Term 2 Week 11 of 11
Friday, 28th June 2024
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
Acting Principal’s Letter
Learning & Organisation
Wellbeing & Community
Cultural Appreciation
Learning Diversity
Students’ vs Teachers Basketball game
Gospel & Gospel Reflection
Parish News
Student of the Week Awards
Term Three Dates
Canteen List
Acting Principals Letter
I wish to thank you all for contributing to the success of an amazing term! When reflecting on the past 10 weeks, our students have had some incredible opportunities that have enriched their learning. I thank the Resurrection staff for providing these wonderful opportunities for our students.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your continued support as I have stepped back into the role of Acting Principal. I must acknowledge Mrs Shannon Betham who has taken on additional responsibilities to support the running of the school as well as Mr Matt Dalton who has been in the role of Acting Wellbeing leader allowing me to focus on the role and responsibilities associated with being ‘Principal’. Please note that Adrian will be back from his Long Service Leave next term, I spoke with him briefly last week and he is thoroughly enjoying his leave. He is currently in Krakow, Poland and is heading off to Malta shortly to end his time overseas.
Meet Our Sponsor Children - Project Ubuntu
Last week Fr Gerard was able to come in and speak with all our students about Project Ubuntu. He shared that the funds we raised for Crazy Hair day have gone to two sponsor children - Paul and Sheillah. He shared with us about these two students' hopes and dreams and thanks to our sponsorship, these children will now have access to an education! Further on in the newsletter, I have included more information about Paul and Sheillah.
-thon. This money will then go towards school supplies such as books for the students at Resurrection school in Uganda. More information will be shared at the start of next term in regards to this social justice action.
Updated Canteen Menu
Earlier this week I heard from Leo, the manager of Juda Fine Foods. Leo has advised me that he is facing increased costs from his suppliers, such as bakery and frozen food items. He has made the decision not to pass on all these price increases to our families. Therefore, only a few items on the canteen menu have seen modest price adjustments. I have included a copy of the Term 3 Canteen menu at the back of this newsletter with the increased items highlighted in yellow.
Happy Holidays & Term 3 Start Date
Finally, on behalf of all the staff at Resurrection, I wish you all a wonderful, safe term break and look forward to seeing you next term. Just a reminder that the first day of Term 3 for our students will be Wednesday 17th of July as Monday and Tuesday are staff professional development days.
God Bless,
Jess Davis
Acting Principal
Deputy Principal : Learning & Organisation
As Term 2 comes to a close, I’d like to congratulate our wonderful students and staff for all of their efforts in their personal, social and academic growth this semester. What a big time of learning and experiences for everyone involved in the Resurrection Primary School community. From excursions to Melbourne’s churches, Ta Pinu and Scienceworks, to engaging science and dance incursions, as well as sporting events such as our Grades 3-6 Athletics Day and District and Division events, it has definitely been a huge semester of learning! In our classrooms, we have seen some fantastic development of literacy and numeracy skills, impressive inquiries and insightful spiritual and faith discoveries and understandings through Religious Education.
We thank the teachers and learning support officers for all of their efforts in providing so many wonderful learning experiences and opportunities.
To our students, we love seeing you learn and grow each day! We are so proud of your resilience and growth this semester, and we are excited to see what the next semester holds for you. Have a wonderful school holiday break and we will see you back at school on Wednesday 17th July ready for another term of learning!
Accessing Reports
You will, in the next few weeks, receive an email from no-reply@nforma.com.au This will provide you with all the necessary information and steps on how to access the portal. If you would like to set up your account now (this isn’t available yet for all Prep parents), then please follow the instructions outlined below:
Visit: https://parentgcr4.nforma.com.au/portal/#/login?schooldomain=rskingspark
Your username is the email address you’ve supplied the school
Use the temporary password from the email mentioned above
The ‘Welcome Screen’ will appear
You will be required to change your password
Enter the temporary password
Enter your new chosen password (NOTE: The password must be a minimum of 7 characters and contain at least one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. ! * - )
Re-enter your password in the ‘Confirm Password’ section and click on ‘Change Password’
A successful message will appear if all the criteria was met for the new password.
To view the reports please follow these instructions:
1. At the main menu of the portal, select the child for the report that you would like to view.
2. Click on ‘Reports’.
3. Select the reporting period. Your chosen child’s report will appear.
It is very important that you have updated your email addresses with the school, as an
automated email containing instructions and login details will come from no-reply@nforma.com.au and not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address.
