Term 3 Week 10 of 10
Friday, 15th September 2023
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
● School Production
● Cyber Safety Parent Information Session
● 2024 Planning
● Resurrection Art and Cultural Show
● House Spirit Day & Sports Colours Day
● Resurrection Art & Cultural Show Logo Competition
● School Run4Fun Colour
● Term 4 School Uniform
● Middle School Writing - Word Choice
● Gospel & Gospel Reflection
● Student Awards
● Term 4 Dates
Dear Parents, Students & Friends,
This week sees the end of Term Three. What a wonderfully busy term we have had with Grandparents Day celebrations, Parent teacher learning conversations, Excursions, Incursions, Book Week, Year Level Masses, School Discos, Camps, Father’s Day Breakfast, Confirmations, School Review and of course ending with our Grade 6 production The Treasure Map earlier this week.
What marvellous experiences of learning academically, socially and spiritually our students have had this term. My sincerest thanks to our incredible staff who, for some of our community events, have taken time away from their own families and loved ones to support these events, reflecting in the Motto that “We Care about our community.”
Grade 6 Production: The Treasure Map
Wow!! What an outstanding production our Grade 6 students performed for our school community on Wednesday and Thursday evening. When I reflect on the performances, it reminds me of a quote from the late great Sir Ken Robinson who asserted that:
Kids prosper best with a broad curriculum that celebrates their various talents, not just a small range of them. And by the way, the arts aren't just important because they improve math scores. They're important because they speak to parts of children's being which are otherwise untouched.
This was evident during the performance of The Treasure Map that our incredible Performing Arts teacher, Miss Jody Banks, had bought to the surface in some students something that had not seen before: The ability to be confident and self-assured to embody the character that they were portraying fully and commit 100% to the performance. What wonderful skills to take into life!
Some live action shots of The Treasure Map can be found at the back of the newsletter. The live recording of the production will be available early next term.
Cyber Safety Parent information session
We will once again be welcoming Martin and Carley from Inform and Empower on Wednesday 11th of October at 7.00pm.
Marty presents cyber safety information for our students each term and is teaming up with Carley, a psychologist, to present a session for our parents titled: Raising Kids in a Digital World.
I can’t recommend this session highly enough. Martin adapts his presentation each year to discuss the different social media concerns that are present at the time and how you can support your child to navigate these platforms safety.
The details for this parent information session are listed below. Please register via this link or by scanning the QR code in the flyer below.
2024 Planning
Planning for the 2024 school year is well under way! Please email the office (office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) if your children are intending on leaving Resurrection at the end of year.
Resurrection Art and Cultural Show
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, this year we will again he hold the Resurrection Art and Cultural Show. This year the theme is The Inspiration of Art and Culture, which will be held on Wednesday 25th of October.
To advertise the Show, Mr Moloney is running a logo competition for students. More information can be found further on in this newsletter.
End of Term Mass & House Spirit activities
We have been blessed with the most wonderful weather for our last day of term. Thank you to Fr Gerard for leading us in Mass this morning to end our term.
Today our student leaders who were supported by Mrs Shannon Betham provided some fantastic house spirit activities for our students to end the term. These activities are a great way for our students to feel connected and a sense of belonging in their school houses.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Resurrection families every blessing over the next two weeks. I hope the holidays provide you with the time to rest but also to enjoy time together as a family doing what it is that you love.
God bless,
Jess Davis
Acting Principal
2023 The Art & Cultural Show Logo Competition
Hello students of Resurrection,
It’s great to see and hear that so many of you are so excited about our upcoming Art and Cultural Show in Term 4 which will be held on Wednesday 25th of October.
To assist us in advertising the art show, called ‘The Inspiration of Art and Culture’, we need a logo to go on the posters that will be printed telling the public (your family) all the details they need to know regarding the art show. This is a competition!
Your logo has to have the following included if you want it to win: The words, ‘The Inspiration of Art and Culture’ and the Resurrection logo. Your design must be an original creation and can be hand drawn or created using technology.
Please include an explanation of your design as well (written on the back).
There will only be one winner so make your logo vibrant, rich, detailed and all the other adjectives on the Visual Arts word wall.
Important Details:
Due: Term 4 Week 1 (Thursday 5th of October.)
Please drop off your design in the ballot box next to the Visual Arts room.
