Term 2 Week 2 of 11
Wednesday, 24th of April 2024
This Week’s Newsletter Items:
● Principal’s Letter
● Resurrection Day 2024
● Student Reflections – Our House Spirit
● Junior School Excursion to Melbourne Zoo
● DP Wellbeing & Community
● Winter Uniform
● Second Hand-Uniform
● DP Learning & Organisation Term Overviews
● Art Donations
● St Vincent de Paul Society – Thank You
● Road Safety
● Gospel & Gospel Reflection
● Student of the Week Awards
● Term 2 Dates
● Community News - Schools
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to Term 2!
It was wonderful to be part of my first Resurrection Day Celebration. As always, our students sang so beautifully in Mass and even the rainy, cold Melbourne weather could not stop our family picnic which was held inside.
In the afternoon session our students took part in a special celebration with Fr. Rob Galea where they enjoyed singing and learning about our faith.
Staffing News
We have employed two new Learning Support Officers to assist our students with their learning. Both Hayley Rae and Olivia Duvcevski will begin with us next week.
Congratulations to:
-Katherine Salloum on being officially employed as Senior Team Level Leader (Years 5 and 6) for the remainder of 2024.
- Michelle Widdison on being appointed P-6 Maths Leader for 2024. Michelle has been doing lots in that role this year already.
Congratulations on new roles at different schools to:
- Ruth Galea, who has just been employed as the Admin Manager/Bursar at St. Margaret Mary’s Spotswood. Ruth’s last day will be Friday May 17.
- Angelina Touron, who has just been employed as a New Arrival’s teacher at St. Anne’s Sunbury. Angelina’s last day here will be Thursday May 9.
I wish to thank Ruth and Angelina for their hard work and support to our school community.
School Improvement at Resurrection
In previous newsletters I spoke about our new School Improvement Plan. Over the rest of this year our main focus will be to begin the work.
To develop a whole school evidence-based pedagogical approach, The Resurrection Way, to achieve growth for all by embedding highly effective teaching strategies, both in practice and in documentation.
Our staff in staff meetings and professional learning time will take part in a learning journey investigating the latest evidence-based approaches to build upon what our staff already know and to strive to always get better.
We as a staff will then take that learning, build upon what we are already doing and put new learning in place to improve the education of your children.
We will begin this process with looking at reading and investigating some new learning called the “Science of Reading”. The most important part will be to put this new learning into our context at Resurrection and to make it work for our children.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
Best wishes,
Adrian Glasby
Resurrection Day Reflection
Last Friday, rain or shine, we celebrated our Resurrection Feast Day! Although our school’s name may suggest that our school feast day is on Easter Sunday itself, it's helpful we have another 7 weeks of Easter to find time to celebrate together as a school!
Beginning the day with House Spirit activities, we thank Miss Salloum and our student leaders for putting together an exciting set of events for our students and for adjusting activities to suit the wet weather. From ‘the limbo’ to designing house shields, the morning had a house focus with lots of fun in between!
Afterwards we welcomed Fr. Rob Galea, a priest from the Sandhurst Diocese who is an internationally acclaimed author, singer, and songwriter with multiple albums under his belt. He concelebrated our Resurrection Day Mass with Fr. Gerard before an afternoon session with our Years 3-6s and then the whole school.
During the Year 3-6 session, he reminded us all that sometimes we may be too afraid to do the right thing or the difficult thing. He called these excuses our ‘big buts!’ - we want to do one thing BUT, an excuse stops us! He reminded students that to achieve great things, we may sometimes struggle and fall, but if we remain grounded in Jesus, He will give us the strength to get back up again and achieve whatever we put our mind to! We then finished our jam-packed day with music and dance!
I would firstly like to extend a big thank you to our families who attended our Community Picnic. It is a shame the weather forced us indoors, but we appreciate your support in joining us for our special day despite the fact! Any opportunity to gather and spend time with one another is important, and we thank you for taking the time to join us for our picnic.
We also thank our parent helpers who volunteered their time and assisted us in packaging and distributing our celebration donuts. I would also like to especially thank Mrs. Azzopardi and Mrs. De Leon who offered their time and talents to create our beautiful balloon decor that students and families were able to take photos with throughout the day. All these elements, no matter how big or small, were significant in enhancing our celebrations and ensuring its success!