It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred. Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online. Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose the reporting component.
Forgotten passwords:
If you have forgotten your password, please follow the ‘forgotten password’ link. Please note that your new password needs to be at least 7 characters long and must include at least one non alpha-numeric character, e.g. *, - / or similar.
If you have requested a password reset and the email does not appear, please look in your junk/spam folder for an email from no-reply@nforma.com.au. If you have any questions or issues, please contact the school office.
Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations are due to be held on Tuesday 23rd (3:45pm - 7:15pm) and Thursday 25th July (3:45pm - 7:15pm).
These face-to-face meetings are an important opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress in relation to the curriculum, the Semester One Report and future learning directions.
Once you have made a booking, you will receive a confirmation email indicating the time and date. Please keep this email in order to attend the meeting at your allocated time.
At the end of this newsletter is all the information you require for making a booking for the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations. Bookings are now open and will close on Monday 22nd July at 12:00pm.
Please visit the following web address to make your booking:
Please note that interviews are for 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by contacting your child’s teacher directly.
To the families of children in 1B with Mr Galea and 2C with Miss Hall, further information regarding alternate dates has been communicated with you via email. You can make a booking via the same link above.
To the families of children in 4C, Miss Tankey will be available for a Meet the Teacher type interview.
1B interviews with Mr Matt Galea will take place on Tuesday 16th July from 1pm - 8pm.
2C interviews with Miss Dorothy Hall will take place on Tuesday 30th July and Thursday 1st August from 3:45pm to 7:15pm.
Upcoming Scholastic Book Fair
In Week 2 of Term 3, we will be hosting our Scholastic Book Fair! The Book Fair will be set up in the Professional Practice room (MacKillop Room) and the children will have an opportunity throughout the week to browse through the items available for purchase as well as create a wish list. The Book Fair will be staffed during the Parent Teacher Interview nights of Tuesday 23rd and Thursday 25th so families can browse and make purchases. There will be no cash payments, however, we will have payments being made through the Square App.
Book Week: Reading is Magic!
In Week 6 of Term 3, we will celebrate Book Week! This is always such a special highlight in our school year and it is so impressive to see the creativity in both the student and staff costumes each year. This year the theme is…. ‘Reading is Magic!’ What a fantastic theme with so many books and magical characters to choose from.
This year the Book Week Parade will take place on Tuesday 20th August (Week 6). With our school holidays just around the corner, this could be a great holiday activity to plan and create or design your Book Week costume for next term. We are very much looking forward to a big week of celebrating the magic that is reading!
Shannon Betham
Deputy Principal: Learning & Organisation
Wellbeing & Community
PBL Extravaganza!
As a part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework, students throughout the school receive a PBL card from staff when they are showing they are being Respectful, Responsible and Resilient. These PBL cards are then able to be traded in to obtain a reward that ranges from a Sniff and Scratch Sticker to the Rare PBL Card.
This week, we have an influx of students trading their cards for rewards:
Students from Prep trading their cards for a Scratch and Sniff Sticker.
Richard, Genevieve, Linda, Evie, Akoch, Miranda, Ruth, Max, Sui Ding, Nathan and Calden from Year 3 eating a delicious donut or icy pole
Carter, Denis, Austin and Aubrey from Year 1 enjoying their reward!
Cung Baqi, Atheing, Chloe, Jor, Willow Frankie, Khen.
Hannah, Liam, Zara, Jordan, Moses and Micaiah from Year 3 enjoying their movie!
Brian from Year 3 trading 100 cards for a rare PBL card.
Thank you to all students for continuing to show our school values of being respectful, Responsible and resilient learners.
Matt Dalton
Acting Wellbeing Leader
Cultural Appreciation
Our Grade 4 students have been learning about their heritage and the different cultures that are part of their heritage! The students in Grade 4C asked if they could share photos of themselves presenting about their cultural heritage. We are so glad that the students of Resurrection are so proud of their rich cultural heritage
Learning & Diversity
A reminder to families who have received a Personalised Learning Plan to please return a signed copy to school as soon as possible.
Also, any prep Parents / Carers who have had assessments from paediatricians completed, can they please give a copy to the school.
Have a safe and wonderful term break and look forward to working with you all in Term 3.
Veronica Kulkewycz
Learning Diversity Leader
Student vs Teachers Basketball Game
Last week on Thursday 20th June, the Grade 6 students and Resurrection Primary School teachers competed against each other in basketball during the first break. Everyone at school was given the opportunity to come out onto the basketball court to watch the biannual Teacher VS Students game, and we had an amazing turnout, with most of the school coming to watch on the sidelines while the teachers and students battled it out.