Winner will be announced at assembly Monday 9th of October (Term 4 Week 2)
The winning logo will be used for advertising.
Here are some examples from last year, including the winner:
· I can include the Resurrection logo and the title of the art show ‘The Inspiration of Art and Culture’
· I can include my name and classroom on the front of the paper
· I can reflect on my artistic choices on the back
Good Luck everyone!
Mr Moloney
Visual Arts teacher
On Friday November the 3rd, Resurrection will be holding a Colour Explosion School Fun Run. In Term 4, we are fundraising for the refurbishment of the basketball court with a Colour Explosion School Fun Run with Australian Fundraising!
On the day, students will be given free sunglasses and a rainbow headband and will be covered in non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder from head to toe!
How Do We Fundraise?
Fundraising for our Colour Explosion School Fun Run is entirely online. Students will receive a sponsorship booklet with instructions to create a cybersafe, online profile page at www.plantadifference.com.au.
We are giving back to the environment and going green! Students will have the choice to fundraise for trees or coral seedlings. For every $20 raised online a tree will be planted in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor or a coral seedling will be planting in the Great Barrier Reef.
o Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
o $10,000 JB HI FI Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student – it could be you!
o Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2023.
o A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!
For further information, please contact via email, either Brittany Davidson (bdavidson@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au) or Matt Galea mgalea@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au
Miss Brittany Davidson & Mr Matt Galea
If you have a child with a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) please sign the document and send it back to school with your child ASAP.
Kris Smith
(Learning Diversity Leader)
Term 4 School Uniform
As we move into Term Four, it is also the time for students to be returning to the Resurrection Summer uniform.
It’s time to start checking that our children have the right uniform for Term Four and Term One for next year (Summer Uniform).
The school would greatly appreciate if all students could, by Week 3 of next term, be wearing the correct Summer uniform. For this to happen, we need our parents to ensure that our students have the uniform available.
All students, by Week 1 of next term are required to wear the school’s Sunsmart micromesh hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour).
Formal Summer – Boys
· Navy shorts with logo (no cords or cargo)
· School blue shirt with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)
· Navy socks (Anklet socks not permitted)
· Black leather school shoes
o Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
o Lace or Velcro optional
· Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
· School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR
· School Bonded Jacket
Sports Uniform- Boys
· Sports microfiber shorts with logo
· Sports tracksuit pant with logo
· Sports polo top with logo (long or short sleave)
· School Bonded Jacket
· Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
· Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)
· Runners
Formal Summer – Girls
· Summer Dress with logo
· Navy shorts with logo (no cords or cargo)
· Navy school pants with logo
· School blouse with logo. (Short or long sleeves optional)
· School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND / OR
· School Bonded Jacket
· White socks (Anklet socks not permitted)
· Black leather school shoes
o Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
o Lace or Velcro optional
· Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
· School navy hair ties
Sports Uniform – Girls
· Sports microfiber shorts with logo
· Sports tracksuit pant with logo
· Sports polo top with logo (long or short sleave)
· School Bonded Jacket
· Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
· Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)
· Runners
· To promote equality amongst all students.
· To further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
· To provide durable clothing that is cost effective and practical for our school environment and the activities that they participate in.
· To maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.
· The Dress Code applies during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when students are on school excursions.
· Summer and winter uniforms, as well as sports uniforms will be prescribed, and are required to be worn on the specified days only.
· Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, plus watches are the only acceptable jewellery.
· Extreme hair colours (eg: green, pink or purple rinses) and/or extreme hairstyles (eg: spikes or Mohawks) are not permitted.
· Other than clear nail polish, cosmetics may not be worn at school.
· The only headwear that is acceptable is the school’s Sunsmart hat consistent with our Sunsmart policy. They must be worn outside in Terms One & Four. Hats are not to be worn inside.
· The student Dress Code, including details of uniform items and places of purchase, will be published in the newsletter at the start of each year.
· The Principal together with all staff and supported by parents, is responsible for implementation of the Dress Code in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
· Arrangements can be made to supply uniforms for families experiencing economic hardship through consultation with the Principal.
· Parents seeking exemptions to the Dress Code due to religious beliefs, ethnic or cultural background, student disability, health condition or economic hardship must apply in writing to the Principal.