We hope all our students and staff had a wonderful Resurrection Day!
Blessings for a wonderful Term 2 ahead!
In Faith,
Erica Aclan
Religious Education Leader
House Spirit - Student Reflection
After a successful Resurrection Day, the student leaders sat down with Miss Salloum to reflect on how the day ran. They were able to critically evaluate the events of the day and what changes they thought would make the next House Spirit Day even successful. The student leaders did an excellent job at organising their first House Spirit activity session!
Have a look at their thoughts below!
Junior School at the Melbourne Zoo
Last Tuesday, the Grade 1 and 2 students attended an excursion at the Melbourne Zoo. We went to the zoo to support our learning about how connections exist between living things and the environment.
Please scan the QR codes below to listen to some of our reflections about our excursion. Please note, if the QR codes do not work you may need to download the Seesaw app.
Isak (1C)
Singolai (1B)
Jessica (2C)
Jarell (1B)
Winter School Uniform
As we are now in Term 2 all students are required to be in their full school winter uniform. To support students to transition to the winter uniform this week and next week are crossover weeks. This gives you the opportunity to source new winter uniforms if required.
A reminder that uniforms can be purchased at PSW either in person at their Ravenhall address or online at
PSW have the new Resurrection Rugby Jumpers in stock. These jumpers were introduced by the School Advisory board based on parent feedback wanting another option than the soft-shell jacket to go with the PE uniform. Our students wearing them last week looked amazing!
The details of the Resurrection Winter uniform can be found further down in this newsletter.
Second-Hand Uniform Sale
One of the items that came up in our School Advisory Board last term was the possibility of a second-hand uniform stall.
We are looking at having set afternoons where parents can hire (for a fee of $10.00) a trestle table to sell old uniforms to other parents. Parents will then be able to keep the money made at the uniform sales.
The date for the first second hand sale will be Thursday 2nd of May from 2.40 - 3.10. All sales must be concluded by 3.10 so that parents are able to collect their children in time for the 3.15 bell.
We are also asking for any parents who would like to donate second hand uniforms to the school. We will then pass these on to families in need and/or sell to put towards the schools 2024 fundraising efforts. Please note all items donated must be in good condition.
If you are interested in selling second hand uniforms and hiring a trestle table, please email the school office office@rskingspark.catholic.edu.au
We are excited to announce that this year, the fundraising committee will be holding a Mother’s Day stall! The stall will be held on Tuesday 7th of May with all gifts being sold for $5.00.
Parents will need to pre purchase items sold at the Mother’s Day stall using the following link.
Your child will then receive a token at school which they will take to the stall to exchange for a gift. To begin with each child will only be able to purchase ONE item to ensure that all families get the opportunity to buy a gift from the stall.
If there are any remaining gifts available for purchase the square site will be reopened with the remaining number of gifts available for anyone to purchase.
Please note that all gifts are $5.00 and there are 8 different items to choose from.
Dads, grandparents and other special friends, we are calling out for any helpers with WWC (working with children checks) who are available to assist at the Mothers Day stall on Tuesday 7th from 8.30am until 11.00am. Please contact the office if you are able to assist.
Mrs Jess Davis
Deputy Principal Wellbeing & Community
Term Overviews
Last term we trialled term overviews that were sent home to families to ensure that you are aware of learning that is taking place in your child’s classroom. This included general ideas, overviews and also suggestions on how you can support your child at home.
Thank you to those who provided us with feedback about these documents. Our fantastic teaching teams are working on finalising these documents for you for the Term 2 learning period. We hope to have these sent out via Seesaw by the end of Week 2 (Friday 26th April).
There are some amazing learning experiences that are planned for our students this term and we are excited to continue with them on their journey of continuous improvement and personal growth.
Mrs Shannon Betham
Deputy Principal Learning & Organisation
We have a number of parents who were parking in the ‘No Stopping Zone’ on either Myuna Drive or Gum Road.
The purpose of the additional ‘No Stopping 8.15-9.15am & 3-4pm School Days’ restrictions is to reduce congestion and improve road safety during the busy school morning drop off and afternoon pick up times.
Restricting the parking along this section of Myuna Drive and Gum Road, will primarily assist parents/motorists when exiting the internal school car park facility (drop off & pick up area). It is also indented to improve road safety at the intersection of Myuna Drive/Gum Road during the busy school peak times.
