clicking the ‘bell’ button, and add us to your ‘favourites’ list so you don’t miss a post!
School Advisory Council
Last Tuesday evening at the school Advisory Council (SAC) the following items were discussed:
School Canteen – Whilst the refurbishment of the canteen is undertaken and registration is finalized with the City of Brimbank, we are seeking a committee of parents that will investigate the best way to proceed with the provision of school lunches, days for it to be provided and purchasing system.
Parents wishing to participate in this committee are asked to contact the school office via office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au, no later than Friday 4th November as a meeting has been set for this committee for Tuesday 8th November at 7.00pm in the Staff Planning Room.
Old School Uniforms – The SAC is currently exploring ways in which the old school uniforms can be either made available to a charity or recycled. A decision regarding this will be finalized at our next meeting on Tuesday 15th November.
My School’s Website NAPLAN Data – The SAC was presented with the NAPLAN data of five similar school’s in our area in comparison to our own NAPLAN data. Concern had been raised as to how our data looks in comparison to other schools. In looking closer at the data, it was found that unlike the five school’s represented in the presentation, our school had a 99% participation rate in comparison to other schools for whom participation rates were as low as 90%. This discrepancy between participation rates has a great bearing on the results of our NAPLAN data. Our data, with a 99% participation rate, highlights that all students, including students with disabilities and students with a language background other than English that this test is not suitable for, had participated in the testing.
While a range of adjustments are available for students with disability or with a language background other than English, even with such adjustments, we are aware they may still not be sufficient to provide both the child, parent and teacher with accurate data to assist with supporting the child’s development. In this case, the school uses many other far more suitable tests to assist with the reporting of and the development of the child’s learning.
We are aware that many parents of children, for whom this test is not suitable, still wish for their child to undertake the test despite the school explaining why such a test is not suitable. The result of such a decision for their child to participate is that the child does not receive an accurate report of the progress being made, the data provided to the teacher is not used due to concerns of validity, and the school’s overall data, that is presented through such websites as ‘My Schools’, is not a true reflection of the progress being made.
Further work will be undertaken to assist all parents to better understand the purpose of NAPLAN, the adjustments that can be made to support a child and when such a test is not suitable.
2023 School Calendar – The SAC was presented with a draft of the 2023 school calendar along with an explanation of the arrangements of events and activities throughout the year. The SAC have been asked to review the calendar and to make suggestions as to other events that they would like for the school to consider for both their children and the community.
The next School Advisory Committee will occur on Tuesday 15th November at 7.00pm
2022 Grade 6 Parents & 2023 Prep Dinner: What’s That All About?
Following the success of the Prep Parent Dinners that were introduced in 2019, we have received feedback from many families that they wished to have had the same opportunity.
In reflecting upon this feedback, we have arranged our parent dinners to cater to two specific groups. They are Grade 6 & Prep parents.
The Parent Dinner represents our opportunity to thank and farewell our parents and carers of Grade 6 students whilst welcoming our new Prep parents. For many of our families with several children in the school, these dinners will be an opportunity to socially come together and celebrate the beginning or end of their child’s learning journey at Resurrection.
This event is hosted by the staff of the school, is not a sausage sizzle and is, as one recent Prep parent described, comparable to her wedding reception.
2023 Class Placement Parental Input
(Closes Friday 11th November)
Your child’s current teachers have spent an amazing amount of time with your child during the school year. They are aware of most, but maybe not all, of your child’s strengths and challenges from a school perspective. It is their knowledge, observation and insight that provide the basis from which class structures and placement are created.
However, as a parent, your knowledge is far more profound through the simple relationship of child and parent. You hear the story of their daily experiences and know intimately of your child’s strengths, challenges and amazing potential. You know of the relationships they have in and outside of school, the learning and teachers that inspire them to do their best and the friendships that either help them to flourish or, at times, struggle.
It is within this context that we invite you to write about your child’s learning and social needs to assist us in the placement of your child into specific classrooms for the 2023 school year.
When receiving a letter that requests a specific teacher, knowing that the teacher may not be in the same year level the following year, I read it as a parent’s way of expressing the type of teacher your child responds well to. In doing so, it affirms the quality, temperament, characteristics of the teaching staff that we wish to foster at Resurrection.
At the same time, it gives me an insight into the quality of relationship that has been formed between parent and teacher over the year(s). A positive relationship between parent, student and teacher makes a huge difference in the way a student engages in their learning and the school community.
Please note that we may not be able to provide you with exactly what you want, but we do try to do our best given the many and diverse factors that go into making up a class.