Students and staff had lots of fun cheering on their teachers, siblings, friends and peers. It was a very close game, with students in the lead in the first half of the game, scoring 7 points to 5. After this, teachers and students swapped to let others onto the court. This included Mr Suaesi and Mr Nathan, who brought their amazing basketball skills to the court. They were able to help Mr Mo, Mr Pham, Mr Galea, Miss Salloum, Ms Nowak and Mr Coaley secure the game, 14 points to 9.
During the game, the students loved listening to Mr Dalton, Mrs Aclan and Ms Banks act as commentators. They and the rest of the staff at Resurrection Primary School thoroughly enjoyed the event and are looking forward to competing against each other later in the year, where they are certain they will do what hasn’t been done in 4 years and win the game!
Why do we add the Weekend’s Gospel to the School Newsletter?
There’s a famous quote: “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.”
The original quote is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. It’s been echoed by generations of Christians.
The spirit of the quote is good, and it makes a good point. Our actions matter. What’s more: actions usually speak louder than words. People are watching what we
But there are some good reasons why this quote does not present a good approach in relating with others. The first reason is that, in many cases, people use it as an excuse to avoid articulating their faith.
How many times has the gospel not been shared, because we’ve embraced a version of Christianity where words don’t matter? The second reason is more important: The Bible tells us
that there are certain truths. Faith comes by hearing. And hearing by the word of God. Other people hear when someone declares the message. You can love people, serve people, care for people and model a great life. Your actions will nudge people. They will create curiosity. They will open hearts to an interest in the gospel. Others may even model your actions — and this is a good thing.
But there will come a moment when you will need to tell your story. When you will need to tell the story from start to finish: sin and redemption, death and resurrection — and why it matters.
You need to be equipped and prepared to tell the story and articulate your faith. The truth is that no matter how much we try to live in a way that reveals the presence of Jesus, words will still
be needed. At some point along the way, we need to hear and comprehend the content of the gospel.
This Sunday’s reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Mark (5: 21 – 43)
Young girl, I say to you, arise.
When Jesus had crossed in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered round him and he stayed by the lakeside. Then one of the synagogue officials came up, Jairus by name, and seeing him, fell at his feet and pleaded with him earnestly, saying, ‘My little daughter is desperately sick. Do come and lay your hands on her to make her better and save her life.’ Jesus went with him and a large crowd followed him; they were pressing all round him.
Now there was a woman who had suffered from a haemorrhage for twelve years; after long and painful treatment under various doctors, she had spent all she had without being any the better for it, in fact, she was getting worse. She had heard about Jesus, and she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his cloak. ‘If I can touch even his clothes,’ she had told herself ‘I will be well again.’ And the source of the bleeding dried up instantly, and she felt in herself that she was cured of her complaint. Immediately aware that power had gone out from him, Jesus turned round in the crowd and said, ‘Who touched my clothes?’ His disciples said to him, ‘You see how the crowd is pressing round you and yet you say, “Who touched me?”’ But he continued to look all round to see who had done it. Then the woman came forward, frightened and trembling because she knew what had happened to her, and she fell at his feet and told him the whole truth. ‘My daughter,’ he said ‘your faith has restored you to health; go in peace and be free from your complaint.’
While he was still speaking some people arrived from the house of the synagogue official to say, ‘Your daughter is dead: why put the Master to any further trouble?’ But Jesus had overheard this remark of theirs and he said to the official, ‘Do not be afraid; only have faith.’ And he allowed no one to go with him except Peter and James and John the brother of James. So they came to the official’s house and Jesus noticed all the commotion, with people weeping and wailing unrestrainedly. He went in and said to them, ‘Why all this commotion and crying? The child is not dead, but asleep.’ But they laughed at him. So he turned them all out and, taking with him the child’s father and mother and his own companions, he went into the place where the child lay. And taking the child by the hand he said to her, ‘Talitha, kum!’ which means, ‘little girl, I tell you to get up.’ The little girl got up at once and began to walk about, for she was twelve years old. At this they were overcome with astonishment, and he ordered them strictly not to let anyone know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.