We thank every parent and guardian who continues to show courtesy and ensure that all our students remain safe through their actions during drop off and pick up times.
Please note that the council may do spot inspections, if you are found to be parking in a ‘No stopping zone’ the fine may range from $96 to $192!
Art Donations:
For Visual Arts this term we are focusing on construction using recycled materials. We aim to create art pieces that are community and Earth focused; reusing and repurposing resources.
We kindly ask if you can please donate the following items:
Shoe boxes or small cardboard boxes
2. Paper towel rolls (not toilet rolls please)
3. Cereal Boxes
4. If you have any unwanted and unused paper plates
Your help and generosity is greatly appreciated.
Please place any art donations in the blue tub.
A blue and clearly labelled tub will be placed outside the art room for drop off.
Many thanks,
Tosh and Emma
Thank you for your generosity – St Vincent De Paul - Resurrection Parish
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Resurrection extends heartfelt thanks to the Parishioners and students of Resurrection School for their generous donations of food items, providing vital support to those in need within our community. We're thrilled to announce the collection of 450 green Woolworths bags of food, reflecting our parish's spirit of generosity and empathy. Stored in Fr. Gerard's garage, these provisions offer hope to families in need, which our dedicated team of 17 members deliver, extending assistance to those facing adversity.
Through food vouchers, clothing assistance, and unwavering support, we aim to ease the burden of challenges such as unemployment and rising living costs.
Special thanks to Adrian Glasby - Principal ofResurrection and Fr. Gerard for their steadfast support, ensuring Easter is a time of renewal for all. We warmly invite new members, especially youth, to join us in making a meaningful difference in our community.
Thank you for your generosity – St. Vincent de Paul Society
Winter School Uniform
Formal Winter – Boys
Navy pants or shorts with logo.
School blue shirt with logo. (Short or long
sleeves optional)
School Wool Blend Jumper with logo AND /OR
School Bonded Jacket
Navy socks
Black leather school shoes
Runners only to be worn on
specialist and sports days.
Lace or Velcro optional
Sports Uniform- Boys
Sports microfiber shorts with logo
Sports tracksuit pant with logo
Sports polo top with logo (long or short
School Bonded Jacket
Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)
Formal Winter – Girls
School winter tunic with pleats front and
back. (Prep to Grade 6) Navy tights or
socks to be worn with winter tunic.
School winter skirt (winter tunic with top part
removed). (Grade 3 to 6 Only) Navy tights
or socks to be worn with winter tunic.
Navy pants or shorts with logo. (Navy socks
to be worn with pants or shorts.)
School blouse with logo. (Short or long
sleeves optional)
School Wool Blend Jumper with logo
School Bonded Jacket
Black leather school shoes
Runners only to be worn on specialist and sports days.
Lace or Velcro optional
School navy hair ties
Sports Uniform – Girls
Sports microfiber shorts with logo
Sports tracksuit pant with logo
Sports polo top with logo (long or short
School Bonded Jacket
Micromesh school hat with piping (colour to represent your child’s house colour)
Plain white sport socks (no anklet socks)
Runnersgood work!
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 15:1-8
All who live in me, and I in them bear much fruit.
Jesus said to his disciples:
‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more. You are pruned already, by means of the word that I have spoken to you. Make your home in me, as I make mine in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but must remain part of the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is like a branch that has been thrown away – he withers; these branches are collected and thrown on the fire, and they are burnt. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask what you Will and you shall get it. It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit, and then you will be my disciples.’
Gospel Reflection
The Lectionary of this Easter season draws out some of the ‘classic’ gospel passages, particularly some of the discourses from the Gospel of John. Like many ‘famous’ or familiar passages, it can be true that familiarity breeds contempt – we think we are so familiar with the passage that we don’t need to pay it much attention.