Dress Code
· Tracksuit pants and sports polo top are not to be worn on any day other than sports days.
· No anklet socks are to be worn with any uniform.
· Hair touching shoulders must be tied back with either school coloured scrunchie or hair ties. This applies to both girls and boys.
· No coloured nail polish permitted.
· Sleepers or stud earrings only.
· Skirts and dresses are not to be shorter than just above the knee.
· There will be days where uniform type will be prescribed based on the activities of the day, eg. Excursion, school photo day, interschool sports, formal presentations.
· Summer Uniform to be worn in Term 1 & 4
· Winter Uniform to be worn in Term 2 & 3
· Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. Melbourne has a habit of delivering four seasons in one day.
The Middle School students have had a focus on their writing this term; in particular their word choice with the intention of becoming smart thinking writers.
They have been exploring and playing with sentences and how changing noun groups, strong verbs and specific topic words can make all the difference.
This week, 3C was given the sentence: The animal walked in the jungle. These were some of our enhanced sentences:
Emily - The lion zoomed in the huge jungle.
Ajok - The bat slowly jumped through the night jungle.
Dawt - The dingo slowly tip-toed in the dark green forest.
Ayak - The monkey zoomed in the giant jungle.
Daphne - The elephant stopped in the flat jungle.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (18: 21-35)
I tell you that you forgive not seven times but seventy times seven.
Peter went up to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.
‘And so the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who decided to settle his accounts with his servants. When the reckoning began, they brought him a man who owed ten thousand talents; but he had no means of paying, so his master gave orders that he should be sold, together with his wife and children and all his possessions, to meet the debt. At this, the servant threw himself down at his master’s feet. “Give me time,” he said “and I will pay the whole sum.” And the servant’s master felt so sorry for him that he let him go and cancelled the debt. Now as this servant went out, he happened to meet a fellow servant who owed him one hundred denarii; and he seized him by the throat and began to throttle him. “Pay what you owe me”, he said. His fellow servant fell at his feet and implored him, saying, “Give me time and I will pay you.” But the other would not agree; on the contrary, he had him thrown into prison till he should pay the debt. His fellow servants were deeply distressed when they saw what had happened, and they went to their master and reported the whole affair to him. Then the master sent for him. “You wicked servant,” he said. “I cancelled all that debt of yours when you appealed to me. Were you not bound, then, to have pity on your fellow servant just as I had pity on you?” And in his anger the master handed him over to the torturers till he should pay all his debt. And that is how my heavenly Father will deal with you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart.’
Gospel Reflection
This gospel passage follows directly from last week’s passage. It concludes the whole of Matthew Chapter 18 that deals with sin, forgiveness and reconciliation. Peter’s question to Jesus and suggested answer is a reflection of the view that there is a limit to the number of times we should forgive someone. Seven is a significant number in scripture and implies a ‘perfect’ amount. Even though by his use of seven, Peter is suggesting that he should forgive someone many, many times, Jesus quickly corrects Peter and says not seven, but seventy-seven times (or seventy times seven). Jesus plays on the use of the number seven and multiplies it to indicate that one should forgive as many times as is required – without keeping count; without keeping score.
The story of the unforgiving servant is a familiar one of forgiveness and mercy being shown but not passed on. The sting in the tail of this parable is Jesus’ final warning that, ‘So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives his brother from his heart.’ This is an unsettling statement, as we believe God’s forgiveness to be without measure and without end. Jesus warns that unless we seek to imitate God’s forgiveness and forgive others ‘from our heart’ (with compassion) then we are not going to recognise the forgiveness of God and will cut ourselves off from it.
The whole idea of forgiving from the heart is a powerful contradiction of a popular concept: ‘I can forgive, but not forget.’ Is it really possible to forgive but refuse to forget? Surely holding on to a memory of hurt is holding on to the hurt itself and does not display that any forgiveness has occurred at all. To forgive but not forget is to keep count. How many times should I forgive the one who has hurt me? As many times as it takes!
Have you Thought?
The parable sees the unforgiving servant putting his fellow servant in prison ‘until he paid back the debt’. This is almost exclusively what prisons were used for until only a few hundred years ago. When a person could not repay a debt, they were held in prison until the debt was paid. Of course, being in prison, they had little opportunity to repay the debt themselves and relied on friends and relatives to repay the debt on their behalf. To pay someone’s debt was to ‘redeem’ them. The earliest ideas of Christ as a ‘Redeemer’ were based on the idea of Christ paying a debt on behalf of humankind.