Gospel Reflection
This week’s gospel passage presents two miracle accounts, one, in effect, ‘interrupting’ or being framed by the other. Jesus is approached by the synagogue official, Jairus, to come and heal his dying daughter. In the milling and surging crowd, Jesus suddenly becomes aware of being touched by someone. The story of the woman with a haemorrhage is a story of social and religious isolation as much as it is a story of illness and pain. Because of the Jewish prohibitions against blood, the woman would have been regarded as permanently impure and unclean. She would have been unable to engage in any worship; she could not touch another person without also making them unclean; she was effectively outcast for the 12 years of her illness. She knew it would be forbidden for her to touch Jesus openly but took her chances of being unobserved in the crowd – she risked all on the belief that even touching Jesus’ cloak might heal her. Jesus immediately stopped and drew attention to the woman. By doing so he made it clear to her that it was her faith that had healed her (a feature of healing stories in the Gospel of Mark). His actions also made it clear to the crowd that she was now healed and should not be shunned any longer; she was publicly declared fit to re-enter society and religious participation. After 12 years of virtual non-existence, the woman was now able to begin her life again. The delay, however, meant that Jairus’ daughter was dead by the time Jesus arrived. Undeterred, Jesus performs another miracle and raises the girl from death. The girl was 12 years old – the same 12 years the woman suffered with a haemorrhage – and now she too was able to begin her life again. There is a neatness and a completeness about the two stories.
From the perspective of … Jairus
What a whirlwind of emotions Jairus must have gone through. His daughter was sick and getting worse but Jesus had left the region and travelled across the Sea of Galilee. Suddenly, Jairus heard that Jesus had returned! He raced to Jesus and begged him to save his daughter. What joy when Jesus set out to do so! But Jesus was slowed by the crowd and then came to a complete stop and spoke to some woman. Didn’t he know this was urgent? Then the news came that the little girl was dead – no need
to hurry now. Finally, unbelievable relief and joy: Jesus raises the little girl and reunites her with her parents.
Gospel Focus – A lesson in faith
Although Jairus obviously believed that Jesus might be able to do something to help heal his daughter, once news came that she had died he needed a strong reminder from Jesus to not be afraid and to have faith. Was it the example of the woman’s faith in Jesus that gave Jairus the strength to continue to believe? When they arrive at the house
the mourners laugh at Jesus and are consequently excluded from witnessing the miraculous raising. Since they don’t have faith, they are not given the opportunity to witness faith in action.
Have you thought? What’s my haemorrhage?
In the gospel story, the woman suffers a serious physical complaint – an unending flow of blood – that must have left her physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. For many of us there is some aspect of our lives that has an almost equally draining effect as the physical complaint of the woman. In effect, some aspect of our lives may be haemorrhaging – a constant outflow of energy and emotion that prevents us from being all that we might be. It may be an unhealthy relationship; an addiction; a lack of confidence; a grudge; a lack of emotional control.
Maltese Celebration of Our Lady of the Rosary
On Sunday 6th October 2024 at the 10:30 mass, the Maltese Community of Resurrection Parish Kings Park will celebrate and honour Our Lady of the Rosary.
We are looking for children with a Maltese background to join us and learn some Maltese traditional dancing to be performed on the day.
If you are interested or would like more information, please ring Jane on 0421 593 189
Resurrection Vocational Secondary School
Name: Paul Lutaaya
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Current Grade: Grade Ⅱ
Siblings: 4 siblings
Hobbies: Football
Aspiring Profession: Electrical Engineering
Name: Sheillah Fedelesi Namutebi
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Current Grade: 12 Ⅰ
Siblings: 3 Sisters & 2 brothers
Hobbies: Dancing
Aspiring Profession: Hairdresser
We can’t wait to receive our first letters from Paul and Sheillah and will share these with you when they arrive!
Student of the Week Awards
Week 11
Prep A
Ric Martin
Elijah L - For being a responsible member of the Prep community and showing whole body listening.
Alyanna L - For being a resilient student and working hard to recognise sounds in words when writing.
Prep B
Jacinta Polh
Luna T - For being open-minded and brave when learning new things in the classroom.
Violet T - For always being a considerate and kind member of the classroom. You always take care of your peers and show respect to the Resurrection community.
Prep C
Carla Tirotta
Biak T - For being a kind member of Prep C and always communicating with those around you in a respectful way.
Linda V - For being a responsible learner when demonstrating whole body listening during learning time. Keep up the amazing effort.
One B
Matt Galea
Maija C - For showing resilience to achieve her red star words! Amazing Maija
Annabelle A - For listening to different members of her reading group and working collaboratively with them.
One C
Thomas Pham
Carter DL - For showing care when drafting your narrative on Mr. Rex, ensuring that you completed all sections. Congratulations Carter!