At first glance, it appears that there is a certain ruthlessness about the image of the vinedresser pruning the vine: perform or perish! However, the process of cutting away and pruning branches is an incredibly nurturing action; it is removing the unproductive portions of the plant so that the vine has an even better opportunity to produce fruit in the next season. It an act of love; not an act of economic rationalism. Within our own lives we are called to make decisions about which of our thoughts and actions are life-giving (fruit-bearing) and which are unproductive; negative; crippling; life-diminishing. If we are able to ‘prune’ our life-diminishing thoughts and actions we allow ourselves the freedom and the ability to really flourish. Feelings of jealousy, greed, resentment, self-doubt and lack of confidence can limit our ability to be fully alive just as addictive and harmful behaviours can physically take away our ability to perform at our best.
I am reminded of the old Karate Kid movie when the boy, Daniel, is introduced to the art of bonsai. He is told to close his eyes, imagine the perfect tree and then start clipping and shaping the plant to make real the perfection that lies within it. It is only through a process of cutting away and pruning that we can nurture ourselves to realise the beauty of our potential.
Living the Gospel - Bearing fruit
The vinedresser of this passage cuts away the dead branches and prunes back those that are not bearing fruit. In what way do we bear fruit? When we strive to reach our fullest potential in whatever we do, we bear fruit. When we act out of motivation for the other person rather than ourselves, we bear fruit. When we strive to bring about the reign of God in our small part of the world, we bear fruit. Sometimes we too need to have some of our thoughts and actions pruned so that we might better bear the fruit that we are truly capable of producing.
Scriptural context - in context
The imagery that Jesus used in his parables and in extended metaphors such as the one used in this week’s gospel sometimes seems a little foreign to a 21st century audience. However, the world in which Jesus lived and taught was dominated by small scale farmers and producers in an agrarian economy. His use of images such as ‘shepherd’, ‘vine’, ‘tenants’, ‘farmers’ and ‘wineskins’ would all have been immediately recognisable to his audience. They would also have appreciated much more than we do the subtlety of Jesus’ use of such images when he twists them in an unexpected way
Historical Context - The ‘True’ vine
The image of the vine has its origins in Psalm 80 where the nation of Israel is likened to a vine: ‘You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. You cleared the ground for it; it took deep root and filled the land.’ (Ps 80:8-9) However, the people of Israel have forgotten who they are and who it was that planted them in their country – it is like the rootstock of a grafted plant has taken over and gone wild. Jesus’ presence as the ‘true vine’ reminds them of what they are called to be.
Week 2 Awards
PA - Ric Martin
Sapphire P - For being an inquirer during reading and asking questions about the characters.
Enoch Z - For being a caring student and following classroom instructions and always trying your best with each learning opportunity.
PB - Jacinta Polh -
Mia Dolores Q - For being an effective communicator during class discussions and always sharing your thoughts and ideas. Keep it up Superstar!
Peter H C - For being a caring member of the Prep community by demonstrating kindness when offering help to your classmates.
PC - Carla Tirotta
Van Za Par C - For being a risk taker with your learning, especially when trying to record the sounds you hear in words. Keep up the incredible effort!
Ring M - For being a knowledgeable learner when using tally marks to collect data and recording the total number. Well done!
1B - Matt Galea
Annabelle A - For being an effective communicator when sharing her thinking about what a wild scientist looks like during our Melbourne Zoo Excursion.
Ryder N - For being an inquirer when exploring the different habitats of animals during our excursion to the Melbourne Zoo.
1C - Thomas Pham
Kyrie P - For being a communicator when he shared his understanding of Giant Tortoises during our Melbourne Zoo excursion at the Zoo keeper lesson. Congratulations Kyrie!
Chelsea C - For being a thinker when she used her understanding of habitats to ‘build a habitat’ during the Melbourne Zoo excursion. Congratulations Chelsea!
2A - Belinda Collins
Josipa O - For being an inquirer at the Melbourne Zoo excursion. You asked lots of interesting questions and learned many facts about animal habitats and their adaptations. Well done, Josipa.
Esequiel V - For being a knowledgeable learner on the excursion to the Melbourne Zoo. You explored many areas in the Wild Lab using a magnifying glass and you used your knowledge to build an animal habitat. Great learning Esequiel!
2B - Annette Lee
Xander A - For being a knowledgeable learner - asking lots of questions and finding out information at the Zoo- well done!
Akaje G - For being a balanced learner by reading each day of the holidays and asking and answering questions about the text- great work!
2C - Dorothy Hall
Miyen A - For being a thinker and inquirer when asking questions at the Melbourne Zoo in order to learn more.