Thank you to parents who have begun to email me in regard to their child’s needs and successes. It both affirms and provides direction for improvement.
All emails must be received by Friday 11th November 3.30pm. Please title the email with the heading “Confidential – 2023 Class Placement”.
The email address to use is:
Concern Regarding Students Being Collected After 3.30pm
I write to you out of concern at the number of students that are being collected well after 3.30pm when the official supervision of students ceases and in particular a number of students who are repeatedly collected well past 3.30pm.
As far back as Week 1 of Term 4 2020, I have communicated the school’s expectations regarding the collection of students prior to 3.30pm.
The school has always ensured that our students are cared for and supervised in the event of a parent or carer arriving late due to an unforeseen matter. Parents and carers have always shown courtesy in contacting the school to inform us as to why they may be running late.
Recently, we have noted an excessive number of students having to be supervised by voluntary staff giving up of their own time to supervise students when they have their own families and responsibilities to tend to.
The school is fortunate in being able to provide all our families with a before school and after school care program at a very reasonable cost. This facility is explicitly designed to assist parents who are unable to arrive at school to collect their children prior to 3.30pm or have to leave their child/ren to attend work prior to 8.15am in the morning.
I take this opportunity to inform all parents that students that are not collected prior to 3.30pm will be brought to the office with the parent or carer required to attend the office to collect their child/ren.
If, as a parent, you have not collected your child by 3.30pm and we have not heard from you, the office staff will contact you directly to collect your child from the office. If you have not, as yet, done so, and are a parent that regularly arrives late, please ensure that your child is enrolled with the Out of Hours School Care Program. In the event that your child/ren cannot be collected by 3.30pm, they are then able to be placed in the care of the OHSC staff.
Please note that the office staff will provide you with an enrolment form for OHSC with an expectation that you enrol your child into OHSC so that we are able to assist your child in the event that you arrive late.
The direct contact number for the Out of Hours School Care Program is 0408 477 328.
Key Upcoming Dates
You’re a Star!
PA - Shelby Nightingale
Aaliyah A- For being a reflective learner when taking on and utilising feedback given about information report writing!
Estela P- For being a fantastic communicator in class by always contributing to discussions and asking challenging questions!
PB - Anna Druitt
Miranda N - For being a knowledgeable learner when using a range of digraphs in her writing.
Chris S - For being a risk taker in his math learning by consistently trying his best to improve his knowledge. Keep up the fantastic learning Chris!
PC - Carla Tirotta
Lydon T- For being an inquirer and always asking questions to learn more about different animals.
Nizapar H- For being a risk-taker during writing time and attempting to record the sounds you hear in words.
1A - Tina Naumov
Ariam T - for being a reflective learner when discussing how to share a collection of objects into equal groups. Amazing learning Ariam!
Kelechi O -for using a vibrant art piece to creatively express his storytelling during our Inquiry Unit ‘How we express ourselves. Great use of colour KC!
1B - Aoife O’Flynn
Mila N.- for giving thoughtful responses when we examined famous artwork during our Inquiry unit. Great reflecting Mila!
Jonathan N. - for writing a creative orientation for his story that included characters and a setting. Well done Johnathan!
1C - My-Linh Tran
Emmanuel T - For being a thinker when writing his narrative. Great Learning Emmanuel!
Linda D - Being a thinker when using pronouns in her learning. Great learning Linda!
2B - Jake Moloney
Emma V - for utilising her communication skills to elaborate on why it is difficult to halve odd numbers. Great communicating Emma!
Jenoleela N - for tackling fractions of a collection with critical thinking and utilising hands-on materials. Great thinking Jenoleela!
2C - Rebecca Wright
Amias L - for being a principled learner by consistently focussing on his Mathematics tasks in order to improve his knowledge of fractions. Well done Amias!
Kayla V - For being knowledgeable when sharing your understanding of onomatopoeia during Spelling with your peers. Great learning Kayla!
3A - Joss Coaley
Austin J - for being a risk taker with his learning and having a go when visualising a page from our Book Cycle on ‘Cyclone’ - fantastic job Austin.
Samuel A - for being a fantastic communicator when discussing our book ‘Cyclone’ with teachers from Holy Eucharist Primary School. Great sharing of knowledge!
3B - Thomas Pham
Keiara D - for being a risk-taker when she decided to create a “twisted limerick” during our current poetry unit in Writing. Keep extending yourself!
Bahnam Q - for being a communicator by consistently sharing your ideas in whole-class discussions. Keep expressing yourself mate!
3C - Ella Nowak
Evelynne D- For being a risk taker when it comes to her multiplication questions by challenging herself to attempt questions that are unfamiliar to her. Keep taking risks in your learning Evelynne!