William N - For demonstrating care by encouraging others to help clean up our school environment. Well done William!
Two A
Belinda Collins
Kai N - For raising your hand and waiting your turn when on the floor.
Josipa O - For sharing your thoughts and ideas in whole class discussions.
Two B
Annette Lee
Lydon T - For being a kind and helpful member of 2B- thank you for always offering to help others!
Miranda N - For always sharing your ideas and thinking in whole class discussions- Well Done!
Two C
Dorothy Hall
Blake H - For being a kind and resilient learner, always looking out for others and trying her best in all areas.
Cungbawilian L - For consistently being a kind and respectful learner; always helping to move chairs and book boxes to get ready for the day.
Three A
Ella Nowak
Nancy C - For being a risk taker when challenging herself to present her cultural item to the class. Your presentation was fantastic!
Cung Bawi N - For being a reflective learner when editing and revising his writing to ensure he had used the correct punctuation. Well done Bawi!
Three B
Kurt Caguin
Aeyana C - For making meaningful connections on our work for inquiry. Well done Aeyana!
Emmanuel T - For being a responsible learner, taking care to finish his work to the best of his ability. Keep it up!
Three C
Joss Coaley
Niko LW - For having such a positive attitude in an extremely busy term! Your joy for learning has been a joy to see. Well done!
Liam D - For being such a positive role model in the classroom and helping your friends with their learning. Congratulations!
Four A
Natalie Donevska
Bilai Pha K- For being a resilient learner by using teacher and peer feedback to help improve his learning. Keep up the amazing effort!
Elizabeth B - For being a responsible and resilient learner when working in a group by sharing her thoughts, opinions and by using evidence to support her thinking. Amazing effort!
Four B
Enza La Rosa
Queensya A- For building her confidence with her poetry writing skills and being resilient in sharing her kindness poem with her classmates. Excellent work Queensya!
Evelin L - For being a resilient learner in her abilities to apply rhythm and line breaks in her poetry writing of kindness. Great work Evelin!
Four C
Brittany Davidson
Jessica R - For being a risk taker and communicator when sharing her cultural costume and information about Sri Lankan dance with the class. Well done Jessica!
Vadao So K- For being resilient when facing challenges and effectively communicating her feelings and ideas through her poetry piece about kindness. Well done Vadao So!
Five A
Lavina Stewart
Zoe I - For always showing kindness towards her teacher and peers and demonstrating a growth mindset to all learning activities. Keep it up Zoe!
Noah S - For being a resilient communicator when sharing his information text with confidence in front of the whole class. Well done Noah!
Five B
Malae Suaesi
Austin J - For being a risk taker and resilient learner by asking questions on constructing different angles during Maths. Keep up the fantastic learning!
Apiok M - For being a kind and responsible member in the class when always supporting her peers during learning. Well done!
Five C
Rosie Nojdek
Angelo M - For being a positive, caring and helpful member of 5C. Angelo, you are an amazing role model/leader. Thank you.
Selena H - For always giving everything a go even when it is something new. Thank you for being so polite and caring for those around you. You are amazing.
Six A
Katherine Salloum
Nehemiah L - For being a responsible learner by recognising when he has needed assistance with his learning and starting to ask the teacher for assistance. Keep it up Nehemiah.
Carter M - For being a resilient learner by constantly applying himself towards his learning and achieving his best result yet for his Multiplication Grid. Your hard work is really paying off and you should be so proud of yourself!
Six B
Lena Aloi
Isabel L - For being a supportive and engaging partner during group work in class. Well done!
Orlando M - For showing initiative in his reading by selecting books that he finds interesting to read independently.
Six C
Jake Moloney
Liam S - For showcasing his principled learner skills on the oval during a football game. Well done Liam!
Olivia G - For creating an engaging and unique tessellation using her reflective learner skills. Well done Olivia!
Specialist Awards
Yumiko Aiki
Daniel Y (6C) - For being a responsible student by focusing on his learning and for showing respect to others during Japanese class. Well done Daniel!
Performing Arts:
Jody Banks
Margarette D (6B) - For assisting with production rehearsals in such a responsible way and for encouraging her peers with their acting skills. Well done on supporting others in such a positive way, Margarette!
Visual Arts:
Emma Lyons-Pell & Tosh Kaan
Michaela M (2B) - For being responsible, helpful and caring when you helped your friends with their artworks and shared your resources to create a 3D habitat. Keep up the amazing work Michaela!