Isaac Z - For being a knowledgeable learner when connecting new information to his prior knowledge at the Melbourne Zoo.
3A - Ella Nowak
Aquin J - For making a positive start to Term 2 and being a balanced learner by practising his handwriting skills over the holiday break. Keep it up Aquin!
Kara F- For being a risk taker when challenging herself to write an in-depth recipe during writing time. Well done Kara!
3B - Kurt Caguin
Noah L - For being a strong communicator, using whole body listening and being mindful when others speak during class discussion. Keep it up Noah!
Isaac C - For being a resilient learner, independently using reading strategies to decode unfamiliar words. Great work Isaac!
3C - Joss Coaley
Sui Ding TT - For being an amazing thinker and inquirer in her return to Term 2. Your first week back has been amazing, keep it up for the weeks to come!
Alize B - For being an effective communicator, sharing and reflecting on what is required to make your writing pieces stand out! Congratulations!
4A - Natalie Donevska
Amias L - For being an inquirer by asking questions to support his understanding about graphs and data during mathematics. Keep up the great work!
Lucy N - For being a reflective learner when sharing her opinions when reading a persuasive text and providing examples to support her point of view. Fantastic effort Lucy!
4B - Enza La Rosa
Isabella T - For being a resilient learner in always participating in class discussions to support her understanding of data. Well done Isabella!
Alyssia P - For being a respectful and caring class member and being a risk taker in challenging herself in Maths. Well done Alyssia!
4C - Brittany Davidson
Ajok M - For being a passionate communicator when sharing her ideas during our class debate. Well done Ajok!
Sannamahn Z - For being a resourceful and responsible learner when ensuring she is focusing during learning time. Keep it up!
5A - Lavina Stewart
Kevin N - For being a respectful and caring learner by being compassionate towards his peers and always willing to lend a helping hand when needed. Amazing Kevin!
Sielohso K - For being a knowledgeable learner when sharing her ideas and ways on how we can preserve our resources. Keep it up Sisi!
5B - Malae Suaesi
Chantelle V - For being a risk taker when making inferences from the story “The Giving Tree” and sharing her ideas during reading. Well done!
Jason N - For being a knowledgeable learner when solving multiplication problems using a factor tree and fact families.
5C - Rosie Nojdek
Jayden R - For being knowledgeable and a deep thinker when finding out about how and why earthquakes occur.
Vaslem Fa Chai - For being an enthusiastic thinker who researched how aeroplanes fly, the forces involved and included a detailed diagram to support his writing.
6A - Katherine Salloum
Mason B - For being a knowledgeable learner by making connections to the wider world and sharing these with his peers during Literacy.
Louis Q - For being a risk-taker in his learning by providing evidence to extend his understanding when responding to The Giving Tree.
6B - Lena Aloi
Ronel P - For being a knowledgeable learner and always contributing to class discussions. Well done!
Milana P - For being a risk-taker in your learning and always asking questions if you are unsure of our set tasks. Well done!
6C - Jake Moloney
Abigail L - For being a reflective learner when making connections to self with the text; ‘The Giving Tree’. Well done Abigail!
Daniel Y - For being a responsible learner and tackling numeracy tasks on Mathletics with such vigour in his own time, resulting in being the first 6C student to score a silver medal. Well done Daniel!
Specialist Awards
Jaanese: Yumiko Aiki
Hannah Y (3C) - For being an effective learner by managing her Japanese classroom time well, and for actively participating during class discussion and activities. Keep up your good work!
Performing Arts: Jody Banks
Apiok M (5B) - For being a risk-taker and showing resilience when demonstrating her singing skills in front of the class during Performing Arts. Keep allowing your talents to shine, Apiok!
Visual Arts: Tosh Kaan and Emma Lyons
Zoe I (5A) - For being resilient when creating her trinket out of clay. She didn’t give up when the clay wasn’t cooperating and ended up with an amazing creation! Way to go Zoe!
S T E M: Matt Dalton
Adam F (2A)- For being an inquisitive learner during STEM. He demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity while completing a STEM building challenge. Well done Adam!
P.E: Jen Barresi
Nyidier M (3B) - For consistently displaying respectful and responsible behaviour each week in P.E. Your kind and considerate nature enriches the learning environment and makes teaching your class a pleasure. Keep up the excellent work!
