Term 1 Week 4 of 10

Friday, 21st February 2025

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

I’m really looking forward to seeing you at our Welcome Mass this Sunday at 10.30am. Our parish is also having a welcome sausage sizzle after Mass and our staff and parish are excited to cook the BBQ and see you there.

As you would be aware in this terms newsletter’s I want to focus on our school improvement agenda 

and share with you what we are working on. We have a goal of: 

  • Continuing and improving the work of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) in our school to

 ensure our students are respectful, resilient and responsible members of our community

This is an area that the school has been working on in previous years, however like most things in 

schools we need to continue to work with our staff, students and parents to continually get better in this area so everyone feels safe and respected. I am passionate about our school being a safe and enjoyable place for all our students and we are a school that does not accept bullying and is proactive about stopping it from happening. 

We will be working on getting new and improved understandings for all our community of: 

  • Types of behaviour to be encouraged at our school and how this is taught

  • Types of behaviour to be discouraged at our school and how this is taught 

  • Procedures and protocols for continuing to deal with minor and major behaviours 

  • How we celebrate students who are engaged in positive behaviour 

  • A clear understanding of consequences for poor behaviour especially serious consequence

           for serious behaviours.  

I look forward to sharing this with parents via our newsletter and via a PBL parent handbook we will share with you at the beginning of Term 3 once our new learning has been placed into action.

A reminder there is no school this Monday February 24th as the staff have a professional learning day.

Best wishes,


Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation

Open Night for 2026 enrolments Wednesday, 26th February 7pm & Friday 28th February 9.30am

Did you know we have an Instagram page?

Resurrection Catholic Primary School has an Instagram account that is managed by some of our school leadership staff.

Our account has many stories, highlights and posts about the different events and day to day happenings that occur at Resurrection! 

For instructions on how to follow our account, please either watch the short clip via the QR code below or follow the step-by-step instructions as listed below.

Step 1:

Download the ‘Instagram’ app onto your smart phone or iPad. Create an account.

Step 2: 

Once signed in, click the button on the

bottom of the app.

Step 3: 

In the search bar, type in either

‘resurrectionkp’ ‘Resurrection Catholic PS’

and search.

Step 4: 

Once the results appear, click on

‘Accounts’ under the search bar, and our account should appear. Click on our account.

Step 5: 

Click the blue ‘Follow’ button on the page

Step 6: Turn on notifications by clicking the ‘bell’ button and ensure that it looks like the images below.

We often hold polls on the different types of posts or stories you might like to see! Don’t forget to check us out! 



This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 6:27-38

Be mercifil as your Father is merciful.

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I say this to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly. To the man who slaps you on one cheek, present the other cheek too; to the man who takes your cloak from you, do not refuse your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and do not ask for your property back from the man who robs you. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. If you love those who love you, what thanks can you expect? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks can you expect? For even sinners do that much. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what thanks can you expect? Even sinners lend to sinners to get back the same amount. Instead, love your enemies and do good, and lend without any hope of return. You will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.

‘Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned. Give, and there will be gifts for you: a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap; because the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back.’


Gospel Reflection

The radical teaching that was begun in last week’s gospel as the beatitudes and woes is continued in this week’s challenge to be forgiving, compassionate and generous in the same way that God expresses abundant love. As with the blessings and curses of the Beatitudes passage, this teaching continues the challenge to act against cultural and social expectations. Who would be surprised if you were to express hatred for an enemy or for someone who hates you or treats you badly? But Jesus tells his disciples to love their enemies and to do good to those who hate them. His instruction is contrary to the ‘normal’ way of doing things – and that’s exactly the message Jesus wanted to convey! Rather than a spiteful, vengeful God who keeps score and punishes wrongdoing, Jesus presents a compelling image of a God of unbounded compassion and abundant generosity.