S T E M:
Matt Dalton
Cristian K (1C) - For being a responsible, helpful and cooperative member of your classroom when you assisted with laptops and packing away chairs at the end of the day. Thank you, Cristian.
Week 1
Monday - 15/07
School Closure Day (Staff Professional Development)
Saint Bonaventure
Tuesday - 16/07
School Closure Day (Staff Professional Development)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Wednesday - 17/07
School Commences for term 3, all students in winter uniform
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4.45pm
Thursday - 18/07
Friday - 19/07
Saturday - 20/07
St Apollinaris
Sunday - 21/07
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 2
Monday - 22/07
Saint Mary Magdalene
Exec Team 9.30am to 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Tuesday - 23/07
Saint Bridget
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 3.45pm to 7.15pm
Wednesday - 24/07
Saint Sharbel Mahkluf
Staff Meeting 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Thursday - 25/07
Saint James
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations 3.45pm to 7.15pm
Friday - 26/07
Saint Joachim and Anne
Grandparents Day Mass (Whole School) & Celebration
Confirmation Preparation Day with Gen Bryant
Saturday - 27/07
Sunday - 28/07
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week 3
Monday - 29/07
Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Exec Team 9.30am to 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Tuesday - 30/07
Saint Peter Chrysologus
Parent Advisory Committee 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Confirmation Parent Formation Evening 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday - 31/07
Saint Ignatius Loyola
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 01/08
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
100 Days Of Learning for Preps
Friday - 02/08
Saint Eusebius of Vercelli
Saint Peter Julian Eymard
Saturday - 03/08
Saint Dominic
Sunday - 04/08
18th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Year 5/6 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Week 4
Monday - 5/08
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 6/08
The Transfiguration Of The Lord
Wednesday - 7/08
Saints Sixtus II and companions
Saint Cajetan
Staff Meeting 3.30pm – 4.45pm
Thursday - 8/08
Saint Mary of the Cross
Friday - 9/08
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 5/6
Saturday - 10/08
Saint Lawrence
Sunday - 11/08
19th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 5
Monday - 12/08
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Grade 3 Camp - Camp Weekaway- Benloch
Tuesday - 13/08
Saints Pontian and Hippolytus
Grade 3 Camp - Camp Weekaway- Benloch
Confirmation Parent Formation Session @ 6.30pm
Wednesday - 14/08
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 15/08
Whole School Mass @ 9.00
Friday - 16/08
Saint Stephen of Hungary
Saturday - 17/08
Sunday - 18/08
20th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 6
Monday - 19/08
Saint John Eudes
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 20/08
Saint Bernard
Book Week Parade
Wednesday - 21/08
Saint Pius X
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 22/08
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday - 23/08
Saint Rose of Lima
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 3/4
Saturday - 24/08
Saint Bartholomew
Sunday - 25/08
21st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Year 1/2 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Week 7
Monday - 26/08
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 27/08
Saint Monica
Wednesday - 28/08
Saint Augustine
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 29/08
The Passion of Saint John the Baptist
Friday - 30/08
Father’s Day Breakfast & Blessing
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Juniors
Saturday - 31/08
Sunday - 1/09
22nd Sunday In Ordinary Time
Father’s Day
Week 8
Monday - 2/09
Saint Augustine
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday - 3/09
Saint Gregory the Great
Parent Advisory Committee 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Wednesday - 4/09
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday - 5/09
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday - 6/09
Instalment 3 - Family Fee Payment Due
Saturday - 7/09
Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm
Sunday - 8/09
23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time
Year Prep Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Week 9
Monday - 9/09
Saint Peter Claver
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)
Tuesday -10/09
Parent Support Group Meetings
Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)
Wednesday - 11/09
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Grade 4 Camp - Camp Wyuna (Queenscliff)
Thursday -12/09
The Most Holy Name of Mary
Parent Support Group Meetings
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep
Friday - 13/09
Saint John Chrysostom
Saturday - 14/09
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Sacrament of Confirmation at 11.00am & 1.30pm
Sunday - 15/09
24th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Week 10
Monday - 16/09
Saints Cornelius and Cyprian
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday -17/09
Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Wednesday - 18/09
Senior School Production
No Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday -19/09
Saint Januarius
Senior School Production
Friday - 20/09
Whole School Mass 9.00am
Last Day of Term 3
Footy Colours Day
Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Saturday - 21/09
Saint Matthew
Sunday - 22/09
25th Sunday In Ordinary Time