Monday 15/04
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 16/04
Junior Excursion to Melbourne Zoo
Wednesday 17/04
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 18/04
Friday 19/04
Resurrection Day
Saturday 20/04
Sunday 21/04
4th Sunday of Easter
Monday 22/04
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 23/04
Saint George
Saint Adalbert
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm - Vision
Wednesday 24/04
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Thursday 25/04
ANZAC DAY (Public Holiday)
Friday 26/04
Saint Mark
School Closure Day - First Aid Training
Saturday 27/05
Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort
Sunday 28/04
5th Sunday of Easter
Monday 29/04
Saint Catherine of Siena
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 30/04
Saint Pius V
Eucharist Parent Formation Evening 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday 01/05
Saint Joseph the Worker
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Fundraising Committee (6.30pm - 7.00pm) follow by School Advisory council (7.00pm - 8.00pm)
Thursday 02/05
Saint Athanasius
Friday 03/05
Athletics Carnival
Saints Philip and James
Saturday 04/05
Sunday 05/05
6th Sunday of Easter
Monday 06/05
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Tuesday 07/05
Wednesday 08/05
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 09/05
Saint John I
Mother’s Day Stall
Friday 10/05
Saint John De Avila
Mother’s Day Mass (Whole School) & Morning Tea
Saturday 11/05
Saint Bernadine of Siena
Sunday 12/05
Solemnity Of The Ascension Of The Lord
Mother’s Day
Year 5/6 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Monday 13/05
Our Lady of Fatima
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 14/05
Saint Matthias
Wednesday 15/05
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 16/05
School Photos
Friday 17/05
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 5/6
Saturday 18/05
Saint John I
Sunday 19/05
Pentecost Sunday
Monday 20/05
Mary, Mother of the Church
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 21/05
Saints Christopher Magallenes and companions
Wednesday 22/05
Saint Rita of Cascia
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23/05
Year 4 - First Eucharist Immersion Excursion
Friday 24/05
Our Lady, Help Of Christians
Saturday 25/05
Saint Gregory VII
Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Saint Bede
Sunday 26/05
Solemnity Of The Most Holy Trinity
Year 1/2 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Monday 27/05
Saint Augustine of Canterbury
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 28/05
Wednesday 29/05
Saint Paul VI
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 30/05
First Eucharist Parent Formation Session
Friday 31/05
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 1/2
Saturday 01/06
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 6.00pm
Sunday 02/06
Feast Of Corpus Christi
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00am
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 10.30am
Monday 03/06
Saint Charles Lwanga
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 04/06
Wednesday 05/06
Saint Boniface
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
School Fundraising Committee (6.30pm - 7.00pm) followed by School Advisory council (7.00pm - 8.00pm)
Thursday 06/06
Saint Norbert
Saint Marcellin Champagnat
Friday 07/06
Instalment 2 - Family Fee Payment Due
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday 08/06
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00pm
Sunday 09/06
10th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00am
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 10.30am
Year 3/4 Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Monday 10/06
King’s Birthday – School Closure
Tuesday 11/06
Saint Barnabas
Parent Support Group Meetings
Wednesday 12/06
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Parent Support Group Meetings
Thursday 13/06
Saint Anthony of Padua
Reports due to leadership for proofreading
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 14/06
Year Level Mass with Morning Tea - Middles Year 3/4
Saturday 15/06
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 6.00pm
Sunday 16/06
11th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 9.00am
Sacrament of First Eucharist @ 10.30pm
Year Prep Sunday Family Mass 10:30am
Monday 17/06
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Eucharist Reflection Day with Gen Bryant
Tuesday 18/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Wednesday 19/06
Saint Romuald
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Reports back to teachers
Parent Support Group Meetings
Thursday 20/06
Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 21/06
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade Prep
Saturday 22/06
Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
Sunday 23/06
12th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Monday 24/06
Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am
Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
Printing and signing of student reports
Tuesday 25/06
Wednesday 26/06
Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 27/06
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Friday 28/06
Saint Irenaeus
Last Day of Term 2
Whole School Mass
Semester 1 Student Reports Sent Home
Dismissal Time 3.15pm
Saturday 29/06
Saints Peter And Paul
Sunday 30/06
13th Sunday In Ordinary Time