In this passage we find one version of the Golden Rule that appears repeatedly throughout the gospels (as well as most other religious traditions): ‘Treat others as you would like them to treat you.’ It is followed up with a comment that it takes no effort to treat well people whom you like – anybody can do that. The challenge is to treat people you don’t like as you would like to be treated yourself. In a society that had very strict rules about the way to treat different people and clearly established boundaries between different groups, this was a tough ask by Jesus. Bear in mind also that there was an occupying army in the country and Jesus was encouraging the people to treat even their enemies, the Romans, with love, compassion and forgiveness. This was a radical and challenging teaching!

Historical Context - In the midst of oppression

What a powerful message Jesus delivered to people who were subjugated and oppressed by an invading army. It would have been easy, and somehow ‘natural’, for the people of Palestine to hate the Roman occupiers and to seek revenge upon them. How confronting then for Jesus to say, ‘love your enemies’! He tells the people that the way to live God’s way in this situation was to be compassionate towards the oppressors; that when they rob you of your cloak to present them with your shirt as well. To do otherwise is to become like the oppressors themselves. Meeting hatred with hatred never ended hatred.

Scriptural context - Compassion 

The compassion of God is a very strong theme that runs through the Gospel of Luke. Throughout the gospel, the compassion and mercy of God is emphasised and a defining feature of the gospel is the number of healings and parables that relate to people who were regarded as the outcasts of society. In this gospel, Jesus is the embodiment of God’s compassion. Jesus wants all people to experience first hand the abundant love God holds for them. Today’s gospel passage is a reminder that when we experience God’s compassion we are also called to show it to others.


Lent begins on Wednesday 5th March.

There will be 2 Masses: 9.30am with participation of our school children. Parishioners are welcome to attend this Mass and 7pm.

There will be sign-up sheets for this Mass in the narthex.

Please take home a Project Compassion box to support Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help support vulnerable people around the world, now and For All Future Generations.

With your support, Caritas Australia has been able to support vulnerable communities around the world to tackle poverty, food security, education, water and sanitation and disaster risk reduction. Project Compassion reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come to build a better future for all. 

Welcome Mass

We will commence this year with a welcoming Mass for the Prep's followed by a sausage sizzle on Sunday 23rd February during the 10.30am Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend.


St Vincent de Paul

As we approach Easter, we ask again for your kindness by asking for shopping bags to be filled with non-perishable items to distribute to the families in our area.

These bags will be available from the Church on Ash Wednesday onwards and we ask for you to return them to the office or at the Holy Thursday Mass.

Please take home a Project Compassion box to support Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help support vulnerable people around the world, now and For All Future Generations.


Student of the Week Awards 

Week 4

Six A

Katherine Salloum

Aleu G - For joining the Resurrection community with a positive, can do attitude. You have really shown your willingness to make friends with those around you!

Six B

Jane Huang

Jason S - For being a respectful learner in our classroom by always trying his best in study and showing good manners to others.

Six C

Rosie Nojdek

Solomon M - For being an enthusiastic learner, giving all work a go and for completing all tasks to a high standard.  Great start to the year Solomon.


Yumiko Aiki

Sannamahn Z (5B) - For being an effective communicator by showing her empathy and contributions to the Japanese class. Well done Sannamahn!

Performing Arts: 

Jody Banks

Giselle J (5C) - For displaying resilience and courage when singing a solo in front of the class during Performing Arts. Keep up the great performance skills, Giselle!

Visual Arts: 

Emma Lyons-Pell & Tosh Kaan

Elizabeth B 5A - For using the Elements of Art line, shape and colour successfully to create a Keith Haring inspired 'dancer'.

S T E M: 

Matt Dalton

Elizabeth C 5A - For showing creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills when building a balloon cart. You are able to test your prototype and make decisions based on how successful the attempt is. Well done!


Nathan Koprek

Evelynne D 6B - For demonstrating competitive engagement during handball games and uplifting your teammates within PE. You have created a positive sport environment, and your skills have contributed to team success.

Three A

Claudette Petruccelli  

Sang T - For settling into a new school and being resilient in learning the Resurrection way.

Christina T - For being respectful and responsible with her learning within the classroom.

Three B

Enza La Rosa

Angelina Tran - For being a risk taker in all areas of learning and for actively participating in whole class discussions with confidence. Well done Angelina!

Ryan G - For being a resilient learner in completing tasks to the best of his abilities and for showing kindness towards his teacher and his classmates. Well done Ryan!

Three C

Joss Coaley

Isaac Z - For an incredible start to Year 3, recognising when to activate his Learning Mode, Playtime Mode and Church Mode. Thank you Isaac!

Vanessa M - For showing such resilience when learning new concepts, particularly in Mathematics! You have an amazing motivation and attitude to learning, keep it up!

Four A

Lena Aloi

Sofia W - For being a resilient learner and approaching the teacher for help to improve your times tables. Well done! 

Mila N - For being a kind and supportive member of our class and making our new students feel welcome in our school. Great job!

Four B

Ella Nowak

Sui Tha Hnem - For making a positive start to Resurrection and showing kindness and respect to all her peers and teachers. 

AJ Anitelea - For being a respectful and responsible student through modelling the correct classroom expectations. Keep it up AJ!

Four C

Georgia Tankey

Nila Then T - For being a risk-taker during Maths, drawing and adding fractions to make a whole shape. Great work Nila Then!

Bawi N – For being a respectful and responsible learner, actively participating in class discussions and group work. Great job Bawi!

Five A

Jake Moloney

Parker C - For utilising his creativity to create an origin story for his character, Stefron Jurry, the superstar basketballer. Well done Parker!

Five B

Malae Suaesi

Kayla V - For being a thinker and resilient learner during Maths when collecting data to create a dot plot graph. Well done!



Week 6

Monday -3/3

Prep - Year 2 Assembly - student of the week awards begin

Tuesday - 4/3

Shrove Tuesday

Wednesday - 5/3

Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Ash Wednesday (Whole School Mass at 9am)

Thursday - 6/3

Friday - 7/3

Saturday - 8/3

Sunday - 9/3

First Sunday in Lent

Week 8

Monday - 17/3

Years 3-6 Assembly at 2:30pm

Tuesday - 18/3

Wednesday - 19/3

Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs

Thursday - 20/3

Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs 

Year 5 Interrelate program session 2 of 3

Year Prep Level Mass 9am

Friday - 21/3

Year 6 Camp to Campaspe Downs 

Saturday - 22/3

Sunday - 23/3

First Sunday in Lent

Week 10

Monday - 31/3

Years  3-6 Athletics Carnival - Parents Welcome

No Assembly today due to the Athletics Carnival

Tuesday - 1/4

Wednesday - 2/4

Thursday - 3/4

Whole School: Stations of the Cross run by Year 5. Parents Welcome

Friday - 4/4

End of Term Whole School Mass at 9am 

Last Day of Term 1 - Students finish at 3.15pm

Saturday - 5/4

Sunday - 6/4

First Sunday in Lent

Week 5

Monday -24/2

SCHOOL CLOSURE: Resurrection Way PD

Tuesday - 25/2

Wednesday - 26/2

Prep Day Off - Scheduled testing of Prep students

Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

School Open Night for 2026 at 7pm

Thursday - 27/2

Friday - 28/2

School Open Day for 2026 at 9:30am

Saturday - 1/3

Sacramental Launch  (10:30am and 6pm)

Sunday - 2/3

Sacramental Launch (10:30am and 6pm)

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Week 7

Monday -10/3

School Closure: Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday - 11/3

Wednesday - 12/3

First Wednesday for Prep students

School Advisory Council (SAC) at 7pm

Thursday - 13/3

Year 5 interrelate program session 1 of 3

Friday - 14/3

Junior school Year Level Mass 9am

Saturday - 15/3

Sunday - 16/3

Second Sunday in Lent

Week 9

Monday - 24/3

Prep - Year 2 Assembly at 2.30pm

Tuesday - 25/3

Wednesday - 26/3

Thursday - 27/3

Year 5 Interrelate program session 3 of 3

Friday - 28/3

Middle School Year Level Mass 9am (Reconciliation focus) Reconciliation Grade 4

Saturday - 29/3

Sunday - 30/3

Fourth Sunday of Lent


Term 1 Week 3 of 10