Living the Gospel – Just like Peter!
Throughout the gospels, Peter is a fantastic example of the common person. He has insights of faith at times but usually messes it up with his next breath. His question in this week’s gospel is one that any one of us might ask. I try to do what’s right, but how long do I have to hang in there? There has to be a limit to patience with someone who keeps upsetting me, surely? Jesus shows us that if we operate from a motivation of compassion and a desire to constantly build relationships that are life-giving for both parties, then there is no end to the number of times that we try to re-build that relationship
Gospel Focus – How many times?
Peter asks, ‘How many times should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ Peter probably thought that he was being pretty generous. The religious law of his time required people to forgive three times, so by suggesting seven times, Peter would have thought that he was really going the extra mile. To forgive someone seven times is a pretty big call. But the number seven has great significance in scripture; it is regarded as a number of perfection. Peter is suggesting that there is an ideal number of times that one should forgive. Jesus blows this out of the water by saying, take that perfect number of times and multiply it by seventy. There is no perfect number of times to forgive.
PA - Anna Druitt
Madeline H - For being a knowledgeable learner when blending sounds to identify the word in a text. Keep up the fantastic work!
Maddy V - For being a knowledgeable learner when subtracting an amount from a number. Keep up the great work Maddy!
PC - Carla Tirotta
Cristian K - For being a knowledgeable learner, building confidence to participate in reading groups and attempting to blend sounds together to read unknown words.
Aubrey R - For being a risk-taker and stepping outside of your comfort zone while holding and learning about the chicks we have been observing and caring for. Well done Aubrey!
1A - Enza La Rosa
Nu Nu T - For her resilience in applying all her strategies to revise er plan and draft an excellent recount about the incursion. Well done Nu Nu!
Sang Sang Z - For displaying a positive attitude towards his learning and being a risk taker in sounding out the initial sounds while writing high frequency words. Fantastic work Sang Sang!
1B - Matt Galea
Sui Chin T - For being a risk taker by challenging herself to speak in front of the class to present her story. Well done Sui Chin!
Aaliyah A - For being an effective communicator by leading her group to create a well thought out presentation for the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
1C - Natalie Donevska
Jordan H - For being a resilient learner during mathematics by using his problem solving skills when solving division problems. Well done Jordan!
Adior D - For being a reflective learner during and after her inquiry presentation and encouraging her peers when presenting. Fantastic work Adior!
2A - Rebecca Koutivas & Shannon Ziebell
Aquin J - For being a great communicator in Inquiry when presenting your story of Goldilocks to the class. You used your puppets and props very well and entertained your audience. Well done!
Micaiah I - For being a knowledgeable and responsible learner and student. You always participate in whole class discussions and are happy to help your classmates with their learning.
2B - Ric Martin
Alize B- For being a knowledgeable learner when sharing your understanding of how to write a recount with the class.
KC O - For being a risk taker with your learning and developing great questions to ask Fr. Gerard.
2C - Dorothy Hall
Jayden C - For being a risk taker when presenting the story of Hansel and Gretel to the class using finger puppets.
Noah M - For being a thinker when exploring the different ways multiplication could be represented in an array.
3A - Ella Nowak
Dorcus D - For being a risk taker by challenging herself to attempt writing tasks independently. Keep up the amazing learning Dorcus!
Sally V - For being a reflective learner and ensuring she asks questions to clarify her understanding when researching an animal for her information report. Well done Sally!
3B - Emma Lyons/Sophie Duddington
Johnny P - For thinking critically while reading by making predictions and clarifying new vocabulary that you were unsure of. Keep up the positive attitude towards your reading Johnny!
Caleb T - For showing great determination and motivation in your learning especially when it comes to writing in cursive. Well done Caleb!
3C - Joss Coaley
Queensya A - For being an engaged inquirer, creating a house to match the appropriate climate for China using Digital Technologies. Well done Queensya!
Dylan N - For sharing his knowledge and being a communicator, creating an Information Report on Polar Bears. Well done Dylan.