Henry N- For being an inquirer when sharing his knowledge on the difference and similarities between floods and droughts. Great learning Henry.
4A - Linda Oxley
Nehemiah L - for being a reflective learner and applying his learnt knowledge to solve equivalent fractions.
Chelsea-Jane S - for being a thinker and understanding the importance of keywords when writing poetry, and using these words to elicit an emotion.
4B - Lavinia Stewart
Ronel P- For being a risk taker in his learning and increasing his knowledge of Angles. Great learning Ronel!
Priscilla C- For being a responsible learner when sharing and presenting her emotions through an amazing written Poem during writing. Keep up the awesome work Priscilla!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Vance Z- for demonstrating a positive attitude and a determination to learn, taking active steps to communicate his ideas and challenge himself in his learning.
Murad S- for being a risk taker in his learning and communicating his thoughts and feelings, writing an excellent poem based on ‘The Rabbits’ book.
5A - Dorothy Hall
Lina M - For being a reflective communicator when planning how to provide positive and constructive feedback through a formal letter.
Sadrine P - Being a reflective thinker while accurately labelling and locating coordinates on a cartesian plane - remembering (x, y) as the order of coordinates.
5B - Malae Suaesi
Cung L - For being reflective when considering how to construct and organise a formal letter in sequential order. Great learning!
Sarah K - For being a risk taker in attempting to accurately label and locate different coordinates on a cartesian plane. Great learning!
5C - Lisa Hughes
Adut L - For demonstrating resilience and leadership qualities during the Portsea camp through assisting in the organisation and cleaning of the girls dorm. Awesome work!
Michael Ho - For being a reflective thinker to accurately label and locate different coordinates on a cartesian plane. Well done Michael!
6A - Katherine Salloum
Daw D - for being an inquisitive learner by showing great dedication and determination towards his Religion presentation about the livelihoods of Ukrainian families.
Niku L - for being a reflective learner within Religion by being considerate about how she can help those less fortunate and discussing this with her peers
6B - Jane Huang
Veronica L - for being a responsible learner when she tries to finish all the learning tasks in a timely manner and complete the extension work at home.
Sophia N - for being a risk-taker when it comes to sharing her ideas about the Monarchy government system during group presentation.
6C - Matt Galea
Ayden D - for showing great persistence and determination to reach his goals for his touch typing.
Isabella G - for communicating effectively with her teacher to ask for support and feedback to improve her learning.
Specialist Awards
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Charlotte V (2A)- For being a thinker by tapping into her prior knowledge and then applying it to new Japanese language learning. Well done, Charlotte.
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Rosemary E (4A)- For her enthusiastic participation and diligence when working on her music skills during Performing Arts lessons. Keep up the great music learning, Rosemary!
Visual Arts: Tosh Kaan
Jamie K (6B)- For being a risk-taker and displaying increased confidence when weaving on our Australian animal loom after only one session!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Ralphael J (6B) - For using critical and creative thinking skills during STEM to suggest ways that we could alter our experiment. Well done Ralphael.
P.E: Tom Nguyen
Tom Nguyen: Jack I (1B) - For having shown the best care to others while playing in team sports. Great care Jack!
This Weekend’s Gospel
Lk 18:9-14
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke
The publican returned to his home justified; the pharisee did not.
Jesus spoke the following parable to some people who prided themselves on being virtuous and despised everyone else, ‘Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee, the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood there and said this prayer to himself, “I thank you, God, that I am not grasping, unjust, adulterous like the rest of mankind, and particularly that I am not like this tax collector here. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes on all I get.” The tax collector stood some distance away, not daring even to raise his eyes to heaven; but he beat his breast and said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” This man, I tell you, went home again at rights with God; the other did not. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the man who humbles himself will be exalted.’
Magic of Art & Cultural Show
Next Wednesday Evening
Thank-you to all the families who responded to our Operoo form to be part of our cultural fashion parade. We have been blown away by the amount of families who have volunteered their child/children to partake on the night. Please come dressed in your cultural clothing on the night ready for the parade.
The fashion parade will start around 7:00 pm. More information to follow.
Highlights of the night include:
Cultural fashion parade to highlight all the wonderful communities that make up our school
Live music from talented student ‘buskers’
Silent auction to purchase your favourite class piece
Coffee van
Lots of art!
When walking through our art show, ask your child some of the following questions:
“How did you make this?”
“What is your favorite piece and why?”
“What can you tell me about your artwork?”
Here are the important details:
Where: Resurrection Primary School Hall and Junior building
When: 26th October 2022
Time: 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm