Term 2 Week 4 of 11
Wednesday, 8th of May 2024
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
● Principal’s Letter
● Deputy Principle: Wellbeing & Community
● Deputy Principle: Learning & Organisation
● School Photo Day
● Cyber Safety
● Gospel & Gospel Reflection
● Student Of The Week Awards
● Term 2 Dates
● Community Information
Principal’s Letter
Dear parents and carers,
In last week’s newsletter I wrote about our school’s Student Behaviour Policy and some concerns I had around a small amount of our students in terms of:
Physical Aggression - students hitting or pushing other students and basically using their hands and feet to solve problems rather than their minds and words
Harassment and Bullying - students using put downs, mean language, mean looks and getting involved in problems just to make them worse.
During the last week in particular, I have been involved in discussions with students and their parents about this type of behaviour. Of particular note, I have spent a lot of time speaking to some of our Year 6 students about bullying.
I reminded these students and on occasions their parents about every child’s right to feel safe and secure at school. I reminded them of actions such as:
using put downs
making up stories
giving bad looks or mean glares
starting rumours
being physical
These actions are not allowed at our school and there are very serious consequences for students that are involved in these actions. And some serious consequences were given.
I am providing a link to all families to our school policies around this area. If you have a senior school (Year 3-6 child) it would be a good idea to go through them.
I also reminded students that these issues sometimes happen when they try to solve problems themselves and that where needed, they should ask for teachers to help.
Please find a link to our:
A policy that outlines behavioural expectations of our students and consequences. This policy is supported by many school systems including the Behaviour Flow Chart in every teaching area. It is a way of teaching our students the expected behaviour but it also includes consequences for when behaviour expectations are not followed.
A policy that outlines our school’s response to bullying.
A policy outlining more serious approaches to serious behaviour.
I write to you to let you know that I take student behaviour really seriously and will continue to work to ensure every child feels safe at Resurrection.
On a far happier note, I had the pleasure of attending our school athletics carnival. It was wonderful to be part of the day and to witness our senior school children enjoying athletics and participating. The day ran really smoothly and I was really impressed by the way a large number of students moved from school to Keilor Athletics track and back again.
Best wishes,
Adrian Glasby
Deputy Principal: Wellbeing & Community
Second hand uniform sales
Unfortunately, we didn’t receive any parents wishing to sell any second hand uniforms last week so we had to cancel the second hand uniform sale! We do however have many families wishing to buy uniforms second hand. If you would like to donate any Resurrection uniforms the school fundraising committee is still happy to sell these with the profits going to the fundraising committee. If you have any uniforms you wish to donate to the school please email office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au to orange dropping these off at school.
We will look at holding a second hand uniform store towards the start of Term 3 when more families may have the opportunity to collect any pre-loved uniforms to sell.
Mother’s Day Celebrations
Early this week we held the first Mother’s Day stall we have had at Resurrection for many years. A huge thank you to Caterina, Abuk, Angela & Josette for assisting with the running of the stall. I must also thank Miss Salloum for her organisation of the tokens system using the school square site, this certainly made for a hassle free Mother’s Day stall. Next week I will be able to share how much money the fundraising community raised.
This morning it was beautiful to see the many mothers, grandmothers, aunties and special female figures joining us for Mass, classroom visits and morning tea. I hope that all have a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday. Thank you to the mothers and special friends who were able to attend the Mother’s Day Mass, classroom visit and morning tea, photos to come in next week's newsletter.
Mrs Jess Davis
Deputy Principal Wellbeing & Community
Deputy Principal Learning & Organisation
A sneak peak into some literacy learning in Grade 4!
This term, our wonderful Grade 4 students have been engaging in a rich literature study of the picture story book ‘Waves’ by Donna Rawlins. The picture story book ‘Waves’ is a narrative nonfiction book about the waves of migration to the shores of Australia. The literature study focuses on making strong connections between our reading and writing skills as we know how closely these are linked! As part of their studies, students engage in reading small excerpts from the text, and explore the rich vocabulary the author has used. They then focus on applying their understanding of the author’s sentence structure and vocabulary into their own writing. Have a look at the fantastic sentences created by some of our students in 4C, showcasing how they have applied some wonderful vocabulary in context and even experimented with similes and a variety of sentence structures!
Drifting away from the others, no land in sight, the uneasy and distressed boy tried to row back to the others, hoping for safety. - Emma
Up in the sky, the wind carries the night, Arabian nights, the gleam of the stars like a mural of light. - Andre
In the never ending journey there are only dead ends. As he watches the stars glare down, he wonders if he will ever reach home. Hope was lost and anxiety was found. - Ajok
In the mountains, high up, the stars shine. When I look at the stars, I think of the people I love. - Vidhusha
The storm was as rough and tough as a king preparing their knights and soldiers for war. - Vihaan
The lightning grumbled ferociously, engulfing the land with its misery, the waves smashed across the rocks like corpses falling from the sky. - Emma
She was alone like a forsaken house, she sat down, not one soul helped, lying to herself saying ‘someone will help’, whimpering. - Parker
She was as miserable as a little deer, hiding and hoping not to be prey.- Kayla
She was as angry as a roaring lion with spectacular, sharp, point teeth.- Jessica
The children were crazy like a group of seagulls trying to get food. - Daphne
It has been great to see our students delving deeply into the text and applying their knowledge to their own writing. Well done Grade 4s!
Mrs Shannon Betham
Deputy Principal Wellbeing & Community
2024 Whole School Photo Day
Thursday 16th May
Instructions On How to Order Photos Are at The Back of This Newsletter.
At the back of this week’s newsletter, you will find the instructions for ordering this year’s formal school photos.
To ensure that there is consistency across all photos regarding the wearing of the school uniform and that our formal school photos (Thursday 16th May) represent both your child and the school as best we possibly can, we have asked that all students are in the school’s Winter Uniform.
I ask that parents who have not yet arranged a winter uniform for their child, please do so as soon as possible.
Junior school students are asked to wear their normal school winter uniform instead of their sports uniform.
We are aware that there are several families that will be away on extended holidays so we have arranged for a photo catch up day just in case you’re not back by the 16th May. The photo catch up day has been booked for Monday 27th May 2024 with only sibling (family) and individual photos to be taken.
Isak (1C)
Cyber Safety
On Monday 6th May, the Year 3s and 4s watched a live video about balancing your Screen time and Green time.
Green time is when you do an activity that doesn't use technology. Screen time is when you do an activity that only includes electronics.
We did a Kahoot! about being safe online. We also watched a story about three kids named Noah, Zoe and Ava. The video said not to stay on your devices too much. The moral of the story is don't spend too much time on electronics because it can affect your mood and physical health.
From Jor and Richard 3C
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (16: 15 -20)
Jesus showed himself to the Eleven and said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation. He who believes and is baptised is saved; he who does not believe will be condemned. These are the signs that will be associated with believers: in my name they will cast out devils; they will have the gift of tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands, and be unharmed should they drink deadly poison; they will lay their hands on the sick, who will recover.’
And so the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven: there at the right hand of God he took his place, while they, going out, preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the signs that accompanied it.
Gospel Reflection - Proclaim the good news
This passage makes up the concluding verses of the Gospel of Mark. Actually, literary criticism of the Mark gospel suggests that the original gospel ended at 16:8 with the women fleeing from the empty tomb in fear. Verses 9-20 appear to be a later addition to the gospel. The community in which this gospel was written expected Jesus to return within their lifetime and so the dramatic and suspenseful conclusion of the gospel at the discovery of the empty tomb makes perfect sense. However, it soon became apparent that Jesus’ return was not going to come as soon as the believers had hoped and so the post-resurrection appearances and the commissioning to continue on with Jesus’ work became much more important.
If we were to read this passage literally, we would believe that to be a Christian one had to be able to perform exorcisms, speak in tongues, handle snakes, drink poison and heal by touch. If this were literally true, I guess there wouldn’t be too many Christians around today! Rather, the purpose of the passage is that Jesus sends his followers out ‘to the whole world’ to continue his ministry. It is the ‘whole world’ to which they are sent; not just their cosy little corner of the world but the whole world. It’s what Christian people for the last 2,000 years have been called to do: continue Jesus’ ministry to the whole world. It’s what each and every one of us is called to do today: ‘proclaim the Good News to all creation’. That doesn’t mean standing on street corners with a Bible in our hands but it means proclaiming the Good News through our everyday actions and by being open and honest about our faith. It means treating all people as Jesus would.
Living the Gospel – Acts
Francis of Assisi is credited with saying, ‘Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary, use words!’ In every interaction we have we say so much about who we are, what we think of the other person and what we believe – even without opening our mouth. Our actions and attitudes proclaim our beliefs more powerfully than our words ever do. If we claim to be concerned about justice and yet behave unjustly then it is our actions, not our words, that will be heard! When we are called to ‘proclaim the Good News’ we are called to do this first and foremost in action.
Scriptural context – Acts
Throughout this Easter season, the first reading in the Sunday liturgy is taken from the Acts of the Apostles and so both the first and second readings come from the New Testament. (Normally, the First Reading is taken from the Old Testament.) This week’s first reading account of the Ascension is the very beginning of the book of Acts. This book and the Gospel of Luke are now recognised as being by the same author. The book of Acts records the events involving the followers of Jesus after his death and the growth of communities of believers who sought to follow Jesus’ ways.
Different View – Snake handlers and Faith healers
There are certainly Christians who interpret literally Jesus’ description of the signs that will be associated with believers. We have all seen images of old Revivalist meetings where people were called forth to be healed by touch and have evil spirits driven from them. Much of this practice can be traced to this week’s gospel. The many evangelical churches and the tele-evangelists who dominate our early morning television screens operate out of this tradition and generally have a very literal interpretation of scripture. It is based in a belief that God acts in the world through miraculous intervention rather than through the slow and steady presence of individuals like you and me.
Student of the Week Awards
Week 4
Prep A - Ric Martin
Raymond - For being a knowledgeable learner and sharing your knowledge of length when building a unifix tower.
Harrison M - For being a caring member of the Prep community and beginning to use your voice with confidence!
Prep B - Jacinta Polh
Daniel P - For being an inquirer during Reading and asking questions to make connections with the texts we read.
Aurora R - For being a thinker during Religious Education. You show a great interest and ask meaningful questions to deepen your understanding and strengthen your relationship with God.
Prep C - Carla Tirotta
Pan Lai T - For being a knowledgeable learner when blending sounds together to identify what the word is. Keep up the amazing learning.
Veronica N - For being an inquirer when asking questions to learn more about new topics. Keep up the amazing effort.
One B - Matt Galea
Lucy F - For being a risk taker when creating an amazing ANZAC Day art piece using different colours and tones.
David T - For being a principled learner by focussing on given tasks and joining in classroom discussions to share his thoughts and ideas.
One C - Thomas Pham
Leila C - For being reflective when she edited her information report on koalas. Congratulations Leila!
Aluk G - For being principled by making good learning choices when at her table. Congratulations Aluk!
Two A - Belinda Collins
Nicholas D - For being a communicator during Maths lessons and sharing your knowledge with the class. Way to go Nicholas!!
Sahasrith R - For being a balanced learner and showing an interest in a variety of different topics.
Two B - Annette Lee
Ryan D - For being a reflective learner during writing time- making sure you are including lots of detail and extra information- well done!
Miranda N - For being a knowledgeable learner by asking lots of questions and consistently contributing to our class discussions- great effort!
Two C - Dorothy Hall
Kobe M - For being a knowledgeable learner when using his knowledge of place value to represent and compare 4-digit numbers.
Anne N - For being a knowledgeable learner and communicator when beginning to write an information report on seals.
Three A - Ella Nowak
KC O - For being a communicator during reading when sharing how he correctly placed an out of order recipe in the correct order. Well done KC!
Elijah C - For being a knowledgeable learner during writing by ensuring his recipe is detailed, clear and easy to follow. Keep up the amazing motivation for learning!
Three B - Kurt Caguin
Matthew T - For being a principled learner, always quick to get started with his work, trying his best and responding to feedback. Keep it up Matthew!
Isaac V - For being a knowledgeable learner, making connections and sharing facts about penguins and other Antarctic animals during reading groups. Well done Isaac!
Three C - Joss Coaley
Linda D - for being a knowledgeable and principled learner, working with Miss Claudette through your first Picture Story investigation.
Evie Z - for being a knowledgeable and principled learner, working with Miss Claudette through your first Picture Story investigation
Four A - Natalie Donevska
Elizabeth B - For being a balanced learner and a thinker by showing an interest in your learning. You always put a lot of thought into completing tasks by using voice and examples to express your thoughts and ideas. Well done!
Jenoleela N - For being a resilient learner by asking questions to clarify her understanding of a task or topic and always challenging herself in her learning. Keep up the amazing effort!
Four B - Enza La Rosa
Bilaitu K - For being an inquirer and a reflective learner by asking questions and clarification if unsure of a task and applying the feedback and skills to all areas of learning. Well done Bilaitu.
Amy R - For being a knowledgeable learner by recognising and understanding how a prefix can change the meaning of a word. Well done Amy!
Four C - Brittany Davidson
Emily K - For being a kind, caring and empathetic member of 4C, always looking out for her peers and teachers. Well done Emily!
Kayla V - For being an expressive communicator when sharing the amazing sentences she wrote based on the book ‘Waves’. Well done Kayla!
Five B - Malae Suaesi
Samuel A - For being resilient learner during Maths when solving two digit addition problems. Well done!
Austin J - For being a risk taker during whole class discussion when sharing his prediction on the story “Girl on a wire”. Great learning!
Five C - Rosie Nokdek
Anthony T - For solving mathematical problems by finding key information, deciding on how he’ll solve them and explaining his answer.
Bie Phatu A - For asking questions, being focused and having a go at solving mathematical worded problems using multiplication.
Six A - Katherine Salloum
Alexandra Z - For being a knowledgeable learner in Literacy when constructing an explanation text about our Inquiry focussing on ‘The need for resources causes conflict’.
Ulette L - For being a knowledgeable learner when sharing her understanding in Maths and Literacy classroom discussions.
Six B - Lena Aloi
Dylan L - For being a reflective learner and always being keen to challenge yourself in your learning by asking for feedback and more challenging tasks. Well done!
Achol L - For being a caring learner and always being the first to help around the classroom, keeping our space clean and always volunteering to assist the teacher. Well done!
Six C - Jake Moloney
Noor O - For being a knowledgeable learner when utilising his prior knowledge when crafting an explanation text on the topic of ‘How do solar panels work’. Well done Noor!
Sophie M - For being a resilient learner when tackling worded fraction problems in front of her peers. Well done Sophie!
Specialist Awards
Yumiko Aiki
Aiki - Dylan N (4B) - For being a risk-taker and for continually challenging himself in his Japanese study. His ongoing participation in the Japanese class is awesome. Keep up the good work!
Performing Arts:
Jody Banks
Robert R (6C) - For being a risk-taker in Performing Arts when reading the script for production characters and for displaying a growing confidence in his acting ability. Continue to let your talents shine, Robert!
Visual Arts:
Emma Lyons-Pell
& Tosh Kaan
Emmeline Q (5B) - For using her prior knowledge of colour theory and mixing to create her own colours to paint onto her clay creation.
S T E M:
Matt Dalton
Orlando M (6B) - For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. You demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while constructing your aeroplane. Well done Orlando!
Jen Barresi
Joy M (4A) - For being a valuable member of 4A. You continue to try your best and challenge yourself weekly in P.E while continuing to display responsible and respectful behaviour to myself and your classmates. Great work Joy!
Week 5
Monday - 13/05
Our Lady of Fatima
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 14/05
Saint Matthias
Wednesday - 15/05
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 16/05
School Photos - Winter uniform for all students
Friday - 17/05
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 5/6
Saturday - 18/05
Saint John I
Sunday - 19/05
Pentecost Sunday
Week 6
Monday - 20/05
Mary, Mother of the Church
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Semper Dental
Year 4 - First Eucharist Immersion Excursion
Tuesday - 21/05
Saints Christopher Magallenes and companions
Semper Dental
Wednesday - 22/05
Saint Rita of Cascia
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Semper Dental
Year 1 – R.E Excursion
Thursday - 23/05
Friday - 24/05
Our Lady, Help Of Christians
Saturday - 25/05
Saint Gregory VII
Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Saint Bede
Sunday - 26/05
Solemnity Of The Most Holy Trinity
Year 1/2 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Week 7
Monday - 27/05
Saint Augustine of Canterbury
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 28/05
Wednesday - 29/05
Saint Paul VI
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 30/05
Friday - 31/05
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 1/2
Saturday - 01/06
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 6.00pm
Sunday - 02/06
Feast Of Corpus Christi
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00am
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 10.30am
Week 8
Monday - 03/06
Saint Charles Lwanga
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 04/06
Parent Advisory Committee 7pm
Wednesday - 05/06
Saint Boniface
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Fundraising Committee (6.30pm - 7.00pm) followed by School Advisory council (7.00pm - 8.00pm)
Thursday - 06/06
Saint Norbert
Saint Marcellin Champagnat
Friday - 07/06
Instalment 2 - Family Fee Payment Due
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday - 08/06
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 6.00pm
Sunday - 09/06
10th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00am
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 10.30am
Year 3/4 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Week 9
Monday 10/06
King’s Birthday – School Closure
Tuesday 11/06
Saint Barnabas
Parent Support Group Meetings
Wednesday 12/06
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Parent Support Group Meetings
Grade 5 Dance Battle 12.30 - 1.15pm
Thursday 13/06
Saint Anthony of Padua
Reports due to leadership for proofreading
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 14/06
Year Level Mass with Morning Tea - Middles Year 3/4
Saturday 15/06
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 6.00pm
Sunday 16/06
11th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00am
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 10.30pm
Year Prep Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Week 10
Monday 17/06
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Eucharist Reflection Day with Gen Bryant
Tuesday 18/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Wednesday 19/06
Saint Romuald
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Reports back to teachers
Parent Support Group Meetings
Thursday 20/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 21/06
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep
Saturday 22/06
Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
Sunday 23/06
12th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Monday 24/06
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Printing and signing of student reports
Tuesday 25/06
Wednesday 26/06
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 27/06
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Friday 28/06
Saint Irenaeus
Last Day of Term 2
Whole School Mass
Semester 1 Student Reports Sent Home
Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Saturday 29/06
Saints Peter And Paul
Sunday 30/06
13th Sunday In Ordinary Time