4A - Lavina Stewart
Vaslem C - For being an effective communicator when demonstrating his understanding of how to find the volume of a shape. Well done Vaslem!
Leon N - For actively engaging in whole class conversations about the hierarchy in the Catholic Church during Religion. Keep it up Leon!
4B - Thomas Pham
Eunice Z - For being knowledgeable when she demonstrated her ability to calculate the volume of objects using cm cubes. Congratulations Eunice!
Essabella C – For being an Inquirer when she asked questions to further her understanding related to the text ‘Let’s Save Antarctica.’ Congratulations Essa!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Hugo M - For being an effective communicator when sharing his thoughts and ideas, and for being a risk taker when challenging himself in his learning. Well done Hugo!
Jack L - For being a risk taker and displaying increased confidence when sharing his reflections on his camp experience. Keep it up Jack!
5A - Katherine Salloum
Sebastian B - For being a risk-taking learner by asking for assistance when learning about how to work out the amount of change that he would receive during our Numeracy lessons.
Ashton C - For being a risk-taking learner by using his knowledge about change and applying this to worded problems to extend his learning.
5B - Shannon Betham
Eli H - For being a knowledgeable learner when analysing the rhythm, structure and form of different poems. Keep up the great effort, Eli!
Ruby M - For being an inquisitive learner when engaging in learning about financial mathematics. Well done Ruby!
5C - Malae Suaesi
Brandon N - For being a resilient learner when analysing and annotating parts of a passage from the story ‘Blue Flower’. He was able to identify nouns, verbs and adjectives. Great learning!
Ulette L - For being a resilient learner when using addition and subtraction strategies to solve two to three digit mathematical problems. Well done!
6A - Annette Lee
Ashton B - For being a knowledgeable writer- your work in our Grammar in Context cycle ‘The Inheritance’ demonstrated your flair for creative, descriptive writing! Well done!
Charlize T - For being a caring member of 6A, supporting your friends and making wise decisions. You can be very proud of the way you make others feel about themselves- well done!
6B - Lena Aloi
Brian T - For being a motivated learner and working collaboratively with the students around him to successfully complete tasks.
Regina L - For being a critical learner and using our class text, Hatchet, to infer what the main character is feeling and thinking. Well done!
6C - Jane Huang
Adut L - For being a responsible learner by always paying attention to learning and helping her peers back to task by being a role model.
Dylan T - For being an effective communicator when helping his peers by sharing his understanding how to convert fractions to decimals.
Specialist Awards
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Rayyann N (5A) - For being a highly creative learner when creating and performing a puppet show script, and for demonstrating an excellent and expressive character voice when taking part in a puppet show performance. Great creativity Rayyann!
Visual Arts: Jake Moloney
Elijah C (2A) - For showcasing your growing knowledge of space, shape and colour when creating your Henri Matisse inspired ‘Collage Plate’. Great learning Elijah!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Giselle J (3C) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. She used her early finishers time effectively to practise her touch typing skills. Well done Giselle.
P.E: Jen Barresi
Estela P (1C) - For being a wonderful listener and helper in P.E. You’ve shown resilience, respect and responsible behaviour every week. Wonderful effort Estela!
Japanese: Yumiko Aiki
Tue L N (1A) - For being innovative and a risk taker when expressing her understanding and depth of knowledge of the Japanese language. Well done Miranda!
Week 1
Monday 02/10
Students Return To School
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 03/10
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 04/10
Saint Francis of Assisi
Review Dialogue & Engagement Sessions
Thursday 05/10
Friday 06/10
Saint Bruno
Saturday 07/10
Our Lady of the Rosary
Sunday 08/10
27th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 2
Monday 09/10
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Prep Swimming Program
Grade 1/2 Swimming Program
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 10/10
Prep Swimming Program
Grade 1/2 Swimming Program
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Inform and Empower Cyber Safety Parent information session 7-8.30pm
Wednesday 11/10
Saint John XXIII
Prep Swimming Program
Grade 1/2 Swimming Program
Thursday 12/10
Prep Swimming Program
Emergency Displan Practice
Friday 13/10
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Seniors
1/2 Swimming Program
NO Prep Swimming program
Emergency Displan Practice
Saturday 14/10
Saint Callistus I
Sunday 15/10
28th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 3
Monday 16/10
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Prep Swimming Program
Grade 1/2 Swimming Program
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 17/10
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Prep Swimming Program
Grade 1/2 Swimming Program
Wednesday 18/10
Saint Luke
Prep Swimming Program
Grade 1/2 Swimming Program
Resurrection Art & Cultural Show
Thursday 19/10
Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues
Saint Paul of the Cross
Prep Swimming Program
NO 1/2 Swimming program
Friday 20/10
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Middles
1/2 Swimming Program
NO Prep Swimming program
Saturday 21/10
Sunday 22/10
29th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 4
Monday 23/10
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 24/10
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Learning Diversity Leaders Network
Wednesday 25/10
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 26/10
Improved Writing Symposium
Friday 27/10
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea -Juniors
ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 28/10
Saints Simon and Jude
Sunday 29/10
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 5
Monday 30/10
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 31/10
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 01/11
The Solemnity of All Saints
Thursday 02/11
The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)
Friday 03/11
Resurrection Colour Run
Saint Martin de Porres
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Preps
Saturday 04/11
Saint Charles Borromeo
Sunday 05/11
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 6
Monday 06/11
School Closure (TIL)
Tuesday 07/11
Melbourne Cup Day – Public Holiday
Wednesday 08/11
Thursday 09/11
Friday 10/11
2024 Prep Transition Session 1
Saint Leo the Great
Remembrance Day Service Led By Seniors
Religious Education Leaders Network
Saturday 11/11
Remembrance Day
Saint Martin of Tours
Sunday 12/11
32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 7
Monday 13/11
Student House Activity Day
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 14/11
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 15/11
Saint Albert the Great
Year 5 Camp information night (6.00pm)
Student Wellbeing Leaders Network
Thursday 16/11
Saint Margaret of Scotland
Saint Gertrude
Friday 17/11
2024 Prep Transition Session 2
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Middles
First Reconciliation Ceremony
ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 18/11
Sunday 19/11
33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 8
Monday 20/11
School Closure Day - 2024 Curriculum Planning
Tuesday 21/11
Parent Support Group Meetings
Parent Advisory Council 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Wednesday 22/11
Parent Support Group Meetings
Saint Cecilia
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23/11
Saint Clement I
Saint Columban
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 24/11
Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc and companions
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea – Juniors
2024 Prep Transition Session 3
2024 Prep & Grade 6 Parent Dinner
Deputy Principals Network
Sample Report Comments to Grant & Report Reader
Saturday 25/11
Saint Catherine of Alexandra
Sunday 26/11
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King Of The Universe
Week 9
Monday 27/11
2024 Student Transition Day 1 (Prep – Grade 5’s)
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 28/11
Parent Support Group Meetings
Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill
Wednesday 29/11
Parent Support Group Meetings
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill
Thursday 30/11
Parent Support Group Meetings
Saint Andrew
Year 5 Camp- Sovereign Hill
Friday 01/12
2024 Prep Transition Session 4
Reports due to leadership
Saturday 02/12
Sunday 03/12
1st Sunday Of Advent
Week 10
Monday 04/12
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
2024 Student Transition Day 2 (Prep – Grade 5s)
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesday 05/12
Wednesday 06/12
Saint Nicholas
Carols By Candlelight 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Thursday 07/12
Saint Ambrose
Friday 08/12
2024 Prep Transition Session 5
Year Level Mass followed by parent morning tea - Preps
Reports sent out
ONWZ Principals Network Meeting
Saturday 09/12
Sunday 10/12
2nd Sunday Of Advent
Week 11
Monday 11/12
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30am - 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Reports Printed
Tuesday 12/12
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Reports sent home
Wednesday 13/12
Saint Lucy
Grade 6 Big Day Out
Thursday 14/12
Grade 6 Graduation Liturgy & Presentation Night 6.00pm
Friday 15/12
Whole School Mass 9.00am
End of Year Award Ceremony
Last Day Of Term
Saturday 16/12
Sunday 17/12
Week 12
Monday 18/12/11
School closure day (Student hand over)
Tuesday 19/12
School Closure Day (Staff Christmas lunch)
Wednesday 20/12
School closure day (Time in Lieu for staff)
Thursday 21/12
Friday 22/12
Saturday 23/12
Sunday 24/12
Christmas Vigil
An exciting & hilarious pirate adventure!